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UConnectCare promotes Hodgins to chief executive officer position

By Press Release

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Kathy Hodgins 
Submitted photo.

UConnectCare has promoted Kathy Hodgins of Medina, a 23-year-employee of the nonprofit substance use prevention, treatment and recovery agency, to chief executive officer.

Hodgins succeeds John Bennett, who resigned to become director of network development with Forward Leading IPA’s WeLinkCare social care network. Her first day in her new role was Feb. 8.

Hodgins has held several key positions with UConnectCare since starting as a chemical dependency counselor in 2002, most recently serving as chief clinical officer for the past five years. She also was the agency’s director of Treatment Services in Orleans County from 2012-18, assistant director of Treatment from 2009-12 and assistant director of Forensics and Satellite Services from 2006-09.

As chief executive officer, she will oversee a staff of that has expanded to about 150 employees and an annual budget that has grown to about $13 million.

“I am excited and thankful for the opportunity to contribute my expertise in collaboration, implementation of policy and procedures, and dedicated leadership to our organization,” Hodgins said. “My experience in all aspects of the agency has prepared me well to manage complex issues, ensuring that UConnectCare continues to operate smoothly and effectively in delivering outstanding patient care.”

Hodgins said she aspired to become the agency’s CEO someday and credited the mentorship of Bennett and David Markham, the previous executive director.

“I have been able to accomplish much in Orleans County when I was a director because John gave me the autonomy and he knew that I had the best interests of the agency at heart,” she said. “And I completed my master’s degree under Dave Markham, and I did my internship at his marriage and family practice. I have been privileged to work with such patient-focused individuals.”

Hodgins received her master’s degree in social work from the University of Buffalo after earning a bachelor’s degree in social work from Brockport State College and an associate’s degree in human services from Genesee Community College.

A licensed social worker and credentialed alcohol and substance abuse counselor, Hodgins also is an adjunct instructor at Genesee Community College, where she implements lesson plans on the use, misuse and abuse of drugs and alcohol, and supports the Royal Employer Assistance Program as a counselor.

Her civic involvement includes Leadership Genesee, Leadership Orleans, Genesee Community College Human Services Advisory Board, Orleans Recovery Hope Begins Here and WNY Chemical Dependency Consortium.

Hodgins said her leadership style is one that allows directors the freedom to try new things and work across departments and other community agencies for the common good.

“I embrace collaboration, and I like change; I’m a change agent,” she said. “I’m proud of the way the agency has grown to be able to provide what we call a ‘continuum of care.’ People can come into UConnectCare and start with detoxification, they can go to inpatient, they can go to residential, outpatient. For such a small town, we provide a wide range of services.”

She said she is looking forward to the expected opening of a residence for women and children in Albion this spring and the integration of the main building’s waiting area on East Main Street in Batavia.

“We have a DOH (Department of Health) grant that we will use to combine the two waiting rooms (treatment and methadone) into one,” she said. “That definitely will help reduce the stigma.”

Hodgins called The Recovery Station (on Clinton Street Road) “a hidden gem” – a place where those in recovery can not only receive valuable services but also enjoy a drug- and alcohol-free social setting.

“Our goal is to utilize that site more and more,” she said, noting that she wished it could have been located in the city for easier access.

Hodgins and her husband of 42 years, Michael, have three grown children and seven grandchildren. Michael is currently on the list to receive a second heart transplant. The couple is awaiting word from the Cleveland Clinic.

“The same week that I found out I was hired as CEO, my husband was notified that he is on the list for the transplant,” she said. “That was cause for a dinner celebration at Bent’s Opera House (in Medina).”

UConnectCare Foundation to award four $1,000 scholarships

By Press Release

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Four $1,000 scholarships will be awarded through the annual UConnectCare Foundation Scholarship program in 2025.

The program, initiated several years ago, provides financial support to individuals pursuing their education at an institution of higher learning in the fields of human services or social services for the purpose of contributing to improving community health.

Scholarships will be given to one Genesee County high school student, one Orleans County high school student, one adult student pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree, and one technical/trade school student.

Applications are available on the UConnectCare website – – or can be obtained by contacting Diane Klos at Diane Klos at 585-815-1883 or Completed applications must be received via email or postmarked by March 7.

The scholarships will be awarded at the agency’s annual membership meeting in May.

“We take great pleasure in being able to continue this important program,” said John Bennett, UConnectCare chief executive officer. “More than ever, substance use and alcohol use treatment and prevention agencies are seeking qualified, educated and dedicated employees.”

Students enrolled in a Genesee or Orleans County school can apply for the scholarship even if their primary residence is in another county.

Other pertinent scholarship information is as follows:

  • Applicant must be accepted at an accredited college or university and enrolled in or matriculated in an eligible program/major.
  • Eligible programs or majors include Social Work, Nursing, Health Science, Mental Health Counseling, Psychology, or Human Services.
  • Current UConnectCare employees, board members and UConnectCare Foundation board members are NOT eligible.
  • Relatives of UConnectCare employees, board members and UConnectCare Foundation board members ARE eligible.
  • Applicant must provide academic history such as high school and/or college transcripts.
  • Applicant must provide two letters of recommendation from someone who knows the applicant’s work/volunteer/academic history. Letters from relatives will not be accepted.
  • Applicant must provide a resume or personal biography including work history, volunteer experiences, and extra-curricular activities.
  • Applicant must provide an essay that addresses educational and employment objectives as they relate to the mission of UConnectCare. Financial need, volunteerism, employment history and civic involvement will be given careful consideration.
  • The scholarship monies will be awarded upon completion of the fall semester. The award recipient must provide a copy of their transcript demonstrating at least a 2.0 GPA.
  • Applicant may be invited for an interview before final awards are made.

Q&A with John Bennett, who is leaving UConnectCare to accept regional position

By Press Release

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John Bennett is leaving UConnectCare after dedicating the past 25 years at the agency formerly known as Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse to helping those affected by substance and alcohol use disorder.

John Bennett
Submitted photo.

With his last day as chief executive officer set for this Friday (Feb. 7), the 63-year-old Geneseo resident took time out to reflect upon a 40-year career in the field.

A reception for Bennett, which is open to the public, is scheduled from 4-6 p.m. Feb. 4 at The Recovery Station on Clinton Street Road, Batavia.

Bennett has accepted a grant-funded director of network development position with Forward Leading IPA’s WeLinkCare social care network that connects individuals and families to vital resources that address the social factors affecting health -- from housing and employment to food and transportation.

In his new position, he will oversee agencies, including UConnectCare, in 14 counties across the Finger Lakes region.

Q.  Forty years is a long time in what can be a highly stressful field of work. What made you choose alcohol and substance use treatment and prevention?

A. In the past, I have shared that my grandfather, who I am named after, was an alcoholic. It was during the 1940s, ‘50s and ‘60s when they didn’t have EAP (Employee Assistance Programs) and much help for people like my grandfather. So, he died young from his alcoholism, and it affected my mom in a lot of ways.

My mom always worried that her children would develop alcohol and drug addiction, So alcohol was never allowed in our household growing up.  If you came home with alcohol on your breath it didn’t matter what time of night it was she would get up to smell your breath.

Her whole life centered around breaking the cycle for her own children. Her sister, my Aunt Virginia, married a man who was alcoholic and she took me to AA and Al-Anon meetings when I was probably 8 or 9 years old.  Also, my grandmother ended up living with us after my grandfather died.  So my mom, my aunt and my grandmother influenced me to enter a field to help individuals and families with addiction.

I felt like it was a calling for me to help families and individuals with addiction. That’s how I got started.

Q. Where was your first job?

A. My first job was in Livingston County for what was then called Livingston County Council on Alcoholism. That was in 1985. I think there were 12 employees in total at the time – like two secretaries, a couple directors and the rest of us were counselors.

