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GOW county health departments launch survey to help 6-year public health plans

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Genesee, Orleans, and Wyoming (GOW) County Health Departments and Hospitals are working together with community partners to gather information from residents to help with public health planning for the next six years. 

This information will help inform and guide the development of documents called the Community Health Assessment (CHA), Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), and the Community Services Plan (CSP). This process is part of the New York State Prevention Agenda, a plan for state and local action to improve the health and well-being of New Yorkers.

“The health departments are working to identify the health challenges, service gaps, and other factors that may impact the communities’ health status,” stated Paul Pettit, Public Health Director for the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health). “The input from our residents will help to identify community health needs, which will play a crucial role in developing the upcoming plan.” 

In 2022, the community survey and conversations helped inform some of the initiatives that local health departments, hospitals and partners focused on: 

  • Promote Well-Being and Prevent Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
    • Prevent opioid overdose deaths
    • Prevent and address adverse childhood experiences
  • Prevent Chronic Diseases
    • Prevent initiation of tobacco use
    • Increase cancer screening rates
    • Improve self-management skills for individuals with chronic diseases

To assess the health status of our communities, we are inviting community members to participate in an anonymous survey. The survey can be completed online and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Paper copies of the survey will also be available at many locations in each county. 

You can access the survey by visiting the following links:

The health departments are arranging Community Conversations with interested groups to gather insights into the most pressing health concerns or issues in their community. These conversations aim to gather ideas on how to address the identified health concerns.

“Our hope is people in our communities will share their ideas on health and wellness, including obstacles they face,” stated Laura Paolucci, Wyoming County Health Department Public Health Administrator. “The more people who participate, the more inclusive these action plans can be.”

To participate in a community conversation, obtain copies of the survey or if you have any questions, please contact your local health department:

  • Genesee County Health Department at: 585-344-2580 ext. 5555, visit their website at or visit Facebook, Instagram and X at GOHealthNY. 
  • Orleans County Health Department at: 585-589-3278, visit their website at or visit Facebook, Instagram and X at GOHealthNY.
  • Wyoming County Health Department at: 585-789-8890, visit their website or Facebook.

Genesee County seeks public input to enhance its website experience

By Press Release

Press Release:

Genesee County is seeking input from residents and users of its website,, to improve the overall citizen experience online. The County is committed to making the website more user-friendly and relevant to the community's needs.

The survey, accessible at this link:, is designed to gather feedback on various aspects of the current website, such as layout, content organization, and functionality. Genesee County encourages community members to participate and share their thoughts on improving the website.

"We want to make our website more efficient and user-friendly, and we need the input of those who use it most – the residents of Genesee County," said Steven Falitico, Public Communications and Web Design Specialist for Genesee County. "This survey is a straightforward way for people to provide their insights and help shape the future of the online platform."

The survey will remain open through Feb. 26, and all responses will be confidential. At the end of the survey, there will be an option to sign up as a “test user.” This test would take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.

Individuals who sign up as test users will receive an email in early March. Genesee County appreciates the community's involvement in this effort and looks forward to implementing changes based on the feedback received.

Hawley's voter survey: lack of support for legal pot, 'Red Flag' laws, but do favor splitting NY in half

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) on Friday released the results of his 2019 Legislative Survey, which contained more than 2,200 responses from residents of all ages and party affiliations across Genesee, Orleans and Monroe counties.

The survey, conducted earlier this summer, covered topics such as gun control, dividing New York into two separate states, single-payer health care, abortion, farm worker unionization and plastic bag bans, among other topics. 

To take the survey, go to

“Listening to our constituents’ concerns and questions is the prime responsibility we have as lawmakers and this survey proves, above all else, that most Western New Yorkers in my district are not supportive of the radical progressive policies coming out of Albany,” Hawley said.

“Things like giving pay raises to incarcerated felons and enacting a state takeover of healthcare are so far removed from the needs of millions of New Yorkers it continues to baffle me how they are considered top priorities by many downstate lawmakers.

"I look forward to continue traveling my district this fall and sharing these survey results with my neighbors as we gear up for next year’s session and lawmakers begin to formulate their legislative platforms.”

