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Batavia moves on to state final four with win over McKinley

By Brian Hillabush

 715 p.m. - The Batavia basketball team is off to a nice start in the first quarter of the Far West Regionals at Brockport.

The Blue Devils have a solid 9-2 lead and have done so in a fast-paced period against a far more athletic team. McKinley has given Batavia opportunities with missed shots, many of which were bad attempts. 

It looked like the Macks were going to just be too much physically at the start, but the poor shooting opened the door for Batavia.

The first basket came 1:45 into the first when Joe Schlossel scored two of his four points. Andrew Hoy missed all three of his 3-point attempts but did score a basket.

Batavia's lead wound up being eight points because Adam Pettinella hit a 3-pointer with 1:11 left in the period.

The only McKinley basket came from Mansa Habeeb.

 7:33 p.m. - Batavia leads 22-15 after an ugly first half of play.

It is difficult to comprehend after watching McKinley shoot in the first half that they are the best team Section 6 has to offer for Class A. Again, the Macks would force shot after shot and that doesn't work if they don't go in.

Batavia expanded the lead to 12-2 when Marcus Hoy hit a pair of free throws to start the period, but McKinley looked like a competitive time for the only time in the first half over the next two minutes.

Terri Lowe scored and Kevin Chillis followed with a steal and basket. Chillis then drained a 3-pointer to cut the lead to 11-9.

Batavia answered right back with Andrew Hoy hitting his first 3-pointer of the game - and only one of the half - and Robert Hoy adding a trey and a layup, giving the Blue Devils an 18-9 lead.

Curtis Gardner hit three foul shots and Chillis had a 3-pointer to end the half for McKinley.

7:56  p.m. - This thing is pretty close to over. It is obvious that Batavia is the better team in all aspects. 

The 7-point halftime lead quickly became a 10-point Batavia advantage when Dakota Irvin scored and Andrew Hoy had a 3-pointer with a McKinley basket in between.

Joe Schlossel blew up in the third quarter for the Blue Devils, scoring six points and again taking on players bigger than he is. Andrew Hoy finished with six in the frame and Batavia has a whopping 38-24 lead.

 8:19 p.m. - Batavia wins 54-40.

The game was really decided after the third quarter and fourth was a formality that allowed Batavia coach Buddy Brasky to clear his bench by the end of the frame and the large BHS cheer section an opportunity to storm the floor and celebrate with their team.

Schlossel had the biggest fourth quarter for Batavia with seven points.

He finished the game with a game-high 17 points with seven rebounds. Andrew Hoy scored 13 points and Marcus Hoy dished out a 15 assists.

Batavia's defense held McKinley star Mansa Habeeb to just two points in the game.

The Blue Devils will be playing in the New York State Public High School Athletic Association final four next weekend in Glens Falls.

Care-A-Van Night Out

By Robin Walters

The Used Bowl and a Few Scraps



It was an interesting night out recentlyon the Care-A-Van Bus. God took us to one of the local trailer parks. Paul Ohlson, the Director and Founder of the bus was busy serving chili. As God and I got done with ministering with some of the families, Paul offered me a bowl of his and Bridget’s homemade chili. He joked that he would serve me out of a used bowl, as seen in the photo above.


The used bowl joke made me think about how some of feel in our walks of life. Have you ever thought that you were all “used up” and that there was no hope for you in life? Do you find yourself questioning where is my life going? What can God do with me? I am a nobody, I am just like a used Styrofoam bowl all flimsy and no stability. Your mind is telling you a lie. You and I are all worthy. Just like all the folks that God led to the bus tonight. There are people within this city with hurting souls. They do not understand why they lost their job, why their hours were cut. They are hurting. They are sitting with worry and frustration because of the situations that they find themselves in.


God does tell us in the book of Colossians 2:2 My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ.


During these tough times when we sometimes feel like a used bowl, God wants us to understand and to be encouraged and love each other. We are finding that during these tough times there are many people that do not know and understand the true mysteries of God and how he will provide for them. He truly does have a purpose for all of us.


A beautiful young 8 year old girl came out to the bus. She was so excited to have found a used bible out on one of the tables. She was standing at the front of the bus with an armload of clothes. She shared with us that she really needed some play clothes. She had left and took her treasures home with her. Next thing we knew, she showed back up on the bus with her step sister who was in first grade. They wanted to know if we had another bible that her sister could have. We looked through the books that were on the tables and found one for her as well. On the bus, we also have the Hope books, which are the New Testament. These books were donated by the Assembly of God.  Each girl was sent home with God’s word in hand.




We had some gentlemen from the Church of Rock in Attica come out and volunteer with us. God even uses the scraps of animal horns for his glory. Kerwin can make beautiful sound on his Shofar – a musical instrument made from one of these animal horns.


