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Batavia City Schools to deal with reduced funding as COVID grants come to an end

By Joanne Beck
Jason Smith

During his superintendent’s report, Jason Smith updated Batavia City Schools board members Monday about project decreases in revenue for this year’s budget, including several federal grants that will be winding down in September and state-issued Foundation aid recently laid out in Governor Kathy Hochul’s budget.

“With the Governor's current budget proposal, BCSD is slated to receive $24,177,919, which is a $13,936 reduction from last year's Foundation Aid. However, had the Governor not adjusted the current law, BCSD would be receiving, and I would argue is entitled to receive, an additional $277,141 in Foundation Aid,” Smith told The Batavian Wednesday. “It is especially frustrating that this was changed with very little notice to school districts, further hampering our ability to plan our budget and programs for students accordingly.”

Smith plans to review options for how to deal with a decrease in aid, and those expiring three-year grants that were given to the district during COVID to provide additional support to students. 

The COVID funds are that of the American Rescue Plan Act, which divvied up additional monies for municipalities, and for school districts to apply toward student-needed measures in the current post-pandemic era.

The district dedicated a large portion to the hiring of a second school resource officer and several new teaching positions and placed a focus on students’ mental health and social-emotional learning.

In October 2022, Thomas Ramming of Thomas Ramming Consulting, Inc., presented his study on the district that found “a lack of comprehensive and strategic staffing plan, increased teacher positions paid for with additional federal and state aid despite declining enrollment, and a large number of school counselors per federal recommendations,” based on at least some of those increased hirings.

When school board members raised the point that his study was conducted after the pandemic, Ramming admitted that the whole COVID scenario was not calculated in the overall findings. 

He did suggest, however, that the district continuously assess whether the extra personnel will be warranted in the future. And if that’s the case, the district needs a plan for how to pay for those salaries and benefits, Ramming had said.

It would seem that time is coming, for dealing with both reduced aid and grant funding.

"Recommendations will be provided to the board over the upcoming budget preparation season, slated to begin in February," Smith said.

In other district financial news, the board approved a four-year contract with the Batavia Administrator’s union that provides them with:

  • A four percent raise each year;
  • Increased starting salaries for assistant principals “to recruit exceptional talent,” Smith said;
  • The removal of an incentive that was related to the graduation rate; and
  • Increased health insurance rate premiums by 2 percent, 2 percent, 3 percent and 3 percent for current contribution rates of between 14 to 25 percent, depending on the selected plan.

“The Batavia Administrators Association last rolled over its agreement in 2021, so this is truly a new contract for them since 2018 when the last contract was negotiated,” Smith said.

The board also approved:

  • Payment of $42,400 to Mollenberg-Betz, Inc. for the emergency repair of sump pumps at John Kennedy Intermediate School. 
  • In early October 2023, the Buildings and Grounds staff discovered that the sump pumps located in the JK basement had failed, and the Board of Education approved an emergency project during its Dec. 19, 2023 meeting. 

    The state Education Department approved the emergency project designation, normal bidding procedures were suspended in order to proceed, and the necessary electrical and plumbing work was completed.

  • A compensation adjustment of $8,000 for Clark Patterson Lee as an amendment for the company’s professional services agreement of April 27, 2022.

On senior night for Attica-Batavia Wrestling, Rick Stewart recognized for 25-year coaching career

By Steve Ognibene
Many former student athletes and coaches came out for Coach Stewart's last home match in Batavia.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Many former student-athletes and coaches came out for Coach Stewart's last home match in Batavia.  
Photo by Steve Ognibene

After 25 years of dedication to the sport of wrestling, head coach Rick Stewart of Attica-Batavia has said Tuesday's meet was his last home match.  

Despite a 36-31 loss on Tuesday to Webster Thomas in wrestling, there was still a celebratory aura on senior night at Batavia High School.  

The seniors were recognized, but it was also a night to recognize the accomplishments of Coach Rick Stewart, who is retiring after 25 years of coaching. 

Senior night was his last home match.

His son, Casper Stewart, along with five other seniors, were recognized prior to the start of the match.

There are a lot of memorable moments and people from his long career, Stewart said, but Tuesday evening was itself something special.

"The big thing is, like today, you get all your former wrestlers texting you and calling you saying what an impact I was on them and how they love wrestling," Stewart said. "Lifelong relationships were built."

Highlights of Coach Stewart's coaching career:

Career Coaching Record 253-164 as of Jan. 11

  • Three-time Monroe County D3 Coach of the Year
  • Two-time Class BBB Team Sectional Champions
  • Two-time Monroe County D3 Team Championships
  • Six NYS Ranked Teams
  • Seven Monroe County Champions
  • 32 Individual Sectional Champions
  • 10 NY State Qualifiers
  • One Eastern States Champion
  • Two NHSCA High School All-Americans

Stewart said there is no one thing that has kept him going and driven him toward success, but "just to name one thing ... it's your alma mater. You want to see it be successful. You want to see it grow. You want to see championships, and you want to see kids that come after you continue to be able to do what you did."

A military veteran, Stewart said it's not unusual for wrestlers to be attracted to military service.

"You have to be disciplined and focused in wrestling," Stewart said. "It's a very demanding sport. In the military, it's the same thing. It's demanding, and you have to be disciplined. I think they go hand in hand. And that's why you see a lot of ex-wrestlers, former wrestlers, go into the military service when they're done."

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Pictured left to right are Coach Charlie Voorhees, Andrew Child, Nate Heusinger, Tymothey Murrel, Wyatt Bryman, Casper Stewart, Coach Rick Stewart
Pictured left to right are Coach Charlie Voorhees, Andrew Child, Nate Heusinger, Tymothey Murrel, Wyatt Bryman, Casper Stewart, Coach Rick Stewart   
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Casper Stewart setting up for a pin.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Casper Stewart setting up for a pin.  
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Tymothey Murrel taking his opponent down.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Tymothey Murrel taking his opponent down.  
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Nate Heusinger sets up for a pin in the closing seconds of the third round of his match.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Nate Heusinger sets up for a pin in the closing seconds of the third round of his match.  
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Casper Stewart and Coach Rick Stewart guiding a team member in his match.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Casper Stewart and Coach Rick Stewart guiding a team member in his match.  
guidedPhoto by Steve Ognibene
Seniors recognized with their parents on last home match in Batavia.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Seniors recognized with their parents on last home match in Batavia.  
Photo by Steve Ognibene

Pavilion Central School seeks nominees for Alumni Hall of Fame by March 8

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Pavilion Alumni Hall of Fame Committee urges community input and support to nominate outstanding PCS graduates who have achieved distinction in their lives and chosen field after high school through significant contributions to their career, community or through personal achievements. 