I went to college, SUNY Geneseo and SUNY Brockport, for counselor education and later I became a certified alcoholism counselor, a CAC, around 1989. I ended up working at LCCA for about 15 years.

Q. What brought you to GCASA, now UConnectCare?

A. I worked my way up in the field as a counselor and then as a team leader and eventually as the clinical supervisor. I was kind of recruited, actually, to come to GCASA by Beverly Maniace, who had just been promoted to deputy director in Batavia. She had a program director position open and asked me to interview.

So, I did, and I got the job a week later. That was in 1999. We were located in the bottom of the Growney Building (on Bank Street). We were there until 2003 and then moved to East Main Street to our current location.

Q. Dave Markham, the former executive director, was well respected in the community. What was your relationship like with him?

A. Dave was my mentor and when he left in 2012, I became the executive director and eventually the CEO. He has had a profound impact upon my life and career.  David was very well respected in the community and in the behavioral health field.  David gave me ample opportunity to get involved at the state level sitting on several state wide and local committees and he taught me a lot about how to be a leader.

Q. How has the substance use field changed over the years?

A. I started when substance abuse and alcoholism were divided up into two different sectors. And then eventually we became certified alcohol and substance abuse counselors.

There were two different divisions, and we treated drugs and alcohol differently at the time. DAAA and DSAS. Then the two different organizations merged to become OASAS (New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services and now New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports).

When I first started we dealt mostly with long-term alcoholism and short-term drinking drivers.  Opioids were a drug of last resort.  Today the majority of our patients are addicted to poly substances and most included opioids.  I never saw our organization opening a methadone clinic but we did in 2018 and I am thankful we did because we have helped a lot of people.

Q. What stands out as far as services available in Genesee and Orleans counties?

A. Looking back, the people that I met and the providers, especially those like Genesee Justice with its restorative justice program, stand out. I became friends with the director at the time, Dennis Wittman, and helped participate in pre-sentencing investigations when there was drug abuse involved.

Eileen Kirkpatrick, who was the director of Genesee County Social Services. People like Dennis and Eileen reached out to me when I first arrived in Genesee County and they introduced me to people and institutions that could make a difference in people’s lives.

I became part of the Criminal Justice Advisory Council, which is really unique across the state to have a council that's made up of criminal justice and service providers.  I think that group of individuals does amazing things in our community and is incredibly collaborative.  It’s unique and I think all the agencies try to work together and the county legislature has been mostly supportive of our services

I've just really been impressed with Genesee County and Orleans County, the providers and law enforcement and everybody works together to try to make the lives of individuals we serve better. That’s one of the blessings to be able to work in a place where we had those types of relationships,

Q. UConnectCare has grown significantly in recent years. Can you speak about that?

A. Over the last 10 years, we’ve grown from an agency of 68 employees to what will be about 190 employees when the Women & Children’s Residence in Albion opens in a few months.

That was my goal when I took over. It was very frustrating that urban communities had all these services and rural communities had none. So, a lot of our community members had to leave the area to get the services they need … like inpatient or detox or to get methadone. And so, my goal was to bring all those services here so that people didn't have to leave the community, and so that's what we set out to do.

We added a full continuum of services of care in a rural community. I would say that one of my biggest pride and joys is that our organization really tries to make a difference.  The staff here care about the people we serve and always try to do the right thing.  I will miss them all dearly.

I think opening The Recovery Station at the former Bohn’s Restaurant is one of my favorite projects, because that is one of the most unique recovery centers across the state.

Recently, AA hosted an event there and they had 71 people there. We have had several events with over a 100 people.  So, it’s those things that make a difference in the lives of the people we serve.

Q. What challenges have you faced and continue to face?

A. I think the hardest part of working in this field is that I've spent 40 years working in a stigmatized field. And no matter how hard I fought to reduce stigma, it still exists today in the year 2025. People with addiction continue to be stigmatized and that sometimes makes me feel like I didn’t do enough to change the attitudes towards people with addiction.

The people that we serve are just people like everybody else. They just have a drug addiction and when they become sober or get into recovery, they’re some of the kindest and coolest people you could ever meet.

So, that probably has been the most difficult part. When I reflect on how we tried to open a recovery center down on Swan Street and they kind of ran us out of town. Those are disappointing moments, not because we weren’t able to open a program, but because it sends a message to people who are struggling with addiction and are in recovery that they are somehow less than others. It makes me sad that people have this misconception of people in recovery.

Q. What can you say about the people you have worked with over the years?

A. Well, obviously, all of the staff that I've gotten to work with in the past 25 years at UConnectCare are amazing people. I’ve had the privilege to work with a great leadership team. Some of us have been together for the full 25 years.

I want to be careful to mentions individuals because I am sure I will forget someone important, so I’ll just say that my current leadership team is comprised of incredible people who have devoted their careers to serving people and their families suffering with addiction.  I couldn’t have done half of what we accomplished without them.  I love getting to know as many staff individually as possible. I will miss them all.

I’ve worked with a great volunteer board of directors over the years. I want to say a huge thank you to all of them over the past 13 years.  Most of them had some kind of connection to the work we do and I truly appreciate all their guidance over the years.

In the community, I need to mention Jay Gsell and now Matt Landers, Genesee County managers, and also Lynda Battaglia and Danielle Figura, who head up the mental health clinics in Genesee and Orleans. They have always had our backs and have been supportive all we do.  There have been so many great people along the way -- too many to mention.

Q. What made you decide to leave UConnectCare?

A. I will truly miss this work, but it was really after 40 years, it was just time for me to pass the torch on to someone else. I really kind of feel like I've accomplished what I needed to.

Honestly, my father died two years ago. I just kind of felt like I did what I needed to do in my career to make my family proud. I’m proud of how the agency has grown and I am leaving it, I hope, better than it was when I took over and in good hands with the current leadership and the interim CEO Kathy Hodgins.

With this new position, it gives me the chance to get back to my roots of hands-on assistance and help this social care grant grow and be successful and to help people who really sometimes just need the basics to have a better life.

UConnectCare recognizes employees with longevity awards

By Press Release
Five-year longevity award recipients at UConnectCare are, seated from left, Sue Gagne, Nick Volpe and Cheyenne Richardson; standing, Mike Pettinella, Christen Foley, Jessica Budzinack, Lisa Fitzak and Lucy Sweeney. Other five-year employees are Keith Lyons, Jake Nadolinski, Rachel Tebor and Rob Shields. Photos courtesy of UConnectCare.

Press release:

UConnectCare recognized 18 employees with longevity awards at its annual holiday luncheon on Tuesday at Terry Hills Restaurant in Batavia.

Among those honored was President/Chief Executive Officer John Bennett, who joined the nonprofit agency in 1999 after starting his professional career 14 years earlier as an adolescent and jail counselor.

In 2006, Bennett assumed the oversight of the Residential Services and in 2012, he was hired to be executive director and now serves as CEO.

In her introductory speech, Virginia Taylor, a former UConnectCare board president, cited Bennett’s passion and caring nature as hallmarks of his career.

“John’s passion for creating the full continuum of services so individuals don't have to leave their community has been the driving force behind all that he has accomplished,” she said. “We are extremely proud of the organization under John's leadership, and his commitment to our community is nothing short of exemplary.”

Bennett expressed his appreciation for all those who have dedicated their lives to helping others become sober and to live productive lives.

“As my career winds down – and some of your careers are just starting -- I just hope that we continue to have people coming into this work because it is so important,” he said.

“Most of the time we’re just planting seeds, and we just want to leave the door open for these people to come back. That’s the key to the work we do. It’s never to judge people or make people feel demeaned. If you’re kind to them -- if you love them -- they’ll come back to see you again.”

