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bureau of maintenance

Helpful reminders for this winter weather from the City of Batavia Bureau of Maintenance

By Press Release

Press Release:

Driving conditions can change quickly so be prepared for those changes. This is the time to check over your vehicle for proper operation of all safety features.  This is the time to put on those snow tires if you use them. This is the time to check over your entire vehicle for winter driving.

Please remember:

  • There is “No Parking” on city streets between 2 to 6 a.m. If at all possible, try not to park on the street when snowing so snow can be cleared to the curb line/ edge of pavement.
  • Stay back from snowplows at least 100 feet.  If you can’t see the mirrors on the snowplow then the snowplow operator cannot see you.  Snowplow operators are out there to help make the roads safe.
  • Please keep your sidewalks clear of snow and ice. It is the property owner’s responsibility keep the sidewalks, adjacent to your property, clear. There are significant numbers of pedestrians in the city.
  • Do not shovel, plow, or snow blow into the road.  If you have your driveway plowed, do not push it into or across the road or block sidewalks.  These all create hazards for you and the community.
  • Be patient and plan ahead.  None of us can control the weather.  Leave more time for travel if the weather is forecasting snow. In severe weather, try to limit any unnecessary travel.

Bureau of Maintenance’s first response:

  • When it does snow the City Department of Public Works – Bureau of Maintenance responds to the weather.  
  • Upon the initial on-set of snow the Bureau of Maintenance will respond with what we call a salt run.  
  • Three plows outfitted with material spreaders are dispatched to apply anti-icing materials (rock salt) to roadways and parking lots.  
  • This will help prevent or break up snow from binding to the pavement.  
  • If snow persists and depending on the type of snow this operation will change from a salt run to a plowing operation.

Bureau’s typical plowing operation:

  • In a plowing operation there are nine distinct routes designed for the most efficient use of our equipment. 
  • Be it wide streets, narrow streets, dead-ends or parking lots we have different equipment to handle each unique area. 
  • It takes about four hours to get through the city once in a moderate snow event.  
  • We normally try to get through the City twice during a plow operation. 
  • Each snow event is different.  
  • Snow events vary from low moisture to high moisture, from flurries to high intensity, from relatively warm to bitter cold, with traffic or without traffic, day/night/weekends and holidays. 
  • Each impacts how we fight the snow, with our ultimate goal to keep the City open for business and safe for travel.

We thank you for your cooperation and ask you to be safe this winter season.

Seasonal reminders include shoveling sidewalks, 'no parking' restrictions, stay back

By Joanne Beck
downtown snow remvoal 2021
A city worker pushing snow in Downtown Batavia in 2021. Although no forecast for this area is anywhere near this just yet, city officials have issued a set of reminders for the winter season. 
Photo by Howard Owens

Perhaps a public conversation during a recent City Council meeting has resulted in several "helpful reminders" for the upcoming winter weather, or they were coming anyway, but citizens are asked to heed these seasonal rules to make the best of it for yourselves and others for the next several months.

This is the time
Driving conditions can change quickly, so be prepared for those changes. This is the time to check over your vehicle for proper operation of all safety features. This is the time to put on those snow tires if you use them. This is the time to check over your entire vehicle for winter driving.

There is “No Parking" on city streets between 2 and 6 a.m. If at all possible, try not to park on the street when snowing so that snow can be cleared to the curb line/edge of pavement.

Stay back from snowplows at least 100 feet. If you can't see the mirrors on the snowplow, then the snowplow operator cannot see you. Snowplow operators are out there to help make the roads safe.

The property owner's responsibility. Please keep your sidewalks clear of snow and ice. It is the property owner's responsibility to keep the sidewalks adjacent to your property clear. There are significant numbers of pedestrians in the city.

It was this issue that came up during a recent City Council meeting, as it often does at least once a year. A citizen complained about not being able to walk on the sidewalks when not shoveled, and she had to walk in the street along with school children. Council members encouraged folks to help out their neighbors when possible and understand there may be times when circumstances result in unshoveled pathways.

Do not shovel, plow, or snow blow into the road. If you have your driveway plowed, do not push it into or across the road or block sidewalks. These all create hazards for you and the community.

Be patient and plan ahead. None of us can control the weather. Leave more time for travel if the weather is forecasting snow. In severe weather, try to limit any unnecessary travel.

