Anne Marie Starowitz, coordinator of the Holland Land Office Museum History Heroes Summer Program, and HLOM Director Ryan Duffy.
Press release and submitted photo:
The theme for the 2017 History Heroes Summer Program at the Holland Land Office Museum is "Carnival Days." This year the children will work together to create a Penny Carnival and donate the money to a charity.
The program ends with the carnival and a multimedia production showcasing our local history with the children talking about historical places in Batavia. Each day of the summer program is packed with exciting and educational activities, field trips, games, crafts, and more!
The program begins on Tuesday, July 18th and runs for eight weekdays, ending on Friday, July 28th.
The cost for the program is $25 a day for nonmembers and $20 a day for museum members. The program is open to children ages 7-12.
Please call the museum at 343-4727 for more information and to save a place for your child. Deadline to register is Saturday, July 1.