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Try Hockey for Free

Try hockey for free event at McCarthy Ice Arena set for February 22

By Press Release

Press Release:

GENESEE AMATEUR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (GAHA) invites children to the to the The David McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena on Evans Street on Saturday, February 22nd for a Try Hockey For Free Event as part of “ USA Hockey Week Across America.” Which will be celebrated at 285 ice areas across the entire United States. 

Starting at 10:40 a.m. to Noon local youth, ages 4 to 9, are welcomed at the rink to experience getting on the ice, learning how to “skate”, get up after falling, basic skills with a hockey stick and shooting pucks into a hockey net (all by being guided by the head coach and on-ice helpers). The youngsters will have the experience of shooting on actual goalies.

“At our Fall USA Try Hockey for Free Event (November 2 nd ) we welcomed families to McCarthy Ice Rink from Batavia, Buffalo, Byron, Corfu, LeRoy, Nunda, East Bethany, Alexander, Byron, Brockport, Albion, Wyoming, Rochester, and Elba to try our great sport of ice hockey” said Sharon Gray, Coordinator of the “Try Hockey for Free” event. “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces and for the youngsters the on-ice experience.”

The head coach for this event will be Andres Manamon (this year’s Head Coach for our Timbit Beginners Program (which presently consists of 72 youngsters) and on-ice helpers who make up this year’s Batavia-Notre Dame United high school team along with their coaches – Marc Staley and John Kirkwood. The youngsters will also be assisted on the ice by other coaches and players from the GAHA organization. 

The event is hosted by the Try Hockey for Free Coordinators – Sharon and Bob Gray and the GAHA Beginner Player Coordinator – Marcia Barnes on behalf of the Genesee Amateur Hockey Association who provided the ice and the McCarthy Rink Staff – Katie Murray (General Manager), Matt Gray (Rink Operating Manager) and their great staff. 

It is the team’s goal to provide the hockey experience to area youngsters free of charge and encourage them to participate in the GAHA Timbit Beginner Program which starts the first week of October. The Beginner Program consists of two sessions (October to December and January to March) with a total of 15 on-ice hours per session. 

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge. Pure Hockey (sponsor of USA Hockey) will provide “free” USA Try Hockey jerseys to each child.

What to bring: We encourage those who have equipment to bring it. If you do not have any equipment, you will need to bring:

  • A loose-fitting pair of sweatpants or snow pants
  • A pair of gloves (they don’t need to be hockey gloves – mittens or winter gloves are fine)
  • A helmet (hockey or bike) – we’ll have some “extras” available!

What we provide: Rental Skates will be provided for “free”, courtesy of David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena. Hockey sticks will be given out for use but MUST BE RETURNED.

ON-ICE EXPERIENCE: We will have plenty of coaches on hand to give your child a great youth hockey experience. They will get an opportunity to learn the basic skills of youth hockey. Your child does not need to know how to skate – we’ll have them up on their feet by the end of the session.

Registration is OPEN. Please register at: TRY HOCKEY FOR FREE.COM (Zip Code 14020). Registration limited to 40 participants. For more information contact or 585-344-2248.

Submitted photos.


Try Hockey For Free Day coming to McCarthy ice rink November 2

By Press Release
try hockey for free batavia 2024
File photo of try hockey for free clinic.

Press Release:

GENESEE AMATEUR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (GAHA) invites children to the David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena on Evans Street on Saturday, November 2 for a Try Hockey For Free clinic as part of Hockey Week Across America. 

Starting at 10:40 a.m. to Noon local youth, ages 4 to 9, are encouraged to experience ice hockey for the first time and learn the basic skills in a fun, safe environment.

“We look forward to welcoming families to David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena to try our great sport of ice hockey for free” said Sharon Gray, Coordinator of the Event. “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces.”

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge.

All your youngster needs is a helmet (bike or sports) and winter gloves. Skates are available at the Rink free of charge (due to the generous offering of the David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena). The GAHA organization does have some used hockey helmets available for the event as well as a few hockey sticks (which need to be returned at the end of the event).

Players in attendance will be given a free hockey jersey to take home. To register for this Try Hockey For Free event, please visit (Use zip code 14020) For more information, please contact: Sharon at or 585-344-2248 (Coordinator for Try Hockey For Free).

Dozens of kids participate in Try Hockey for Free on Saturday at The McCarthy

By Press Release
try hockey for free batavia 2024

Press release:

The Genesee Amateur Hockey Association hosted 37 registered youngsters as well as five “walk-ins” at the David McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena on Evans Street on Saturday for a Try Hockey For Free Event as part of “USA Hockey  Week  Across  America,” which was celebrated at 285  ice areas across the entire United States.   