Bureau of Maintenance's first response: 

When it does snow the City Department of Public Works, Bureau of Maintenance, responds to the weather. Upon the initial onset of snow, the Bureau of Maintenance will respond with what we call a salt run.

Three plows outfitted with material spreaders are dispatched to apply anti-icing materials (rock salt) to roadways and parking lots. This will help prevent or break up snow from binding to the pavement. If snow persists and depending on the type of snow, this operation will change from a salt run to a plowing operation.

Bureau's typical plowing operation:
In a plowing operation, there are nine distinct routes designed for the most efficient use of our equipment. Be it wide streets, narrow streets, dead-ends or parking lots, we have different equipment to handle each unique area.

It takes about four hours to get through the city once in a moderate snow event. We normally try to get through the City twice during a plow operation.

Each snow event is different. Snow events vary from low moisture to high moisture, from flurries to high intensity, from relatively warm to bitter cold, with traffic or without traffic, day/night, weekends and holidays. Each impacts how we fight the snow, with our ultimate goal to keep the City open for business and safe for travel.

City officials thank you for your cooperation and ask you to be safe this winter season.

City leaf collection to begin Oct. 30 and run through Dec. 1

By Press Release

Press Release:

Residents are asked to rake leaves into piles and leave them in the parkway (un-bagged). Please, place it close to the curb line/edge of the roadway without placing it in the street. Do not pile around fire hydrants, trees, utility poles, or signposts. Leaf piles should only contain leaves and no branches, grass clippings, or other materials.

Leaf operations typically have one crew on the Northside working from Grandview Terrace moving West, North of Main Street, and a second crew on the Southside beginning on River Street moving East in areas South of Main Street. A third crew will work using a vacuum along main roads and numbered routes. It takes about 2 weeks to go through the entire city and fluctuates from there depending on the size of the leaf loads.

Any resident with leaves can also bring them to the Yard Waste Station until it closes for the season on Dec. 9. The Yard Waste hours are 12 - 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday through Nov. 4, and then 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. from November 6th through December 9th due to the hours of daylight. The Yard Waste Station will be closed on Nov. 23 for Thanksgiving Day and will officially close for the season after Dec. 9.

Important information about leaf collection:

  • Leaf piles must be clear of sticks and all animal waste – if animal waste or other debris is found in the piles, they will not be picked up.
  • Grass clippings, flower potting, branches, and pumpkins cannot be picked up and residents may bring those items to the Yard Waste Station on Law Street (which will be open through Dec. 9).
  • Leaves should not block traffic or be piled near intersection corners. This causes sight issues for motorists/bicyclists/pedestrians.
  • Keep leaf piles clear of drainage ways and catch basins. Blocked drainage leads to localized flooding.
  • Leaves should not be piled around mailboxes, power poles, fences, fire hydrants, or other obstacles. 
  • Do not park on leaf piles. The heat from a vehicle exhaust system could start a fire. 
  • Do not wait to get your leaves out. We will normally collect leaves twice within the month of leaf collection.
  • If it is snowing, we plow first. If it continues to snow, then leaf operations will be suspended.
  • There is no leaf pickup in the spring.

Contact the Bureau of Maintenance @ 585-345-6400 option 1 if you have any questions.

City to close three streets tomorrow and Monday for paving: Chase Park, Fisher Park and North Spruce

By Press Release

From the city's Bureau of Maintenance:

On Wednesday, June 23 and Monday, June 28 Chase Park, Fisher Park and North Spruce Street will be closed to all through traffic, for a two-course pavement operation. Residents are asked to not park in the street on these two days.

All motorists that regularly use these streets are asked to seek alternative routes while the closures are in place.

Contact the Bureau of Maintenance and ask to speak to the Superintendent or Streets Supervisor at (585) 345-6400, opt. 1, if you have any questions.

Final citywide leaf collection resumes Monday

By Billie Owens

From the city's Bureau of Maintenance:

City leaf collection will resume on Monday, Nov. 25, and will make one final sweep of the City for leaf collection.

We ask residents take advantage of the current snow thaw this weekend to place leaves in the parkways near the curb line if they want the City to collect leaves.

Please, do not pile leaves around sign posts, trees, fire hydrants or light poles, this prevents the equipment from being able to collect the leaves.

