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NY Farm Bureau salutes women farmers on Mother's Day

By Billie Owens

In honor of Mother's Day, New York Farm Bureau is saluting the growing ranks of women that have recently entered into farming. Here's a news release from the bureau:

Women farmers are among the fastest growing sectors in agriculture, according to recent state and federal statistics. The most recent agricultural census, done in 2007, revealed that women were the principal operators of 6,688 farms in New York on 592,787 acres of land.

"The trend of women joining this industry makes sense," said Julie Suarez, public policy director for Farm Bureau and mother of two. "Women farmers can work where they live, alongside their children. It's the ultimate family lifestyle.

"Women farmers are also producing something of value for the community at large -- good food. The occupation offers tremendous job satisfaction, although not always as financially lucrative as other businesses.

"There's always been a strong female partnership in our state's family farms, but the recent trend is for farmers' daughters, and innovative women seeking new careers, to start up their own farm operation or initiate a new endeavor on the home farm."

Women are running more farms and operating more land, and producing a greater value of agricultural products than ever before. When compared to all farms nationwide, those with female principal operators tend to be smaller both in terms of size and sales. However, women are more likely to own all of the farmland that they operate.

"There are a lot of state programs out there that seek to help minority- and women-owned businesses with start-up, micro-loans or state procurement opportunities," Suarez said. "But farmers don't often think about these programs because their availability is not usually publicized in rural areas in a field that's stereotypically dominated by men.

"The reality couldn't be further from the truth as farm families know that women have always played an equal role in the farm family and business. However, when women seek to develop their own farm operations there aren't many development tools geared toward meeting the needs of women opening up a farm business in a rural area.

"We hope that by highlighting this growing segment of agriculture, and saluting our female farmers, we can encourage greater awareness of the need for minority- and women-owned business programs to consider the great potential that exists for women in starting new farm operations."

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