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See some 'little rascals' at BID's Family Movie Night

By Joanne Beck

Everyone is invited to a Family Movie Night in the Square tonight at 7 p.m., Shannon Maute says.

Maute, executive director of Batavia's Business Improvement District, encourages families to bring their lawn chairs, blankets, pillows, or "whatever makes you comfy," as you watch "The Little Rascals" at Jackson Square in downtown Batavia. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

There will be free popcorn, and the movie is in line with the BID's Boxcar Derby event happening at 9:30 a.m. Saturday at Ellicott Avenue.

Column: A Southsider for Life

By Anne Marie Starowitz

It was July 1976; we had just purchased our first home for $26,000 in the southside of Batavia. I knew this home because my grandfather built the house in 1924.  

It has been our home for over 45 years. Over the years, I have heard comments about living on the South Side, the other side of the tracks. I was always confused by certain statements. Many friends lived on Pringle Ave, Jackson, Cherry, and Wood Street. We all went to high school together; why the stigma? When I was little, I remember visiting my grandparents, and the kitchen was always full of relatives eating. I recently found a picture of my father and grandparents sitting under a grapevine trellis, eating and drinking wine. My brothers and I were in the picture. I could almost feel the love and warmth coming from that black-and-white photo. My family lived on the South Side when I was born in Highland Park, and eventually, my family moved. When I married my husband in 1974, I was exposed to wonderful Polish customs. Our daughters were lucky to be Polish, Italian-American Southsiders. They were fortunate to have their grandparents live down the street next to Jackson School.

When our daughters walked home from Jackson School, neighbors would watch them like little protectors, waving and smiling as they walked by. Where else could you live that you could walk down the street and buy furniture at Max Pies or Wortzman's? A TV repair shop was across the street when we first moved in. Every corner had a mom-and-pop store, but I loved the most about living on the south side: walking to Saint Anthony's Church and smelling the aroma of frying garlic, peppers, and onions. You could imagine them being added to homegrown tomatoes and simmering for hours on the stove for Sunday's sauce.

I was introduced to Polish food upon my marriage. Today golumpki is one of my favorite meals, along with the Polish custom of breaking the Christmas wafer Oplatki before dinner.

Every neighborhood took such pride in its park. It didn't matter how small or if it had a wading pool; your park was the best. I was a supervisor for three years at Farrall Park. I loved meeting all the children, even if many were teenagers.  Trying to spell all those Polish and Italian names for the newspaper for the winners of the sandbox contest was very challenging.

It was true that the people did not lock their doors, and there was always enough food for an uninvited guest for dinner.

My husband remembers getting large pieces of cardboard from Max Pies and sliding down the South Jackson Street overpass hill.

A favorite memory of mine was when the St. Nicholas Club members would celebrate the feast la Festa di Santa Nicholas di Bari. I remember hearing the band and gathering our daughters on the porch to wave to the men carrying the statue of Santa Nicholas di Bari. I was curious about this celebration's history, and this is what I learned from John Marchese. The St. Nicholas Club existed at St Anthony's church for years. The society was responsible for carrying on the traditions associated with la Festa di Santa Nicholas di Bari. It would start Saturday night when the members would carry the statue from the church down Liberty Street to Cherry and back to the church. People would follow the statue along with the band. Sunday would be the distribution of the bread around the southside.

We had great restaurants and stores on the southside. For example, Angie's Restaurant, Penthouse, Pok-A-Dot, Gino's Pizza, Surprise Store, Enterprise, Louie's Bar, A to Z garage (Mogavero's Automotive), Gioia's Drug Store, Star Market, Polish Falcons, and St. Nick's Club, to name only a few. All of these establishments were located on the South Side.

