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plastic bag ban

A friendly reminder from Tops markets: Plastic bag ban begins Sunday

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Tops Friendly Markets, which has more than three quarters of its stores in New York State, is a couple of days away from no longer providing plastic bags to its shoppers due to newly passed legislation banning the use of plastic bags.

While Tops has been providing its shoppers with a wide variety of bags for its shoppers to choose from, from jute and reusable to canvas and paper, long before the plastic bag ban was a glimmer in anyone’s eye, the locally owned and operated grocer felt it was important to educate its customers on the environmental impact of the new legislation set to take effect March 1.

“At Tops, social responsibility and sustainability have always been at the core of the company’s mission, said Kathy Sautter, public and media relations manager for Tops Friendly markets. “Tops upholds standards that ensure that we reduce environmental waste and energy consumption while providing our customers with sustainably sourced, high-quality products.

"But being responsible environmental corporate citizens goes beyond the products on the shelves or even the actions we take behind the scenes. It’s about the education we provide our customers and that’s why we’ve chosen to partner with our local municipalities to better inform our consumers about the impact the NYS plastic bag ban will have on the environment to help you, the consumer better understand the changes at hand.”   

To learn more about Tops environmental efforts please visit

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