Pastor Eric and Joe were a blessing to the bus this evening. They really helped with setting up the tables, knocking on doors and even delivering groceries to one of the homes.


So you see, no matter where you may be in life, there is hope. God went to the streets tonight to love upon those that feel useless, that feel like they are just a minute scrap in life and feel like they are all used up. With knowing Jesus, we all know we are made new and a great life awaits us.


Thank you to all who continue to make it possible for Care-A-Van Ministries to go out and show that burning bright light of hope and love and the true mysteries of God.


Robin Walters

Public Relations Director

Care-A-Van Ministries


PS I had other pics, but I sure am not a technical guru, I could not get them to upload..


Area Democratic leaders meet with governor in Rochester

By Howard B. Owens

Lorie Longhany of LeRoy submitted this photo along with the following information:

Left to right: Genesee County chair Lorie Longhany; Wyoming County chair Hank Bush; Livingston County chair Phil Jones; Governor David Paterson; Orleans County chair Jeanne Crane.

Wednesday night after his town hall meeting in Rochester, Governor Paterson had dinner with the four GLOW Democratic chairs, as well as the chairperson from Yates County. The Governor spent two hours discussing local issues over dinner, along with posing for some pictures.

Congressman Chris Lee co-sponsors legislation dealing with sexual misconduct in schools

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

AMHERST – Congressman Chris Lee (NY-26) was joined by community leaders at the Amherst Main Library today to unveil major legislation to protect students from sexual abuse in schools.

Lee and others were spurred to act after a national investigation conducted by the Associated Press uncovered thousands of cases in which incidents of sexual misconduct by school employees were not reported to the public.

As a result of this lack of reporting, offenders have the freedom to move from school to school – sometimes across the state, other times across the country – without the new school district being aware of the fact that their newest employee was fired from a previous job for sexual misconduct. As recently as 2007, only 17 states mandated collecting data of this nature.

“This unacceptable lack of transparency puts our students in harm’s way. It’s time to put student safety first,” Congressman Lee said. “We need to take serious steps to prevent these menacing acts and give our school officials the tools they need to keep sex offenders from ever setting foot in a classroom again.”

That’s why Congressman Lee recently partnered with Congressman Adam Putnam (R-FL) to introduce the Student Protection Act (H.R. 781), which establishes:

·         A uniform reporting requirement for educators accused of sexual misconduct;

·         A commission in each state to investigate allegations of abuse;

·         A nationwide database where the names of school employees sanctioned for sexual misconduct would be kept on record and made available to the public;

·         A toll-free number for reporting incidents of sexual abuse by educators.

Congressman Lee was joined at today’s event by Erie County Sheriff Timothy Howard, Amherst Central Schools superintendent Laura Chabe, and Edward Suk, executive director of the New York branch of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Ernie Allen, President and CEO of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, commended Congressman Lee for introducing this much-needed legislation: "This Act brings attention to the often-overlooked problem of child sexual exploitation in our schools. The vast majority of teachers are dedicated, decent professionals. However, when abuse occurs there must be meaningful sanctions and oversight in order to prevent teachers from moving to a new school and victimizing additional students."

Congressman Lee also noted that the Student Protection Act is an example of how the federal government can encourage states to work together without growing Washington: “Failing to adopt these common-sense policies at the national level leaves all states vulnerable when hiring educators from states with mediocre reporting procedures and lackluster ethical standards. Our students and our teachers deserve better than a piecemeal approach.”

Wednesday's election matches up murder suspect against incumbent

By Brian Hillabush

When Scott Doll was arrested for the alleged murder of 66-year old Joseph Benaquist in Pembroke a few weeks back, it was at a time while he was preparing to run for mayor of Corfu.

Doll, who entered a not guilty plea on Tuesday, remains on the ballot because it was too late for the Republican party to take him of the ticket. Doll's family owned a supermarket in the village for years and he had only recently moved back to Corfu. He has no prior experience in government.

The only Genesee County village to hold an election on Wednesday is Corfu, so Doll is in jail and will make news for two reasons on that day. He is scheduled for a bail hearing, but will also be a choice for voters as he will be facing incumbent Todd Skeet in the election.

The Buffalo News today previews the Corfu elections, while also noting that Bergen, Elba, Le Roy and Oakfield do not hold elections this year while Alexander will be holding a meeting-type election in April.

A look at the Oakfield fire of 1895

By Brian Hillabush

I knew the village of Oakfield has been around for a long time, but I never really thought about what might have happened before everybody living there was born.

While looking at some history sites I came across one called GenDisasters, which posted a story from an Ohio Newspaper called The Mansfield News from 5-12-1895.