Other UConnectCare employees recognized for longevity:

25 years – Amy Klos, customer relations manager.

20 years – Leslie Pfalzer, Information Technology director.

15 years – Diane Hooper, Batavia clinic secretary.

10 years – Dana Joy, Albion clinic supervisor; Sheila Harding, assistant director of Prevention.

5 years – Jessica Budzinack; coordinator of Outreach & Family Support; Lisa Fitzak, secretary; Mike Pettinella; media specialist; Christen Foley, Prevention Resource Center project director; Keith Lyons, driver; Lucy Sweeney, counselor; Nick Volpe, The Recovery Station operations manager; Sue Gagne; outreach RN; Jake Nadolinski, residential cleaner; Cheyenne Richardson, residential counselor; Rachel Tebor, residential technician; Rob Shields, residential technician.

Submitted photos.

UConnectCare longevity award recipients are, seated from left, Leslie Pfalzer, Diane Hooper and Sheila Harding; standing, Dana Joy and John Bennett.

UConnectCare brings together people in recovery community for 'Friendsgiving' events

By Howard B. Owens
friendsgiving uconnect batavia
Photo by Howard Owens.

The patrons of the Recovery Station at 5256 Clinton Street Road in Batavia have formed tight bonds as they work on sobriety together, said Melissa Vineyard, station coordinator, during a "Friendsgiving" meal on Wednesday.

On Thursday, Thanksgiving, she said, the people in recovery will be with their blood family but Friendsgiving is about sharing a meal with people who have a different, special bond with each other.

"When we come into recovery, we make a whole new family," Vineyard said. "These are the people who are in the trenches. These are the people we celebrate. We're proud. They keep going. They don't give up. These are the faces we see every day. So I wanted to have a special time with all these people. Bring them together and just say thank you, perfect."

UConnectCare operates the Recovery Station, a substance and alcohol-free environment where people in recovery can socialize and hang out.

Also on Wednesday, UConnect hosted another "Friendsgiving" event at the agency's child care center on Havester Avenue. There was music by Bart Dentino as well as kids coloring Thanksgiving placemats to take home for Thanksgiving.

The child care center provides a safe place for parents who are going through recovery to drop off their kids to be cared for while they take care of recovery obligations or just get their shopping done.

friendsgiving uconnect batavia
Photo by Howard Owens.
friendsgiving uconnect batavia
Photo by Howard Owens.
friendsgiving uconnect batavia
Photo by Howard Owens.
friendsgiving uconnect batavia
Photo by Howard Owens.
friendsgiving uconnect batavia
Photo by Kara Richenberg
friendsgiving uconnect batavia
Photo by Howard Owens.

UConnectCare invites recovery community to ‘Friendsgiving’ and Santa Claus events

By Press Release
Melissa Vinyard and Kevin Green, employees at The Recovery Station, invite the recovery community to holiday events over the next two weeks.

Press release:

UConnectCare is looking to make the holiday season – starting with two “Friendsgiving” activities in Batavia next week – a special one for the recovery community in Genesee and Orleans counties.

The Recovery Station at 5256 Clinton St. Rd. and the agency’s childcare center at 14 Harvester Ave. will be hosting events from 2  to 5 p.m. on November 27 to give adults and children the opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving a day ahead of the actual holiday.

“Both of these events are designed to build a whole family of support by offering those in recovery the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends in a relaxed atmosphere,” said Melissa Vinyard, TRS coordinator. “Anyone who wants to attend is welcome.”

Vinyard said free food and refreshments will be available, with the menu featuring chicken wing dip, meatballs, taco dip, spinach dip, banana pudding, and an assortment of pies.

Jessica Budzinack, UConnectCare’s coordinator of Outreach and Family Support Program, said adults with children can drop off the kids at the childcare house on Harvester Avenue if they wish to attend the adult gathering at TRS.

“We’re calling it ‘Friendsgiving for Kiddos’ at the childcare center and it is open to all children of our clients in Genesee and Orleans, even if parents will not be attending at The Recovery Station,” she said.

Budzinack said children attending will make placemats for their Thanksgiving dinner, be treated to “candy salad and real food, too” and sing and dance along with singer/musician Bart Dentino, a UConnectCare employee.

“Each child will receive a school vacation care package containing snacks, drinks and a surprise to enjoy with their parents,” she added.

The childcare session will be supervised by Elizabeth Wilson, Parent & Family Relationship peer coach, along with staffers Kallie Totten and Tonya Arnold.


On December 4, TRS will be hosting “A Night with Santa & Mrs. Claus” from 5 to 8 p.m.

Attendees can choose to have their picture taken with the Christmas “royal couple” at no charge and will be offered the chance to craft a unique frame for the picture. Cookies and cocoa will be served and all children will receive a Christmas storybook as a gift.

Both the “Friendsgiving” at the childcare house and “A Night with Santa & Mrs. Claus” are partially funded by the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation, Budzinack said.

“We are grateful to the foundation for helping us to support parents and their children in recovery,” she said. “Throughout the year, we schedule different events where parents in recovery can get together with other parents in recovery and their children to do things that normally they wouldn’t be able to do on their own. This builds the recovery community for parents and the children.”

She said that UConnectCare staff helps participants build parenting skills and provides the resources that they need to parent effectively and to navigate through any legal issues.

“We also supply care packages to parents with food insecurities while their kids are in school and offer fun things they can do together as a family to strengthen family bonds,” she said.

Elizabeth Wilson, Parent & Family Relationship peer coach, holds a gift bag that will be given to all children attending the “Friendsgiving for Kiddos” gathering on Nov. 27 at UConnectCare’s childcare center.

Grateful for Recovery artist reception set for Wednesday

By Press Release
One of the many pieces of art that will be on display throughout November as part of the Grateful for Recovery art show at Richmond Memorial Library in Batavia. Submitted photos.

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The public will have an opportunity to meet the artists who are participating in the Grateful for Recovery art show that is on display throughout November at Richmond Memorial Library in Batavia.

An artists’ reception is scheduled for 4 to 5:30 p.m. Nov. 6.

Presented by the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Genesee County and UConnectCare, the show is designed to showcase the talents of those in recovery from substance use disorder, mental health and other issues, and to reduce the stigma associated with the recovery community.

One of the many pieces of art that will be on display throughout November as part of the Grateful for Recovery art show at Richmond Memorial Library in Batavia. Submitted photos.

UConnectCare focuses in on Red Ribbon Week

By Press Release

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The “scene” is set for UConnectCare’s Prevention Department to “direct” local school and community projects during this month’s Red Ribbon Week, which is draping itself in the theme, “Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free.”

Red Ribbon Week, the nation’s largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaign, will take place from Oct. 23-31. The observance has touched the lives of millions of people around the world since its inception nearly 40 years ago.

This year's theme, “Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free," encourages everyone to contribute to creating safe, healthy, and drug-free communities,” said Sheila Harding, UConnectCare assistant director of Prevention. “It highlights the significant impact that healthcare professionals, educators, parents, and others can have through their dedication and commitment.”

The campaign was started as a response to the 1985 murder of Drug Enforcement Agency Agent Enrique Camarena in Mexico by members of the Guadalajara drug cartel.

Angered by this terrible act, parents and youths in communities across the United States began wearing red ribbons as a symbol of their commitment to raise awareness of the killing and destruction caused by drugs.

Today, Red Ribbon Week, which is sponsored by the National Family Partnership, serves to educate youth and encourage participation in drug prevention activities.

UConnectCare Prevention educators reported that numerous schools in Genesee and Orleans counties have scheduled Red Ribbon Week activities. Furthermore, red ribbons are being placed in the City of Batavia and the cupola at the Old Courthouse will be lit up in red during that week.

