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Batavia High School named School of Excellence by NYSPHSAA for 2023-2024

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Batavia City School District proudly announces that Batavia High School has been named a School of Excellence for the 2023-2024 academic year by the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA). c

This prestigious recognition, awarded to schools where at least 75% of varsity teams qualify for and receive the NYSPHSAA Scholar-Athlete team award, highlights the exceptional academic and athletic achievements of Batavia's student-athletes across 25 varsity teams.

Superintendent Jason Smith expressed pride in the accomplishment, "This award is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our student-athletes, who excel not just in their sports but in the classroom as well. It reflects our district's commitment to fostering well-rounded individuals who prioritize both academic and athletic excellence. Moreover, this achievement shines a positive light on our entire Batavia community, showcasing the caliber of students we nurture and the supportive environment we've cultivated together."

Joel Reed, the newly appointed Director of Physical Education, Health & Athletics for Batavia City School District, shared his excitement about joining a district with such high standard, "I'm thrilled to be joining a school community where the students and coaching staff have set such a high bar for excellence. This achievement is impressive, and I look forward to working with everyone to continue this tradition of success both in academics and athletics. As we move forward, our goal is to not only maintain this standard but to inspire even more of our student-athletes to strive for this level of academic achievement. We encourage all our students to embrace the scholar-athlete mindset and reach for excellence in everything they do."

According to NYSPHSAA Executive Director Dr. Robert Zayas, "The efforts made by student-athletes in the classroom are paramount to their success in the athletic arena and beyond their high school days." He added, "We are proud of those who put in the work as 'student' and 'athlete,' as well as the growth in both of School of Excellence and Distinction recognition."

NYSPHSAA reports that the number of schools earning the School of Excellence Award has increased from 219 in the 2022-2023 school year to 226 in 2023-2024, indicating a growing commitment to academic excellence among student-athletes across the state.

Batavia High School will receive a commemorative award at the local athletic director workshop this fall, recognizing this significant achievement.

Haxton Memorial Library celebrates successful summer reading program with ice cream party

By Press Release
Photo of the Ice Cream Celebration at the library.
Submitted photo.

Press Release:

The Haxton Memorial Public Library had 82 participants in attendance for the end of the Summer Reading Ice Cream Party on Thursday, August 15.

Our young readers were able to make their own sundaes and all prizes were distributed during this fun-filled evening at the library. 

The library had a busy summer with a total of over 236 children, teens, and adults participating in our Summer Reading Program, titled: “Adventure Begins at Your Library”. 

The children and teens recorded over 70,000 reading minutes combined and the library offered 40 programs (for children, teens, and adults) with an attendance of over 1,000 participants during our 6-week program. 

“We had such an amazing turnout and we are so proud of all of our readers this summer”, said Kim Gibson, Library Manager of the Haxton Memorial Public Library. 

Photo of the Ice Cream Celebration at the library.
Submitted photo.

Genesee County offices to resume regular business hours on Tuesday

By Press Release

Press Release:

Starting Tuesday, September 3 Genesee County offices and departments will return to the general business hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., concluding the summer hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

The change will not affect the total number of hours that County offices are open to the public.

Train fire reported in Corfu

By Howard B. Owens
csx train fire corfu ny
Photo by Howard Owens

A train is stopped, blocking multiple roads, in Corfu for a reported fire.

Ellinwood and Colby roads are blocked.

Corfu Fire is on scene.

UPDATE 10:13 a.m.: A train car at a crossing, apparently at Ellinwood, is smoking.

UPDATE 10:14 a.m.: A deputy emergency coordinator on scene confirms a fire in a train car. A thermal imaging camera will be used to locate the precise location of the fire.

UPDATE 10:18 a.m.: A CSX truck is just arriving on scene. Firefighters are looking to consult with CSX personnel before proceeding.

UPDATE 10:21 a.m.: The car is full of construction material -- 200,000 pounds.  The fire is at the bottom of the car. The question is whether to fight the fire at the present location or send the train on its way.

UPDATE 10:23 a.m.: The fire is starting to burn through the bottom of the car.

UPDATE 10:25 a.m.: A CSX dispatcher advises that if firefighters can inject water into the location of the fire, do it.  It might be possible to get water in through the hole.  Chiefs on scene have decided to move the train so that the car is at Snippery Road where there is a fire hydrant.  It may be necessary to bring a ladder truck.

UPDATE 10:53 a.m.: The water main leading to the hydrant at Snippery has cracked open. Tankers are required to the scene. A second alarm is being called. 

UPDATE 10:58 a.m.: The thermal camera indicates the fire is burning at about 400 degrees. Since firefighters already laid out a line from Route 33 to the crossing, tankers will charge the line from the Corfu Fire Hall parking lot. 

UPDATE 11:29 a.m.: The plan is to fill the car up with water and drown the fire.  This will be a long operation. 

UPDATE 12:20 p.m.: The Corfu operation is shutting down. The train is going to be moved "elsewhere."

csx train fire corfu ny
Photo by Howard Owens
csx train fire corfu ny
Photo by Howard Owens
csx train fire corfu ny
Photo by Howard Owens
csx train fire corfu ny
Water main break.
Photo by Howard Owens

Looming EV truck regulations to bring financial, logistical concerns to Genesee County

By Joanne Beck
Tim Hens


It’s what folks with their backs against the wall call a state protocol that mandates they abide by it no matter the cost, even when the cost might be astronomical, and in more ways than one.

The more official definition is a confusing or difficult problem or question. Insert New York State’s impending electric vehicle mandate, expected to fully begin taking effect by 2030, and ask Genesee County Public Works Commissioner Tim Hens what that’s going to mean in terms of expense and logistics for the department, and the two-digit conundrum he will face as result.

Would you believe about $80 million?

“And that’s not even counting the fact that you probably aren’t going to have the electric in the system to provide chargers for 54 trucks all at the same time,” Hens said during an interview with The Batavian. 

