Fishing, boardwalk, gazebo all likely for proposed hero-themed Batavia park, with funding needed

Photo by Joanne Beck
A hero-themed park as an ode to first responders, with each a veterans and first responders memorial, boardwalk, lookout point, picnic shelter, gazebo, interpretive art panels, asphalt parking lot, and much more is on the books for construction within the next year or two as officials seek funding, says Molly Vendura of Landscape Architecture and Charlotte Brett of New York Green.
The women presented the plan as representatives of a multi-agency committee consisting of the town and city of Batavia, Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, Planning and Parks departments, Sheriff’s Office, Homeland Security, Veteran’s Affairs, and U.S. Department of Immigration.
“So the construction plan will be ready by the end of May, and then we really just need to, we'll have cost estimates at that point. We'll be applying for grants. And it would be great if we could get a grant in the next year and then construct it in the next year,” Brett said during an information meeting Wednesday at Batavia Town Hall. “But it really depends on how quickly the town can secure funding. It’s likely to be a year or two.”
New York Green received funding from the Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Legacy Funds administered by the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo for the design of a proposed new public park on a property owned by the town of Batavia and located on Park Road in the city of Batavia.
The initial phases have taken place since last summer, from a geographic survey and preliminary concepts, comments from town officials for revisions, and finally, a “buffet” of various options for the Army Corps of Engineers to work with for a final plan, Vendura said.
The park would be in a large area encompassing a pond and wetlands in the northwest corner of the property along Park Road and Veterans Memorial Drive, backing up to the VA.
There would also be two EV charging stations for vehicles, and chargers for electric bikes and scooters, a landscape plant bed to shield visitors from the farthest northwest corner traffic and wind, a monument sign, gated access at the adjacent VA Hospital and Monsignor Apartments, a kayak launch, benches and vegetation to serve as a buffer for the flocks of geese that are regular visitors to the area.
The Batavian asked Vendura how the construction and creation of this park might disrupt those geese and other wildlife, such as rabbits and deer, in the area. The establishment of wetlands serves as some protection, she said.
“Because we are in a wetland area, we have to be very careful to minimize disturbance to the existing vegetation and soils,” she said. “So just by nature of that, the disruption from the construction of this park will be as minimal as possible because we're required to by the DEC when we do work in a wetland."
So, even laying down a 19-spot asphalt parking lot won’t disturb nature?
“Regarding that parking lot area, that actually used to be where the road cut through the property, so the town took out the road and just put some soil and grass seed on top of it right now, but under that is already existing sub base from the old road, so we're not actually disturbing pristine ground to put in the parking lot,” she said, answering if any trees would be removed with the underbrush. “It’ll be if there’s dead trees, not living trees, it might be more of like shrubby material, and typically it’s invasive shrubs like buckthorn and honeysuckle. So we would be actually improving the environment for native pollinators and birds by removing the invasive species, the shrubs, but also be opening the view for security reasons and safety.”
Rick Iannello, one of the half-dozen residents who attended the meeting, was interested in fishing. He has seen programs offered to kids in other areas and has enjoyed watching the youth here get a chance to throw a line in when possible.
“One of the things I think is really heartening is when you go over to DeWitt Park, you see a lot of young kids fishing. I think it's terrific, you see these kids are out there casting a line or doing whatever. But it's awful nice to see that,” he said. “And along with that would be the thought that if you perhaps had an area that was set aside for kids to fish and to learn how to fish. You could go back to the Ralph C. Wilson Foundation on their youth initiative and see if there would be the ability of them to kick in some additional funds for something like that."
Wilson Legacy Funds were established to provide support to four areas that were important to Mr. Wilson: caregivers, community assets, design and access, and youth sports. Vendura and Brett were take notes about the fishing idea.
Barbie Starowitz of Elba wanted to know why a dog park couldn’t be part of the plan, especially given that the VA has therapy dogs, she said. While the wetlands protect nature in some ways, they fall under state and federal regulation and would not be suitable for a dog park, Vendura said. And that section of the town space would have to be fenced off, which is not part of the overall project, she said.
Batavia Town Supervisor Greg Post said that the town owns property that is “developable and is willing to work with whatever collaborative agencies want to assist us in supporting that.”
“What we're looking for is a viable partner to assist with the collaboration for the funding of the initial design and the cost of maintenance for that specific sector, that community that would be benefited by that,” he said. “My board members can confirm that we've had a number of discussions and have the means to assist any agency that wants to come in, or an organization or club that wants to start that.”
As for the town park that is on the table, organizers are inviting people to submit a name for it and will be seeking funding sources before it can begin. Post is not concerned about raising the $2 million to $3.5 million he estimated it would take, he said.
“We're very persistent, and we're looking for enough partnership that I do not think that this will be an issue,” he said. “I think any recreational opportunity that services our veterans and all of those community visitors, as well as our children and grandchildren, is a good thing. We're very pleased that we've had the support of all of our regional partners, and we're very grateful for the Wilson Foundation for supporting our design. And much appreciate all the Partnership for it, and we're committed to seeing this thing done sooner than later.”
Any questions or name suggestions may be emailed to Post advises to send them “sooner than later.”

Photo by Joanne Beck

Photo by Joanne Beck