After Mass, we would all go to Riccobono's Deli (Southside Deli) to buy a wedge of Romano cheese to grate for Sunday sauce. I also remember a fun store called Joe Rose Toys and Tricks. In addition, we had a plumbing store, hardware, GLF, Agway, and Firehouse 2. So many physical things have changed on the south side, thanks to Urban Renewal, but as the saying goes, some things stay the same, like the Pok-a-Dot, Max Pies, Wortzman's, and the memorable Kelly's Holland Inn. I hope these gems will not disappear from the south side landscape. I can still smell garlic and onions cooking, walking down the street, and having a neighbor wave and ask if I need a ride to church that is now and always will be Sacred Heart Church. I can still lean over our fence and talk to my neighbor.  I am proud to live on the south side and to be a Southsider for life.

City progressing summer sidewalk projects

By Howard B. Owens

Sidewalk and street replacement work on Columbia Avenue is near completion with Seneca Avenue (bottom photo) not far behind.

Five streets in Batavia were scheduled this summer for a  “Complete Streets” approach to upgrading both the roadway in the walkway.

Other streets part of the project this summer are Miller Avenue, Chase Park, and Fisher Park.  The  $320,000 cost is funded by the state's Consolidated Highway Improvement Program.

This year the scope of work includes the replacement of approximately 6,400 linear feet of sidewalks and handicap-accessible ramps on portions of Chase Park, Fisher Park, and Seneca, Miller, and Columbia avenues.

“Whenever we are able to repave or resurface a roadway, we also look at the sidewalks to make sure they are now ADA compliant. They have appropriate widths for wheelchairs and passing lanes,” Tabelski said during the May meeting.

Previously: City sidewalks, outdated lights in line for gradual replacement

Cleanup to continue at former metals recycling company

By Joanne Beck

After nearly 50 years operating as a metal recycling business, and then sitting defunct for another dozen or so years next to Dwyer Stadium, Batavia Iron and Metal has been on a slow track for cleanup, and the next phase to get it back on the tax rolls has begun, said Jeff Wernick of New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

DEC put out a call for bids to conduct remediation of approximately 50,000 tons of PCB-impacted soil for off-site disposal, backfill and restoration, Wernick said in response to The Batavian’s inquiries.

“DEC received four viable bids,” Wernick said. "The bids are associated with the remediation efforts under the State Superfund program. Work is being performed under a self-implementation agreement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency. DEC’s role for future use is limited to the completion of the cleanup activities and the release of the remediated site for residential or commercial use in accordance with local zoning ordinances.”

The winning bid award is expected in the fall, with work to start in the spring of 2023, he said. The scope of work is estimated to cost $15 million to $20 million. Remedial activities include the removal of PCB-contaminated soil, temporary water treatment, backfill, and restoration, including the transport and disposal of non-hazardous and hazardous soils. 

The site at 301 Bank St., Batavia, earned special attention from the Department of Environmental Conservation more than a dozen years after it went defunct and was abandoned. Cleanups had been initiated for neighboring properties and the business site from 2013 to 2018.

A DEC fact sheet from 2018 states that, based on the April 2013 Record of Decision, the cleanup included removal of contaminated soil and debris and from on-site and parcels located near the former facility. The Site operated as a metal recycling facility from 1951 to 1999.

Wernick said that another fact sheet with additional details will be issued prior to the start of this next construction and remediation work.

Batavia Iron and Metal aftermath
Batavia Iron and Metal also purchased and handled electrical transformers on the property. Two furnaces operated at the facility from the early 1970s until 1994 for the purpose of reclaiming wire and smelting white metals. Prior to the use of the furnaces, the facility utilized open burning in dumpsters in the yard to remove insulation from the wiring.

DEC is designing and implementing this cleanup to remove the contaminants that have migrated from the site onto City property, the Fact Sheet states. As part of the remedy, installation of sub-slab depressurization systems at three residences near the site was completed in 2013. In addition, a cleanup involving soil removal at three residences was completed in 2014.

Further work included soil removal and restoration activities along the rear property boundary of 299 Bank Street and 301 Bank Street. The goal of the cleanup effort was “to ensure the effective removal and proper disposal of contaminated soil and to restore the property with clean soil.” At least one neighbor — who lives next door to the defunct business — had complained about potential health issues from toxins leaching into his water system, and how his trees would not grow in the contaminated soil.