Just how does he arrive at such a figure? Well, electric vehicles have an estimated hour’s long charge to go out and do the snow plowing, he said, which means you would need back-ups for the trucks you need out on the roads in the first place. Each truck takes six hours to charge, so that would have be accounted for as well. 

“So we have six trucks that run snowplow routes. So if I’ve got to do six times nine, I’ve got to buy 54 trucks. My building is designed for six, so I need a new building to hold 54 trucks. I need 54 chargers. The Level One chargers are a couple hundred thousand a piece, so I’m looking at a new building. So there’s a $30 to $40 million building, plus 54 trucks at, let’s say, $700,000 a piece. That’s another $40 million.”

Then there’s dealing with the staff, having drivers out with a truck an hour at a time before having to return for another vehicle. They have to plug the used truck back in, load the other one up and go back out. He said what used to take three hours is most likely going to now take five or six hours. It’s a longer shift, or more help would have to be hired, he said. Overtime would have to be managed. 

“Instead of three-hour routes, we have three times as many people and three times as many trucks, and everybody goes out at the same time. And now the routes are only an hour long instead of three hours long,” he said, noting the strain the electric use would have. “Right now, a Level Three charger is a 90 amp, and I think the heavy-duty ones might be 90 to 120 amps a piece. So if you’ve got 54 of those, that’s almost five megawatts. And that’s probably three or four times what’s available in the grid at any given point.”

When Hens thinks back to the blizzard in December 2022, he knows the outcome would have been different with these future regulations in place.

“You know what's going to end up happening is the taxpayers are going to have to foot such an exorbitant bill, they're going to flip out. And really, what will be the straw that breaks the camel's back? It will be if there's a blizzard and people die because they're stuck in snow, or we can't plow because the plows don't push snow when it's five below zero in a 60-mile-an-hour wind,” he said. “We wouldn’t have been able to do what we did. We would have had people dying.”

Yet when members of the County Highway Superintendent Association have raised their concerns with the people establishing these regulations, they’re told, “We’ll figure it out.”

“It's so disjointed that you can't even really describe it to somebody. When people look at you like, what? What is Albany planning? you guys tell them this, and no one's listening to you. It's frustrating. And it honestly doesn't matter if it's a Republican county or a Democratic county. It is full on. None of the professionals in the industry think it makes any sense, and everyone's against it,” Hens said. “We had a presentation at one of our professional development conferences last January and the guy worked for Tesla, he’s an electronics guy. He was even saying electrifying the heavy-duty, over-the-road and construction fleet is not feasible at this point. 

"If you electrified every over-the-road truck, every single truck stop in the United States across the map, you would have to have a 40 to 50-megawatt power source at that truck stop so the trucks can recharge and keep going on the roads," he said. "It's hysterical. It's comical if you start throwing out the real numbers and the facts out there.”

He said that inside that climate-friendly vehicle are 20,000 pounds of batteries in a heavy-duty dump truck that will be dead and without any resale value in 10 years. 

To clarify, Hens is not against going green where possible and helping to save the planet. But there are ways that make more sense than using heavy-duty trucks, he said. 

“I want to be as green as the next person. There are a lot of places where the electric vehicles make sense, like the postal routes, or even like our facility maintenance vehicles for the county that just go from building to building to building all day,” he said. “Absolutely, those could be green, you know, plugged in, or some other green system. But you have to be practical about it.”

New York’s Advance Clean Truck Rule is to take effect Jan. 1, 2025. It will build upon existing regulations enacted in New York in 2012 by requiring all new sales of passenger cars, pickup trucks, and SUVs to be zero-emission by 2035. It would require an increasing percentage of new light-duty vehicle sales to be zero-emission vehicles (ZEV), starting with 35 percent of sales in the model year 2026, 68 percent of sales by 2030, and 100 percent of sales by 2035. 

New pollutant standards for passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty vehicles with internal combustion engines from model years 2026 through 2034 would also be required. The regulation allows manufacturers to meet the emission requirements and successfully transition to cleaner vehicles.

State Assemblyman Steve Hawley has appealed to Gov. Kathy Hochul to delay the regulation’s enforcement after he has been contacted by several constituents that tried to purchase new trucks for their small businesses. 

“The regulations set to start in January 2025 are already affecting vehicle retailers to sell heavy-duty vehicles because there are so many unanswered questions for the consumers,” Hawley said in a letter to Hochul. “The Legislature passed, as part of the 2024-25 budget, a directive to the NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (ERDA) to conduct a highway and depot charging needs evaluation within the next 18 months. This study should be done prior to implementing mandates on an industry that is imperative to New York State.”

Hawley fully supports and agrees with the state Automobile Dealers Association and the Trucking Association, both which expressed concerns about the new regulation, he said. Both organizations just want a more thorough examination of the regulations before they are fully implemented, and Hawley asked that Hochul allow for the ERDA to complete its evaluation. 

Previously: New electric vehicle regs frustrate local waste hauler as he finds a way to keep moving forward

Despite some rainy weather, not enough recharge means low level water at DeWitt

By Joanne Beck
dewitt water levels
Photo by Howard Owens

If you’ve been over to DeWitt Recreation Area in Batavia, you might notice some signs that the pond seems rather low, especially the one on a chain informing visitors to put away the boat because the boat launch is closed.

A reader asked The Batavian about the situation, concerned that perhaps nearby companies might be drawing too much from the city’s aquifer and causing a related drainage of DeWitt Pond.

First of all, DeWitt fluctuates “greatly each year from March to December,” says Tim Hens, the county’s public works commissioner, and sometimes by as much as 13 feet. 

“The pond levels are very low right now, but not the lowest they've been,” Hens said. “The lowest ever was in December 2016 after a long fall drought. We are still a foot or so above the lowest levels.

