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Giant mattress sale Sunday to benefit Batavia High's baseball team

By Billie Owens

The Batavia High School Baseball Team is trying a new fundraiser this year to help pay for spring training camp in Florida.

Instead of having to do a whole bunch of fundraisers like they usually do -- bake sales, car washes, candy sales, bowl-a-thons, etc. -- they are going to have a one-day sale of a big-ticket item. Would you believe mattresses?

Yes, quality mattress sets at 30 to 60 percent off retail prices will be on sale this Sunday in the school's big gym from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. They may still have to do other fundraisers, but they hope to raise a good chunk money Sunday.

This novel idea has proven to be successful for sports teams at other schools in the area, including Albion, Medina, Akron and Holley.

It's the brainchild of Tom McNamara of Custom Fundraising Solutions in Buffalo. Batavia varsity baseball Coach Rick Saunders said a mutual friend introduced them and McNamara made his pitch. It sounded worthwhile, and the guy had good references, so the coach brought the idea to the parents and other coaches.

"It's up to the parents to execute the fund raising," Saunders said. "So it was up to them to decide."

They learned that the least amount of money earned from the daylong event was $1,200 in Akron. A big school in Buffalo took in $9,000 in profits. All profits go directly to the team. The parents, players and coaches all got onboard with the plan.

"Every year we go to Florida," Coach Saunders said. "The returning varsity and potential varsity players get to play college (level) baseball in the Florida sun. It's a nice experience for the guys.

"It costs under $800 per player, and that includes airfare, room and board, and all the baseball they can handle. It's a pretty good deal."

So if you and yours are thinking of buying a new mattress set, here's a great win-win situation.

The blue-and-white sales flier says:

  • All sizes available (twin-king)!
  • Pillowtops, orthopedics and memory foams!
  • All brand-new with factory warranties!
  • Name brands such as Restonic, Southerland and more!
  • Free layaway available!
  • Delivery available!
  • Cash, checks and credit cards accepted!

(FYI: Southerland Sleep was founded in Nashville in 1893, a fourth-generation family owned company. Restonic is a U.S. company whose motto is "Hitting the Hay Since 1938." Both are considered top-of-the-line brands).

If you can get your hands on a flier, there's a coupon for $50 off any order over $500.

The school is located at 260 State St.

Batavia Duo Bag Swamp Bucks


Troy Emke and John Lawrence have 32 years of archery hunting between them. Ironically, both arrowed the largest deer of their bow hunting careers little more than 12 hours apart.

Both deer were taken in swampy environs, John taking his big eight point Tuesday evening just before dark. He knew he hit his mark, but rather than track the deer through the swamp after nightfall, he decided to let it lie and wait until morning. Wednesday morning saw Troy in his stand well before shooting light. The 10 point showed up not long afterward, prior to legal shooting time. Troy watched the deer amble around his stand, actually sniffing the hunter's tracks. At sunrise Troy let him have it from a distance of 25 yards and the big buck took off, running maybe 50 yards before he went down with a big splash.

Shortly after sunup this morning, while Troy was field dressing his deer, John located his buck. Like Troy's, John's whitetail was found lying in water. Both deer field dressed at approximately 175 lbs.

Motor-vehicle accident on Route 77 in Corfu

By Billie Owens

A motor-vehicle accident involving a tractor-trailer is reported in Corfu on Route 77 near Cohocton Road. There are no injuries but medics are requested to the scene. State Police are on scene along with Corfu Fire Department.

Pembroke Fire Police are shutting down southbound Route 77 at Route 5. Corfu Fire Police are shutting down northbound traffic at Route 77 and Route 33.

Suzanne Corona agrees to 'Walk of Shame' outside South Beach

By Howard B. Owens

This morning, Suzanne Corona met South Beach owner Ken Mistler at a downtown bank and signed a contract agreeing to carry a sign in front of his restaurant for four hours that reads, "I Stole from South Beach."

The contract, Mistler said, is an admission of guilt. In it, Mistler agrees to drop criminal charges against Corona and she holds harmless Mistler, South Beach and all employees from any possible damages.