“We invite you to celebrate not just this week, but to embrace healthy choices throughout the year and inspire those around you to do the same,” Harding said.

For more information about Red Ribbon Week and the substance use prevention efforts at UConnectCare, contact Harding at

UConnectCare hires Erik Winarski to succeed Ryan as chief fiscal officer

By Press Release

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Erik Winarski
Submitted photo.

UConnectCare (formerly Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse) has hired Erik Winarski, a longtime educator and accountant, as its chief fiscal officer.

Winarski, a Rochester native and Canandaigua resident, assumed the role in March. He succeeds JoAnn Ryan, who has held the position for 37 years.

Winarski earned a PhD in Education and an MBA in Accounting. He became an associate with two separate accounting firms, specializing in public (tax) accounting and internal audits.

Furthermore, he will earn a Certificate of Advanced Study in School District Business Leadership through SUNY Brockport in August.

Winarski said that the executive position with UConnectCare gives him the opportunity to apply his knowledge of accounting in the nonprofit sector.

“I am excited to work with a capable and dedicated staff at UConnectCare,” Winarski said.

He looks forward to bringing his experience and expertise to advance the mission of UConnectCare, and will be overseeing a staff of four in the Finance Department.

Winarski and his wife, Elizabeth, have two daughters who are in grade school.

UConnectCare has served residents of Western New York for almost five decades. Founded in 1975, UConnectCare started with a focus on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorder in Genesee County, and has grown and expanded to include Orleans County, as well.

Living Out Loud: Melissa Vinyard celebrates recovery while helping others through her job at UConnectCare

By Press Release
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Energetic and personable, with a warm sense of humor and jovial laugh, Melissa Vinyard is only half joking when she tells people that she was “predisposed to be an alcoholic with a last name like Vinyard.”

That’s because the 57-year-old Batavia resident was born to an alcoholic mother, who succumbed to the disease in November 2017.

“My mother was my best friend and worst enemy at the same time,” Vinyard said. “She told me that if I was going to drink, I needed to drink like a lady – whatever that means.”

What it turned out to mean was that Vinyard would become addicted to alcohol and drugs, needing substances to make it through each day. Fortunately for her, however, she broke free from the cycle of addiction and has been in recovery for six years.

Moreover, through her connection with UConnectCare (formerly Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse), where she spent time in treatment, Vinyard’s path of sobriety has resulted in her being hired last June as the nonprofit agency’s coordinator of The Recovery Station on Clinton Street Road.

“Who would have ‘thunk’ it after all that I went through?” she said.

Vinyard says that her introduction to alcohol started in her mother’s womb.

“I’d like to say I had my first drink in utero because my mother was an alcoholic who drank through her pregnancy,” she said. “I can remember my first few sips of alcohol. My mother loved to entertain, and at our Christmas parties, she would pretend to hire me to be the waitress. And I would be cleaning up and seeing the half-drank wine glasses.

“I’d say to myself, ‘What’s this? Such a really pretty color. I took a couple of sips, and automatically, it was like, this is luscious. I put it in my mouth, and it started to tingle. I swallowed it, and it burned into me. What have I found? I didn’t know what I had actually found, but what I knew was that I felt better.”

She said she didn’t want to lose that “feeling” and embarked on a life of heavy drinking and drug use.

Vinyard grew up in Geneseo, graduating from Geneseo High before helping her mother, Kerry Holmes, run their beauty salon in the village. She became, in her words, “a townie,” partying with the college students and then a “highly-functioning alcoholic” – consuming large volumes of beers and wine coolers – with cocaine use mixed in.

The oldest of five children, she said she was married twice but both ended in divorce.

“I was a good mom; I attended all of my sons’ sporting events, but I wasn’t a good wife,” she admitted.

Vinyard attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Geneseo back in 2010, but she went back to drinking – even after she was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer and had to undergo a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. Six years later, she suffered a stroke at work, prompting her doctor to tell her that she was going to die if she kept drinking.

“I said, ‘Tell me what I need to do?’ she recalled. “I was too afraid to live and too scared to die.”

With her family’s tough love approach, Vinyard checked herself into the Margaret A. Stutzman Addiction Treatment Center in Buffalo. Just ten days into her rehabilitation, her mother died of complications from her drinking at the age of 71.

Mourning the loss of her mother and being evicted from her home by her then fiancé, Vinyard entered intensive outpatient treatment at GCASA, followed by 2 ½ years at the agency’s sober living for women residence.

“I went through all the steps and was in group (therapy) every day,” she said. “GCASA saw something in me that I couldn’t see in myself.”

Vinyard enrolled at Genesee Community College, taking drug and alcohol counseling courses, and stayed in recovery despite suffering major injuries when struck by a car while crossing the street on East Main in Batavia four years ago.

In 2020, Vinyard became a peer advocate with the agency, working at The Recovery Station and the detox center. She has also assisted in the clinic and the mobile unit.

“I’m living my recovery out loud because GCASA saved my life,” she said, adding that she since has found spiritual support at a church in Batavia and is leading a spirituality group at The Recovery Station.

Vinyard shared that the “very first person that I met at church, who greeted me, was a woman named Judy.”

She said Judy had responded to a call for prayer from Vinyard’s brother and sister. The two women became pen pals and now they keep in touch regularly through her church.

“I have found a spiritual connection to Jesus Christ and was baptized,” Vinyard said. “When I came up from the water, it felt like the inside of me had taken a shower. It was the first time that my inside matched my outside.”

The path to recovery begins with U. At UConnectCare; we want you to work with us. For more information on employment opportunities, go to

UConnectCare named one of 27 ‘Best Companies’ in NYS

By Press Release

Press release:

The New York State Council of the Society for Human Resource Management, Best Companies Group and Rochester Business Journal have named UConnectCare Behavioral Health Services as one of the 2024 Best Companies to Work for in New York.

This is the sixth consecutive year that the local nonprofit agency, formerly known as Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, has been recognized by Best Companies to Work for in New York, a research-driven program that examines a company’s practices, programs and benefits and also surveys its employees for their perspectives.

UConnectCare was one of 27 businesses in the state receiving the honor in the medium companies (100-249 employees) category.

“As our agency continues to grow, I am especially proud of how our staff has pulled together to provide a wider spectrum of services, while also expressing their satisfaction on the survey in terms of their workplace experience,” UConnectCare Chief Executive Officer John Bennett said. “I am delighted by the level of professionalism and compassion displayed by our employees throughout the organization.”

To be considered, companies must have at least 15 full-time or part-time employees working in New York; be a for-profit or not-for-profit business or government entity; be a publicly or privately held business; have a facility in the State of New York and be in business a minimum of one year.

There were two parts used to determine the rankings. The first consisted of evaluating each nominated company's workplace policies, practices and demographics, worth approximately 25 percent of the total evaluation. The second part consisted of an employee survey to measure the employee experience, which consisted of 75 percent of the total. The combined scores determined the top companies and the final rankings.

For more information on the Best Companies to Work for in New York program, visit

Quality and Quantity: UConnectCare celebrates expansion of services, honors Friends, scholars

By Mike Pettinella
UConnectCare friends
UCONNECTCARE ‘FRIENDS’: Receiving “Friends of UConnectCare” awards for 2024 are, seated from left, Dr. Davina Moss, Erin Martin, Pam Gefell, Gordon Luthart; standing, GO Health staff members Paul Pettit, Sherri Bensley, Emily Penrose and Meghan Sheridan, and Riverview Pharmacy representatives Tammy Kublas and Noah Carpenter. Submitted photos.