Buffalo, May 11. -- The little village of Oakfield was entirely destroyed by fire this morning. Not a house is left standing. The fields about the burning village are occupied by the refugees who have saved nothing from the flames. Shortly after 3 o'clock this morning a telegram was received here asking for assistance but none could be sent. The telegraph, telephone and railway dispatch offices are all burned out and no wire communication can be had with the village. The fire started in the rear of HARRIS & CHAPIN'S hardware store about 1:30 a.m. and burned till 3:30 o'clock. Among the buildings destroyed are:
CHAMBERLAIN'S block, dry goods and grocery store.
HARRIS & CHAPIN'S hardware store.
WEAVER'S furniture and undertaking establishment.
B. C. MARTIN'S dry goods and grocery store.
The ARNOLD Hotel.
The BARNES House.
Odd Fellows Hall.
DR. TUGTUIS' drug store, and a number of dwellings. The loss will be about $75,000.

Oakfield - which was originally known as Cary or Caryville - had a population of over 1,000 when the first recorded store opened in 1833 by Colonel Alfred Cary.

The village's name was changed to Plain Brook in 1837 and was soon after changed to Oakfield. The first village meeting was held in August of 1887.

There is a fascinating piece written on the history of Oakfield here.

Prison worker from Darien charged with inappropriate sexual contact

By Brian Hillabush

A 60-year old Darien Center man has been charged with one count of committing a criminal sexual act in the third degree as well as one count of official misconduct after an investigation into an incident at Albion Correctional Facility.

Samuel E. Williams is receiving the charge after the State Police and Department of Corrections investigated an allegation made by a female inmate in the fall of last year, stating the civilian employee made inappropriate sexual contact.

Williams is scheduled to appear in Albion court on March 24.

Batavia Nurse talks about teenage pregnancy

By Tasia Boland

Although there has been a decrease in teenage pregnancy rates from 1991-2004 new data shows teenage pregnancy is now rising.

Each year almost 750,000 teenage women aged 15-19 become pregnant. Fifty percent or more of teenage pregnancies end in abortion in New York State, according to the National and Statewide statistics.

Stephanie Loranty, nurse at Batavia High School, said last year there were ten students who were pregnant. Four dropped out, one graduated, and five are still continuing on. Currently, two students are pregnant at the high school and one at the middle school.

27 percent of ninth graders in New York are sexually experienced and 17.4 percent are sexually active.  As seniors 62.6 percent are sexually experienced and 49.1 percent are sexually active.

“It’s scary,” said Loranty on the statistics of sexually active teens, “It’s hard because you are around the kids every day and you know their emotional and insecure at times and you know the choices they make can have consequences on their whole life.”

7.1 percent of ninth graders had four or more partners in New York and 20.1 percent of seniors had four or more partners.

Loranty said she feels students do not understand the seriousness of STDs and there are not many educational opportunities for students besides what they learn in their health class.

When asked about how safe sex is promoted or talked about she said it really isn’t, mostly abstinence is.

 Loranty said she wants to see more programs informing students of the risks of unprotected sex, and the importance of abstinence and safe sex, but it is a sensitive topic. She said this is where it gets hard because the line can easily be crossed with parents.

Loranty thinks a way to help teenagers make the right choice would be to start the health class at the freshman level.

She hopes one day the school budget will be able to afford electronic computer babies (mimics all the behaviors of a real life baby), instead of using flour babies.

Loranty nodded her head and sighed as she said, “It is not effective for them at all, and it just teaches them to be responsible for carrying an extra item around.”
Although these electronic babies would be much more effective, they are too costly.

“They are somewhere around $10, 000,” said Loranty.

Teenage pregnancy is also costly, from a press release teen childbearing in
New York cost taxpayers (federal, state, and local) at least $421 million in 2004.

Loranty’s advice for students who are pressured to be sexually active is, “Talk to someone and really think about your decisions.”

Her advice for parents, “Be involved, there are so many kids out there who don’t have any support.” She said even the little things matter. Just talking to them can create change. She hopes to see more programs implemented into the curriculum that are self-sufficient and involve parents. 

Topwater Largemouths: Y Camp Memories



In the early sixties, Silver Lake provided some of the best fishing in New York.  In hindsight it would seem that Y Camp - $30 a week at the time - was an inexpensive fish camp, if fishing was your thing,

In the summer of 1964, in a week spanning late June and the beginning of July, five campers lived a young fishermen’s dream. Each day at dawn, occasionally mid-day and again prior to the sun going down, they experienced a bass angler’s delight - or beginners luck. It also signaled a time when those five young men graduated from worms to artificial lures.   