Starting at 10:40 a.m. and going until noon, local youth, ages 4 to 9, were welcomed at the rink to experience getting on the ice, learning how to “skate”, getting up after falling, basic skills with a hockey stick and shooting punks into a hockey net (all by being guided by the head coach and on-ice helpers).  This year, the youngsters had the experience of shooting on actual goalies. 

“We welcomed families to McCarthy Ice Rink from Batavia, Buffalo, Byron, Corfu, LeRoy, Nunda, East Bethany, Alexander, Byron, Brockport, Albion, Wyoming, Rochester, and Elba to try our great sport of ice hockey,” said Sharon Gray, coordinator of the “Try Hockey for Free” event. “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces and for the youngsters the on-ice experience.”

The head coaches for today’s event were Tim Sprague and Dan Calkins – both with more than 30 years plus starting out as GAHA players, high school players and GAHA coaches over the years.  Most of the on-ice helpers were from this year’s Batavia-Notre Dame United high school team along with their coaches – Marc Staley and John Kirkwood.  

The youngsters were excited to be coached, aided and skating with these local athletes. Also on the ice were coaches and players from the GAHA organization.  The beginning of the event featured the playing of the National Anthem, and the little people stood so proudly alongside the BND players!

The event is hosted by Try Hockey for Free Coordinators, Sharon and Bob Gray,  and the GAHA Beginner Player Coordinator,  Marcia Barnes, on behalf of the Genesee Amateur Hockey Association, which provided the ice, and the McCarthy rink staff, Katie Murray (general manager), Matt Gray (rink operating manager), and their staff.  

It is the team’s goal to provide the hockey experience to area youngsters free of charge and encourage them in  October to become a player in the GAHA Beginner Program, which starts the first week of October.  The Beginner Program consists of two sessions (October to December and January to March) with a total of 15 on-ice hours per session.

The skates used by the youngsters were provided “free of charge” by the McCarthy Rink  Management Group.

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge.  Pure Hockey (sponsor of USA Hockey) provided free USA Try Hockey jerseys to each child.


Photos by Howard Owens.

try hockey for free batavia 2024
try hockey for free batavia 2024
try hockey for free batavia 2024
try hockey for free batavia 2024
try hockey for free batavia 2024
try hockey for free batavia 2024
try hockey for free batavia 2024

Try Hockey for Free program coming to McCarthy Ice Arena Feb. 24

By Press Release

Press Release:

Genesee Amateur Hockey Association (GAHA) invites children to the David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena on Evans Street on Saturday, Feb. 24 for a Try Hockey For Free clinic as part of Hockey Week Across America. 

 Starting at 10:40 a.m. to Noon local youth, ages 4 to 9, are encouraged to experience ice hockey for the first time and learn the basic skills in a fun, safe environment.

“We look forward to welcoming families to David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena to try our great sport of ice hockey for free,” said Sharon Gray, Event Coordinator. “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces.” 

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge.

All your youngster needs is a helmet (bike or sports) and winter gloves. Skates are available at the Rink free of charge (due to the generous offering of the David McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena). The GAHA organization does have some used hockey helmets available for the event as well as a few hockey sticks.

Players in attendance will be given a free hockey jersey to take home. To register for this Try Hockey For Free event, please visit (Use zip code 14020).

For more information, please contact Sharon at or 585-344-2248 (Coordinator for Try Hockey For Free).

Submitted photos


It's not too late to register for free hockey program this weekend, organizers say

By Joanne Beck
try hockey for free 2015
File Photo from 2015 of a Try Hockey For Free program at the David McCarthy Ice Arena in Batavia. 
Photo by Howard Owens

It’s not too late to register for a free kids’ hockey trial program this weekend, organizers say.

The Try Hockey For Free program, sponsored by Genesee Amateur Hockey Association, is for boys and girls aged four to nine, and runs from 10:40 a.m. to noon Saturday at the David McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena on Evans Street, Batavia.

Organizers encourage participants to bring equipment if you have it. If you don’t have any equipment, do bring loose-fitting sweat or snow pants, a pair of hockey, mittens or winter gloves, a helmet (hockey or bike) and a smile.

Rental skates will be provided for free, courtesy of the ice arena. Hockey sticks will be given out for use, and must be returned upon the end of the session. A USA hockey jersey will be given to each participant.

The on-ice experience will include plenty of coaches on hand to give your child a great youth hockey experience, organizers say. “They will get an opportunity to learn the basic skills of youth hockey,” organizer Bob Gray said.