Wednesday afternoon’s annual meeting at Terry Hills Restaurant in Batavia may have been the first under the name UConnectCare, but it served as a celebration of the many ways the agency formerly known as Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse is having a positive impact on community health.

Chief Executive Officer John Bennett, speaking to 73 employees, board members and award recipients, outlined a long list of recently added programs that, in his words, “are building access to essential services for those in need.”

“As far as quality of care, I look at two things – our staff and board members who go above and beyond each and every day, and the expansion of our service over the past seven years,” Bennett said.

The agency changed its name to UConnectCare Behavioral Health Services last fall to reflect its work toward implementing programs to reach a wide spectrum of people in the areas of prevention, treatment, recovery, detoxification, supportive living and residential.

In 2023, Bennett said, the agency received three significant grants:

-- A federal Rural Communities Opioid Response Program Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome II grant for $498,848 from the Health Services and Resource Administration to provide the Healthy Moms/Healthy Babies program to pregnant and postpartum women.

-- A federal Targeted Capacity Expansion Special Projects grant in the amount of $375,000 to provide harm reduction services in the community.

-- A Statewide Health Care Facility System Transformation grant for $985,250 from the NYS Department of Health to improve building capacity in the integrated outpatient treatment program in Batavia.

UConnectCare’s reach, as indicated by the 2023 numbers, is expanding as well, Bennett said, noting that more than 35,000 people were served by the agency’s Prevention department and more than 39,000 counseling visits were provided.

“Furthermore, we had 2,400 visitors at The Recovery Station (on Clinton Street Road), served 339 people in community residence or detox settings, served 1,538 patients in integrated outpatient services and provided 380 childcare sessions,” he said.


Four individuals, a public health agency and a Buffalo pharmacy received “Friends of UConnectCare” awards at the luncheon.

Honorees are as follows:

-- Erin Martin, case manager at Genesee Justice. Nominated by the Batavia clinic, Martin was recognized for her continued service to the agency by helping clients face their legal consequences and by encouraging them to make positive steps toward improving their lives.

-- Gordon Luthart, health teacher at Medina Junior-Senior High School. Nominated by Orleans County Prevention, Luthart, a Marine Corps veteran, was awarded for working with UConnectCare over the past decade to provide prevention education in the classroom.

-- Pam Gefell, mental health therapist for Orleans County Mental Health. Nominated by Orleans County Treatment, Gefell, a former UConnectCare counselor, provides evaluation and counseling services on a weekly basis in Albion for those who have co-occurring (substance use disorder and mental health issues) disorders.

-- Dr. Davina Moss, founder of Positive Direction & Associates, Inc., of Buffalo and creator of The Positive Direction Model. Nominated by Recovery Services, she is instrumental in starting and sustaining the agency’s Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies program. Dr. Moss said she shares the award with Jessica Budzinack, coordinator of UConnectCare’s program to help the pregnant and post-natal population.

-- Genesee/Orleans Department of Health (GO Health). Nominated by Genesee Prevention, GO Health partners with UConnectCare on the GOW Opioid Task Force and joined forces with UConnectCare on the HEALing Genesee group over the past 18 months. Both agencies have worked to implement new programs focusing on Naloxone and fentanyl education and medications for opioid use disorder, including the launching of the task force’s Text for Naloxone Line.

-- Riverview Pharmacy, Buffalo. Nominated by Residential/Detox Services, the pharmacy was acknowledged for its reliable and dependable service to those on medication and its communication with UConnectCare’s nursing staff.

UConnectCare scholars
UCONNECTCARE SCHOLARS: UConnectCare Foundation scholars for 2024 are, seated from left, Brianne Amico and Megan Gates; standing, Kenna MacKenzie and Chloe Crossett.


Three graduating seniors and a Genesee Community College graduate each will be receiving $1,000 scholarships, courtesy of the UConnectCare Foundation.

They are:

-- Kenna MacKenzie, Le Roy High School, who will be attending SUNY Geneseo to major in Psychology.

-- Megan Gates, Kendall High School, who will be attending SUNY Brockport in the Nursing program.

-- Chloe Crossett, Kendall High School, who will be attending SUNY Brockport in pursuit of a degree in Social Work.

-- Brianne Amico, who earned an associate’s degree in human services from GCC before enrolling at SUNY Plattsburgh. She plans to work toward a master’s degree in social work at SUNY Binghamton.

Disclosure: Mike Pettinella is the publicist for UConnectCare.

Time to stop stigma surrounding mental health, substance use: Former NFL QB Ryan Leaf

By Mike Pettinella
Ryan Leaf
Former NFL quarterback Ryan Leaf speaking to the public at Genesee Community College on Wednesday night. Photos by Howard Owens.

Growing up in what he calls “the cowboy culture” of rural Montana, former National Football League quarterback Ryan Leaf said that he never saw another man reach out for help with mental health issues because of the stigma associated with it.

Leaf failed to live up to the expectations of the No. 2 pick in the 1998 NFL draft, leaving professional football after a relatively uneventful five seasons. He then turned to drug use, which led to his arrest and incarceration for 32 months.

Today, a week shy of his 48th birthday, he tells his story at venues throughout the nation when he’s not commentating on college football and the NFL as a radio and television host. 

On Wednesday night, he capped his appearance in Batavia with a two-hour talk in front of 70 people at Genesee Community College. Earlier in the day, he spoke to about 300 high school 11th- and 12th-graders at the GCC gymnasium (see story below).

Leaf's presentations were sponsored by UConnectCare (formerly Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse).

Leaf shared that he didn’t have the ability to cope with failure, instead blaming others and taking a self-righteous and “I’m better than you” attitude. He said he didn’t know where to turn when his emotional health worsened.

“I wasn’t used to seeing people being vulnerable or transparent, it's just not,” he said. “It's a huge reason why I didn't seek help because I grew up in what you would consider a cowboy culture of Montana (and) then in locker rooms in college and in the NFL where you've never seen another man simply say, ‘I'm really struggling here. Can you help me?’

“So, if we haven't seen it, what would make us think anybody would be able to do it? Right? It's not taught. What has been taught is rub some dirt on it, get it back in there, toughen up.”

He went on to say that his father, who he said he admires, told him, “Why can’t you just stop (taking the Vicodin pills that led him astray)? Yeah, if I could stop, I would have done that a long time ago. Clearly, this was not a choice. And the idea was stigma exists -- the idea that someone may know that you need help is more frightening than actually getting the help that you need.

“That's what stigma is, and it will be the last rail that you have to climb over for people to take mental health and substance abuse seriously.”

Married with two young children, Leaf, now a Connecticut resident, illustrated his point by comparing those with a medical illness with those suffering from mental illness.

“A perfect example, two kids get sick in the same neighborhood. One has leukemia and one deals with a mental health disorder or substance use disorder. The difference in comparison to how the public then treats the family of the leukemia child in terms of support, food, things of that nature in comparison to what the individual family deals with when it comes to the mental health side of things … they're ostracized, they’re isolated, they’re talked about … when in reality, there's medical science that exactly the same thing exists. It's a disease.”

Leaf, realizing that some in the audience were in recovery, credited those in attendance for coming to hear him speak.

“You had a choice to be at home, stay at home, and not do something to try to be part of the solution tonight within your community,” he said. “So, I applaud all of you and you should applaud yourselves for being able to go off and do that and be a part of it.”

As for his own life, Leaf said he was driven by competition – “my first drug of choice,” he said -- at a young age and developed into a three-sport star (basketball, football and baseball) in high school.

“I worked harder than anybody else, and so I was rewarded with the opportunity to play at any college,” he said. “I was able to get an education for free and relieve my parents of the burden of having to have to foot the bill or something like that,” he said. 

He said he didn’t fit into the Montana culture and looked to escape, signing with Washington State University, where he led his team to a trip to the Rose Bowl and became a Heisman Trophy finalist in his junior year.