The first day of camp Mike Hintorn, Dave “Bongo” Barton and the Doody brothers, Dan and Joe and I were on the dock two hours before reveille.  With everyone else in camp still sound asleep we had the waterfront to ourselves. 

Soon we would discover the excitement of surface fishing for largemouth bass. But before any of us reached for a topwater lure we began with an old standby – juicy nightcrawlers.

For the better part of an hour we flipped worms, but the only takers were bluegills, sunfish, stunted perch and one or two small bass. The problem seemed to be the aquatic growth. Dense beds of milfoil and foxtail prevented our baits from sinking down to the cool, dark recesses where the big fish lay in wait. Growing weary of the pan fish, we began to pay attention to periodic surface activity in the form of splashes and swirls. 

Hastily we bit through monofilament fishing line, removing hooks and worms. Mike Hinton, Dave Barton and Joe Doody reached into their tackle box searching for surface plugs. Dan Doody pulled out a Jitter Bug. I opted for a Hula Popper, a lure that, up to that moment, had gone unused. It was still in the box with instructions. I didn’t take time to read them. As things turned out, the fish didn't seem to mind.  For the next hour we experienced a barrage of surface strikes.

Later, after reveille had sounded, a camp counselor spotted us on the dock and came down to investigate. I remember his exclamation when he lifted our heavy stringer of bass. As he held them up for inspection, the soft light of early morning enhances their colors - deep red gill rakers standing out in contrast against dark green backs. The fish are all big, much larger than any of us had ever seen, much less caught. The counselor eased the stringer back into the water and for several moments we stared at the fish, watching their pectoral fins move ever so slightly, their gills open and close slowly. With campers beginning to cluster around the flag pole for morning calisthenics every fish was released.   

That morning signaled the end of worm dunking. And that was only the beginning of what turned out to be a memorable stay at Y camp. Each morning at dawn the five of us were on the on the dock anticipating surface strikes. And our efforts weren't limited to the early morning hours. After the evening meal until just prior to sunset, we were back on the waterfront. And the results were quite similar.

Later in the week we began probing the waters in front of the arts & crafts building. From there we moved further along the shoreline. Adjacent the camp infirmary was another dock, this one quite smaller, a bit dilapidated and largely unused – until Mike Hinton decided to give it a whirl. On that morning Mike was casting a Zara Spook. A floater-diver, the “spook” floats on top when still, then dives just below the surface on retrieve. That morning, Mike used the “spook” to fill a stringer with largemouth that would be the envy of today’s tournament anglers.

  In close proximity to the small dock was a black willow. Growing at the waters edge, it was an older tree with two trunks, one of which extended out over the lake. One afternoon I saw Dan Doody perched in the tree with his fishing pole in hand. Situated on the large branch reaching out over the water, he was using a jitterbug like you would use a jig, bouncing it up and down onto the lake surface. Below him were two sizeable bass. They were lying motionless on the bottom in waist deep water, probably on their spawning beds. Dan never did entice those fish to strike, but the fact that he shinnied up that tree with fishing pole in hand then clambered out over the water indicates just what a spell those bass had on us.     

Evening was time for singing around the campfire. Later, after returning to our cabin for the night, we would sit on our bunks talking and looking up at all the names on the rafters and the ceiling. They were telltale signs of the campers from bygone days. All had left their mark the same way - printed in toothpaste. We had done likewise, breaking out tubes of Gleem or Colgate. Soon afterward it would be time for lights out followed by vespers. When all the giggling stopped and the whispers had died down, there was only the sound of the lake at night. Bullfrogs called from the swamp a few hundred yards distant, their throaty chorus easily carried across the water. There was the occasional sound of an outboard, maybe a walleye fisherman heading to his trolling grounds. Without a doubt each of us probably fell asleep with fish on our minds, eager for daybreak and big bass hiding among the weeds. 

Nobody thought to take a picture that week. But that's okay. I doubt there ever was a need for a photo. I’m sure each of them has a mental picture permanently filed away somewhere where it can never be lost.

Genesee Community College Weighs New Academic Programs, Vice President Reports

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

BATAVIA, N.Y. -- Genesee Community College could see new programs in health care, multimedia, agribusiness, public safety, and green technologies over the next several years, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Eunice Bellinger reported to the Board of Trustees Monday evening. The Board met at the Batavia Campus for its regular meeting on March 9, 2009.

Dr. Bellinger said that she, and faculty and staff members, have been studying employment trends in Western New York over the last year. As a result of the study, she has identified 20 possible academic programs that may prepare students for fast-growing careers.

Possible programs include Agriculture Distribution, Agriculture Systems, Agriculture Inspector, Veterinary Technician, Dental Hygienist, Home Health Aide, Medical Coding, Medical Technologist, Sleep Disorders Technologist, Medical Transcription, New Media, Electronic Gaming, Homeland Security, Police Science, Forensics, Corrections, Environmental Technician, Golf Course Management, Landscape Design, and Renewable Energy Technology.

