gun raffle
Mark Your Calendar: Alexander fire hosts spring gun raffle March 28
Press release:
The Alexander Fire Deptartment is hosting their Annual Spring Gun Raffle from 5 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, March 28 at their Recreation Hall at 10708 Alexander Road, Alexander.
The $20 ticket admits one person; food, beer, pop included.
The main ticket includes a total of 15 guns: eight rifles, four shotguns and two pistols, plus the Grand Prize -- a Barrett Firearms Model 99 Rifle .50 BMG w/bi-pod and case.
There will be seven more guns included in floor raffles. The door prize is a DPMS Oracle NY SAFE Compliant Rifle .223/5.56.
There will be additional door prizes, bell jar and 50-50 raffles.
Tickets are available at the Alexander Country Deli or by calling Nate at 716-870-6431 or Barbara at 585-507-9930.
Guns are supplied by Sugarbush Armory, Attica.
Proceeds benefit the Alexander Volunteer Fire Department.
Alexander Fire Department hosts annual Spring Gun Raffle at its Rec Hall March 30
Alexander Fire Department hosts annual Fall Gun Raffle Saturday evening at rec hall
The Alexander Fire Department will be hosting its annual Fall Gun Raffle at the rec hall from 5 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 3rd.
Tickets are $25, which will include 25 guns and four cash prizes.
Also, floor raffles with eight guns, 50/50, pull tabs and door raffles will be included throughout the evening. Only 975 tickets will be sold.
Ticket admits one person.
Tickets are available at the Alexander Country Deli, Sunnyside Cycle or by calling 585-507-9930.
Alexander Fire Department Rec Hall is located at 10708 Route 98, Attica.
Alexander Fire Department hosts annual Spring Gun Raffle at Rec Hall on April 21
The Alexander Fire Department is hosting its annual Spring Gun Raffle from 5 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, April 21, at their Recreation Hall, 10708 Route 98, Attica.
Tickets are $25 each, which will include chances on 25 guns and four cash prizes.
Eight (8) guns will also be included in floor/door raffles. Food, beer, pop, 50/50, and bell jar tickets available.
Only 975 tickets sold -- ticket admits one person. Tickets can be bought at the Alexander Country Deli or by calling 507-9930.
Warrior House of WNY Gun Raffle/Chinese Auction & Spaghetti Dinner at Ascension Parish Hall
The Warrior House of Western NY Gun Raffle/Chinese Auction and Spaghetti Dinner will be held starting at 1 p.m. on Satruday, April 7, at Ascension Parish Hall. It is located at 17 Sumner St., Batavia (formerly the Sacred Heart Social Center).
Must be 18 to win prizes and must be able to pass NICS check. Warrior House is not responsible for NICS outcome.
For more information, contact Edward Spence at (716) 560-0697.
The event will last until all prizes are awarded.
They are:
1) Stevens 301 20 ga. shotgun
2) $75 cash
Photos: East Pembroke Fire Department's Gun Raffle

The East Pembroke Volunteer Fire Department hosted its first gun raffle Saturday night at its fire hall. The event was a fundraiser to support the department. We don't yet have a list of winners, but several prizes were given away.