“We have not seen any increase in the aquifer/pond level with the heavy rains. They have only taken the edge off the normal seasonal decline in groundwater.  We are about 4.5 feet below where we were in 2023 and we are about 6 feet below the median levels,” he said. “The best recharge of the groundwater is when the Tonawanda Creek floods into the Alexander flats. This typically happens due to ice-jam flooding in the spring, but with warm winters this does not happen, and hasn't since 2022.”

City Manager Rachael Tabelski said that the aquifer is down about 18 feet since 2018 according to city records. She also cited the lack of a large snow melt or creek flooding to recharge the aquifer as in past years.

As for the future, “the city, county and town are working with the NYS Department Of Health on a Source Water Protection Study and Plan,” Tabelski said. “This is currently in process and not only included the aquifer but the Tonawanda Creek.”

There is no pumping of water from DeWitt Pond to any other source, Hens said. The pond level closely follows the groundwater levels in the aquifer, both of which are on Cedar Street in Batavia. 

“The groundwater wells on Cedar Street feed the City of Batavia Water Treatment and there are private wells operated by O-AT-KA Milk. These wells have been in service for many decades,” he said. “The pumping from these sources has actually declined over the last year as the county has relied on more water from Monroe County Water Authority, which is Lake Ontario-sourced water. So pumping is not the cause of the decline. It is less annual precipitation and less Tonawanda Creek flooding.”

The county closely monitors its water supply and reviews any new users of more than 10,000 gallons per day, he said. 

“There have been no new changes to water relative to users,” he said. “We have not had to issue any water emergencies or press releases this year.”

Seneca Power Partners had filed a permit to withdraw an increased amount of water from the aquifer, which the city and county had objected to, and the state Department of Environmental Conservation has denied, Tabelski said. The city would have to defer to the DEC for similar matters in the future, she said.

“The City does not have control over aquifer withdrawal as it is a DEC matter, but yes we are concerned about any new water permits from the aquifer,” she said.

A federal monitoring well operated by U.S. Geological Survey was installed near the Cedar Street wells and DeWitt Pond, with a related online website to check water levels. 

For prior coverage of some of the city's more recent water issues, go HERE.

dewitt water levels
Photo by Howard Owens
dewitt water levels
Photo by Howard Owens
dewitt water levels
Photo by Howard Owens

Safety measures being put in place for 2024 Wings Over Batavia Air Show

By Press Release

Press Release:

Genesee County officials, in coordination with local and state agencies, are prioritizing the safety and security of all attendees at the forthcoming Wings Over Batavia Air Show. This event is scheduled to occur at the Genesee County Airport on Saturday, August 31, and Sunday, September 1, from 5 - 9 p.m.

Comprehensive Safety Measures

The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, Genesee County Office of Emergency Management, New York State Police, City of Batavia Police Department, Town of Batavia Fire Department and Mercy Flight EMS are collaborating to implement a comprehensive safety plan. Emergency service providers will be stationed on-site to ensure public safety and to provide immediate response to any medical emergencies that may arise.

Special Effects and Aerial Maneuvers

As part of the air show, planes will perform various flying, diving, and maneuvering displays. Additionally, there will be planned explosions, pyrotechnic displays, and fireworks, all managed exclusively by the event organizers. Attendees and nearby residents are reminded that these activities are planned and should not cause alarm. Please refrain from dialing 911 unless it’s an actual emergency. 

Traffic Control

In preparation for and during the event State Street Road will be closed from West Saile Drive north to Batavia Elba Townline Road, and West Saile Drive will be closed from the Milton Cat building to the storage barns on the east side of the Airport. Motorists are urged to follow signage and flaggers, exercise caution, and remain alert to changing conditions. Pedestrians should adhere to marked paths and signage.

Satellite Parking at GCC

This year, a satellite parking option will be available at Genesee Community College (GCC). Buses will shuttle attendees between GCC and the airport, with drop-off at the main entrance and pick-up at the airport’s main terminal for return to GCC.

For more information about the show, parking details and other additional details, please visit:

Man accused of firing shots in Batavia mobile home park previously accused of terror plot in Texas

By Howard B. Owens
shot vehicle
Reader-submitted photo.
robert james talbot
Robert James Talbot, Jr.

A 48-year-old man accused on Wednesday of firing a gun at an unoccupied car at a mobile home park in Batavia was accused in Texas in 2014 of plotting an insurrection and planning the mass murder of men, women, and children at a mosque in Washington D.C.

Robert James Talbot Jr., who attended Pembroke High School and once lived on Pratt Road in Batavia, was admitted in Federal Court in 2014 to attempted interference with commerce by robbery and solicitation to commit a crime of violence and was sentenced to Federal Prison in November 2015.

State troopers arrested him on Wednesday following an investigation into an incident at Babcock Mobile Home Park, 5066 Clinton Street Road, Batavia, and charged with reckless endangerment in the first degree, criminal mischief in the third degree, and two counts of criminal possession in the fourth degree.

The vehicle was apparently struck six times by bullets. State Police gathered forensic evidence to determine where the shots had been fired from, along with interviews, which led to the arrest of Talbot. Talbot was allegedly found in possession of a Savage Mark II .22 LR Rifle and an H+R 1871 Pardner Pump 20-gauge shotgun.

According to court documents from 2014, Talbot created a Facebook page in 2013 called the American Insurgent Movement, where he shared his plans and tried to recruit "like-minded" people.

He reportedly recruited undercover FBI agents.

Then a Katy, Texas resident, he said his goal was to “to restore America Pre-Constitutionally and look forward to stopping the Regime with action by bloodshed.”

According to the documents, he planned to fund his insurgency by robbing banks and to kill everybody working for banking cartels.

He also said he wanted his recruits to use full-automatic AK-47s to send the "Muslim brotherhood a message they will never forget."

He also wrote a manifesto that said, “We must rebel. There is no other option no. Blood and bullets are the only two things that will change this world, short of divine action.”