His collegiate success led to him being selected by the San Diego Chargers right after Peyton Manning in the 1998 NFL draft. With it came a five-year $31 million contract, including an $11.5 million signing bonus.

Despite Leaf’s extraordinary athletic talent, his dream of a long NFL career and a place in the Pro Football Hall of Fame never materialized as he was ill-equipped to handle adversity. He ended up playing for four teams before calling it quits. From there, his dependency on Vicodin led to possession and burglary charges as he continually searched for a way to ease his inner pain.

Eventually, after two years in prison, he was able to turn his life around by finally considering the plight of others around him.

“When you make it about someone else, you're not thinking about you at all, you're not thinking about your problems and your troubles with things you've dealt with, you're actually thinking about someone else's issues,” he said. “That's what empathy is … you actually put yourself in the shoes of someone else going through something. And I don't think I really had an empathetic bone in my body until I was confronted with all my stuff.

“There was no talk of mental illness or drugs or alcohol in my life when I got to the NFL because there just wasn't. It turns out that I was dealing with mental health issues. I just didn't understand it.”

Leaf compared himself to Peyton Manning, who is considered one of the greatest quarterbacks ever, as he pointed out the public’s perception of success.

“If I placed Peyton Manning right here and I stood next to him right now in front of us and asked you to point out the failure and the success, I don’t think it would be hard for anybody to do the pointing,” he said. “But that’s how people view and define success and failure.

“We’re both far removed from playing NFL football. He’s been retired for some time and I as well. If you look at our resume and our life right now, Peyton is a 48-year-old father of two and so am I. I own a profession and consulting company -- a broadcasting one a does he. We both do a ton of philanthropic things and give back to our communities. We both are very happy with our lot in life and … suffice to say, we both have the life of our dreams.”

Leaf said the “baggage” of the past doesn’t define a person’s life today and hope for the future.

“I mean a lot of people quit from that aspect of things like it will never get better. And I think it's the furthest from the truth,” he said. “It does not matter at all what has gone on in your past if you’re willing to accept that and surrender to who you are and why you're here. It's all about what you do today and tomorrow.”

Disclosure: Mike Pettinella is the publicist for UConnectCare.

GCC Leaf

Leaf urges students to focus on attitude, behavior, effort

By Mike Pettinella

Attitude. Behavior. Effort.

“Those are three things you can control,” said Ryan Leaf, former National Football League quarterback and now a sought-after motivational speaker, to about 300 high school juniors and seniors on Wednesday morning during a prom awareness event at the Genesee Community College gymnasium.

Leaf, the No. 2 selection in the 1998 NFL draft (right after Peyton Manning), came to Batavia as a guest of UConnectCare (formerly Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse).

Following a stellar collegiate career at Washington State University where he was a finalist for the Heisman Trophy in his junior year, Leaf was drafted by the San Diego Chargers – receiving a five-year, $31 million contract, including an $11.5 million signing bonus.

The Great Falls, Mont. Native said that being handed that kind of money only reinforced his belief that he could do anything he wanted.

“Money, power and prestige; I had it all,” he said to the students from Batavia High, Oakfield-Alabama, Elba, Byron-Bergen and Lyndonville at the outset of what turned out to be a two-hour talk. “I really felt that I was more important than anyone else.”

With wins in his first two NFL starts, Leaf was on top of the world. But in week three of his rookie season, a loss to Kansas City, he had “the worst game of my life” and was devastated.

“I wasn’t equipped to deal with it,” he said, adding that he experienced “arrested development” at age 13. “I was humiliated and embarrassed.”

Life in the NFL went downhill quickly after that, with Leaf sharing that he doesn’t remember many good things about his five-year NFL career. He went on to play for Dallas, Tampa Bay and Seattle before mental health issues prompted him to, in his words, “walk away from the think I wanted to do since I was 4 years old.”

Falling into depression and living under the burden as being known as one of the biggest draft busts ever, Leaf said he turned to taking Vicodin to ease his pain.

“I didn’t want to feel anything and the Vicodin did that for me,” he said. “It was eight years of a constant chase.”

Leaf said he squandered all of his money and resorted to going through friends medicine cabinets in search of his high – and then to entering strangers’ homes to find pills. Law enforcement caught up to him in March 2012 and he was sentenced to seven years in prison for burglary and possession of narcotics.

“For 26 of the 32 months that I served, I did nothing much watch a little TV at the end of my bed,” he said. “I wanted to die. I didn’t want to be there.”

Fortunately for him, his cellmate urged him to help some of the other inmates learn how to read. Reluctantly, he accepted the offer and, later on, he set out to become a substance abuse counselor.

Over the past 12 years, Leaf, 47, has maintained sobriety and has worked tirelessly to improve his life through AA meetings, therapy, prayer and meditation, and reaching out to others.

“What changed is (that I embraced) service to others, and it’s not money-generated,” he said. “Just sharing my story. And (addressing the students) your life’s story is just as inspirational and impactful as mine because you’re still here. Sharing that is the most serviceable thing you could do.”

Leaf, a Connecticut resident, talked about how he changed his attitude toward women – “I never respected women,” he said – and speaking glowingly of his wife, 6 ½-year-old son and 6-month-old daughter.

When not traveling around the U.S. speaking about substance use and mental health stigma, Leaf, chief executive officer of RAM Consultant, Inc., serves as a college and NFL analyst for Westwood One Sports and hosts a radio and television shows.

Stating that he’s “OK” with his past, Leaf said, “We all screw up and then think it’s the end of the world. But it’s not. You can stumble and fall but you need to keep trying. It doesn’t matter what happened it the past.”

He encouraged the students to “do the little things” that provide strength in times of temptation.

“You always have a choice,” he said, mentioning drinking and driving, drug use and sexual activity. “Enjoy the next couple weeks (before proms and graduations). It’s fleeting. It goes by so fast.”

Former NFL quarterback Ryan Leaf to speak about substance use disorder, mental health on May 8

By Press Release
Ryan Leaf
Former NFL quarterback Ryan Leaf, right, and former Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker Jack Ham at a Legends & Stars event in February 2023 at Batavia Downs Gaming. Now a motivational speaker, Leaf is scheduled to speak at Genesee Community College on May 8. Photo by Mike Pettinella.

Press release:

“Twelve years ago today I woke up on the floor of a jail cell...with no hope or possible idea what could be! There was no possibility of this life, no love of my life, no career, no future, no family, no recovery," Leaf wrote on X. "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending! There is Hope!” – Ryan Leaf, April 1, 2024.

In 1998, the San Diego Chargers selected Ryan Leaf, standout quarterback from Washington State University, as the No. 2 overall pick in the National Football League Draft behind Peyton Manning. A finalist for the Heisman Trophy following his junior year, the future looked bright for the Great Falls, Mont., native.

However, dreams of a storied NFL career turned into a nightmare for the strong-armed 6-foot5-inch, 235-pound signal caller as issues involving bad behavior, injuries, work ethic and focus -- beyond poor play – limited his time as a pro to four nonproductive years.

Leaf went into a downward spiral, eventually ending up in prison for burglary and drug-related offenses – a period of time he referred to in his statement above.

Although he wasn’t able to survive in the world of professional football, Leaf has turned his life around – carving out a respected space throughout the United States as a motivational speaker and ambassador for sobriety.

He said he has been in recovery from substance use disorder for the past 11 years, and has devoted his life to helping others overcome the stigma of mental health and addiction as a program ambassador for Transcend Recovery Community and CEO/President of RAM Consultant, Inc.

Leaf, 47, is coming to Batavia in May to share his experiences, both triumph and challenges, and offer invaluable lessons in resilience and the power of determination.