Residents can also bring leaves to the yard waste station on Law Street (Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. until Dec. 14th. The yard waste station is closed Thanksgiving Day.

City workers repairing water main break at 40 Pearl St.

By Billie Owens

From the city's Bureau of Maintenance:

The City of Batavia Water Deptartment is on location of a water main break in front of 40 Pearl St.

The water has been turned off from 40 Pearl St. to the City line.

We appreciate your understanding while this repair is made. City crews will make every attempt to restore water as soon as possible.

Tracy Avenue storm sewer repair work set for tomorrow in the city, road will be closed

By Billie Owens

From the city Bureau of Maintenance:

From 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2nd, Tracy Avenue in the City of Batavia will be closed to all through traffic for storm sewer repair. The work will be performed between North Street and Hart Street.

All motorists that regularly use this road are asked to seek alternative routes during the operation.

Residents within the area of the closure should anticipate delays, but we will do our best to accommodate getting you to and from your residence.

This work is weather dependent and subject to rescheduling if it rains.

Contact the Bureau of Maintenance and ask to speak to the Streets Supervisor or Superintendent at 585-345-6400, opt. 1, if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

City's Bureau of Maintenance announces road closures next week for resurfacing

By Billie Owens

From the city's Bureau of Maintenance:

  • Residents & Property Owners of Clinton Park, Fordham Drive, Eugene Street and Holmes Avenue -- Resurfacing

 Clinton Park, Fordham Drive, Eugene Street and Holmes Avenue will have road closures to all through traffic on Tuesday, June 11 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the installation of an intermediate reinforced pavement layer.

On Thursday, June 13 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. these streets will be closed to all through traffic for the installation of the wearing surface layer.

Residents of Clinton Park, Fordham Drive, Eugene Street and Holmes Avenue will be able to access their properties but may experience delays as paving operations progress up and down the streets.

All residents within the work area are asked not to park on the roadway during the day.

This is weather dependent work. If work is postponed it shall progress next work day. Please, plan accordingly and contact the Bureau of Maintenance with any questions. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

  • Residents & Property Owners of Naramore Drive – Resurfacing

Naramore Drive will have road closure to all through traffic on Monday, June 10 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the installation of an intermediate reinforced pavement layer.

On Wednesday, June 12 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Naramore Drive will be closed to all through traffic for the installation of the wearing surface layer.

Residents of Naramore Drive will be able to access their properties but may experience delays as paving operations progress up and down the street.

All residents within the work area are asked not to park on the roadway during the day. This is weather dependent work. If work is postponed it shall progress next work day. Please, plan accordingly and contact the Bureau of Maintenance with any questions. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

City leaf collection is Oct. 29 through Nov. 30

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Citywide leaf collection will begin Oct. 29 and will continue until Nov. 30.

Residents of the following streets can rake leaves to the parkway, but do not place in the street; these streets are Clinton Street, Oak Street, Main Street (including East and West Main Street), Pearl Street, South Main Street (between Oak Street and Walnut Street),Walnut Street, Richmond Ave (between Oak Street and Prospect Avenue). If your street has a route number (i.e. Route 5, Route 33, Route 63 and Route 98), then please keep leaves out of the roadway.

All other streets are asked to rake leaves close to the curb line, taking care not to block storm drainage structures/catch basins or not to block travel-way of streets.

Leaf operations typically have one crew on the Northside working from Grandview Terrace moving west, north of Main Street, and a second crew on the Southside beginning on River Street moving East in areas South of Main Street. A third crew will work using a vacuum along main roads and numbered routes. It takes about two weeks to go through the entire city.

Any resident with leaves can also bring them to the yard waste station until it closes for the season on Dec. 8. Beginning Nov. 5, the Yard Waste Station hours will be adjusted to 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. The Yard Waste Station is closed on Thursday, Nov. 22, for Thanksgiving.

Important Information About Leaf Collection:

  • Leaf piles must be clear of sticks and other debris;
  • Leaf piles must be clear of all animal waste – if animal waste is found in the piles, they will not be picked up;
  • Grass clippings, flower pottings, branches, pumpkins cannot be picked up and residents may bring those items to the Yard Waste Station on Law Street (which will be open through Dec. 8);
  • Leaves should not block traffic;
  • Leaves should not be piled near intersection corners. This causes sight issues for motorists/bicyclists/pedestrians;
  • Keep leaf piles clear of drainage ways and catch basins. Blocked drainage leads to localized flooding;
  • Leaves should not be piled around mailboxes, power poles, fences, fire hydrants or other obstacles.  Do not park on leaf piles. The heat from a vehicle exhaust system could start a fire;
  • Do not wait to get your leaves out. We will normally collect leaves twice within the month of leaf collection;
  • If it is snowing, we plow first. If it continues to snow, then leaf operations will be suspended;
  • There is no leaf pickup in the spring.