Inductees for the Annual Hall of Fame Assembly are selected by the PCS Alumni Hall of Fame Selection Committee, a voluntary group comprised of PCS alumni, current and retired faculty members, community residents, and district administrators. Since launching in 2014, the PCS Hall of Fame has honored over two dozen exemplary alumni who inspire current and future Pavilion students to strive for excellence. 

“The Hall of Fame Assembly is a chance for all of our students to see the many possibilities of life after PCS,” says Pavilion Superintendent Mary Kate Hoffman. “What I love about the ceremony is that our students see alumni from all walks of life. They hear stories of people who have made great achievements in life and who have made important contributions to their community. But they are not hearing just from alumni who excelled in academics while in school. Many of our speakers have shared that they maybe didn’t have the best grades…but they still went on to great things.”

“Being inducted into the PCS Hall of Fame was a tremendous honor for me,” says Ken Weaver, Deputy Director with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and PCS Alumni Hall of Fame Class of 2018 Honoree, “What made the induction especially meaningful was the opportunity to connect with young people and discuss their goals and aspirations. One of the highlights of the experience was hearing a student express appreciation for my speech. Knowing that my words resonated with someone and might have inspired them is a heartwarming reminder of the impact shared experiences and wisdom can have on the next generation.”

Several laureates like Diane Davis Torcello, President of the WNY Tompkins Community Bank, have continued their support of the PCS Alumni Hall of Fame by joining the Selection Committee and recognizing more impactful graduates.
“I joined the Hall of Fame Committee because I believe in the mission of what the group is trying to achieve. Honoring leaders from all different professions and backgrounds is important to deliver the message to the current students of PCS – they can accomplish anything if they work hard,” says Torcello, “attending a small school is not a disadvantage – rather an advantage.” 

Nominations are currently being accepted and can be found on the PCS Hall of Fame website ( and printed applications are available at the following Pavilion businesses and organizations: Kemp-Rudgers Service Station, the Pavilion Public Library, The Lost Sock, Jazzy Creations, Blessings Café, Dorothy B. Bunce Elementary School, and Pavilion Junior/Senior High School main office. 

All nominations must be submitted by March 8 and the PCS Alumni Hall of Fame Assembly will be held on May 31, 2024, at the Pavilion Junior/Senior High School Auditorium.

United Way launches 'Imagine What's Possible' as 106th annual campaign

By Press Release
UW kick-off watch party at Batavia Downs
Chief Impact Officer Dr. Ashley Campbell speaks to attendees of Wednesday morning's United Way Batavia Regional Kickoff Watch Party at Batavia Downs Gaming & Hotel on Park Road in Batavia.
Submitted Photo

Press Release:

On Wednesday morning, United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes announced the launch of its 106th Annual Campaign, Imagine What’s Possible. The organization also announced that Miguel Velázquez, CEO of Regional Transit Service (RTS), would take on the role of the 2024 Campaign Chair.   

Jim Reed, the 2023 Campaign Chair and CEO of Excellus BlueCross BlueShield, announced that the 2023 Better United campaign raised $18 million combined with additional United Way grants and initiatives for a grand total of $33.7 million for the community.  

 “It was an honor for me to be the 2023 Campaign Chair and represent both Excellus BCBS and United Way in this role,” said Jim Reed. “Our mission aligns with United Way to help people in our communities live healthier more secure lives. I’m proud to say that through this support, more than 180 community based non-profit organizations will be able to continue their vital programs and services to help meet the needs of our communities. I’m excited for the 2024 Campaign and to see the continued impact United Way and other community partnerships make in our region.” 

The 2024 United Way Campaign will focus on imagining the possible impact when we open our minds to possibilities. Together, we can bridge the gap between what we imagine and what we impact for a better tomorrow. 

“Imagine what’s possible if all of us in the Greater Rochester and Finger Lakes region use our collective strength to lift the entire community,” said Miguel Velázquez. “In our region, there is a lot of need and a lot of complex challenges. At RTS, we are thrilled to partner with United Way. We have a common vision of making our communities thrive and promoting a better quality of life.” 

Community members are encouraged to donate during their workplace campaign or online at Organizations can host a United Way campaign by emailing

 There are many ways to give to our community with United Way, including year-round volunteer opportunities. Learn more at  

 For more information about United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes, visit  

Get tax help and e-file for free at Richmond Memorial Library this tax season

By Press Release

Press Release: 

Richmond Memorial Library is pleased to partner with volunteers from the New York State Department of Tax and Finance to offer income-eligible citizens assistance with filing their taxes online this tax season.

Tax Department employees will walk you through your income tax returns, step-by-step, as you complete and e-file your tax return for free.

  • If you earned $79,000 or less in 2023, you qualify.
  • Safe and secure online tax software.
  • Use on-site computers, or your own laptop, tablet, or mobile device.
  • You only need basic computer skills and an active email account.

Sessions will be offered on Thursdays in February, March and April:

  • Feb. 1
  • Feb. 8
  • Feb. 15
  • Feb. 22
  • Feb. 29
  • March 7
  • March 14
  • March 21
  • March 28
  • April 4
  • April 11 

Appointment slots are 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. 

Those interested must schedule an appointment. For more information or to make an appointment, contact the library at 585-343-9550 x3, or visit the reference desk Richmond Memorial Library is located at 19 Ross Street in the City of Batavia. Find the library online at

GC Health Department offers rabies clinic Feb. 8

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Genesee County Health Department will be hosting its first rabies immunization clinic of the year at no charge to participants on Thursday, Feb. 8 from 4 - 6 p.m. at the Batavia Town Highway Garage (3833 West Main Street Road, Batavia). 