NYSP investigators have not shared any information about Talbot's possible motivation for firing gunshots at the 2016 Ford Explorer, which did have the appearance of a law enforcement vehicle.

The date of his next court appearance has not been released. As of Thursday morning, he was being held pending arraignment in Centralized Arraignment Part Court.  His current release status is unknown.

State Police said he has no known residential address.

Bulldawgs come from behind in closing minutes to victory in annual matchup with Blue Devils

By Steve Ognibene


Bulldawgs, Z. Truesdale scores to win the game for his team late in the fourth quarter versus Blue Devils.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Bulldawgs #45 Z. Truesdale scores to win the game for his team late in the fourth quarter Wednesday versus the Blue Devils.
Photo by Steve Ognibene

Batavia Bulldawgs edged the Batavia Blue Devils by a score of 31-26 to keep the Bulldawgs' streak going during a game at VanDetta Stadium Wednesday evening in Batavia.

Bulldawgs opened up the first quarter, scoring with seven minutes left on a run by Avari Lee to the endzone, with the extra point no good.  Bulldawgs led 6-0. The  Devils bounced back minutes later to tie 6-6 by Carter Mullen.

In the second quarter, Bulldawgs quarterback Heath Wilson did a reversal sneak to escape the entire Blue Devils defense with some fancy moves and score, regaining the lead 12-6.

A minute later, Maggio Bucholtz received a pass from brother Bronx to tie it at 12 a piece. However, the extra point was good, and the Blue Devils led at the half 13-12.

In the third quarter, the Bulldawgs bounced back, with Z. Truesdale scoring on a 50-yard touchdown run to give the Bulldawgs an 18-13 lead. Will Stevens got the Devils' lead back seconds later and added another before the end of the third, 26-18.

Although things looked tough, the Bulldawgs scored early in the fourth to come within two points on a score by Josiah Williams, 26-24. Then, on a possession change, the Blue Devils fumbled with under four minutes left to give the Bulldawgs another chance. With a minute and 30 seconds left, Truesdale tallied his second touchdown of the game to win it for the Bulldawgs, 31-26.

Truesdale, Number 45 for the Bulldawgs, was happy about his team's performance.

“They did a good job,” Truesdale said. 

Wilson said that his offense did a pretty good job ”getting the ball down there to score for you,” and the defense likewise also came through for the team.

“They did very good,” he said, adding a note about how the future looks for the ‘Dawgs. “It’s looking very good.”  

Joanne Beck contributed to this story.

To view or purchase photos, click here.

 Photo by Steve Ognibene
Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
Photo by Steve Ognibene

Batavia Downs unveils 16 electric vehicle charging stations

By Press Release
batavia downs electric charging station
Submitted Photo.

Press release:

Batavia Downs Gaming & Hotel, through National Grid’s Electric Vehicle Make-Ready Program, has installed 16 Level 2 EV charging plugs to be used by those who visit one of Western New York’s top entertainment destinations. 

For the project, National Grid’s program provided $96,000 in EV incentives that covered around 78% of infrastructure-related construction costs, including the cost of labor and materials. Altogether, 16 Level 2 plugs were installed in two parking lots: Twelve are in the main lot, with the remaining four in the VIP/valet parking lot. Beyond the newly installed plugs, this project investment also provided Batavia Downs with funding to increase the existing electricity infrastructure to accommodate future EV charging as driver demand increases and additional plugs are needed.

Batavia Downs officials say that they are available for use by guests at the facility who may be visiting for any number of events and promotions being held onsite.

“Initial meetings were held last year with National Grid to discuss the potential for such a project, “said Batavia Downs Gaming & Hotel President & CEO, Henry Wojtaszek. “Construction, which began on the EV chargers earlier this year, was completed over the summer. Buffalo-based electric vehicle charging station contractor PPR Energy Solutions installed the plugs. With more demand for these types of amenities, we plan on doing promotions and hotel deals that may be attractive for guests who own electric vehicles.” 

“With more drivers choosing electric, this project provides both guests and residents an increasingly sought-after amenity as National Grid collaborates with customers like Batavia Downs to pioneer New York’s clean transportation future,” said Whitney Skeans, National Grid’s EV Make-Ready Program Manager, who added that the charging stations can be found by EV drivers on popular plug-finding apps. “We’re always grateful for opportunities to work with companies like Batavia Downs, leading the charge in their commitments to economic viability, convenience and value for the EV drivers of today and for years to come.” 

The project also received funding from NYSERDA’s Charge Ready 2.0 program, which provides Level 2 charging station hardware rebates that further reduce the overall cost of projects for workplaces, public facilities, and multi-unit dwellings across New York State. 

More about National Grid’s Make-Ready Program

National Grid’s Upstate New York EV Make-Ready Program helps business customers fund up to 100% of project costs related to installing electricity infrastructure. Recent projects such as the installation of EV charging stations at Aquarium of Niagara and in the Village of Ellicottville demonstrate the collaborative nature of how National Grid works with customers toward shared, clean energy goals. The company plans to invest more than $150 million in Make-Ready incentives to install 9,000 plugs across Upstate New York – including 3,000 across Western New York – by the end of 2025. 

These projects also align with New York State’s climate action initiatives that call for reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved air quality and zero-emission vehicle regulations by 2035. New York State provided additional support to meet these goals in November when it announced additional infrastructure funding to accelerate electric vehicle adoption and stimulate $4 billion in EV charging infrastructure investments.

New electric vehicle regs frustrate local waste hauler as he finds a way to keep moving forward

By Howard B. Owens
Bruce Scofield on a small deck outside his office overlooking the transfer station for Scofield Transfer & Recycling.
Photo by Howard Owens. 

As a small business owner, Bruce Scofield says trying to operate in the great State of New York is like being part of an abusive relationship.

You know it's wrong and bad for you, but you can't give up the relationship.