Bureau of Maintenance, 147 Walnut St., Batavia

Phone: 585-345-6400, Opt. 1

Fax: 585-343-6199

Several sidewalk replacement projects in the city planned to begin next month

By Billie Owens

Press release from the city's Bureau of Maintenance:

To the residents and property owners of the following streets:

  • Eleanor Place (south side of the street).
  • Margaret Place (both sides of the street).
  • Trumbull Parkway from East Main Street to Chase Park (both sides of the street). Lehigh Avenue from Ellicott Street to the CSX overpass (west side of the street). Clifton Avenue from James Street to Ellicott Street (west side of the street).
  • New York Place (west side of street).
  • Verona Avenue from Richmond Avenue to Hillcrest Drive (east side of the street).

The properties in the above listed areas will undergo a sidewalk replacement project in the month of September. The work will involve sidewalk replacements as needed, curb ramp installation and sidewalk passing zones (where there are four foot walks).

If the sidewalk replacements go through a driveway, the contractor (Master’s Edge) will provide the residents notice that the will not have driveway access for up to a week. This is so the sidewalks can set up and cure to provide strength for vehicular traffic.

During that time period, if you have lost driveway access, those residents are asked to park legally on the street. We have requested the Police Department to suspend the overnight parking ban for the impacted properties while this work is ongoing.

Work is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, Sept. 4, in the area of Eleanor Place/ Trumbull Parkway/ Margaret Place. Work will then move to the area of Lehigh Avenue and Clifton Avenue. Work will conclude on Verona Avenue and New York Place.

This is weather dependent work, so some delays can be expected, but it is intent to be complete with this project by late September or early October.

Contact the Bureau of Maintenance and ask to speak to the Superintendent at 345-6400, opt. 1, if you have any questions. 

Citywide leaf collection begins Oct. 26 and continues until Nov. 25

By Billie Owens

Press release from Raymond Tourt, city superintendent of Maintenance:

Citywide leaf collection begins Oct. 26 and continues until Nov. 25.

Residents of the following streets can rake to the parkway but do not place in the street; these streets are: Clinton Street, Oak Street, Main Street (including East and West Main Street), Pearl Street, South Main Street (between Oak Street and Walnut Street),Walnut Street, Richmond Avenue (between Oak Street and Prospect Avenue). 

If your street has a route number (i.e. Route 5, Route 33, Route 63 and Route 98), then please keep leaves out of the roadway.

All other streets are asked to rake leaves to the curb line, taking care not to block storm drainage structures/ catch basins.

Leaf operations typically have one crew on the Southside beginning on River Street moving east in areas south of Main Street and second crew on the Northside will work from Grandview Terrace moving west, north of Main Street. A third crew will work using a vacuum along main roads and numbered routes. It takes about a week and half to go through the entire city.

Any resident with leaves can also bring them to the yard waste station until it closes for the season on Dec. 5. Effective Nov. 2nd, the hours of the Yard Waste Station operation will be adjusted to 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday.


  • Leaf piles must be clear of sticks and other debris.
  • Grass clippings, flower pottings, branches, pumpkins cannot be picked up and residents an encouraged to bring those items to the Yard Waste Station on Law Street.
  • Leaves should not block traffic.
  • Leaves should not be piled near intersection corners. This causes sight issues for motorist/bicyclists/pedestrians.
  • Keep leaf piles clear of drainage ways and catch basins. Blocked drainage leads to localized flooding. 
  • Leaves should not be piled around mailboxes, power poles, fences, fire hydrants or other obstacles. 
  • Do not park on leaf piles. The heat from a vehicle exhaust system could start a fire.
  • Do not wait to get your leaves out. We will normally collect leaves twice within the month of leaf collection.
  • If it is snowing, we plow first. If it continues to snow, then leaf operations will be suspended.
  • There is no leaf pickup in the Spring.

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