Work done in 2017 was performed by Nature’s Way Environmental of Alden, with oversight and inspection provided by DEC. Soil identified for remediation was to be excavated and disposed of off-site. All areas that were disturbed during the removal were also to be restored, and the same for any City of Batavia-owned roads, utilities, or other infrastructure impacted by the cleanup activities.

DEC and the New York State Department of Health approved a Community Air Monitoring Plan that required continuous air monitoring during all excavation and backfilling activities to ensure no additional contamination was released to the environment or adjacent properties during the cleanup.

The project is being funded and conducted pursuant to terms of the State Superfund program, intended for “Brownfield” areas that are contaminated with toxic waste and in need of remediation for safe future use.

To read the full Fact Sheet, go HERE

For prior coverage, go HERE

File photo of Batavia Iron and Metal Co. on Bank Street, Batavia.

Photos: After yesterday's storms, a rainbow

By Howard B. Owens

It rained for much of the day yesterday, but a rainbow arched over Batavia in the early evening.

And on Jackson Street, top photo by Patricia Morgan, a double rainbow.

By Stacey Foose

By Jason Smith.

St. James thrift shop offers bargains that lend a helping hand to people in the community

By Press Release

Press release:

Behind St. James Episcopal Church there is a small shop that offers so much for very little. The shop opened in 2000 and was started by Jenett Dadlani. Twenty-two years later it is still going strong because of some dedicated volunteers.

The shop is open on Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and is divided into 4 rooms. The main room has housewares, home goods, furniture, clothing, jewelry and sports accessories. There is a room dedicated to everything Christmas, a room for books, and a room that will outfit all your needs for babies and children.

The shop accepts donations, however, not electronics (TVs, computers, printers, etc.). Profits are used for many of St. James Church’s missions that provide help for the needy; including the “Blessings Box” located in front of the church on Main Street.

There will be some special sales in September. On Thursday, September 1st all items in the Christmas room are half price, then on Thursday, September 15th everything in the shop will be half price. There is something for everyone and it is well worth a look!

St. James is located at 405 East Main St., Batavia.

Submitted photos

Batavia City School District rolls out five-year plan for student success

By Joanne Beck

After more than 18 months with three “key phases,” and input from dozens of administrators, teachers, staff, parents, students and community members, Batavia City School District is ready to launch its five-year strategic plan.

Such a plan isn’t required by New York State, but is a recommended “best practice” for any school district, said Dr. Molly Corey, director of curriculum and instruction.

“Our intention is to bring parents, community members, students, and staff together to plan and prioritize student success in every classroom,” Corey said in a press release Monday. “We’re still evaluating and discovering the depths of learning loss our students experienced due to the pandemic. A Strategic Plan like this will be a beacon grounding us during uncertain times, and it will allow us to comprehensively think, discuss, and prioritize the needs of our students.” 

A main portion of the report, referred to by staff as “a curriculum and instructional roadmap” for reaching each student’s goals, involves a family component, which undoubtedly is a valuable piece. That part of the plan is to ensure “Our families will: make education a priority in the household, support the school in promoting a good work ethic and personal responsibility, as well as encouraging health and wellness and provide the necessary time, space, and supplies at home for homework and studies to be completed.”

The Batavian asked Superintendent Jason Smith how the district plans to get families on board with the wellness aspect, given their busy lives, technology and such easy access to fast meals and sedentary lifestyles. Smith said that promoting health and wellness has become even more important post-COVID.

“And we learned that loud and clear coming out of this pandemic,” he said. “We have Social Emotional Learning teams at each school that promote health and wellness among both our students and staff. Good nutrition and exercise are reinforced in our Phys Ed and health curriculum, and is a key part of the New York State learning standards.”

He also emphasized that family engagement will continue to be “an integral part of our mission at BCSD.” Therefore, two-way communication between schools and families is critical, he said.

“We encourage our families to reach out to us with comments, suggestions, and questions as we implement this plan,” Smith said. “Additionally, each school partners with our parent groups, and just this year we have added a parent representative component to our newly formed shared-decision making teams at each school.  We will also consider tools such as surveys and other feedback mechanisms.”

