Byron-Bergen athlete wins NFL PPK competition

Melissa MacCowan, an eighth-grader at Byron-Bergen, won her division of the Buffalo Bills region for the NFL Punt, Pass and Kick Championship on Dec. 6 at Ralph Wilson Stadium.
MacCowan participates in varsity soccer, swimming and track at Byron-Bergen.
She was provided with hotel accommodations for the weekend, lunch in the Buffalo Bills cafeteria, tickets to the game, certificate, jersey, hat, football gloves, participated in opening ceremony/National Anthem on the field during the Dec. 6th game, and announcement of the winners on the Jumbotron as well as watching the game from the Bills' suite.
To reach the finals in Buffalo, MacCowan had to win a sectional tournament in Rochester. This year marked her third-straight year of posting a win at that event.
She is pictured with Aaron Williams of the Buffalo Bills.
Info and photo provided by Diane MacCowan.