Vaccinations are free for dogs, cats, and ferrets, but voluntary donations are accepted. Animals must be at least 3 months old. Each animal must be leashed or crated and accompanied by an adult who can control the animal. Limit 4 pets per person maximum.

“We encourage all residents to take advantage of our first rabies immunization clinic of 2024 and ensure their pets are protected against rabies,” stated Paul Pettit, Public Health Director for Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health).

“Rabies continues to be a serious public health concern in Genesee and Orleans Counties and is a preventable viral disease most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. Please leave wildlife alone and do not feed, touch, or adopt wild animals, stray dogs, or cats.”

The next rabies immunization clinics are as follows: 

Genesee County Clinics at the Genesee County Fairgrounds (5056 East Main Street, Batavia)

  • Thursday, May 16 from 4 - 7 p.m.
  • Thursday, Aug. 8 from 4 - 7 p.m.
  • Thursday, Oct. 10 from 4 - 6 p.m.

Orleans County Clinics at the Orleans County Fairgrounds (12690 State Route 31, Albion)

  • Saturday, April 13 from 9 - 11:30 a.m.
  • Wednesday, June 5 from 4 - 6:30 p.m.
  • Saturday, Aug. 10 from 9 - 11:30 a.m.
  • Saturday, Oct. 19 from 9 - 11:30 a.m.

For more information on GO Health’s programs and services, visit You can also contact the health department at:

  • Genesee County 585-344-2580 x5555 or
  • Orleans County 585-589-3278 or

Borrello helps colleague by adding two new committee roles for the 2024 season

By Press Release

Press Release:

Sen. George Borrello

Senator George Borrello has been elevated to Ranking Member of the Senate Elections Committee and named as a new member of the Committee on Energy and Telecommunications by Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt.

The changes come in the wake of the military deployment of Senator Borrello’s Republican colleague, Senator Mark Walczyk (49th District), who will be deployed to Kuwait for nine months. Senator Borrello is among those chosen to fill committee vacancies resulting from Senator Walczyk’s absence.

“First and foremost, I am grateful to Senator Walczyk for his service to our nation. We are incredibly fortunate to have dedicated leaders like Senator Walczyk who are willing to answer our nation’s call, regardless of the sacrifices it entails. We wish him a safe and successful mission and extend our deepest support to his family.”

Senator Borrello explained that he will be taking over as Ranking Member on the Elections Committee, which he has served on as a member since January 2023.

“I am looking forward to the opportunity to continue to serve on the Elections Committee, but in a new role as the Ranking Member. This is a pivotal time for our electoral system when issues of election integrity have moved to the forefront. While voter participation is important, it is just as crucial that people have confidence that their vote is secure and that it will count. That will continue to be a top concern of mine as we review new proposals,” said Senator Borrello.

“Energy policy is also at a critical juncture in New York. The rapid push to transition our state to renewable energy has major implications for our economy, taxpayers, and the environment. We need to take a hard and honest look at the data, the costs and adjust course where necessary,” said Senator Borrello. “I look forward to bringing my perspective to the committee and advancing proposals that will assure New Yorkers continue to have access to safe, reliable, and affordable energy,” Senator Borrello said.

Senator Borrello noted that in addition to his new assignments on the Elections and Energy committees, he will retain his roles as Ranking Member on both the Agriculture and Banks committees. He will also continue to serve as a member on the following committees: Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business, Finance, and Housing, Construction and Community Development.

“There are so many important issues facing our state right now, which I look forward to working on with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle. I am grateful to Leader Ortt for entrusting me with these new responsibilities as we move forward with the 2024 Legislative Session.”

Explore the secrets of the Boston Tea Party, 250 years later

By Press Release

Press Release:

Byron-Bergen Public Library and Richmond Memorial Library are pleased to co-host a virtual event; Steeped in Secrecy: The Boston Tea Party, 250 Years Later. 

The program will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, Jan. 31 at 7 p.m. To register, visit This is a chance to attend a library program from the comfort of your own home!

The story of tea has always been infused with intrigue, particularly when it became a flash point for tensions between England and Colonial America. 

Learn about the brewing political problems tea presented in its history with Anglophile and former UK resident Claire Evans. Next, author, genealogist, librarian, and former UK resident Debra Dudek examines the history of the Boston Tea Party’s most famous partiers (and phonies), as well as how to trace bona fide participants through lineage societies and historical groups.

Registration is required at A recording of the program will be available to view for one week following the event. Those who register will also receive an informational resource packet via email.

About the presenters: 

Submitted photo of
Claire Evans

Claire Evans is an author, former journalist, attorney, and college lecturer who started her love of most things British as she and her mother watched countless Britcoms on PBS. She studied abroad in London and, against the odds, she married a Brit she met in Peoria, Illinois. They lived in England for several years. Her business, Tea with Claire, grew from friends asking for travel advice. Her memoir, High Tea and the Low Down is the true story of what it's really like to marry a witty Englishman and move to Britain.

Submitted photo of
Debra M. Dudek

Debra M. Dudek is Head of Adult and Teen Services at the Fountaindale Public Library District in Bolingbrook, IL. She holds a post-graduate certificate in Genealogical, Palaeographic & Heraldic Studies from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland.

For more information about Byron-Bergen Public Library, For more information about Richmond Memorial Library, visit

LEGAL NOTICE: Town of Bethany Public Hearing Water District No. 5 project

By Legal Notices


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF BETHANY: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing pursuant to Town Law § 193 will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Bethany at the Town Hall located at 10510 Bethany Center Road, East Bethany, New York on the 7th day of February, 2024, commencing at 7:00  p.m. to give citizens the opportunity to discuss the proposed Town of Bethany Water District No. 5 project. 

Specific discussion will be relative to the proposed Water District No. 5, which will include a total of approximately 154,000 linear feet of 8-inch water main. The water main will be installed along portions of Ellicott Street Road (NYS RT 63), Bethany Center Road (C.R. 15), Broadway Road (NYS RT 20), Brown Road, Cackner Road, Clapsaddle Road, East Road (C.R. 35) East Bethany-LeRoy Road, Francis Road (C.R. 38), Fargo Road (C.R. 198), Jerico Road, Little Canada Road, Marsh Road, Mayne Road, McLennon Road, Sweetland Road, Silver Road, Paradise Road, and Paul Road. Note: portions of the project will be installed in the Town of Batavia, as that will be the primary water supply for the project. 