Even before COVID — about 26 years prior, to be exact — Smith said that he focused his teaching on individual ownership in one’s own behavior and contributions.

“Since I first began teaching in 1994, teaching students personal responsibility and work ethic has been a core mission of schools,” he said. “While it may be explicitly taught at times, teachers, coaches, and advisors continually reinforce this important message through high expectations and accountability, coupled with support and guidance.”

That’s how he expects to reach families, and therefore equip students to fulfill plan goals to: contribute to creating a safe and respectful environment; put forth their best effort; and be independent learners and competent problem-solvers who seek help when needed.

Four components of the plan include:

  • A safe and orderly school environment
  • A collaborative culture
  • Clear and accessible curriculum
  • Effective teaching in every classroom

There are benchmarks for every objective, such as planning for communication across all district groups, developing a schedule for progress checks, and creating an efficacy report by asking “how are buildings in the district doing?”

The Board of Education has approved the plan, which will begin to unfold this fall. While BCSD developed this plan to cover a five-year period from 2022-2027, school staff will continue to review and refine it to “achieve success for years to come.”

Even though Smith began in January at the tail end of the planning process, he has enjoyed the catch-up process of all that has been done, he said.

“I’ve been thrilled at the work Dr. Corey and all of our stakeholders have done in preparing this guide,” he said. “It shows a solid understanding of our students’ diverse needs and will certainly set every child up for success going forward.” 

Newly elected Board President John Marucci concurred, adding that Corey and her team “have been well ahead of the curve” by initiating the strategic plan in 2019.

“The Board of Education has been actively discussing learning loss with the administration since the height of the pandemic,” Marucci said. “We’re confident that they’re addressing the concerns that parents have expressed and will continue to evaluate their systems going forward to ensure BCSD continues to strive for academic excellence in every grade and every classroom.” 

The complete Strategic Plan, which runs from 2022 to 2027,  can be found on the Batavia City School District website here

Law and Order: Pavilion man accused of choking woman, trying to set truck on fire with her in it

By Howard B. Owens
Dean Gardner

Dean Gardner, Jr., 45, no street address provided, Pavilion, is charged with menacing 2nd, criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation, attempted arson 2nd, criminal possession of a weapon 3rd, and criminal possession of a weapon 4th. Gardner is accused of attacking a victim in a car on Warsaw Road at 3:16 p.m. on Aug. 20. According to Le Roy PD, Gardner is accused of choking the victim until she was no longer able to breathe.  He then allegedly grabbed a gas can from the back of his truck and poured gas on the driver's seat of the vehicle and attempted to light it on fire with the woman still in the passenger seat.  She attempted to call 9-1-1 but was too afraid that Gardner may have heard her talking with dispatchers. She hung up the phone and sent a text message to dispatchers requesting help. Officers John Ceneviva and Jordan Wolcott responded to the call.  Gardner was placed under arrest. He was arraigned in Town of Le Roy Court and released on his own recognizance, set to return to court on Sept. 15.

Kevin Weber

Kevin J. Weber, 51, of Batavia, is charged with assault 2nd. Weber is accused of beating a housemate during an argument over a beer at 7:31 p.m. Aug. 13. He was arraigned in City Court and ordered held in jail on an unspecified amount of bail.

Nakita N. Shook, 36, of Batavia, is charged with harassment 2nd. Shook is accused of hitting another person in the face during a disturbance at a rooming house on East Main Street, Batavia, at 6:51 a.m. Aug. 13. Shook was arraigned in City Court and ordered to return Sept. 1.

Kenneth S. Griffin Jr., 24, of Batavia, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, and aggravated unlicensed operation. Griffin was stopped at 3:30 a.m. Aug. 13, on Jefferson Avenue by a Batavia patrol officer. He was issued an appearance ticket.

Kimberly J. Grover, 56, of Perry, is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance 7th, DWAI-Drugs, inadequate exhaust system, and broken windshield. Grover was stopped by a Batavia patrol officer at 12:30 a.m., Aug. 9, on East Avenue. He was issued an appearance ticket.