On Sept. 30, Corona was reportedly caught stuffing food from South Beach's buffet into baggies. When confronted, Corona, according to Mistler, dumped the food back onto the buffet. All of the items on the buffet had to be trashed right at the height of lunch hour.

According to Mistler, the resulting damage was more than $1,000, so Corona was facing a possible felony charge.

The 41-year-old Corona was in City Court briefly this afternoon on her other notorious legal case -- the public lewdness charge she admitted to in August.

Corona, who was initially charged with adultery for having sexual contact with a man not her husband in Farrall Park in June, was scheduled to be sentenced today.

The sentencing was continued until Nov. 24.

Judge Michael Del Plato only said that the proposed sentence "is something not available to me." He also instructed the attorneys on both sides that "what is confidential remains confidential."

'Bash for Ash' will aid leukemia victim and her family

By Billie Owens

Ashley Bedard is a graduate of Pembroke Central School and she is battling leukemia. To help Ashley, and her mother, JoAnne McInerney, while Ashley undergoes treatment for the disease, there's going to be a fundraiser this Saturday.

"Bash for Ash" will offer a steak dinner, Chinese auction and music, all for $10 per person. It will be held at Holy Name of Mary Church Hall on West Avenue in East Pembroke from 4 to 11 p.m., with dinner served from 5 to 7 p.m.

Donation for the event can be sent or dropped off to Sue Winkelman or Hope Wood at Tompkins Insurance Agencies, 90 Main St., in Downtown Batavia.

Monetary donations can be made payable to: "In Trust for Ashley Bedard"and mailed to: Bank of Castile; Attn -- Sue Winkelman, 90 Main St., Batavia.

For more information call Sue or Hope at 585-344-0833 or email:
<> or <>

(Portrait photo by Carlson's Studio)

VP of Byron-Bergen schools dies unexpectedly

By Howard B. Owens

The Byron-Bergen education community is dealing with an unexpected loss after the Central School Board of Education Vice Presdient Lori Nelson passed away yesterday.

The school district announced the passing of Nelson, 49, today.

She served on the Byron-Bergen board since her election in 2000.

“Our community suffered a great loss yesterday with the sudden passing of Lori Nelson,” said Scott Martzloff, Ed.D, Byron-Bergen CSD superintendent of schools. “Lori served our board with distinction for 11 years, eight of which were in the role of vice president.”

The Byron-Bergen CSD community sends its deepest condolences and sympathy to Lori’s family and friends during this difficult time, including Robert, her husband, and their three children Mitchel, Bobbi Gayle and Regina, and all Byron-Bergen CSD graduates. “Lori was a passionate advocate for Byron-Bergen students and staff,” Martzloff said.  “She was well liked and respected by her board colleagues and will be sorely missed here as a leader.”

Nelson was a voting delegate on the New York State School Boards Association, a member of the Executive Board of Genesee Valley School Boards Association and active in the Boy Scouts.

(via WBTA)

UPDATE: Lori Nelson's obituary has been published.

BHS student organizes own "wear purple" day to promote anti-bullying message

By Howard B. Owens

People -- including gay teens -- shouldn't be bullied.

That's the message Batavia High student Kelly Jones wanted to get out today.

After reading about Oct. 20 being a "wear purple" day in remembrance of five gay teens who reportedly committed suicide recently after being bullied, Kelly wanted to get as many students at BHS as possible to wear purple today.

Many did.

"I feel bad for people," Kelly said. "I see it every day. I've bullied and I feel horrible about it. I just think it's a horrible thing and I just don't want people to be bullied anymore."

Kelly found out about the day through a Facebook group, so she sent messages to all of her friends yesterday -- three times -- and asked them to make sure all of their friends at BHS knew about the plan.

Principle Chris Daily said Kelly's initiative and so many students participating is typical of BHS.

"We have an extremely caring and giving bunch of kids at Batavia," Daily said.

"We're lucky here," he added. "We have such a diverse population in this high school -- the haves and the have nots, all sorts, that people are used to people being a little different."