LEGAL NOTICE continues after the jump (click here)



The project has an estimated maximum cost of twenty one million, six hundred and eighty thousand dollars ($21,680,000.00), which amount is to be financed by the issuance of serial bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed twenty one million, six hundred and eighty thousand dollars ($21,680,000.00) such amount to be offset by any federal, state, county and/or local funds received, including, but not limited to, financing through United Sates of America – Rural Development Agency, and grant funds in an approximate amount of five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) expected from the State of New York Water Infrastructure Improvement & Intermunicipal (“WIIA”) Grant, or other funding sources or offset by a reduction in project costs, and unless paid from other sources or charges (including, but not limited to, water rents), the cost of the Water Improvement will be paid by the assessment, levy and collection of special assessments from the several lots and parcels of land within the proposed District which the Town Board shall determine and specify to be especially benefited thereby, so much upon and from each as shall be in just and interest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable, except as provided by law; and 

Pursuant to the July 22, 2020 Agreement by County of Genesee and Town of Bethany for Water Construction Payments, Genesee County will pay to Bethany annual payments based on the final terms identified at the time of financing is closed with the USDA-Rural Development. Per the Agreement, current projections are based on 38-year term at 1.25% interest, totaling one hundred fifteen thousand, one hundred fifty-four dollars ($115,154.00) per year. The term will not change, however, the rate may decrease or increase. 

The expected average annual cost to the Typical Property (as defined by Town Law) in the proposed District (which is a single family home) will be approximately one thousand two hundred-eighteen dollars and sixty cents ($1,218.60) (such amount includes construction financing costs [debt service] and estimated annual water usage costs); and each property will also have to provide for the first year, service from their home to the property line and internal plumbing modifications (as applicable) to set a meter and valves at an estimated one-time cost of approximately two thousand four hundred thirty three dollars and sixty cents ($2,433.60) (actual costs will vary depending on the actual length of the service line and the complexity of installation). 