"Everybody else can recognize it, but in your heart, you're hoping it gets better," Scofield told The Batavian on Wednesday. "Maybe that's a bad analogy, but in my eyes, it's a great analogy for being a New York State business owner. It's an abusive relationship. You love (the state). It's not the perfect thing but you're always hopeful it will get better."

The latest slap in the face for Scofield, the founder and owner of Scofield Transfer & Recycling in Stafford, was a call from his Mack truck dealer.

The stark message: Don't expect to ever again be able to buy a diesel truck in New York.

The reason is a new state regulation that aims to decrease the number of carbon-emitting trucks on the roads in favor of fully electric vehicles.

It's not that diesel trucks aren't still being sold in New York; they're just a lot harder for a small business owner to buy. New regulations favor fleet buyers, large companies that buy multiple trucks annually. The guy who only buys one truck every two or three years has been pushed to the margins.

Under the new rules, truck dealers must ensure that 10 percent of all new trucks sold are electric. 

"'When we sell one electric truck,'" the dealer told Scofield, "'we get one credit, and we can take that one credit and turn around and sell a diesel motor fuel truck.' He says, 'But if we can also take that one credit,' and he used (a large grocery chain) as an example, just as a matter of speaking, and he said, 'Just say, (the chain) wants 10 trucks?' He says, 'We can use that one credit and sell one customer, a fleet of up to 10 trucks off of that one credit.' He said, 'So if we get one credit, who do you think we'll use it for?' He says, 'Do you think we're going to use it on Bruce Scofield or we're going to use it (for the fleet customer)?'"

The dealer told Scofield, "Your chances as the law reads now of ever getting a brand new truck again -- it will never happen. It's slim to none because we can't use that credit for you."

Scofield isn't against electric vehicles.  He accepts the threat of climate change. He just doesn't think the current technology is practical.

An electric truck is $600,000 to $650,000, compared to up to $400,000 for a diesel.  Then Scofield would need to buy a charge station. A charger that takes 12 hours is $50,000. A charger that takes six hours is $150,000. He would also still need to buy a packer for the back of the truck, which is another $200,000.

Then, the truck would need to be charged every 100 miles.

"In my situation, our trucks go 300 to 400 miles every day," Scofield said. "They haven't perfected it yet. If they had it perfected where they could go 300 or 400 miles, I'd be the first one to have electric because it's hard to find mechanics. In the grand scheme of things, if they ever do, it'll be a great thing, yeah, but they're trying to ram something down our throat that isn't perfected yet."

Scofield said he understands the need to reduce carbon emissions. That isn't his issue with the mandate.

"I'm all for the environment, you know," he said. "I want our environment for my grandchildren. A lot of things, such as when I do things for the County Fair (for example), that's not for me; that's not for publicity. I've got little, young grandchildren. I want that fair thriving, so when they're 8, 10, or 12 years old, things are just rocking, and they have that thing going, that they have the fair sustaining, like when I was a kid, you know. So a lot of my thinking at this stage of the game is for my future generations."

A new business challenge to overcome
Scofield grew Scofield Transfer & Recycling from the ground up, so he's not daunted by challenges.  

After selling an oil business, he became a landlord and was shocked to find that Waste Management charged $500 for a Dumpster roll off.

He figured if somebody came with a Dumpster roll off that was half the size, "they would sell like hotcakes."

"I started with one truck and four boxes and within two weeks, I had 10 boxes," Scofield said. "Now between Dumpsters and roll offices, I'm over 1,000."

He employs more than 20 people. His son Tyler is now a partner in the business. 

When he decided to expand, it wasn't easy. He decided to buy a shuttered transfer station in Stafford owned by Waste Management. The purchase agreement took two years to negotiate, and WM dragged its feet.

He said he boycotted WM, not hauling garbage to the company's facility. That got their attention.

When he got a call about it, he told the company, "You guys screwed me on this transfer station that you said you were going to sell to me."

A local manager decided to help get the deal pushed through with upper management.

Then, it took two years to jump through the state's regulatory hoops and get financing.  The state required a $50,000 deposit on any potential fines.

He had difficulty convincing a regional bank to give him a loan.  Eventually, he secured $75,000 from the bank and a $75,000 low-interest loan from the Genesee County Local Development Council (part of GCEDC). 

He was raising his son alone at the time.

"When I opened this place in 2011, I was flat broke," Scofield said. "I was hauling fuel by five-gallon pails. That's how broke I was. I shut off the cable in my house."

The industrial development agency was particularly helpful in the process, he said. He gives VP of Business Development Chris Suozzi all the credit.

"They were huge, and (Suozzi) was instrumental in getting me financing for that."

He also received tax abatements through GCEDC for construction costs.

He said that he pledged to create five new jobs within five years, and he blew past that goal.

With that background, Scofield isn't intimated by the new state mandate.

"You know," he said, "I'm going to be crafty enough. I'm going to buy used trucks, or I'm gonna go out of state, even if I have to start a business in Ohio just as an entity; I've got friends out there that they've got a commercial location, so I'm always gonna be crafty enough to get around it. But why should we, as business owners in New York State, have to do that?"

Not public knowledge
Scofield doesn't think the new rules have been widely publicized and a lot of people haven't learned yet what the impact will be on New Yorkers.

This was perhaps illustrated by a conversation he had with Tim Hens, county Public Works commissioner, after a Wings Over Batavia committee meeting.

Hens did some "napkin math" and figured out that, at a minimum, the new regulations could cost the county $40 million. Hens confirmed the conversation with The Batavian.

"I wouldn't have known this if it didn't pertain to me," Scofield said. "It's not public knowledge. "There wasn't any publication. Nobody knew about it. They did it with the swipe of a pen without any understanding of what's going on."

It's that lack of forethought that bugs Scofield the most.  He's willing to accept sensible rules. Without the proper forethought, he suggests, this isn't one of them.

He understands that not all regulations are inappropriate. The waste management business is one of the most regulated in the state. The regulations help make him a better operator, he said. He understands why they exist.

