A dog is stuck outside on the roof of a house at 17 Elm St., Batavia. City fire is police are responding. "The caller tried to help the dog but it growls at her," says the dispacher.
UPDATE 1:45 p.m.: This black, medium-sized dog is now safe inside the house and appeared to be uninjured after falling off the roof. The dog got outside on the roof by going out a door and through a wrought-iron railing of a balcony, perching on a two-foot wide eave of the roof. Police Sgt. Dan Coffey said the dog didn't want to go back through the railing and into the house and kept trying to jump down. Police went to the owner's place of employment and got the owner and brought the owner back to the house to try and get the dog to come inside. When the owner appeared, the dog became more agitated and while trying to get back through the railing, fell off the roof. It stood up as soon as it hit the ground and ran to the owner, who had opened a side door, and the dog ran inside the house. It appeared to be uninjured. The owner went in the house, closed the upstairs door and came back down to talk with the police.

Nice (and yet scary) action
Nice (and yet scary) action pics. That dog must be part cat (landed on feet & too stubborn to take the easy way and go back inside when the owner called it).
The dog tried going back
The dog tried going back through the fence, but was just too excited and then lost his footing.
Awwwwww,..thank you Howard
Awwwwww,..thank you Howard for explaining that,..they get so excited, so happy to hear he is o.k.