Water District No. 5 is more particularly described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Bethany, County of Genesee, State of New York, being described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of Francis Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way) at the intersection of the center line of Batavia Bethany Townline Road (66 feet right-of-way), along the northerly Municipal Boundary Line of the Town of Bethany, and a northwesterly corner of the Existing Water District No. 1; thence, 1) Southerly, along the center line of Francis Road, and the Existing Water District No. 1, a distance of 333 feet, more or less, to the westerly extension of the northerly line of tax account number 1.-1-39, and the Existing Water District No. 1; thence, 2) Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 1.-1-39, and the Existing Water District No. 1, a distance of 835 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of said tax account, and the Existing Water District No. 1; thence, 3) Southeasterly, along the northeasterly line of tax account number 1.-1-39, and the Existing Water District No. 1, a distance of 16 feet, more or less, to an angle point, and the Existing Water District No. 1; thence, 4) Southerly, along the easterly lines of tax account numbers 1.-1-39 and 1.-1-41, and the Existing Water District No. 1, a distance of 1,092 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 1.-1-41, and the Existing Water District No. 1; thence, 5) Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 1.-1-42.221 and the Existing Water District No. 1, a distance of 1,534 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of said tax account, and the Existing Water District No. 1; thence, 6) Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 1.-1-43, the northerly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 1.-1-43, and the Existing Water District No. 1, a distance of 1,400 feet, more or less, to the northerly Municipal Boundary Line of the Town of Bethany, the center line of Batavia Bethany Townline Road, and the Existing Water District No. 1; thence, 7) Easterly, along the northerly Municipal Boundary Line of the Town of Bethany, and along the center line of Batavia Bethany Townline Road, the northerly lines of tax account numbers 2.-1-9 and 2.-1-94, the center line of Clapsaddle Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way), and along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 2.-1-36.12, 2.-1-36.113, and 3.-1-1, a distance of 14,206 feet, more or less, to a northeasterly corner of tax account number 3.-1-1; thence, 8) Southerly, along an easterly line of tax account number 3.-1-1, a distance of 1,984 feet, more or less, to a northwesterly corner of said tax account number, and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 9) Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 3.-1-1, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 516 feet, more or less, to a northeasterly corner of said tax account number, and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 10) Southerly, along an easterly line of tax account number 3.-1-1 and a southerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 3.-1-1, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 2,117 feet, more or less, to the center line on Torrey Road (66 feet wide right-of-way), and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 11) Southwesterly, along the center line of Torrey Road, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 248 feet, more or less, to the center line of Little Canada Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way), and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 12) Northwesterly, along the center line of Little Canada Road, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 138 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly extension of an easterly line of tax account number 3.-1-44.2, and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 13) Southwesterly, along an easterly line of tax account number 3.-1-44.2, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 702 feet, more or less, to an angle point, and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 14) Southeasterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 3.-1-44.2, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 583 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of said tax account number, and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 15) Southerly, along an easterly line of tax account number 3.-1-44.2, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 2,260 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 3.-1-43, and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 16) Southeasterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 3.-1-43, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 683 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of said tax account number, and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 17) Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 3.-1-43, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 314 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of said tax account number, and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 18) Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 6.-1-21.2 and 6.-1-22, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 1,437 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 6.-1-22, and the Existing Water District No, 2; thence, 19) Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 6.-1-22 and the southerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 6.-1-22, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 82 feet, more or less to the center line of East Bethany-LeRoy Road (66 feet wide right-of-way), and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 20) Easterly, along the center line of East Bethany-LeRoy Road, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 256 feet, more or less, to the northerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 6.-1-24.1, and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 21) Southerly, along the northerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 6.-1-24.1 and the easterly lines of tax account numbers 6.-1-24.1 and 6.-1-25.11, and the Existing Water District No. 2, a distance of 1,448 feet, more or less, to a southeasterly corner of tax account 6.-1-25.11, and the Existing Water District No. 2; thence, 22) Westerly, through the lands of tax account number 6.-1-25.11, and along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 6.-1-19.1 and 6.-1-16.2, a distance of 1,699 feet, more or less to the easterly line of tax account number 6.-1-76.1; thence, 23) Southerly, along the easterly lines of tax account numbers 6.-1-76.1 and 6.-1-65, a distance of 815 feet, more or less, to a northeasterly corner of tax account number 6.-1-65; thence, 24) Easterly, along northerly lines of tax account numbers 6.-1-65, 6.-1-66, and 6.-1-67, a distance of 1,683 feet, more or less, to a northeasterly corner of tax account number 6.-1-67; thence, 25) Southerly, along the easterly lines of tax account numbers 6.-1-67 and 6.-1-41, a distance of 1,557 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 6.-1-40; thence, 26) Southeasterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 6.-1-40, a distance of 757 feet, more or less, to an angle point of said tax account number; thence, 27) Northeasterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 6.-1-40, a distance of 284 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 28) Southwesterly, along an easterly line of tax account number 6.-1-40, a distance of 504 feet, more or less, to an angle point of said tax account number; thence, 29) Southwesterly, along the easterly line of tax account number 6.-1-40, and the southwesterly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 6.-1-40, crossing Ellicott Street Road (66 feet wide right-of-way), and through the lands of tax account number 6.-1-33.11, a distance of 844 feet, more or less, to a point, 500 feet southwesterly of and parallel to the center line of Ellicott Street Road; thence, 30) Northwesterly, through the lands of tax account number 6.-1-33.11, along a line 500 feet southwesterly of and parallel to the center line of Ellicott Street Road, a distance of 520 feet, more or less, to a point on the easterly line of tax account number 6.-1-44.2; thence, 31) Southerly, along the easterly lines of tax account numbers 6.-1-44.2, 6.-1-44.1 and 6.-1-46, a distance of 2,893 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 6.-1-46; thence, 32) Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 6.-1-46, a distance of 1,114 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 9.-1-2.11; thence, 33) Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 9.-1-2.11, a distance of 1,996 feet, more or less, to a southeasterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 34) Westerly, along a southerly line of tax account number 9.-1-2.11, a distance of 1,095 feet, more or less, to a southwesterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 35) Northerly, along a westerly line of tax account number 9.-1-2.11, a distance of 1,311 feet, more or less, to a southwesterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 36) Westerly, along a southerly line of tax account number 9.-1-2.11, a distance of 1,036 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of East Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way); thence, 37) Southerly, through the lands of tax account number 9.-1-3, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of East Road, a distance of 2,953 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the center line of Broadway Road (66 feet wide right-of-way); thence, 38) Westerly, through the lands of tax account numbers 9.-1-19 and 8.-1-44.214, along a line 500 feet southerly and parallel to the center line of Broadway Road, a distance of 3,063 feet, more or less, to a point on the southeasterly line of tax account number 8.-1-43.11; thence, 39) Southwesterly, along a southeasterly line of tax account number 8.-1-43.11, a distance of 116 feet, more or less, to a southeasterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 40) Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 8.-1-43.11, a distance of 1,581 feet, more or less, to a southwesterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 41) Southerly, along an easterly line of tax account number 8.-1-51.114, a distance of 1,182 feet, more or less, to a southeasterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 42) Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 8.-1-51.114, a distance of 333 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 8.-1-50; thence, 43) Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 8.-1-50, a distance of 655 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 44) Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 8.-1-49.21, a distance of 333 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 45) Southerly, along the easterly lines of tax account numbers 8.-1-49.21 and 8.-1-48.1, a distance of 1,968 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of tax account number 8.-1-48.1; thence, 46) Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 8.-1-48.1 and 8.-1-72.1, and crossing Bethany Center Road (66 feet wide right-of-way), a distance of 6,081feet, more or less, to a point; thence, 47) Northerly, through the lands of tax account number 8.-1-72.1 and 8.-1-70, a distance of 2,619 feet, more or less, to the midpoint of the northerly line of tax account number 8.-1-70; thence, 48) Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 8.-1-68, 8.1-73, 8.-1-75.2, and along the westerly extension of the southerly line of tax account number 8.-1-75.2, crossing Marsh Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way), and through the lands of tax account number 7.-1-32, a distance of 3,699 feet, to a westerly line of tax account number 7.-1-32; thence, 49) Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 7.-1-34, a distance of 2,636 feet, more or less, to the southeasterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 50) Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 7.-1-34, a distance of 687 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 51) Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 7.-1-34, a distance of 3,487 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the center line of Broadway Road; thence, 52) Westerly, through the lands of tax account numbers 7.-1-35.1 and 7.-1-39.11, crossing Silver Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way), along a line 500 feet southerly and parallel to the center line of Broadway Road, a distance of 2,111 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet westerly of and parallel to Francis Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way); thence, 53) Northerly, through the lands of tax account numbers 7.-1-39.11 and 7.-1-40.11, along a line 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the center line of Francis Road, a distance of 2,572 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 7.-1-24; thence, 54) Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 7.-1-24 and 7.-1-23, a distance of 1,249 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 7.-1-23; thence, 55) Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 7.-1-23, a distance of 722 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 56) Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 7.-1-23, a distance of 888 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 7.-1-22.11; thence, 57) Northerly, along the westerly lines of tax account numbers 7.-1-22.11 and 7.-1-22.12, and the northerly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 7.-1-22.12, a distance of 1,235 feet, more or less, to the center line of Brown Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way); thence, 58) Easterly, along the center line of Brown Road, a distance of 147 feet, more or less, to the southerly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 4.-1-24.2; thence, 59) Northerly, along the southerly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 4.-1-24.2 and the westerly line of tax account number 4.-1-24.2, a distance of 469 feet, more or less to the northwesterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 60) Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account numbers 4.-1-26, a distance of 1,501 feet, more or less to the southwesterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 61) Northerly, along the westerly lines of tax account numbers 4.-1-26, and 4.-1-37.1, a distance of 1,301 feet, more or less, to a southerly line of tax account number 4.-1-27.112; thence, 62) Westerly, along a southerly line of tax account number 4.-1-27.112, a distance of 734 feet, more or less, to an angle point; thence, 63) Southwesterly, along a southerly line of tax account number 4.-1-27.112, a distance of 634 feet, more or less, to an angle point; thence, 64) Westerly, along a southerly line of tax account number 4.-1-27.112, a distance of 596 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of said tax account number; thence, 65) Northerly, along a westerly line of tax account number 4.-1-27.112, a distance of 496 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of said tax account number; thence, 66) Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 4.-1-27.112, a distance of 503 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of said tax account number; thence, 67) Northerly, along the westerly lines of tax account numbers 4.-1-27.112, 4.-1-4, 4.-1-35, 4.-1-5, and 4.-1-7, a distance of 5,233 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 4.-1-7; thence, 68) Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 4.-1-7, a distance of 486 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of tax account number 4.-1-8.1; thence, 69) Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 4.-1-8.1, a distance of 715 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 70) Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 4.-1-8.1, a distance of 1,566 feet, more or less, to a southwesterly corner of tax account number 1.-1-51.113; thence, 71) Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 1.-1-51.113, a distance of 1,445 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of said tax account number; thence, 72) Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 1.-1-51.113, a distance of 395 feet, more or less, to a southwesterly corner of tax account number 1.-1-52.2; thence, 73) Northerly, along the westerly lines of tax account numbers 1.-1-52.2, 1.-1-54, and 1.-1-55, a distance of 2,429 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 1.-1-55; thence, 74) Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 1.-1-25 and the Existing Water District No. 4, a distance of 1,323 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southeasterly of and parallel to the center line Putnam Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way), and the Existing Water District No. 4; thence, 75) Northeasterly, through the lands of tax account number 1.-1-25, along a line 500 feet southeasterly of and parallel to the center line of Putnam Road, and the Existing Water District No. 4, a distance of 1,475 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of said tax account, and the Existing Water District No. 4; thence, 76) Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 1.-1.25, and the Existing Water District No. 4, a distance of 1,731 feet, more or less, to a southwesterly corner of tax account number 1.-1-27.22, and the Existing Water District No. 4; thence, 77) Northwesterly, along a westerly line of tax account number 1.-1-27.22, and the Existing Water District No. 4, a distance of 1,638 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of said tax account number, and the Existing Water District No. 4; thence, 78) Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 1.-1-27.22, and the Existing Water District No. 4, a distance of 101 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Putnam Road, and the Existing Water District No. 4; thence, 79) Northeasterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 1.-1-28.1 and 1.-1-30, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Putnam Road, and the Existing Water District No. 4, a distance of 1,205 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 1.-1-33, and the Existing Water District No. 4; thence, 80) Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 1.-1-33, and the Existing Water District No. 4, a distance of 21 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly corner of said tax account number, and the Existing Water District No. 4; thence, 81) Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 1.-1-33, and the Existing Water District No. 4, a distance of 240 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 1.-1-34, and the Existing Water District No. 4; thence, 82) Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 1.-1-33, and the Existing Water District No. 4, a distance of 254 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Putnam Road, and the Existing Water District No. 4; thence, 83) Northeasterly, through the lands of tax account number 1.-1-34, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Putnam Road, and the Existing Water District No. 4, a distance of 427 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of said tax account number, the northerly Municipal Boundary Line of the Town of Bethany, and the Existing Water District No. 4; thence, 84) Easterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 1.-1-34 and the easterly extension of the northerly line of tax account number 1.-1-34, and the northerly Municipal Boundary Line of the Town of Bethany, a distance of 86 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Town of Bethany Water District No. 5, as described above contains approximately 9,885 acres of land. All as shown on a map prepared by CPL, “Water District No. 5 – Water District Map”, Drawing Numbers WD-05A, WD-05B, and WD-05C, dated September 24, 2019. 