"Every law that the state puts on me to run this business, I agree with 100 percent," Scofield said. "I don't feel like all the state's against me. I understand it. I comply with it. I agree with them. So I'm an advocate for the laws they put on me, but a lot of times, the customers don't understand. So like coming in, we can't allow untarped loads, and I enforce it to the hilt. A lot of people will come in and think they're entitled or they don't have to do it next time. No, I say, 'My daughter-in-law is going down the road with my grandchildren in the car -- do you think because you're lazy, that I want stuff flying off at her to get in an accident and kill my grandchildren? That's how seriously I take it, but they want to argue back."

He has a sign at the entrance to the transfer station that invites customers who don't want to follow the rules or be rude to take their business elsewhere.

So, like any troubled relationship, his with New York is filled with mixed emotions.

He loves the people and the community here. He doesn't think the small-town values of Genesee County can be found in Florida or Texas. He helped Le Roy Ambulance raise $40,000 for a new ambulance.  The community pulling together like that isn't happening in a lot of other places, he said.

"I don't want to go anywhere, and I'm free to fold up my tent and go wherever I want. I choose to be here," he said. "It's just a great area. I love the area."

This is a 1999 Mack Truck that Scofield invested $90,000 in to keep operational and emission-compliant. He pointed to it as an example of his willingness to meet regulations and find creative solutions to problems.
Photo by Howard Owens. 
Bruce Scofield.
Photo by Howard Owens. 
A sign that reminds customers to be polite and follow the rules (expletive blurred out).
Photo by Howard Owens. 

State Police investigating shots fired in mobile home park on Clinton Street Road

By Howard B. Owens
shot vehicle
Reader submitted photo.

State Police are investigating an apparent shots-fired incident at 5066 Clinton Street Road, Batavia.

A photo of a white SUV submitted by a reader looks like it could be an unmarked law enforcement vehicle and shows, potentially, six bullet pockmarks, including four in the windshield.

According to Trooper James O'Callahan, the public information officer for Troop A, there were no injuries. However, O'Callahan was not on duty Wednesday night, and he said he couldn't provide more information until Thursday.

The vehicle was unoccupied at the time the shots were fired, O'Callahan said. O'Callahan did not comment on whether the vehicle was law enforcement or not.

He said an arrest has been made.

UPDATE: Press release from NYSP, Troop A:

On August 28, 2024, The Bureau of Criminal Investigation arrested Robert J. Talbot, 48 with no known address for Reckless Endangerment 1st degree, Criminal Mischief 3rd degree and Criminal Possession of a Weapon 4th degree (2 counts).

On August 28, 2024, at 12:39 P.M., Troopers out of SP Batavia responded to a complaint of a parked vehicle believed to be shot by a weapon at Babcock Mobile Home Park, Clinton Street Road in the town of Batavia. Investigation determined that an unoccupied 2016 Ford Explorer parked on the street was shot multiple times in the windshield. The NYSP Forensic Identification Unit began processing the scene to designate an area of interest as to where the shots originated from. With further interviews and after processing the scene, Talbot was arrested and the two weapons a Savage Mark II .22 LR Rifle and an H+R 1871 Pardner Pump 20 gage shotgun were recovered from the residence following a consent to search. Talbot is a convicted felon.

Talbot was transported to SP Batavia for processing and taken to Genesee County CAP Court pending arraignment.   

Reader Submitted Photo.

Moving out of the planning board and into the construction phase for new BK

By Joanne Beck
batavia restaurant supply
Work has begun on the prep work for demolition of the former Batavia Restaurant Supply at the corner of South Lyon and West Main streets in Batavia to make way for a new Burger King.
Photo by Howard Owens

Barriers have been put up on the corner, and work has begun inside the former Batavia Restaurant Supply building at West Main and South Lyon streets in preparation for the demolition of the Batavia site to make way for a future Burger King.

After several trips between the city and county planning boards in 2022 and 2023, applicant Carrols LLC, represented by Peter Sorgi, was making headway with two variances, one of which included a reduced parking lot size. 

The applicant plans to move from its current spot on the north side of West Main Street to 301-305 W. Main St., where having a traffic light at the corner and more space for a bigger drive-through restaurant were mentioned as benefits for building a new location.

Meanwhile, BRS, owned by Nate Charvella and Stacey Schrader, has since moved westward to 4152 W. Main St., Suite 18A, Valu Plaza. Beverly's Flowers & Gifts, owned by Russ Fitzgibbon and adjacent to the restaurant supply company, moved to 228 W. Main St. 

An official date for the new Burger King has been a moving target, with spring to fall 2024 as the potential initial construction phase. The Batavian has requested a comment from Sorgi and will provide an update if/when Sorgi responds. 

Milling work still in progress on city streets

By Joanne Beck
jefferson avenue milling batavia
Milling work occupies workers along Jefferson Avenue in Batavia.
Photo by Howard Owens

Work crews have been out on the streets for milling, and are expected to be wrapping up by the end of Thursday, according to a prior city announcement. 

All motorists have been forewarned that they will experience traffic delays this week between the hours of 6 a.m. and 4 p.m. for milling operations on any of the following:

  • Dellinger Avenue
  • Douglas Street
  • Evans Street
  • Jackson Avenue
  • Jefferson Avenue
  • Kibbe

Genesee County Jail now open and operational

By Press Release
new jail feb 2024
FIle photo of the new jail during construction.
Photo by Howard Owens

Press Release:

Genesee County Sheriff William A. Sheron Jr. is pleased to announce that the new Genesee County Jail is now open, occupied and operational. 

This morning, Wednesday, August 28, 2024, all 74 inmates currently committed to the Genesee County Jail at 14 West Main Street in the City of Batavia were transferred to the newly constructed, state of the art, Genesee County Jail located at 3839 West Main Street Road in the Town of Batavia. 