Registration is now open. Go to: (zip code 14020).

For more information, contact

Remote video URL

Genesee Amateur Hockey Association announces try hockey for free day

By Press Release
try hockey for free
File photo by Howard Owens

Press Release:

Genesee Amateur Hockey Association invites children to the David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena on Evans Street on Saturday, Nov. 4 for a Try Hockey For Free clinic as part of Hockey Week Across America. 

Starting at 10:40 a.m. to Noon local youth, ages 4 to 9, are encouraged to experience ice hockey for the first time and learn the basic skills in a fun, safe environment.

“We look forward to welcoming families to David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena to try our great sport of ice hockey,” said Sharon Gray, Coordinator of the Event. “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces.”

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge.

All your youngster needs is a helmet (bike or sports) and winter gloves. Skates are available at the Rink free of charge (due to the generous offering of the David McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena). The GAHA organization does have some used hockey helmets available for the event as well as a few hockey sticks. 

Players in attendance will be given a free hockey jersey to take home. To register for this Try Hockey For Free event, please visit (Use zip code 14020)

For more information, please contact Sharon at or 585-344-2248 (Coordinator for Try Hockey For Free).

Try Hockey for Free event slated for The McCarthy on Feb. 25

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee Amateur Hockey Association will host at The David McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena on Evans Street on Saturday, Feb, 25,  a USA Try Hockey For Free clinic as part of  USA Hockey  Week  Across  America.  Starting at 11:40 a.m. to 12:50 p.m., local youth, ages 4 to 9, are welcome at the rink to experience getting on the ice, learning how to “skate”, getting up after falling, basic skills with a hockey stick and shooting punks into a hockey net (all by being guided by the head coach and on-ice helpers).

“We look forward to welcoming families to the David McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena to try our great sport of ice hockey,” said Sharon Gray, Coordinator of the “Try Hockey for Free” event.  “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces.”

The head coach for the event is Erik Triftshauser, along with Fred Hamilton – both with more than 30 years on the ice plus starting out as GAHA players, high school players and GAHA coaches over the years.  Their on-ice helpers are mostly from this year’s United high school teams, along with the coaches’ sons.

The event is hosted by the USA Try Hockey for Free Coordinators – Sharon and Bob Gray, and the GAHA Beginner Program Player Coordinator – Marcia Barnes.  It is the team’s goal to provide the hockey experience to area youngsters free of charge and to encourage them to enroll in October to become a player in the GAHA Beginner Program, which starts the first week of October.  The Beginner Program consists of two sessions (October to December and January to March) with a total of 15 on-ice hours per session.

All the participants need is a helmet (hockey or bike) and winter gloves.   Skates are available at the rink if needed and will be provided FREE by the David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena Management Team.

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge. 

Lace up, glide along and slap some pucks: kids can try hockey for free this Saturday

By Joanne Beck

If your child has visions of skimming the ice, hockey stick in hand, in a mad dash to slide a puck into the net, that vision can become reality — and for free, Sharon Valyear-Gray says.

As coordinator for the Try Hockey For Free program, Valyear-Gray encourages families of kids ages 4 to 9 to visit the David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena from 11:40 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. this Saturday and give it a whirl. All they need to get started is a hockey or bike helmet and winter gloves. Free rental skates and the introductory lesson are free.

“The Event is a part of USA Hockey Week Across America with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, and is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge,” Valyear-Gray said Wednesday. “It is hosted by the Genesee Amateur Hockey Association and we have participated  every year except two during Covid.”

She is a bit disappointed with a total registration of about 20 kids so far, as the sport and this opportunity have usually drawn more interest, Valyear-Gray said. Prior years (since its inception in 2010) have usually meant 25 to 35 youngsters slapping hockey pucks around and learning to balance on thin skate blades.

As a core member of Friends of the Rink, Valyear-Gray has been coordinator of this free hockey program for six years, and has more rcently been working with Matt Gray, operator of the McCarthy arena. He hosted an open house in late September so that folks could see the improvements taking place inside the Evans Street facility.

There’s a newly opened snack shop and other upgrades to check out. Gray’s list of current and future work includes replacement of most fixtures for the concession area, upgrading surfaces for a “warmer and inviting space” to serve as a party room, installation of new LED lights throughout the facility, adding new inventory of roller and inline skates for summertime public use, making improvements to the audio/visual system, and expanding the food stand with dedicated seating in a sports bar concept.