Town of Bethany Water District No. 5, as described above contains approximately 9,885 acres of land. All as shown on a map prepared by CPL, “Water District No. 5 – Water District Map”, Drawing Numbers WD-05A, WD-05B, and WD-05C, dated September 24, 2019. The Town Board will consider and determine, by resolution at this Public Hearing, that there are no adverse environmental impacts through New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR), with the assistance of the Engineer of the project, and participation of the public. Business relative to bonding for said project may also be addressed at this meeting by the Town Board. 


Written comments may be submitted to the Town Board prior to the public hearing. Any written comments that are received prior to the public hearing shall be read aloud at the public hearing. All written comments must be received by the Town Board by _______________, 2024. 

A copy of the map, plan, and report describing such improvements is also available for review at the Town Clerk’s Office and on the Town website ( during regular office hours. Please take notice, the Town Board of the Town of Bethany has determined the establishment of Water District No. 5 to be best completed through a Resolution subject to Permissive Referendum, due to the current water emergency. By order of the Town Board, Shauna Klump, Clerk, Town of Bethany.


Byron-Bergen announces that UPK and kindergarten registration open for 2024-25

By Press Release

Press Release:

Registration is now available for kindergarten and prekindergarten students in the Byron-Bergen School District. The District plans to once again offer a half-day universal prekindergarten (UPK) program at the Byron- Bergen Elementary School. 

The UPK program is focused on socialization, learning through play, and self-exploration. Children learn through a hands-on learning environment that includes activities, learning centers, concrete materials, and manipulatives. Students learn through a nurturing environment that is enriching, challenging, and developmentally appropriate. 

Students must turn four years of age by December 1, 2024 to be eligible for the program. If you have a child eligible and are interested in having him/her attend our UPK program, please complete this Google form which is also available on the Student Registration page of the Byron-Bergen website. The form requires the student’s name, parents’ name, address, phone number, email address, and date of birth. This electronic Google form is due by Thursday, Feb. 22. Parents who have already contacted the Elementary School by phone will still need to complete the form. If you are having difficulty completing the form, please call the Elementary School office for support.

Please note that if the District receives more applications than the allowed capacity, a lottery will be held to select students. This year's lottery drawing will be held on Friday, March 1, via Zoom. Student-specific lottery numbers and the Zoom link will be shared with everyone who completes the form before the February 22 deadline. Once the lottery is complete, if your child was selected, you need to complete the full registration packet, which can be found on the Byron-Bergen website, and submit it to the Elementary School Office. 

