Peyton is a light orange tabby cat -- you know those really friendly, affectionate ones who know no enemies -- and he's been missing about two weeks now.
This ginger has a noticeably notched split on his right ear and no collar.
"He is very loved and missed," laments Jacquie Valder-Phillips about her charge.
Peyton has a miserable mini "Peyton Place" story that Valder-Phillips wants readers to know about.
See, this tomcat had a best bud once, a man who worked at Genesee Valley Farm on South Main Street Road in Batavia for nearly 20 years. Before he died in old age, Peyton trusted him and valued their bro time.
Maybe when the man died a bit of poor Peyton did, too, because he shuffled off and hasn't been seen since. Peyton is prolly pining for his peer who happened to be human.
Makes Valder-Phillips feels guilty because in the time before the farm employee's death, "People kept saying 'Take care of Peyton. ... Be sure to take care of Peyton.' And I'm like 'Of course, I'll take care of Peyton.' And now he's nowhere around."
Here's the kind of feline he is, says Valder-Phillips: once a couple years back a horse trailer pulled over at the farm to load up three horses. When it drove away, they said "Uh oh, where's Peyton?"
Sure enough he had jumped inside the trailer ready for new adventures with the horse trailer driver -- until his stowaway scheme was discovered then back to the farm he went.
If you can help or have seen Peyton, please call or text Valder-Phillips at: (585) 343-5878. Or email: info@geneseevalleyfarm.com