Some of these programs could be based on highly successful Genesee degree programs already in existence, Dr. Bellinger said. For example, Genesee's Criminal Justice program already prepares students for a variety of law enforcement positions in Western New York.

New programs in Homeland Security, Police Science, Forensics, and Corrections could be offshoots of the current Criminal Justice program.New programs will be geared toward career interests of students just out of high school, as well as older students wishing to prepare for second or third careers. "We all know that traditional manufacturing jobs are declining," Dr. Bellinger said. "What many students and community residents do not realize is that a number of exciting new career paths are emerging, and business leaders are already looking for trained employees in these growing fields."

Faculty and staff members will continue their review of new programs in the months ahead - and at least several new high-priority programs will be proposed within the next year, Dr. Bellinger said. The reviews consist of an analysis curriculum, job opportunities, and costs. "We have to be especially conscious of costs in these challenging times," she noted. "So, for example, programs requiring a high investment like dental hygiene, may take a back seat to programs that we can implement with existing resources."

Dr. Bellinger also told trustees that she hopes to introduce new courses for adults over the age of 50, such as genealogy and antiquing. "Courses such as these can bring new personal skills and income-producing opportunities to older adults, while not requiring full degrees."

In other business this evening, the Board of Trustees:

    * Approved a recommendation from the Board's Personnel Committee that Associate Professor of Computer Systems and Network Technology Marina Cappellino be granted a sabbatical leave during the 2009-2010 academic year. During that time, Professor Cappellino plans to fully revise Genesee's Computer Systems and Networking program, as well as update four technology courses to better equip students to prepare for Cisco Networking Associates certification. Professor Cappellino will also participate in a variety of educational programs, including Cisco and Nortel router and switch programming and security, information security training necessary to meet U.S. Department of Defense requirements, data loss prevention, local area network standards, and voice-over-internet protocol telephony systems.
    * Heard President Stuart Steiner report that the official Fall 2008 enrollment numbers for Genesee are in: 6,672 students attended Genesee in the fall, up 3.1% from the 6,472 who were enrolled a year ago. "Today, more than ever, students appreciate the affordability and excellence that Genesee and other community colleges offer," Dr. Steiner told trustees. "Just as important, most students now understand that they can easily transfer from a community college to baccalaureate colleges across the United States." Dr. Steiner noted that leading educators, as well as civic and business leaders across the U.S., are now promoting the value of community colleges. "President Obama has mentioned community colleges as an excellent higher education alternative several times during his first six weeks in office," he said.
    * Heard President Steiner report that the College currently enrolls 5,645 students during the Spring 2009 semester - the highest spring enrollment in the College's history. Enrollment was up 7.9% from the 5,231 students enrolled a year ago and up 5.7% from the previous high record of 5,342 students in Spring 2006. Vice President for Student and Enrollment Services Virginia Taylor reported that 787 students applied for Spring 2009 admission as full-time students, up 47% from the 535 students who had applied for the Spring 2008 semester. Nine hundred ninety students applied for admission on a part-time basis up 18% from the 842 students who applied last year.
    * Heard Board Chair Laurie Miller and Student Trustee Steven Schutt congratulate second-year student Moses Nhial of Sudan for attaining U.S. citizenship. Mr. Nhial was a sworn in as a U.S. citizen in early February, and was honored late last month at a College reception. Mr. Schutt and Mr. Nhial are roommates at College Village. Mr. Schutt briefly described Mr. Nhial's life, and his mother's 1,000-mile trek in the Sudan, carrying him to safety. "You cannot know what he (Moses) has been through in his life," Mr. Schutt said. "Yet he is such a gracious and humble person." Genesee County Legislator and Board of Trustees liaison Charles Zambito said that the Legislature will also honor Mr. Nhial with a proclamation March 24.
    * Heard President Stuart Steiner report that Kathleen L. Guyett and Frances E. Hoeft, professors of nursing, will retire at the end of the current academic year. "We are deeply grateful for their years of dedicated service," Dr. Steiner said. "Kathy and Fran are highly respected nursing educators, and their efforts over the years have helped ensure that our local residents receive exceptional care in our area hospitals and health care facilities." Professors Guyett and Hoeft began teaching at Genesee in 1978.
    * Heard Vice President for Finance and Operations Kevin Hamilton report that the Lima Planning Board granted "concept" approval for the new Lima Campus Center March 4. The Planning Board will again review plans in mid-month. Mr. Hamilton said he hopes that final approval will be granted April 1. The new center will be located on Route 15A north of the village, and the College hopes the new building will be ready by the start of the fall semester.
    * Congratulated members of the Women's Basketball Team, which won the Region III championship. The Lady Cougars, with a season record of 18-7, now moves on to the national championships next week in East Peoria, Illinois.
    * Heard Professor of Criminal Justice Barry Garigen describe the Criminal Justice Club's new Student Safety Patrol. Ten students are currently active in the patrol, Professor Garigen told trustees. Wearing black and gold uniforms, they patrol the Batavia Campus and assist at student events, helping to serve as the "eyes and ears" of the College's public safety officers. They also provide assistance to faculty, staff, and students, such as escort services to vehicles during evening hours. Students Phyllis Washburn of LeRoy and Jake Hammersly an international student from Great Britain, both patrol members, said that they have been "well received" by the College community. "We have received many compliments about the new safety patrol," Mr. Hammersly said. "And for us, it's a great real-world learning experience." Students who need field studies experience can receive academic credit for participating in the safety patrol, and other students participate on a volunteer basis as members of the Criminal Justice Club, Professor Garigen said.
    * Heard Edward Levinstein, Associate Dean of Accelerated College Enrollment Programs, report that this fall the ACE office will facilitate the first-ever Theatre Arts Academy for area high school students. Participating students will complete two courses at the Batavia Campus - Fundamentals of Acting and Stagecraft - Monday through Thursday, afternoons. Theatre Arts Academy classes will culminate in a live performance. Students will earn six college credits.