Another plus is that this weekend’s participants will be working with Lead Coach Erik Triftshauser and Fred Hamilton – both who have more than 25 years of experience, she said. 

“They will be on the ice with many of the present United high school players,” she said. “Several present and past coaches also show up to participate as they believe in the event and enjoy the time with youngsters and experience their enthusiasm for hockey.”

“I believe strongly in the event and still have four grandchildren playing within the Genesee Amateur Hockey Association organization,” she said. “Up until two years ago, I had six playing hockey. I realize that there are still many sports still active currently, such as football and soccer that many youngsters are still participating in.”

So why would families want to attend this Saturday? Kids will learn how to  skate, to get up after falling, get some basic skills with a hockey stick, shooting pucks into a hockey net, and all with no monetary investment, she said. Although the program is geared for ages 4 to 9, some participants have been up to 12 years old.

“We look forward to welcoming families to David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena to try our great sport of ice hockey,” she said. “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces.” 

Interested? You can pre-register at Use the 14020 zip code when registering. Walk-ins are also welcome to join, she said. If parents have questions, contact Valyear-Gray at or call 585-344-2248. 

File photo from the 2016 Try Hockey For Free program, by Howard Owens.

'Try Hockey for Free' event slated for Ice Arena on Nov. 5

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee Amateur Hockey Association invites children to the David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena on  Evans Street on Saturday, Nov. 5  for a Try Hockey For Free clinic as part of Hockey  Week  Across  America.  Starting at 11:40 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. local youth, ages 4 to 9, are encouraged to experience ice hockey for the first time and learn the basic skills in a fun, safe environment.

“We look forward to welcoming families to David M. McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena to try our great sport of ice hockey,” said Sharon Gray, Coordinator of the Event.  “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces.”

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge. 

All your youngster needs is a helmet (bike or sports) and winter gloves.  Skates are available at the Rink free of charge (due to  the generous offering of the Batavia Sports Facility Management LLC).  The GAHA organization does have some used hockey helmets available for the event as well as a few hockey sticks.

Players in attendance will be given a free hockey jersey to take home.

To register for this Try Hockey For Free event, please visit     (Use zip code 14020)

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens from 2015. Brian Gildner teaches his daughter Nora, then 3, how to shoot a puck.

Try Hockey Free clinic big hit with 34 area children

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee Amateur Hockey Association hosted 34 children at the Batavia Ice Rink (aka The David McCarthy Memorial Ice Area) on Evans Street on Saturday, March 5th for a Try Hockey For Free clinic as part of  USA Hockey  Week  Across  America.  Starting at 111:50 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. local youth, ages 4 to 9, were welcomed at the Rink to experience getting on the ice, learning how to “skate”, get up after falling, basic skills with a hockey stick, and shooting punks into a hockey net (all by being guided by the head coach and on-ice helpers).

“We look forward to welcoming families to Batavia Ice Rink to try our great sport of ice hockey,” said Sharon Gray, Coordinator of the “Try Hockey for Free” event.  “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces.”

The head coach for today’s event is Erik Triftshauser along with Fred Hamilton – both with more than 20 years plus starting out as GAHA players, high school players and GAHA coaches over the years.  Their on-ice helpers are mostly from this year’s United high school teams along with the sons.

The event is hosted by the Try Hockey for Free Coordinators – Sharon and Bob Gray and the GAHA Beginner Player Coordinator – Marcia Barnes.  It is the team’s goal to provide the hockey experience to area youngsters free of charge and encourage them to come October become a player in the GAHA Beginner Program which starts the first week of October.  The Beginner Program consists of two sessions (October to December and January to March) with a total of 15 on-ice hours per session.

The skates used by the youngsters are being provided “free of charge” by the Firland Rink Management Group.

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge. 

Photos by Erin Staley.

Hockey association announces 'Try Hockey for Free' event on March 5

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Genesee Amateur Hockey Association invites children to the Batavia Ice Rink (aka The David McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena) on Evans Street on Saturday, March 5th for a Try Hockey For Free clinic as part of  USA Hockey  Week  Across  America.  Starting at 11:50 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. local youth, ages 4 to 9, are encouraged to experience ice hockey for the first time and learn the basic skills in a fun, safe environment.

"We look forward to welcoming families to Batavia Ice Rink to try our great sport of ice hockey,” said Sharon Gray, coordinator of the “Try Hockey for Free” event.  “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces.”

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge. 

All your youngster needs is a helmet (bike or sports) and winter gloves.  Skates are available at the Rink and will be available Free of Charge through the Firland Rink Management Group. The GAHA organization does have a few hockey sticks available (but must be returned at the end of the clinic).

