Sponsored Post: Join us for a waffle breakfast at Bontrager Auction

You are invited to attend a waffle breakfast on Saturday, November 11 th from 7AM to 10AM at Bontrager Auction Center in Batavia, NY! Come and enjoy all-you-can-eat waffles, sausage, coffee and all the fixin’s! Admission is $10. Non-perishable food donations for those in need are also being accepted at this event.
All funds raised at the breakfast support the Christian Missions & Relief Sale, a benefit auction planned for August 10 th, 2024. This sale is seeking to support efforts to further God’s Kingdom through two organizations: Christian Aid Ministries and the East African Initiative. Christian Aid Ministries is a organization working to provide relief and the Gospel to those in areas of crisis and need around the world. East African Initiative is an effort of Christians in Western NY to train and minister to church
leaders in growing East African Churches.
Tickets are also being sold pre-sale. For tickets or more information on this event, contact Zak Jantzi, (585) 409-7408.