Kimberly A. Fox, 44, of Vine Street, Batavia, is charged with harassment 2nd. Fox was arrested on a warrant. She is accused of physically harassing another tenant in her multi-unit dwelling. She was arraigned in City Court and released on her own recognizance. 

Adam B. Thomas, 33, of Batavia, is charged with criminal mischief 4th. At 4:35 p.m. on Aug. 14, police responded to a location on West Main Street to investigate a trespass complaint. While on scene, officers were informed that Thomas was suspected of ripping off the toilet seat in the women's bathroom and refused to exit the building. He was issued an appearance ticket.

Alicia M. Lyons, 42, of Batavia, is charged with harassment 2nd. Lyons is accused of kicking another person in the leg causing a minor injury at 11:38 a.m. Aug. 14. 

Eric P. Doleman, 52, of Corfu, is charged with petit larceny. Doleman is accused of stealing a Reese's snack cake from a gas station on West Main Street, Batavia, at 3:40 a.m. Aug. 13. Doleman was issued an appearance ticket.

Andrew A. Searight, 35, of Niagara Falls, is charged with failure to appear. Searight is accused of failing to appear in City Court as ordered on June 21. Searight was arraigned in City Court and ordered to appear on Sept. 7.

Justin Mark Davis, 31, of Chili Avenue, Rochester, is charged with felony DWI, felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, aggravated unlicensed operation, insufficient tail lamps, and driving without a court-mandated interlock device. Davis was stopped at 11:45 p.m. Aug. 11 on Clinton Street Road, Bergen, by Deputy Trevor Sherwood. He was processed at the Genesee County Jail and released on an appearance ticket.

Jay Michael Blatchley, 49, of Bank Street Road, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. Blatchley is accused of stealing $82.06 in merchandise from a retail store on Veterans Memorial Drive, Batavia, at 7:01 p.m. on Aug. 16. He was processed at the Genesee County Jail and ordered to appear in court on Aug. 23.  NOTE: The Sheriff's Office withheld the name and address of the retail store.

Jamie Aaron Dutton, 30, of Buell Street, Batavia, is charged with burglary 3rd, criminal possession of a controlled substance, and petit larceny.  Dutton is accused of entering Walmart in Batavia at 7:55 p.m. on Aug. 18 with the intent to commit a crime. He was located at a different location by Deputy Andrew Mullen and K-9 Frankie.  He was arraigned in Genesee County Court and ordered to appear in Town of Batavia Court on Sept. 13. Deputy Zachary Hoy investigated the case.

Jonah Lee Epps, 20, of Elm Street, Batavia, is charged with driving while ability impaired by drugs. Epps was arrested on Aug. 20 and charged in connection with a property damage accident reported at 9:21 p.m. on June 16 following the return of laboratory results.  The case was investigated by Deputy David Moore and Deputy Nicholas Chamoun. Epps was issued an appearance ticket. 

Danielle Katherine Kellogg, 24, of Pembroke, is charged with harassment 2nd.  Kellogg is accused of hitting another person causing a minor injury at 2:49 a.m. on Aug. 18, at a location in Pembroke. She was arraigned in Pembroke Town Court.  

Rachael Anne Gillespie, 31, of Main Road, Stafford, is charged with felony DWI and felony driving with a BAC of .08 or greater.  Gillespie was stopped at 8:14 p.m. on Aug. 19 on Sharrick Road, Darien, by Deputy Alexander Hadsall. She was issued traffic tickets and released.

Sandra Lynn Shifley, 39, of Bird Road, Byron, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, and failure to keep right. Shifley was arrested following a report of a property damage accident, a vehicle had struck a road sign, at 7:17 p.m. on Aug. 20 on North Bergen Road, Byron. Shifley was transported to the Genesee County Jail for processing and issued appearance tickets. The accident was investigated by Deputy Jacob Kipler.

Fidel Vargas-Sondoval, 46, of Glenbrook, Rochester, is charged with criminal mischief 3rd. Vargas-Sondoval is accused of slashing tires on Washington Street in Le Roy on Aug. 15.  Vargas-Sondoval was arraigned in Town of Le Roy Court, an order of protection was issued, and he was released pending a future court appearance. 