Police Beat: LeRoy woman suspected of dealing drugs

By Howard B. Owens

Joann M. Rusby, 50, of LeRoy, is in custody, accused of dealing drugs.

The LeRoy Police Department identified Rusby as a suspect after a 53-year-old woman in LeRoy was found dead in her apartment. During the investigation of her death, LeRoy police learned that Rusby may have been dealing Fentanyl, a narcotic pain reliever.

Police conducted an undercover operation, which resulted in Rusby's arrest.

Rusby is charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree and criminal sale of a controlled substance in the third degree. 

After arraignment, Rusby is being held on $7,500 bail.

Harvey J. Lockhart, a.k.a. "Man,"  26, of Batavia, is in custody, accused of dealing crack cocaine.

Lockhart was arrested following an investigation by the Genesee County Local Drug Enforcement Task Force.

Police say Lockhart sold a quantity of crack to an undercover officer in late 2008. The Grand Jury issued a sealed indictment for his arrest. Lockhart was spotted in Batavia yesterday and taken into custody.

He is charged with criminal sale of a controlled substance in the third degree, and criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree.

Lockhart is being held pending arraignment.

Brian Tracy, 21, of Attica, was arrested in Corfu yesterday for allegedly taking another person's car for a joy ride.  Tracy is charged with unauthorized use of a vehicle.

Darien teen in trouble for Internet activity

By Brian Hillabush

It might be obvious to most, but you should probably stick to logging in to your own Internet accounts. In fact,  you can get in trouble for logging in to another person's Web site accounts and making changes. 

A Darien teenager is learning that lesson right now as 17-year old Brittany N. Barto was issued a ticket to appear in Darien Town Court on March 24 after logging into somebody else's account, where she made unspecified changes.

According to The Buffalo News, it caused the victim "a substantial inconvenience." 

GCC gets $2 million for athletic facility improvements

By Brian Hillabush

The upcoming major construction project at Genesee Community College received a boost as the Genesee County Legislature authorized borrowing $2.05 million through bonds, in addition to the $4.1 million that was approved last year.

The decision Wednesday will help fund a major overhaul of athletic facilities at the Batavia campus, according to The Buffalo News.

GCC will be installing a synthetic turf soccer field, expanding other fields and refurbishing the gym and locker rooms.

To see or not to see...

By Arlana Pathammavong

As the weekend quickly approaches us, and rainy or cold days serve as some of the best movie days, I thought what better time than to leave my movie tracks.

For those of you with an open shedule this weekend, wondering what to see or not to see, I suppose it all leans on what kind of mood you will find yourself in.  So I have broken it down for you piece by piece, movie by movie with hopes you find a direction to travel.

The Top 10 Box Office hits for this past week hold a variety of movies for any interest and pleasure, some being...

Watchmen, starring Malin Ackerman, Matthew Goode, Jackie Earle Haley, Patrick Wilson, and Carla Gugino.  Directed by Zach Snyder and written by David Hayter and Alex Tse.  MPAA rated this movie R for strong graphic violence, sexuality, nudity and language. 