Players in attendance will be given a free USA Hockey jersey to take home.

To register for this Try Hockey For Free event, please visit (PLEASE NOTE – EVENT IS LIMITED TO 40 PARTICIPANTS)

Photo: File photo from 2016 by Howard Owens.

Hockey associations 'Try Hockey for Free' next month

By Press Release

Press release:

GENESEE AMATEUR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION invites children to the Batavia Ice Rink on Evans Street on Saturday, November 6h for a Try Hockey For Free clinic as part of  Hockey  Week  Across  America.  Starting at 10:30 a.m. to 11:40 a.m. local youth, ages 4 to 9, are encouraged to experience ice hockey for the first time and learn the basic skills in a fun, safe environment.

“We look forward to welcoming families to Batavia Ice Rink to try our great sport of ice hockey” said Sharon Gray, Coordinator of the “Try Hockey for Free” event.  “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces.”

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge. 

All your youngster needs is a helmet (bike or sports) and winter gloves.  Skates are available at the Rink and will be available Free of Charge through the Firland Rink Management Group. The GAHA organization does have some used hockey helmets available for the event as well as a few hockey sticks.

Players in attendance will be given a free hockey jersey to take home.

To register for this Try Hockey For Free event, please visit

Photo: File photo from 2013.

'Try Hockey For Free' clinic to be held at Falleti Ice Rink Feb. 22

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Genesee Amateur Hockey Association invites children to the Falleti Ice Rink on Evans Street in Batavia on Saturday, Feb. 22, for a Try Hockey For Free clinic as part of "Hockey Week Across America."

Starting at 11:50 a.m. to 12:50 p.m. local youth, ages 4 to 9, are encouraged to experience ice hockey for the first time and learn the basic skills in a fun, safe environment.

“We look forward to welcoming families to Falleti Ice Rink to try our great sport of ice hockey” said Dale Hutchins, president of GAHA. “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces.”

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge.  

All your youngster needs is a helmet (bike or sports) and winter gloves. Skates are available at the Rink. The GAHA organization does have some used hockey helmets available for the event as well as a few hockey sticks.

Players in attendance will be given a free hockey jersey to take home.

To register for this Try Hockey For Free event, please visit:

For more information, please contact Sharon, the coordinator for Try Hockey For Free, at: or 585-344-2248.

Youth age 4 to 9 invited to 'Try Hockey For Free' clinic Nov. 9 at Falleti Ice Rink

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Genesee Amateur Hockey Association invites children to the Falleti Ice Rink on Evans Street in Batavia on Saturday, Nov. 9th for a Try Hockey For Free clinic as part of Hockey Week Across America.

Starting at 11:40 a.m. to 1 p.m. local youth, ages 4 to 9, are encouraged to experience ice hockey for the first time and learn the basic skills in a fun, safe environment.

“We look forward to welcoming families to Falleti Ice Rink to try our great sport of ice hockey,” said Dale Hutchins, president of GAHA. “Our goal is for these families to enjoy watching their kids learn new skills with big smiles on their faces.”

USA Hockey’s Try Hockey program, with the support of the National Hockey League and NHL member clubs, among others, is designed to provide youth hockey associations with a national platform for introducing children to the sport, free of charge.

All your youngster needs is a helmet (bike or sports) and winter gloves. Skates are available at the Rink. The GAHA organization does have some used hockey helmets available for the event as well as a few hockey sticks.

Players in attendance will be given a free hockey jersey to take home.

To register for this Try Hockey For Free event, please visit

For more information, please contact:  Sharon at svgray@rochester.rr.comor 585-344-2248 (coordinator for Try Hockey For Free).

Photos: Try hockey for free at Falleti Ice Arena

By Howard B. Owens

Members of the Batavia Ramparts and Notre Dame Ice Hockey were on hand today at Falleti Ice Arena so young children could give hockey a try.

The Try Hockey for Free event is held annually.

Photos: Try Hockey for Free Day

By Howard B. Owens

It was Try Hockey for Free Day at Falleti Ice Arena and Nora, almost 3, couldn't wait to play, said her father Brian Gildner. In fact, Nora is eager to play every time Brian takes her older brother to practice.


Photos: 'Try Hockey' event at Falleti Ice Arena

By Howard B. Owens

Twenty-four boys and girls ages 4-9 came out for a 'Try Hockey' event today at Falleti Ice Arena. The free event gave kids a chance to skate around, hit pucks with sticks and learn a little about the game.

Above, four-year-old Matthew Kosiorek.

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