Photos and information submitted by Laura Luft.
ELBA — Three contestants are in the running for the 2019 Elba Onion Queen.
This is the 72nd year of the pageant and the winner will be crowned Saturday July 13th, at the Elba Betterment Committee Family Fun Fest, immediately following the parade at noon in the Elba Park.
Contestants are:

Morgan Harrington (photo above)
I am Aaron and Danielle Harrington's first daughter. My dad grew up in Elba and is well known for our family’s produce/nursery business. Although my mom did not grow up in Elba, she makes sure to be very involved in our community activities, events, and groups.
Both my parents are Air Force veterans. Their bravery and strength has always inspired and pushed me to be the best I can be. I have a younger sister, Madison Harrington, and many, many, different kinds of pets. I wouldn't trade any of it for anything. I love my family more than anything.
I enjoy reading, writing, and playing soccer. I am the officer for almost every club at school: Class of 2020, student council, SZA, SNHS, GSA, SADD, and Revue Staff. I also enjoy participating in mock trial and Page Turners. I am a future teacher and play soccer year-round. I am also involved in 4-H with showing, raising and breeding rabbits. 4-H has brought a lot of joy to my life.
After graduating high school I hope to attend the NTID college at RIT or Keuka College. I plan on majoring in American Sign Language/English Interpreting. My goal is to be specialized in legal interpreting.

Kelly Mickey (photo above)
My parents, Joe and Sarah, along with my sisters Halle and Laney share interesting family dynamics. Juggling different sports, babysitting my sisters, and caring for my family pets are all par for the course.
My father is my biggest role model inspiring me during soccer while teaching me work ethics, and helping me during hard times. There is never a dull moment with my siblings. I am the oldest and it is my job to be their role model. Despite their energetic personalities I love them very much. My mother is a source of encouragement and honesty, I would not have made it through this far without her. Although our hectic schedules we always make time for family.
I love spending time outdoors. I like hunting and fishing and playing many sports. Soccer, basketball and track take up most of my free time. Soccer is my main passion, and I have been playing since I was 4 years old. In school I play sports year-round.
I also take advantage of as many volunteering opportunities as I can during the school year. Outside of school I spend time with my friends and family members. I enjoy working out and attending sporting camps.
I plan to attend college and become a dental hygienist. I really want to play soccer at the college of level. I want to do a lot of traveling, but eventually come back and live in Elba.

Isabella Riner (photo above)
My name is Isabella Riner, but everyone calls me Izzy. I grew up in Elba with my mom, dad, dog and two cats.
My dad is a farmer while my mom is the Elba school counselor. Being an only child has allowed me to have a special bond with my parents, and has pushed me to be extremely close to all of my cousins. My grandparents, on both sides, have lived in Elba.
Being a in close proximity to most of my family has been a blessing especially getting to see my grandparents on a regular basis.
In my limited spare time, I try to fill my time with activities that better myself and my community. You can often find me weight lifting at Pine Hill fitness or jogging through the village of Elba.
Additionally my dad and I hit tennis balls whenever we are both free. I often hang out with my closest friends or take advantage of the National Honor Society volunteer opportunities. I love painting and digging into scientific research papers. My friends and family, however, love that I have a passion for baking.
Eventually I would like to be a pediatrician or a gynecologist. I am an active member of the students against destructive decisions, Student Athletic Association, student council, National Honor Society, Gay Straight Alliance Club and Revue Staff all while being the Class of 2020’s President.
I play soccer and tennis for the school but take tennis lessons frequently.
I also volunteer with Friends of Strong and work at Batavia Sports Park to keep myself busy.
Additionally I attended the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership Conference and the World Leadership Conference in Chicago last year.
After graduation I hope to attend a college or university for biology well on a pre-med path. I would love to go out out of state for college in order to broaden my experiences. I would also enjoy the freedom of being out of state.
Hopefully my tennis career continues after high school and I also hope I can coach young children in tennis someday.