Highlights of Assemblyman Hawley’s Legislative Survey:

Do you support Assemblyman Hawley's "Two New Yorks" proposal (A.1687-a) that would create a non-binding ballot question of "Should New York be divided into two states?" (2,145 responses)

  • YES    80.2%
  • NO      19.8%

What do you think is the best way to grow New York's economy? (2,090 responses)

  • Cut taxes on small businesses                                                           62.6%
  • Lucrative tax breaks for out of state companies                                 3.3%
  • Have government take over certain sectors like health care              4.1%
  • Investment in infrastructure                                                                30%

Recreational marijuana is legal in 10 states and is being considered in New York. Do you support legalizing adult-use recreational marijuana? (2,169 responses)

  • YES    29.6%
  • NO      70.4%

Should immigrants who have not become citizens be allowed to obtain a New York State driver's license? (2,170 responses)

  • YES    13%
  • NO      87%

Should taxpayers fund an increase to the minimum wage for inmates in state prisons? (2,172 responses)

  • YES    6.6%
  • NO      93.4%

Do you support Assemblyman Hawley's call for an armed 'School Resource Officer' in every school in New York State? (2,140 responses)

  • YES    76.2%
  • NO      23.8%

Do you support a repeal of the NY-Safe Act? (2,085 responses)

  • YES    75.8%
  • NO      24.2%

Do you support allowing farm workers to unionize? (2,067 responses)

  • YES    33.5%
  • NO      66.5%

Health department seeks your input for public health planning over the next few years

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Genesee, Orleans and Wyoming County health departments and hospitals are currently working with community partners to gather information from residents and those who work in these counties to help with public health planning for the next three to four years.

The information will inform and guide documents called the Community Health Assessment (CHA), Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), and Community Services Plan (CSP).

This initiative is part of the New York State Prevention Agenda, which is the blueprint for state and local action to improve the health of New Yorkers.

To fully assess the health status of our communities we are asking for your input because your health counts! These organizations are asking the public to participate by taking a survey and sharing their viewpoints during community conversations.

An online survey is available, as well as paper copies at various locations in each county. You can access the survey here.

The survey is anonymous, only takes about 15 minutes to complete and focuses on the health of the person taking it. If you are under the age of 18 years old, be sure to receive permission to take the survey from your parent(s) or guardian(s).

“As chief health strategists the health departments are working toward assessing current capacity, resources, and services,” said Paul Pettit, director for Genesee and Orleans County health departments.

“This will also help identify community health needs and current gaps, ultimately helping to develop our Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) for the next few years.”

The health departments are also seeking to schedule "Community Conversations" with willing groups to learn what they feel are the greatest health concerns or issues in their community and thoughts on how they can be improved.

Responses from the confidential surveys and conversations will help identify services that are working, need improving, or to be created. The more members of the public who participate, the larger and stronger the “building block” of these plans will be.

To participate in a community conversation, obtain hardcopies of the survey, flyers that promote completing the survey online, or have any questions please contact your local health department:

  • Genesee County Health Department at: 344-2580, ext. 5555, or visit their website here.

Notre Dame Senior Assessment

By Tayor Alexander

Hello Members of the Community,

At Notre Dame we have an exiting project that consists of an individual part as well as a group part.  For our group project portion of the senior assessment we are required to have a survey based on our topic with 100 results.  Our topic is about the consequences of cutting the athletic contests and the effects this can have on those involved as well as the surrounding community.  Seeing as you will be affected by this, your participation in our survey would be greatly appreciated.  Below we have a link with an attached survey with only six questions.

<a href="">Click Here to take survey</a>


Thank you

Greg, LeeAnn, Melissa, Sean, Taylor


Notre Dame Senior Assessment

By Tayor Alexander

Hello Members of the Community,

At Notre Dame we have an exiting project that consists of an individual part as well as a group part.  For our group project portion of the senior assessment we are required to have a survey based on our topic with 100 results.  Our topic is about the consequences of cutting the athletic contests and the effects this can have on those involved as well as the surrounding community.  Seeing as you will be affected by this, your participation in our survey would be greatly appreciated.  Below we have a link with an attached survey with only six questions.

<a href="">Click Here to take survey</a>


Thank you

Greg, LeeAnn, Melissa, Sean, Taylor


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