Watchmen can be considered another "superhero" movie full of complexities, mysteries and adventure.  IMDb describes Watchmen's plot set in "an alternate vision of the year 1985, the murder of an ex-superhero causes a vigilante to look into the matter, an investigation that reuinted him with his surviving old colleages -- all of them former superheroes themselves -- and gradually unveils a conspiracy with links to their shared past and catastrophic consequences for the future." 

Sounds like it has great potential to be one of this years top superhero movies to compete with, but at a running time of 2 hours and 43 minutes, I can't help but think that may be too much time for a dark, mysterious movie.  I enjoyed "The Dark Knight", but many people felt that it was about a half hour too long.  So maybe its just a trend of superhero movies to run over the 2 hour mark.

User rating on IMDb - 8.2*'s out of 10. 

Although, while on the track of lengthy movies.  I did just recently see, "He's Just Not That Into You" - starring Ginnifer Goodwin, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connely, Ben Affleck and Scarlett Johansson.  Directed by Ken Kwapis and written by Abby Kohn and Mark Silverstein.  MPAA rated this movie PG-13 for sexual content and brief strong language. 

I'd say this movie is a decent film.  Its a romantic comedy based on an interconnected group of Baltimore singles and one married couple.  I found the film to be full of some very true and some far fetched comparisions to the male and female interactions we all so commonly deal with in real life. But for the most part, although slow at parts, found it witty and true in many regards.  This enabled the audience at the theatre to laugh out loud at many parts and look at their partners in simple awe that, "whatever happened in the movie at that point was quite possible to have happened once or twice in their own relationships."  I find that movies that an audience can relate to on a personal level, whether rated good or bad by critics, are movies that a lot of people favor. 

User rating on IMDb - 6.5*'s out of 10. 

I wouldn't necessarily recommend this movie for children, as there is no common interest to a younger generation.  But for a children's movie, I do recommend checking out -  Coraline (animated) - A story based on a young girl's journey through a very unique and unusual parallel world that she finds in the new house her and her family just moved into.  Starring Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher and John Hodgman.  Directed by Henry Selick.  MPAA rated this movie PG for thematic elements, scary images, and some language and suggestive humor. 

User rating on IMDb - 8.2*'s out of 10.

If those movies don't interest you, there are many others to choose from that are out or opening in theatres this weekend.  Some featured movies opening this weekend are: (To read more details, please click on the movies listed below.)

Race To Witch Mountain: Starring Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino and Anna Sophia Robb.

Sunshine Cleaning: Starring Amy Adams, Emily Blunt and Alan Arkin.

The Last House On The Left: Starring Garret Dillahunt, Monica Potter and Tony Goldwyn. 

For local theatres and showtimes, check out the following cities. RochesterBuffaloBatavia

Blue Devils moving on to state quarterfinals

By Brian Hillabush

The Batavia basketball team made the New York State Public High School Athletic Association semifinals in 2005, losing a close game to Mexico.

This year's squad is just one win away from that same level after the Blue Devils handled Pittsford Sutherland 56-46 in the Class A state qualifier Wednesday at the Blue Cross Arena.

A huge run in the third quarter ends up being the key to the game. Andrew Hoy hit two straight 3-pointers and Josh Budlong followed by doing the same thing, giving Batavia 12-straight points and an 11-point lead. The Blue Devils led 37-26 at the end of the third quarter.

But after holding Sutherland's top scoring option, Patrick O'Keefe, in check for the first three quarter, he got his team back into the game with seven points in the first half of the final period.

A 3-pointer by Dan O'Keefe cut the lead to just a point, but Joe Schlossel scored to put Batavia back up four points with two minutes left.

The Knights turned the ball over on the next trip down the floor and the Blue Devils connected on free throws down the stretch to ice the game.

For the Batavia players that were on the sectional finals losing team last year, this was some sweet revenge against a team that capped off a Blue Devil collapse with a buzzer-beater.

Batavia hit 7-of-12 3-point attempts and was again led by sophomore Andrew Hoy, who scored a game-high 17 points. Robert Hoy and Dakota Irvin had 10 points each for the Blue Devils, with Marcus Hoy finishing up with nine.

Patrick O'Keefe had 15 points for Sutherland (18-6).

Batavia (21-3) will be playing Section 6 champion Buffalo McKinley in the Far West Regionals on Saturday at Brockport.

Pavilion teacher educates and installs renewable energy in South Asia

By Tasia Boland

Doug Hollinger, a science teacher at Pavilion Central School has a fascination with renewable energy that has inspired him to share his special talents with those less fortunate in South Asia.

Hollinger takes four students with him each year to build independent solar panels and educate others on the importance of renewable energy.  Currently this is all volunteer work and Hollinger is hoping it will be a non-for-profit organization.

Hollinger is not just talking about it, he is going out and applying it.