“Asking for help is the strongest thing you’ll ever do,” Leaf says, referring to those struggling with substance use.

Leaf also works as a college football analyst for the ESPN network.

UConnectCare (formerly Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse) invites the public to attend his presentation, which is scheduled for 6 p.m. May 8 at Genesee Community College, Room T102.

To reserve your seat, call 585-815-1883 or send an email to by May 1.

Soul Food Brunch dishes ‘food for thought’ while commemorating Black History Month

By Mike Pettinella
Kenyetta Reese
Photo by Mike Pettinella.

The first Soul Food Brunch at GoArt! on Tuesday afternoon provided both tasty African-American cuisine and some honest food for thought.

The gathering at East Main and Bank streets drew about 60 people, including members of Genesee County’s Black-owned businesses that were featured on a flyer handed out to the attendees.

After enjoying a menu of fried chicken and waffles, shrimp and grits, eggs, greens, macaroni and cheese, banana pudding and lemon pound cake, many of the attendees stuck around for a brief presentation led by brunch organizer Kenyetta Reese, a case manager at UConnectCare.

While the event was set up to highlight Black History Month, Reese noted that she and her family have been subjected to racism in recent months and years.

“I’ve actually experienced racism in the past six months,” she said. “So, if you could raise your hand here if you have also experienced racism in the past six months? How about in the past 30 days?”

Several people raised their hands.

Reese said recent events “have stirred up some trauma that she had from all of the hockey seasons that I was quiet.”

“My presence was loud, but I was somewhat quiet,” she recalled. “So, this event is for my son. He’s somewhere in this building.

“For every single time he was called the N-word on the ice, from the stands, for every unnecessary penalty, for the time parents called the police on him for checking their kid into the boards. Yes, someone actually called the police.”

She said her son was kicked out of games “for no reason.”

“For every game he cried, and I didn’t know. This event is for him, and I will no longer be quiet. His time is right now,” she said to applause.

Reese said that blatant racism is dismissed or disregarded.

“Microaggressions or exclusionary behaviors, if you will, boldly still exist and live hard for people of color still in 2024,” she offered. “With that said, we are here to celebrate Black History Month by sharing knowledge and a meal. Most importantly, to celebrate one another with two allies of our community and our workplace.”

She encouraged attendees to meet someone new today as “there’s a lot of power and strength in this room and in this building right now.”

Reese’s daughter, Tzyonah, took the stage, providing statistics pertaining to Black people and mental health.

“Did you know that 63 percent of black people believe that a mental health condition is a sign of personal weakness?” she said. “People may experience shame about having a mental illness and worry that they may be discriminated against due to a condition.

“Nearly 90 percent of Black and African American people over the age of 12 with a substance use disorder did not receive treatment.

"In 2018, 58 percent of Black and African-American young adults with serious mental illness did not receive treatments.

"According to the APA (American Psychological Association), only 4 percent of psychologists are African-American. African American adults are 20% more likely to experience mental health issues than the rest of the population.

"Twenty-five percent of African-Americans seek treatment for a mental health issue compared to 40 percent of White individuals.”

Tzyonah said that she “struggles with” mental health issues … but continues to “work on myself and I continue to grow.”

“I remain so unbelievably vibrant, positive, resilient, strong, independent, hardworking.”

She said her custom printing business, Made by Tzy, provides her with a creative outlet “that brings me joy.”

“It gives me a voice and a platform to create dialogue and showcase the beauty, triumph and struggle of the Black experience through my art.”

From there, Brandon Armstrong, owner of the first Black-owned barber shop in Genesee County – Royals at 317 Ellicott St., Batavia, took a few minutes to talk about the Moors, African people around the 700s AD that, in his words, “were very smart and civilized back in those days.”

“They were well-studied in science and math … and they ushered in like a renaissance era,” he said. “Europe was very uncivilized. They weren’t bathing; there was a lot of sickness, a lot of diseases, and they were living with their animals.”

Armstrong said the Moors “came in with medicine – rubbing alcohol, disinfectant, soap – and showed the people how to groom themselves and bathe. They brought them clothing.”

He mentioned that the Moors originated the famous Italian dress shoe, the Moorigator.

“If you just look at that the word Moori, it’s a variation of the word Moorish. Right? And then if you look at the gator, the gator isn't indigenous to Italy, right? So, we see the black influence, even to this day, down to the shoes and from African culture.”

GoArt! Executive Director Gregory Hallock followed Reese by announcing the agency has received a grant from BlackSpace, a New York City-based nonprofit collective of planners, architects, artists and designers devoted to creating spaces in communities to shine a light on Black culture and creativity.

He said he has scheduled a gathering at 6 p.m. March 11 at GoArt! for people to share ideas with architects for the new space.

“So, a space that we're digging down is available for us to do what we want to it, because it's not historic,” Hallock said, speaking of plans to install two art studios/classrooms, wood workshop, storage room, gallery and other amenities in the building’s basement. “It will become historic once it’s finished.”

Cathy Mack, a GoArt! director said most in the Black community aren’t aware of the programs that are available and encouraged those citizens to make reservations to attend the meeting and provide their input.

Hallock also reported that the agency is collaborating with another nonprofit to build a new 18,000-square-foot space in Medina that will include galleries, a podcast studio, a film studio, artisan shops, a music studio, artist-in-resident spaces, art classrooms and a music garden.

soul food brunch
Fried chicken and waffles, shrimp and grits, and mac and cheese were on the menu at Tuesday's Soul Food Brunch at GoArt!
Jada Rolle of Le Roy's Transformation Salon addresses the gathering at the Soul Food Brunch on Tuesday. Photos by Mike Pettinella.

Federal grant opens door for UConnectCare to provide harm reduction services, mobile unit

By Press Release
mobile unit
Johnny Vidal, outreach peer specialist, and Erin Phelps, Harm Reduction coordinator/case manager, stand next to UConnectCare's mobile unit that travels to different locations in Genesee and Orleans counties to help those struggling with substance use disorder. Submitted photo.

Press release:

A federal grant to provide harm reduction, treatment and/or recovery support services is empowering UConnectCare (formerly Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse) to meet those struggling with substance use disorder “where they’re at.”

The nonprofit agency has begun an Open Access program that will operate three days per week at The Recovery Station, 5256 Clinton St. Rd., Batavia, as well as a Harm Reduction Mobile Outreach unit that will travel to several locations in the two counties five days per week.

“Both programs reflect the agency’s goal of “meeting them where they’re at, without judgment,” said Erin Phelps, Harm Reduction coordinator/case manager. “Those seeking services will be greeted by a trained Peer Advocate to assist in developing a plan for the next steps and answer questions regarding recovery.”

Phelps and Amy Kabel, project director, emphasized that services will be available to residents, even if they’re not ready for agency intervention.

“Harm reduction is about keeping people alive and being ready to help them when they’re ready,” Phelps said, prompting Kabel to add, “or maybe they never are.”

Walk-ins are welcome to utilize Open Access. The program’s hours of service are 3-7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturdays at The Recovery Station.

The mobile unit will be set up in front of Genesee County Mental Health on the first and third Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and at Orleans County Mental Health on the second and fourth Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It also will go to Medina, Le Roy, Lyndonville and other venues in the Batavia area each month.

Johnny Vidal, outreach peer specialist, and Felicia Maybee, Open Access counselor, are part of the team that works on the mobile unit.

Phelps said harm reduction is a “compassionate approach to drug use,” focusing on positive change and safety without requiring that individuals stop using drugs as a precondition for support. Services include peer support, case management, transportation, naloxone training, fentanyl test strips, care/hygiene kits and parent/family support.

She added that a national harm reduction exchange event is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Feb. 15 at a site to be determined.