Though students said the school isn't without its bullies, and they want it to stop.

"It's not right for here," said Kelly, who is on the far left in the picture above. "This is a small town and everybody knows everybody."

Cassie Warren said she wore purple today not because she's seen a lot of bullying this year, but she has in the past.

"(I wore purple) because people who are like gay and lesbian, they don't have maybe the right to speak out because everyone teases them," Cassie said. "It's not right, so I wanted to show them that people care."

Rebecca Truesell said it was moving to see so many of her classmates in purple today.

"I kind of related to (the gays who were bullied) because I've been picked on my whole life," Rebecca said. "It means a lot to me (that her classmates are wearing purple). When I saw all of the people, I almost started crying. All of these people care and it didn't seem like they cared, but they really do."

Speed blamed for crash on Maltby Road that injured teen

By Howard B. Owens

A teenage girl suffered minor injuries in a one-car accident on Maltby Road last night.

Natalie N. Buczek, 14, a passenger in a car driven by a 19-year-old Oakfield resident, was taken to UMMC for treatment of minor facial cuts and bleeding.

The driver, Raymond J. Litteer Jr., of 28 S. Main St., Oakfield, received a citation for allegedly speeding.

Neither Litteer nor another passenger, Justin D. Smith, 15, were injured in the crash.

According to investigator Deputy Chad Minuto, Litteer was driving too fast, heading east, on Maltby Road at 8:28 p.m. The driver reported hitting a dip and then losing control of a 2000 Chevy sedan owned by Danielle Buczek, of 26 S. Main St., Oakfield. 

The car hit an embankment and then a utility pole, which was damaged.

Car hits utility pole in Oakfield

By Billie Owens

A car has struck a utility pole at 3260 Maltby Road in Oakfield. Wires are at the side of the road. The car is still stuck in the pole.

Oakfield Fire Department responded. Fire police are going to block off Maltby Road at North Pearl Street and Fox Road.

UPDATE (8:39 p.m.): The pole is cracked and leaning and National Grid has been informed. Law enforcement is called to the scene.

Downtown business recovering from small fire last week

By Howard B. Owens

A fire on Thursday caused $5,000 in damage and disrupted business for TopLine Shirt Co. But owners Tim Walton and Rob Credi say normal operations will resume on Monday.

Here's their full statement:

TopLine Shirt Co. is set to resume their normal business hours of M-F from 12-5 p.m. starting Monday, Oct. 25 after cleaning up from a recent fire. TopLine had been operating on limited operating hours since a fire occurred at the shop last week.

The fire started around 6:30 on Thursday night when one of the flash ovens malfunctioned and caught fire. The flash oven is a dryer similar to a large heat gun that radiates heat downward to dry ink onto shirts after they are printed.

The fire quickly spread from the dryer and spread to shirts that were on a nearby table, and eventually to a box of cleaning rags that had cleaning chemicals on them. The fire was kept under control, by owner Timothy Walton, who was able to grab a hose that was connected to the washtub in the nearby bathroom and spray it to keep the fire down.

The total damage is estimated to be around $5,000 which includes the loss of an oven, table, heat press and clothing.

Motor-vehicle accident at Main and Center, Batavia

By Billie Owens

A motor-vehicle accident with injuries is reported in downtown Batavia at Main and Center streets.

Batavia fire and Mercy EMS are responding.

One person has refused medical attention. One woman is being transported to UMMC complaining of neck, upper back and left shoulder pain.

UPDATE: Reader submitted photo.

Police Beat: Man accused of intentionally driving toward another car

By Howard B. Owens

James R. Sweet, 49, of 5 Shady Lane, Batavia, is charged with criminal contempt, 1st, reckless endangerment, 2nd, and endangering the welfare of a child. Sweet is accused of intentionally driving his car into the lane of traffic occupied by another vehicle. The other car was reportedly driven by a person Sweet was ordered to stay away from. There was reportedly a child in that car.

Photo: Le Roy Fire at training center

By Howard B. Owens

Le Roy Fire was at the Fire Training Center on State Street Road this evening for ongoing instruction on how to deal with car fires. The volunteers work on their approach to a vehicle and how to most effectively put out the fire. 