Austin J. Kettle, 28, of Batavia, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Kettle was stopped at 11:58 p.m. on Aug. 19 in the Town of Pembroke by State Police. He was issued an appearance ticket.  No further information released.

Blake R. Johnson, 37, of Canandaigua, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Johnson was stopped at 3:20 a.m. on Aug. 20 in the Town of Batavia by State Police. Johnson was released on an appearance ticket. No further information released.

Photos: Batavia Bulldawgs open new season at Van Detta

By Howard B. Owens

The Blue, Gray, and Black is back in action and in snazzy new uniforms.

The Batavia Bulldawgs youth football program took to the turf at Van Detta Stadium on Saturday to kick off the 2022 season.

Photos by Howard Owens

Gas pump struck at Speedway in Batavia by RV

By Howard B. Owens

An RV has reportedly struck a gas pump at the Speedway in Batavia.

Somebody shut off the gas to all pumps using the emergency shutoff.

There was an unknown amount of fuel spilled.

City Fire responding.

Dog hit on West Main St., Batavia

By Joanne Beck

A black dog, possibly a pit bull mix, with a patch of white on its chest, was found dead in the street after it was apparently hit by a motor vehicle Friday night. State police was at the scene and said the dog was going to be taken care of and removed from the scene. 

The dog was found at approximately 10:30 p.m. in the 4100 block, on the north side of West Main Street. The dog did not have a collar and the owner had not been located at the time.

Arrest made in Elm Street shooting

By Howard B. Owens
Jeremy Ives

Two attempted assault 1st charge has been lodged against a man accused of firing a shotgun and wounding two people on Aug. 12 at 2 Elm St., Batavia.

Jeremy Ives, no address or age provided, was also charged with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon 2nd, kidnapping 2nd, criminal use of a firearm 1st and 2nd, and menacing 2nd. 

Detectives believe the weapon used was a shotgun and that Ives possessed it unlawfully. 

They say Ives fired one shot.

One person was transported to an area hospital and released after treatment.  Another person was treated at the scene and released.

Police say that after the shooting, Ives fled in a vehicle with other passengers and that one of the passengers attempted to exit the vehicle multiple towns and that Ives threatened the passenger.

The motive for the shooting is still under investigation.

Ives and a victim may have known each other.

Following arraignment in City Court, Ives was ordered jailed without bail.

The statement from Batavia PD reads: "The Batavia Police Detective Bureau would like to thank the public for their assistance in providing information regarding the shooting. The Batavia Police Department would also like to thank the Genesee County Emergency Dispatch Center, the City of Batavia Fire Department, and Mercy EMS for their assistance on scene as well as the Erie County Crime Analysis Center and Unified Court Security personnel."

The investigation is on-going and anyone else with information is asked to contact Batavia Police Detective Jason Ivison at (585) 345-6312. 

GCASA hosting Overdose Awareness event Wednesday at Austin Park

By Press Release

Press release:

Christopher Budzinack has a straightforward reason for agreeing to speak at next Wednesday’s Overdose Awareness Day: To show those affected by substance use disorder that there is hope and there is help.

“As a person in long-term recovery, I know first-hand how important these services are and I want to help promote them as much as possible,” said Budzinack, a residential counselor at the Atwater Community Residence operated by Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse.

“It is my hope that someone will leave this event feeling encouraged and inspired to make a change for the better and for the ones who have lost someone to addiction, my hope for them is that they will know they are not alone and there is help for them as well.”

Budzinack, who also serves as a case manager for GCASA’s supportive living program, is one of several people signed up to speak at the annual event, which is set for 4-7 p.m. Aug. 24 at Austin Park in Batavia.

Designed to raise awareness of the opioid epidemic and remember the lives that have been lost due to an overdose, the event is being hosted by the GOW Opioid Task Force.