Children who will be five years of age, on or before December 1, 2024, are eligible for entrance to Kindergarten in September of 2024. New families in the school district should notify the school if they have a child who will enter Kindergarten in September of 2024. Parents may contact the Byron-Bergen Elementary School Office by calling 494-1220, ext. 1301. 

Information may also be sent to the Byron-Bergen Elementary School, 6971 West Bergen Road, Bergen, New York 14416. Please send all information for kindergarten screening by June 1, 2024.  All children registered for kindergarten will be scheduled for a screening appointment this summer. The results of this screening will be used to plan for the 2024-2025 kindergarten program. 

The following items are necessary to complete the registration process: the child’s birth certificate; certificate of immunization; proof of residency; and completed registration packet. Additional information and registration packets are available at

Batavia Winterguard's Fantastic Visions competition Feb. 3 at BHS

By Joanne Beck

Batavia Winterguard’s 24th annual Fantastic Visions competition will begin at 4 p.m. Feb. 3 at Batavia High School, 260 State St., Batavia. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. 

Organizers invite you to "please come and enjoy 25 winterguards from Western New York and Canada. Batavia’s own Cadet and IA Winterguards will also be performing."

Tickets are $10 adults, ages 8 and older, 7 and under are free.

Haxton Memorial Library board to meet Feb. 13

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Haxton Memorial Library Board of Trustees will hold their monthly Board Meeting for February 2024 on Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 5:30 p.m. at the library. The public is invited to attend.

The Haxton Memorial Library located at 3 North Pearl Street in Oakfield provides residents with a variety of programs, events, and materials that are listed on the library’s website at

BCSD board approves three transportation contracts with STA worth more than $11M

By Joanne Beck

The Batavia City Schools' board approved five-year contracts Monday with Student Transportation of America for transportation from home to school, field and sports trips and during the summer worth more than $11 million that will be part of this year’s budget vote in May.

Business Administrator Andrew Lang explained, in a memo to the board, that the district engaged in a bid process this past November to procure student transportation services for the next five years. Prior to this, he said, the district had extended a previously awarded contract with STA for a period of five years. 

The bid process included a detailed specification outlining the district’s transportation program and current transportation needs. The bid included five separate contracts for home-to-school, special needs and homeless, field and sports trips, summer special needs and homeless, and summer home-to-school.

There was only one bid, which came from STA, and only for three contracts of home-to-school, field and sports trips, and summer home-to-school, Lang said. 

“As this is a multi-year contract, voter approval is required,” he said. “This is done by noting the estimated five-year contract cost in the 2024-25 public budget document.”

He recommended that the board award the bids to STA for the designated amounts as follows:

  • Home-to-school transportation for a total five-year cost, including bus monitor/attendant, of $8,438,451.10. Rates range from up to three hours at $360 in this school year up to $437.58 in 2028-29, and $386.45 for four hours plus $74.28 per hour after that, up to $469.73 plus $90.29.
  • Field and sports trip transportation for a total five-year cost, plus bus monitor, for $2,099,470.78. Driving rates are $98 for this school year, up to $119.12 in 2028-29 for in-district, plus an extra cost of $1.58 per mile this year, up to $1.92 in 2028-29 for out-of-district trips.
  • Summer home-to-school and bus monitor/attendant total five-year cost of $607,982.44. Prices are the same as regular home-to-school until after four hours, when rates change to $405.02 for 4.5 hours for 2024-25 up to $492.30 in 2028-29 and $423.59 for five hours up to $514.88, with $74.28 per hour after that, up to $90.29 during the fifth year of the contract.
  • Bus monitor/attendant rates are the same for all contracts, at $34.93 per hour in 2024-25 up to $42.46 in 2028-29.

The board approved a motion as part of the consent agenda during Monday’s Board of Education meeting.

The contract runs from the 2024-25 school year through 2028-29.

City of Batavia seeking a city resident for Board of Assessment opening

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Board of Assessment Review currently has one position to fill. The term is a five-year term and will expire on September 2028. The Batavia City Council is seeking a City resident who is interested in volunteering as a member of this committee and has knowledge of property values.

Residents interested in applying for this position can obtain a Committee/Board Volunteer Application from either the City Clerk’s Office or on the website at, Find It Fast. The deadline to submit applications to the City Clerk’s Office is April 22. 

For further information, please contact the City Bureau of Assessment at 345-6301. 

Tenney introduces resolution calling for the release of Western New Yorker Ryan Corbett

By Press Release

Press Release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) introduced H.Res. 965, a resolution calling for the immediate release of Ryan Corbett, a United States citizen, who was wrongfully detained by the Taliban on August 10, 2022, and condemning the wrongful detention of Americans by the Taliban.

Additional cosponsors of the resolution include House Foreign Affairs Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) and Representatives Dan Meuser (R-PA), Haley Stevens (D-MI), French Hill (R-AR), Pat Ryan (D-NY), Nick Langworthy (R-NY), Dina Titus (D-NV), Anthony D’Esposito (R-NY), Joseph Morelle (D-NY), Michael Lawler (R-NY), Morgan McGarvey (D-KY), Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), Mike Thompson (D-CA), Joe Wilson (R-SC), Jim Costa (D-CA), Michael Waltz (R-FL), Daniel Goldman (D-NY), Brandon Williams (R-NY), Andrew Garbarino (R-NY), Marc Molinaro (R-NY), Tony Gonzales (R-TX), Zach Nunn (R-IA), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Dan Newhouse (R-WA), and Pete Stauber (R-MN).

Ryan Corbett, a husband, father, and Western New Yorker has been held without charge by the Taliban in Afghanistan since August 10, 2022. Ryan is being held in a basement cell without regular access to a bathroom, sunlight, or medical care. Other Westerners who have been released from the prison where Ryan is being held report that he is in deteriorating health. Ryan’s family has been fighting for his release in silence but decided to go public because of fears for his life.

Since meeting with the Corbett family and hearing their story, Congresswoman Tenney has led the charge in fighting for Ryan’s release and well-being. This includes working to get Ryan officially designated as a wrongful detainee by the U.S. Department of State on October 10, 2023.