Volunteer firefighters from throughout Genesee County engage in various training and briefings every Monday night.

For more on volunteer opportunities, click here.

Suzanne Corona has yet to agree to carry 'I Stole At South Beach' signs

By Howard B. Owens

No charges have been filed yet against Suzanne Corona for allegedly trashing the buffet at South Beach on Sept. 30, and owner Ken Mistler remains ready to drop the charges if she agrees to carry these signs for four hours on East Main Street, Batavia.

Mistler had the signs made up more than a week ago in anticipation of Corona signing a contract admitting she stole from South Beach, but then Corona reportedly became hospitalized and has been unavailable since.

Corona is suspected of walking into South Beach with a purse full of baggies and then trying to fill them up with buffet items before wait staff interfered. When a manager intervened, Corona allegedly began dumping the baggies back on the buffet.

The value of the trashed buffet, plus the lost afternoon business, cost the restaurant more than a $1,000, according to Mistler, which means if Corona doesn't agree to carry the signs she faces at least one felony charge.

Batavia's notorious woman is expected in court Wednesday for sentencing on her public lewdness conviction. As part of a plea deal, an adultery count was dropped. Corona admitted to a sexual act with a man not her husband on a picnic table in Farrall Park in June.

Photos: Sunrise, sunset on Molasses Hill Road

By Howard B. Owens

I found myself awake quite early this morning, so I decided to drive out to Molasses Hill Road and see if I could catch the sunrise.

Yesterday, just after sunset, I was in all most the same spot seeing what kind of picture I could make. The result is below.

Police Beat: Alleged punching and kicking leads to felony assault charge against Le Roy man

By Howard B. Owens

James R. Kosiorek, 18, of Myrtle Street, Le Roy, is charged with assault, 2nd. Kosiorek is accused of punching and kicking another person in the head, causing physical injury to that person by means of a dangerous instrument. The alleged incident occurred on Friday. Kosiorek was jailed on $5,000 bail.

Kenneth Michael Burns, 53, of South Lake Avenue, Bergen, is charged with criminal contempt, 2nd. While incarcerated at Genesee County Jail, Burns allegedly violated an order of protection by contacting the protected person by phone.

Justin J. Pryzybyl, 21, of 8411 Peachy Road, Bergen, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, making an unsafe start and not wearing a seat belt. Pryzybyl was stopped at 2:10 a.m., Saturday, on Clay Street by Le Roy Police Sgt. Michael Hare.

Benjamin Louis Monna, 21, of Florendin Drive, Henrietta, is charged with operating a motor vehicle impaired by drugs, criminal possession of a controlled substance, 7th, unlawful possession of marijuana and speeding. Monna was allegedly spotted speeding on the Thruway (83 in a 65 mph zone) and was located a short time later on the side of the road at the Pembroke off ramp. He was allegedly found in possession of Ritalin without a prescription, a small amount of marijuana and was allegedly driving under the influence of drugs. He reportedly refused a blood test. Monna was taken into custody at 8:45 a.m., Friday, by Deputy Brian Thompson.

Mark Jacob Mutka, 29, of Ganson Avenue, Corfu, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater and speeding (84 in a 55 mph zone). Mutka was stopped at 4:08 a.m., Sunday, on Genesee Street, Darien, by Deputy Howard Carlson.

Top Items on Batavia's List

City of Batavia, NY Position: Full-time Building Maintenance Worker. Salary: $20.60 - $24.45/hour. The City of Batavia is accepting applications for one full-time Building Maintenance Worker. The work involves a variety of mechanical and other building maintenance tasks. Applicant must have a minimum of two years of full-time paid experience in general building construction or maintenance work, or an equivalent combination of training and experience indicating ability to perform the duties of the job. Civil Service applications may be obtained at City Hall in the Human Resource Department. Please send completed applications to Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk, One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY, or via email to by September 20, 2024. Background check, psychological assessment, and physical/drug testing required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO
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