The transition to the new jail facility went seamlessly thanks to the dedication and detailed preparation by the Genesee County Corrections' personnel in cooperation with numerous Genesee County Officials.

Assisting with the move this morning were deputies from the Genesee County Sheriff's Office and officers from the
Batavia Police Department, the Livingston County Sheriff's Office, Genesee County Facilities Management, Genesee County Information Technology Department, Genesee County Department of Public Works, and the New York State Commission of Corrections.

Sheriff Sheron said, "This project has been a monumental endeavor, I wish to extend our sincere appreciation to everyone that contributed to bringing it to function."

Free Medicare 2025 info event is October 8 to help navigate upcoming changes and scams

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Genesee County Office for the Aging is pleased to announce an informative and free event designed to help residents of Genesee County navigate the upcoming changes to Medicare in 2025. 

The event will take place on Tuesday, October 8, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Town of Bethany Community Center, located at 10510 Bethany Center Road, East Bethany. 

This event is open to Genesee County residents who are new to Medicare in 2025, currently on Medicare, or caregivers attending with a Medicare recipient. Reservations are required, and attendees will have the option to select a boxed lunch upon making their reservation. To reserve your spot, please call 585-343-1611.

The event is made possible through funds from the NY State Office for the Aging, NY Connects, the Administration for Community Living, the Genesee Senior Foundation, Inc., and the support of the Genesee County Legislature.

Program Highlights: 

  • Genesee/Orleans Health Department will discuss effective communication with healthcare providers regarding medications and overall health.
  • New York Statewide Senior Action Council, Inc. will provide insights into the latest Medicare scams to be aware of during the upcoming Open Enrollment season. 
  • Genesee County Office for the Aging will have a Medicare Specialist present to go over the changes coming to Medicare in 2025, followed by a Q&A session.

This event aims to empower and educate attendees about the changes to Medicare Advantage Plans and Part D plans, giving them the confidence to make informed decisions moving forward.

For individuals with disabilities or language interpretation needs, requests for reasonable accommodations should be made at least five days in advance. 

For more information or to RSVP, please contact the Genesee County Office for the Aging at 585-343-1611.

Longtime Batavian celebrates a century of 'keep going' attitude

By Joanne Beck
Joe Oddo celebrates his 100th birthday on Sunday with family and friends.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Joe Oddo celebrated his 100th birthday on Sunday.
Photo by Steve Ognibene

For Joseph Oddo, a Batavia native and Army veteran, it didn’t take long to name what’s kept him going for a century.

“I always help people out. That’s why I think the Lord blessed me, because, you know, the things I did in my life to help people,” the newly turned 100-year-old said during an interview with The Batavian. “I worked with people. I kept going all the time.”

Oddo will be celebrating his 75th wedding anniversary with his wife Fran on Sept. 24 — a date he joked he had not better forget. She stayed home to care for their children while he was on the road a lot, he said, as his work ethic didn’t just get him through jobs but through life.

“So everything worked out,” he said. “I kept myself busy, kept going. I always did that. When you come from a family of 10 kids …”

As the oldest in his family, he learned early on, which originated from his dad arriving “off the boat” from Sicily with a sponsorship from a Le Roy resident, that he needed to forge ahead with whatever came his way.

That included doing his patriotic duty right out of high school graduation in 1942, he said.  A military draft had just been declared, and the government wasted no time pulling young boys into service. Oddo was drafted into the U.S. Army, where he served with the Signal Corps 234, a 3342 signal battalion, he said.

“I still remember, and in the battalion, various different companies. So I was a 231st company, which dealt with radio, telephone and teletype. My job was a W8, a double E day was a field telephone. That was my job, and I made sure that those are operating, and the people that had them made sure that they were getting the right information,” he said. “Because, you know, we were in Persia, they call it Iran today. See, when the Germans pushed, I mean they pushed, what’s it called, the Germans into Russia, came in with a lot of equipment, they talked about, they came along with tanks and guns and everything else.

We were just outside of Tehran into white Russia, so to speak, and that’s where we were stationed, and that’s how we kept the communications going from that point on because we could reach the troops and everybody from that point,” he said. “I served three years in World War II. I got my notice in December ’42, so in January ’43 I got inducted. I went to Fort Niagara.”

He became a leader right away when he was put in charge of troops. Then, he said, they boarded a train to New Jersey for training. 

“And then all of a sudden, I had to go to Fort Monmouth for two months. And it teaches all the communications of telephone and teletype and radio and all that,” he said, referring to another time during service. “We all worked together and stuff like that. Occasionally, we had guard duty. They had a lot of German prisoners, we used to guard them at night time, that was our duty some times. We put switchboards out in the field and we had to operate switchboards because they were contacting what was on the other side of Germany.”

When he returned in January 1946, he resumed working at Doehler Jarvis even though he was “a little upset” that he couldn’t go on to school. 

“When I couldn’t go to school, I had to go to the Army. I did my duty and said, ‘Why did you pick on me? I was only 18 years old, you know. But you had to serve your country. I did it,” he said. “I was told Jarvis said they wanted me; I became a steward. They made me the president of the union. I ran for president, and that was president of four plants in Chicago, Toledo, Grand Rapids and Pottstown, Pennsylvania.”

He did such a great job, in fact, that he was offered a job in Detroit for the United Auto Workers. Sell your house and move, he was told. He worked with the union for many years, negotiating contracts and such, traveling to California and “all over the place,” he said. He was so good at negotiating and so fierce that he was even dubbed “Jimmy Hoffa,” he said. 

He couldn’t sell their local home and move, however, due to his wife’s mother, who had a disability and wanted her daughter close by.

Oddo never had a gap in employment, being offered various jobs throughout his life — a testament to that work ethic no doubt. He and Fran have two children, Sal Oddo and Marianne Anderson, and they still live in the Southside home they bought in 1960.

Through all these years, he has retained his memories and the drive to do what Joe Oddo does best.