"When I first heard of Ryan Corbett’s detention and the brutal conditions of his captivity from his wife Anna, I was heartbroken," said Congresswoman Tenney. "Inspired by Anna, his children, and his loved ones who have been bravely advocating for his release, today I introduced a bipartisan resolution, reiterating that Congress will not stand idly while an innocent American is wrongfully detained and suffers under harsh captivity at the hands of the Taliban. The strong bipartisan support for this resolution calling for Ryan Corbett’s release shows that Congress stands united in calling for Ryan’s release and condemning the Taliban’s wrongful detention of Americans. We will work tirelessly to bring attention to Ryan Corbett's case and advocate for his immediate release to bring him home to his family."

"I am grateful for the strong bipartisan support that my family has received, in particular from our Congresswoman, Claudia Tenney," said Anna Corbett. "Ending the wrongful detention of Americans abroad should be in the interest of all Americans, and I am hopeful that these continued efforts to highlight Ryan's plight will help us bring him home without delay."

View the text of the resolution here.

Notre Dame tops Byron Bergen in boys hoops, 62-58

By Howard B. Owens
byron bergen notre dame basketball

Byron-Bergen fell to Notre Dame in Boys Basketball on Monday, 62-58.

For Notre Dame, Jaden Sherwood scored 20 points, Ryan Fitzpatrick, 16, and Makyell Walker, 10.

Braedyn Chambry scored 21 for the Bees, and Brody Baubie scored 10.

In other Boys Basketball action, Batavia beat HFL 61-57. Carter Mullen scored 19 for the Blue Devils.  Casey Mazur and Aiden Bellavia each scored 12.

Photos by Jennifer DiQuattro.

byron bergen notre dame basketball
byron bergen notre dame basketball
byron bergen notre dame basketball

Police continue hunt for criminal suspect, Nathan Royse

By Staff Writer
Nathan Royse
Nathan L. Royse

Batavia PD has issued another call for public assistance in locating Nathan L. Royse, who has been on the police department's wanted list since late August.

Crime Stoppers WNY is offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to the arrest of Royse.

Royce is wanted on a charge of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree.  Police warn he should be considered armed and dangerous.

He is also wanted on a parole warrant.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 716-867-6161 

City leaders approve two union contracts, including 3.5 percent raises, $500 bonuses, perks for physical fitness

By Joanne Beck

If you’re a city employee in certain departments, it pays to be physically fit —- literally. 

Members of the International Association of Fire Fighters will have that option as part of a contract agreement approved by City Council Monday evening. 

Over the past several months, the city and union representatives have been negotiating terms for a new agreement. On December 29, 2023, a tentative agreement was reached with the IAFF union. It will be a five-year agreement, a salary increase of 3 percent for three years, 2.65 percent for years four and five, an increase in the health care premium to 32.5 percent,” City Manager Rachael Tabelski said during council’s conference session at City Hall. “IAFF members will now participate in the annual physical fitness incentive program. The holiday of Juneteenth is added as a paid holiday. Some of you may know that police and fire don't actually get holidays, however, they get holiday pay for those holidays because they work 24/7. We added two additional longevity payments for years five and years 15, a one-time payment of $500 to each member from the ARPA, a $500 signing bonus for each member, and other miscellaneous language changes.”

Those $500 payments will be coming from the American Rescue Plan Act that came out of the pandemic to help restore municipal losses and was passed down from federal funds. Longevity payments of $500 for five years and $900 for 15 years were added. 

Councilman Bob Bialkowski asked about the physical fitness payment.

If they pass and meet all of the required qualifications of the test, based on measurements such as running, push-ups, sit-ups, and meeting certain milestones per age and gender, firefighters are paid $855, Human Resources Director Rebecca McGee said. Members of the city police department have this same option as well, she said.

“I'm really actually excited about the physical fitness incentive because if you've ever been to a fire scene, they climb ladders, they pull very heavy hoses, they use axes, and the more physically fit you are, the less workers comp injuries we're going to have and the more we'll save in the long run,” Tabelski said.

Bialkowski wanted to clarify that the raises were concurrent, meaning that they would be on top of one another each year, and Tabelski confirmed that “they’re no different than any other contract,” as once employees receive a raise to their base pay, then that becomes their base pay for the next year, and so on. 

The cost of the contract is $490,272, she said.

Council also approved a contract with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union that, as with the IAFF, will expire on March 31, 2024. The city and AFSCME came to a tentative agreement on Dec. 7, and the union membership ratified the terms on Jan. 11, Tabelski said.

The four-year agreement includes a 3.5 percent salary increase for the first three years, followed by a 2 percent increase in year four. The healthcare premium will increase between 30 and 35 percent, and there will be a shift change of four 10-hour days during the summer, from June to August, similar to how Genesee County employees operate, she said.

Additional perks include an additional floating holiday, pay for additional licenses acquired, such as for a commercial driver’s license or handling pesticides, a tool allowance increase of up to $1,000, and a $500 bonus payment per employee.

“So not everyone will have these licenses, it's up to the department head. But when we do have these licenses, it actually saves the city money in the long run, especially the pesticide license, because you can not apply pesticide without a license in New York State,” she said.

There are other benefits to having employees licensed for pesticide use, Public Works Director Brett Frank said. That would give the city better and more effective control over invaders such as weeds.

“We know we'd be looking more weed control that we currently outsource for a considerable amount per year, and take control of that as opposed to having a company come in, and basically be on a gator and kind of spray everything,” Frank said. “We could have somebody that could take ownership of it, we think we could do a better job overall and save money in the long run … we also know we could get a much better product by our employees taking care of that and having that license.” 

The cost of this four-year contract is approximately $323,522, Tabelski said. 

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City of Batavia, NY Position: Full-time Building Maintenance Worker. Salary: $20.60 - $24.45/hour. The City of Batavia is accepting applications for one full-time Building Maintenance Worker. The work involves a variety of mechanical and other building maintenance tasks. Applicant must have a minimum of two years of full-time paid experience in general building construction or maintenance work, or an equivalent combination of training and experience indicating ability to perform the duties of the job. Civil Service applications may be obtained at City Hall in the Human Resource Department. Please send completed applications to Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk, One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY, or via email to by September 20, 2024. Background check, psychological assessment, and physical/drug testing required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO
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