Treatment evaluations will be available to provide referrals to the appropriate harm reduction support, recovery support and/or treatment, such as detox, inpatient or outpatient.

For more information about the program, opioid overdose prevention training and to see the mobile unit schedule, go to or the UConnectCare or The Recovery Station Facebook pages, or send an email to

Philosophy based on ‘Housing with Dignity’ drives UConnectCare’s residential services

By Mike Pettinella
detox center
UConnectCare’s Detox Center, which is located behind the Atwater Community Residence on East Main Street in Batavia. Submitted photo.

In an ongoing effort to provide the most efficient and compassionate treatment methods for those struggling with substance use disorder, UConnectCare (formerly Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse) has expanded its residential services program.

“Professional studies show the positive impact that recovery residences have in both outpatient and inpatient settings,” said Allison Parry-Gurak, director of Residential Services at UConnectCare. “With that being said, we offer a detox center and residential settings to meet a wide range of individuals at various stages of their recovery journey.”

According to a study by the Recovery Research Institute, utilization of recovery residences, also called sober homes or halfway houses, improves substance use outcome. At UConnectCare, these residences are alcohol and drug-free living environments that provide peer support and other services for those seeking recovery from SUD.

Parry-Gurak said the local nonprofit agency provides various level of care including the conversion of Atwater House to an “820 program.”

This allows UConnectCare to offer three “elements of care” when it comes to residential services – (1) a medically supervised program for those with mild to moderate withdrawal symptoms or, stabilization; (2) a structure and supportive community living experience that builds a foundation for recovery, or rehabilitation; (3) case management and long-term assistance through a variety of programs or, reintegration.

Additionally, UConnectCare operates supportive living, transitional safety units and permanent supportive housing programs in both Genesee and Orleans counties.

They include the following:

-- Atwater Community Residence in Batavia, a short-term (usually three months) home that offers 21 beds for men and women, ages 18 and older, and features in-house recovery-focused groups, individual therapy and vocational training.

-- A detox/stabilization center, located behind the Atwater Home, a 16-bed facility that provides shorter term medically supervised withdrawal and stabilization services for adults who are struggling with SUD. UConnectCare has an “open access” policy, starting at 9 a.m. Monday through Friday as well as late admission under specific guidelines, Parry-Gurak said.

-- Supportive living beds, 19 of them in Genesee County and five in Orleans County.

-- Transitional safety units, housing for six to nine months on average, with the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative program an avenue for families dealing with substance use issues.

-- Permanent supportive housing.

“All of these programs are under our ‘Housing with Dignity’ umbrella, which really means that we strive to provide the best care to our clients in a welcoming and safe environment,” Parry-Gurak said. “Recovery housing is a valuable part of our continuum of care that can help people transition to an independent life and improve their substance use outcomes.”

UConnectCare offers other housing opportunities, including The Reentry Program that helps connect individuals returning to the community after incarceration services such as substance use disorder treatment, mental health treatment, housing, food, clothing, employment and/or job training, childcare, transportation and medical care.

Parry-Gurak, a UConnectCare employee for 5 ½ years, has been in her current position since November 2021. She reported that the agency is seeking full- and part-time professional counselors, medical staff (LPN, RN), residential aides and food service workers.

“UConnectCare has been a Best Company in New York every year since 2018 and truly is a great place to work,” she said. “The agency offers flexible scheduling that values a balance between work and family, paid time off, benefits for full-time employees and a cooperative, team atmosphere.”

For more information about UConnectCare’s residential services or employment, go to

Disclosure: Mike Pettinella is the publicist for UConnectCare.

UConnectCare continues foundation scholarship program, deadline March 8

By Press Release

Press Release:

UConnectCare (formerly Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse) is continuing its Foundation Scholarship program for 2024.

Four $1,000 scholarships will be awarded, UConnectCare Chief Executive Officer John Bennett announced.

They are as follows:

  • One to a Genesee County high school student.
  • One to a Orleans County high school student.
  • One to an adult student pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree.
  • One to a technical/trade school student.

Bennett said that the scholarships, which will be awarded at the agency’s annual membership meeting in May, will go to individuals pursuing their education at an institution of higher learning in the fields of human services or social services.

“With a goal of improving community health, the board of directors of both UConnectCare and the UConnectCare Foundation are excited about the prospects of supporting those who are committed to the behavioral health field,” Bennett said. “Without question, agencies such as ours are always ready to hire educated, dedicated, and skilled employees.”

He noted that students enrolled in a Genesee or Orleans County school can apply for the scholarship even if their primary residence is in another county.

Applications are available on the UConnectCare website – – or can be obtained by contacting Diane Klos at Diane Klos at 585-815-1883 or Completed applications must be received via email or postmarked by March 8.

Other pertinent scholarship information is as follows:

  • Applicant must be accepted at an accredited college or university and enrolled in or matriculated in an eligible program/major.
  • Eligible programs or majors include Social Work, Nursing, Health Science, Mental Health Counseling, Psychology, or Human Services.
  • Current UConnectCare employees, board members and UConnectCare Foundation board members are NOT eligible.
  • Relatives of UConnectCare employees, board members and UConnectCare Foundation board members ARE eligible.
  • Applicant must provide academic history such as high school and/or college transcripts.
  • Applicant must provide two letters of recommendation from someone who knows the applicant’s work/volunteer/academic history. Letters from relatives will not be accepted.
  • Applicant must provide a resume or personal biography including work history, volunteer experiences, and extra-curricular activities.
  • Applicant must provide an essay that addresses educational and employment objectives as they relate to the mission of UConnectCare. Financial need, volunteerism, employment history, and civic involvement will be given careful consideration.
  • The scholarship monies will be awarded upon completion of the fall semester. The award recipient must provide a copy of their transcript demonstrating at least a 2.0 GPA.
  • Applicant may be invited for an interview before final awards are made.

'Go-to guy' Helenbrook honored for 20 years at UConnectCare

By Press Release
UConnectCare recognized 11 employees with longevity awards this week. Seated from left, Sheila Rolle Smith, Jeff Helenbrook, Barb Bowman; standing from left, Allison Parry-Gurak, Lauren Swimline, Trisha Allen, Judy Pratt, Nicole Anderson. Others honored were MaryLou Szewczyk, Peter Whyman and Jocelynn Congdon.  Submitted photo.

Press release:

For two decades, Jeff Helenbrook has been the go-to guy when it comes to maintenance, repairs and related responsibilities at UConnectCare (formerly Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse).

Helenbrook was honored for his 20 years of employment at the nonprofit agency this week -- receiving a standing ovation from his fellow employees at a reception at Terry Hills Restaurant.

He and 10 other employees were recognized with longevity awards by UConnectCare Chief Executive Officer John Bennett.

“Jeff started with the agency on a part-time, temporary basis after his antique store was hit by a semi and destroyed,” Bennett said. “He came to work at Atwater (Community Residence) and was only going to stay on until he got the insurance money.”

As it turned out, the settlement took about eight years so Helenbrook stayed on at the agency, keeping the buildings, according to Bennett, “in tip-top shape.” Helenbrook’s job title today is facilities director.

An antique car buff, Helenbrook received the original catalogs of the 1930 Franklin and 1936 Pierce Arrow, two of the several vintage autos that he owns.

Others recognized at the luncheon:

15 years – MaryLou Szewczyk, counselor; Peter Whyman, residential tech.

5 years – Allison Parry-Gurak, director of Residential Services; Barb Bowman, counselor; Jocelynn Congdon, grant/data coordinator; Judy Pratt, counselor; Lauren Swimline, intake coordinator; Nicole Anderson, counselor; Sheila Rolle Smith, case manager; Trisha Allen, Reentry Project director.

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