"This is an eye-opening experience," said Hollinger, "It is a great way to apply alternative energy in a completely different side of the world."

To get more information on this project check out his Web site

Wind Turbine generates education in Pavilion

By Tasia Boland

Today it is common to hear about the negative results due to the economic downturn, but what about some of the positive results making its way through to improve the economy?

Doug Hollinger, science teacher at Pavilion Central School  has spent the past three years researching, calling, and making final decisions for a wind turbine incentive at the school.
Last August a 120-foot tall wind turbine was installed behind the school to accompany the solar panel located on the school’s roof. In late November the turbine was producing electricity.
“It’s really exciting,” said Hollinger, who wrote the turbine curriculum for the elementary, middle and high school. The curriculum involved math, economics, and social aspects of renewable energy.

A lot of time was spent deciding which turbine and program would best fit the school.
“I researched a lot of different turbines and felt this one (Bergy Wind power) was the strongest,” said Hollinger.  

The turbine generates about 2-4 percent of electricity and was installed by Sustainable Energy Systems (SED). It is a 10kw wind turbine manufactured by Bergy Windpower.   The turbine hasn’t needed any routine maintenance yet, said Hollinger, but Bergy would be responsible for the costs. 
In 2002 a solar panel was installed and has been a great hands-on learning experience for students.

Hollinger and Superintendent of the Pavilion School District, Edward Orman agreed the project was not for the primary purpose of generating electricity.

“This is a great educational opportunity for students, and the community,” said Orman.
The school received an incentive through NYSERDA to cover 70 percent of the cost of the wind turbine. The actual cost of the turbine was in the $70,000 range.
Hollinger has partnered with Draker Laboratories to bring the facts of  renewable energy directly into the classroom.  Hollinger says it is so important to be committed to the students and continue to meet the challenges of our future.
“We have to look at other ways of producing energy,” said Hollinger, “And not just study this out of books.” Hollinger said climate change is just one of the many reasons why this is so important.
The best part of the turbine is the educational opportunities it offers.  Data Aquistion unit is a program that will allow students to view the rpm of voltage, propellers, current, power, wind speed and direction, and barometric pressure on the classroom computers from sensors on the wind turbine. This information can also be viewed by the public.
Hollinger said this is the most frustrating part of waiting for the program to go through because it is an important learning tool for students.
 “I am hoping in a couple weeks, we will have the program,” said Hollinger.
Hollinger said students make graphs to show how the weather affects performance.
There was a town support meeting on the subject and Hollinger said he expected to hear both positive and negative remarks.
“I went into the meeting thinking it would generate arguments,” said Hollinger who was surprised to find out everyone was all in favor of the idea.”

Hollinger and Orman said the process was very long because they were the first public school in New York to have a wind turbine installed.
Orman and Hollinger agreed it is something to be very proud of.

Remembering the Amtrak derailment in Batavia

By Brian Hillabush

On August 3, 1994 Batavia witnessed one enormous accident.

Amtrak train 49 was traveling nearly 80 miles per hour when it derailed just outside of Batavia, injuring 108 passengers and 10 crew members. The train was traveling from New York, N.Y. to Chicago, Ill when the accident happened.

These videos taken of the crash take some time to watch, but the accident was very well documented. It is just amazing that there we no fatal injuries.

Ronald McDonald all-stars announced

By Brian Hillabush

Notre Dame guard Kevin Francis and Oakfield-Alabama forward/center Noah Seward were regarded as the top players in each division of the Genesee Region League this season.

And now the two will get a chance to play on the same squad in the Ronald McDonald Greater Rochester All-Star Game on March 28 at Rochester Institute of Technology.

Seward and Francis will be playing on the Gold team and are joined by one tremendous lineup, including Rush-Henrietta's Dane Miller.

That team will be coached by Prattsburgh legend Jim Burke, who announced his retirement after the Vikings lost in the sectional finals on Saturday.

The Genesee Region League representatives in the girls game are on opposite teams as Alexander's Anni Lehtola will be on the Red team and Notre Dame's Jill Marshall is on the Gold squad.

Notre Dame cheerleading coach Lindsay Warner will be coaching the cheerleaders. She will be joined by Holley cheerleader Nikkie Butler.

The complete rosters for the game can be found here.

Genesee Region Independent Living Center to Reopen Its Doors

By sue fleming

Due to the dilligent hard work of Assemblyman Steve Hawley, Dan Burling and County Manager Jay Gesell, the Genesee Region Independent Living Center will reopen for business as usual on Friday March 13th at 8:30 am Staff should report on Thursday March 12th at 10:30 am for a staff meeting in preparation. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to our Assemblymen, County Manager, and the community for all their assistance in this difficult time.

Robert W. Fleming- Executive Director


Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
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AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
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