Task Force Coordinator Christen Foley said attendees are invited to take part in the family-friendly activities – which include face painting and live music -- and enjoy free pizza, refreshments, and ice cream. A Narcan training also is on the agenda and local agencies will have informational tables.

Participants also will be offered the opportunity to leave a note on the task force’s memory board for a deceased loved one.

Other speakers include Paul Pettit, public health director for Genesee and Orleans counties; John Bennett, GCASA chief executive officer; the Rev. Vern Saile, pastor of Northgate Free Methodist Church, and Jarett LoCicero, case manager at GCASA.

Water shut down on Oak Street from Richmond to Pickthorn

By Press Release

Press release:

The City of Batavia Water Department will be shutting down the water main on Oak St from the Richmond Ave intersection, to just north of Pickthorn Drive in the 110 block of Oak St today Friday, August 19, 2022. 

Zoladz Construction will be abandoning the 6” water main on Richmond Ave.  The length of time the water will be off is unknown.

As always, when the water is restored it may be discolored.  Please refrain from doing any laundry until the water runs clear.

We apologize for any inconvenience and the public’s patience is greatly appreciated.

Batavia woman sent to federal prison, ordered to repay $18K of stolen COVID relief funds

By Howard B. Owens
Danielle Tooley

A Batavia woman, who applied for and received unemployment benefits connected to COVID-19 relief programs that she was not entitled to, has been sentenced to six months in federal prison.

Danielle Tooley, 37, must also pay $18,000 in restitution to the federal government.

Tooley's scheme was uncovered by local law enforcement during a traffic stop on Nov. 24, when she was arrested for alleged criminal possession of a controlled substance following a traffic stop on Clinton Street Road in Bergen.

As officers prepared to tow Tooley's vehicle, they recovered six NYS unemployment benefit cards issued to people other than Tooley. They turned the cards over to the Department of Labor. 

An investigation by the Inspector General revealed that Tooley had consistently withdrawn money from bank accounts associated with the cards.

She was sentenced today by Chief U.S. District Judge Elizabeth A. Wolford.

Booking Photo: From an unrelated arrest in Genesee County and obtained by The Batavian through a Freedom of Information Law request.

Rabies treatment may be necessary for person bitten by dog

By Howard B. Owens

A request from the Health Department for information on a dog that bit a person on Aug. 2 failed to yield any tips, so the health department has offered the victim "post-exposure rabies treatment," according to Kaitlin Pettine, public information officer for the department.

According to the initial news release, a person was bitten on Jerome Place near East Main Street in the City of Batavia at 9 a.m. Aug. 2. The dog bit the victim's arm.  The dog then ran across Main Street in a westerly direction.

The dog was described as a solid, dark gray dog with a bright blue collar. The dog resembled a pit bull or bulldog. 

If you have information about the location of the dog and its owner, please contact the Genesee County Health Department at 585-344-2580, Ext. 5555.

No arrests yet, no new information available on Aug. 12 shooting on Elm Street

By Howard B. Owens

There is no new information to share in the ongoing investigation of a shooting reported on Elm Street on Aug. 12, said Batavia PD Chief Shawn Heubusch.

Heubusch said detectives are working on active leads and that there is no further info to release to the public at this time.

According to the initial report from police, two people were shot at 4:14 p.m. last Friday in the area of Elm Street and East Main Street.  

Both victims were treated on the scene by City Fire and Mercy EMS.  One person was transported to UMMC with non-life-threatening injuries and the other one was treated and released at the scene.

Police have yet to release any information on possible suspects, such as how many people might be involved, the type or types of weapons involved, how many shots were fired, or any descriptions of the suspects.

There is no information available on any possible motive.

Crews repairing water main break on Harvester Avenue

By Press Release

Press release:

The City of Batavia Water Department along with Zoladz Construction will be repairing an emergency water main break on Harvester Ave.  The water will be shut down on Harvester Ave from Colorado Ave to Ellicott Street.

The length of time the water will be off is unknown.

As always, when the water is restored, it may be discolored.  Please refrain from doing any laundry until the water runs clear.

We apologize for any inconvenience and the public’s patience is greatly appreciated.


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