“Keep going; it’s the key. Don’t stop,” he said. “I’m 100 years old, I’m still going. I do things, you know, work outside, clean. I do everything right now.”  

Joe Oddo 100 years old with his wife Fran 93 years old.  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Joe Oddo, 100, with his wife Fran, 93.
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Joe with his daughter Marianne (Oddo) Anderson and Sal Oddo  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Joe with his daughter Marianne (Oddo) Anderson and son Sal Oddo.
Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
 Photo by Steve Ognibene
Multi generations of family for a group photo with Joe. Photo by Steve Ognibene
Multi generations of family for a group photo with Joe.
Photo by Steve Ognibene

City fire captain awarded for going above and beyond during heatwave

By Anthony Stone
Bob Fix getting honored
City of Batavia Fire Captain Bob Fix being honored at Erie County Fair.
Submitted Photo

During a heatwave in early July, Premier Genesee Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation faced several related challenges:  the nursing home’s HVAC system faltered, the mechanical room overheated, and the elevators broke down, creating a potentially hazardous situation for the senior residents.

When City of Batavia Fire Captain Bob Fix was called to the scene, he didn’t merely give a standard response. He exceeded expectations, Supervising Administrator Samantha Vagg says.

"Captain Fix stuck out because of how he guided younger firefighters and frequently called back after his team left to make sure our facility was okay,” Vagg said to The Batavian.  

His proactive approach, including collaborating with nursing home staff and coordinating with National Grid, prevented further issues, Vagg said, which prompted her to nominate Fix for Erie County Fair’s Firefighter Honoree Award.

The award, which was presented to Fix on Aug. 18, is given to individuals who exemplify the highest standards of the fire service, showcasing a notable record of service, achievement, and selflessness.

City Fire Chief Josh Graham spoke highly of Captain Fix, emphasizing that the department’s standard is to go above and beyond. He added that the entire department takes pride in Fix’s recognition, which reflects the collective dedication that defines the firefighters’ work.

"Captain Fix is a dedicated professional and a true asset to our community,” Graham said. “We are honored to have him represent Local 896 as Sunday's Firefighter Honoree.”

Fix, a 21-year veteran of the fire department, said that no matter how bad his day might be going at work, “whoever’s calling for help is having a worse day than me.”

“If I can do a little extra, why not?” he said, remaining rather modest about the recognition. "I'm just the guy that got nominated for the award."

He deflected praise aimed at him instead to his entire team and the nursing home staff, who he said played a crucial role during the emergency. Vagg said that she would have nominated the whole department if she could have since it “is so professional every time we interact.”

Firefighting is not just a career but a calling in his family, Fix said. Being honored at the fair became a full-circle moment for him, combining his love for the community with his lifelong commitment to public service. He’s also quick to point out that the department does so many other things within the community.

"My father was a firefighter, and I've been going to the fair for as long as I can remember,” he said. "We’re there for car accidents, technical rescues, building safety inspections, and more. In October, we’ll focus on fire prevention, going into schools to teach fire safety. It’s all part of the job."

Top Items on Batavia's List

AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS: Assignments in this Class require the exercise of specialized skills in tasks pertaining to the maintenance and repair of a wide variety of machinery and equipment used in public works activities, as well as to other vehicles owned or operated by the municipal employer. In smaller agencies, an Automotive Mechanic may exercise a degree of supervision over assistant mechanics or Equipment Operators performing minor maintenance and repair on equipment, with general supervision being received from a supervisor, superintendent, or other such official or designee. Does related work, as required. TYPICAL WORK ACTIVITIES: Repairs motorized and non-motorized equipment, such as trucks, tractors, mowers, graders, loaders, sweepers, rollers, compressors, and automobiles; Adjusts, repairs, and rebuilds gasoline and diesel engines; Repairs and replaces components of equipment, such as suspension systems, drive assemblies, brake systems, fuel systems, electrical systems, and cooling systems, and makes necessary adjustments to same; Carries out sanding, sandblasting, filling, painting, and related body-work tasks; Makes minor welding repairs; Operates drills, grinders, and other metal-working machines related to automotive repair functions; Performs preventative maintenance tasks which may include vehicle inspections; Attaches and removes snow plows, blades, and other attachments for motorized equipment; Maintains records of tasks performed, and other pertinent records; Requisitions parts and materials, to ensure adequate supply to maintain workflow; Acts as Equipment Operator, or wingman, as directed; May drive buses, cars, or trucks; May deliver fuel to job sites; Keeps shop area neat and clean. The above examples of duties are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the position. FULL PERFORMANCE KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITY AND/OR PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thorough knowledge of standard automotive repair and maintenance methods; thorough knowledge of automotive repair terminology and tools; working knowledge of welding techniques; ability to make difficult repairs to heavy automotive and other mechanical equipment; ability to work from plans and specifications, and to follow rough draft sketches and oral instructions; good motor and hand eye coordination; manual dexterity. The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is occasionally required to reach with hands and arms. The employee constantly is required to stand; walk; and use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools, or controls. The employee is occasionally required to sit; climb or balance; stoop, kneel, crouch, or crawl; and talk or hear. The employee must occasionally lift and/or move up to 100 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance vision, and the ability to adjust focus. The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. While performing the duties of this job, the employee regularly works in outside weather conditions. The employee is frequently exposed to wet and/or humid conditions. The employee is occasionally exposed to risk of electrical shock. The noise level in the work environment is usually moderate to loud. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS:  Some jurisdictions may require appointees to receive and maintain certification as a NYS Motor Vehicle Inspector, within six months of appointment. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: 1.     Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. 2.     In school districts where incumbent may operate a school bus, possession of a valid appropriate level New York State Driver's License is required. 3.     Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. NOTE:  In addition, candidates must satisfy the requirements for School Bus Driver set forth in the Rules and Regulations of the New York State Commissioner of Education. Non-Competitive Class Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than October 18, 2024.
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