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public meetings

Public encouraged to attend informational meeting for proposed town park on Park Road

By Press Release

Press Release:

A public information meeting will be held regarding New Town Park on Wednesday, February 26, at 6 p.m. The meeting will take place at Batavia Town Hall, located at 3833 West Main Street Road, Batavia.

Project: New York Green received funding from the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Funds administered by the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo for design of a proposed new public park on a property owned by the Town of Batavia and located on Park Road in the City of Batavia. 

The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Funds were established at the Community Foundation to provide support to four areas that were important to Mr. Wilson: caregivers, community assets, design and access, and youth sports. Endowment funds, like these created to honor Mr. Wilson, are designed to grow over time and provide funding for charitable causes according to a client’s wishes.

Agenda: At the meeting we will share and solicit public feedback on the conceptual design for the proposed new park.

Special Arrangements: All are welcome to attend this meeting. If you require special arrangements (translators, handicap accessibility etc.) please contact Steve Tanner at 585-813-7246.

City of Batavia cancels six public meetings through April 23

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia is canceling the following meetings:

  • Wednesday, March 18th -- Plumbing Board Meeting
  • Monday, March 23rd -- City Council Meeting
  • Thursday, March 26th -- Zoning Board of Appeals
  • Thursday, March 26th -- Zoning Board of Appeals
  • Tuesday, April 21st -- Planning and Development Committee
  • Thursday, April 23rd -- Zoning Board of Appeals

As a reminder, City Hall and City buildings are closed to the public until further notice.

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