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Pavilion Fire

Photos: Hunter O'Shea named Pavilion's Firefighter of the Year in Pavilion

By Howard B. Owens
Chief Bryen Murrock, Firefigher of the Year Hunter O'Shea, 1st Asst. Chief Codey O'Neil, 2nd Asst. Chief Tom Garlock. Photo by Howard Owens.
Chief Bryen Murrock, Hunter O'Shea, Pavilion's 2024 Firefighter of the Year, 1st Asst. Chief Codey O'Neill, and 2nd Asst. Chief Tom Garlock.
Photo by Howard Owens.

The Pavilion Volunteer Fire Department held its annual awards banquet on Saturday.

Department Officers:

  • Bryen Murrock, Chief
  • Codey O'Neill, 1st Assistant Chief
  • Tom Garlock, 2nd Assistant Chief
  • Captain, Chris Holley
  • Captain, Kelly Murrock
  • Lieutenant, Shane Freeman
  • EMS Captain, Amanda Holley
  • EMS Lietenant, Dave Clor
  • Safety Officer, Dewey Murrock
  • Fire Police Captain, Ken Weaver
  • Fire Police Lietenant, Don Roblee, Jr.

Social Officers:

  • Hunter Schiske, president
  • Dave Clor, vice president
  • Ken Weaver, treasurer
  • Ashli O'Neill, recording secretary
  • Kelly Murrock, financial secretary
pavilion fire installation awards dinner
Chief Bryen Murrock
Photo by Howard Owens
pavilion fire installation awards dinner
Chief Murrock, President and Chief's Award winner Hunter Schiske, Chief's Award winner Stone Giardini
Photo by Howard Owens.
pavilion fire installation awards dinner
EMS Captain Amanda Holley, Chief Murrock, EMS Person of the Year, Chris Holley.
Photo by Howard Owens.
pavilion fire installation awards dinner
David Carney, honored for 50 years of service, Schiske and Murrock.
Photo by Howard Owens
Schiske, Murrock, and Larry Strobel, honored for 50 years of service. Photo by Howard Owens.
Schiske, Murrock, and Larry Strobel, honored for 50 years of service.
Photo by Howard Owens.
pavilion fire installation awards dinner
Ken Weaver was recognized for his past service as president.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Pavilion Fire receives donation from staff of Batavia Middle School

By Staff Writer
pavilion fire department

The Pavilion Fire Department accepted a donation on Friday made possible through the generosity of the Batavia Middle School’s dress-down days. 

Rebecca Matteson, the mother of a patient treated by the department in May 2021, made the donation to the department. 

Jeffrey DeMare was involved in an automobile accident involving one box truck and two semis at the curve on Route 63 and Peoria Road. Thanks to quick actions taken by a good Samaritan and a State trooper from Wyoming County, who both applied a tourniquet and with the Pavilion Fire Department providing Basic Life Support, Jeffrey was able to make a full recovery after multiple surgeries. 

Ken Weaver, president of the Pavilion Fire Department, accepted the check. Jeffrey is standing to the right of Rebecca. Also in the photo are firefighters who responded to the call.

Submitted photos and information.

pavilion fire department

Pavilion Fire honors volunteers, installs officers at annual dinner

By Howard B. Owens
Codey O'Neill, Jason Everett, Bryen Murrock, and Firefighter of the Year, Ken Weaver.
Photos by Howard Owens.

Members of the Pavilion Volunteer Fire Department honored their own on Saturday at the fire hall with an awards and installation dinner.

Ken Weaver was named Firefighter of the Year. Dave Clor received the EMS Person of the Year award. Paul Daugherty received the President's Award.

Tom Garlock, Jason Everett, Chris Holley, and Don Roblee Jr. received a special EMS award for their effort to deliver a baby during a snowstorm in January. The baby was named Cinderella.

Matt Jacobs received the Lifetime Member Award.

Jerry Fitzsimmons was honored as a 50-year member for 2022, and Don Roblee and Ken Weaver were honored for 50 years in 2023.

The 2024 officers:

  • Jason Everett, chief
  • Bryen Murrock, 1st asst. chief
  • Codey O'Neill, 2nd asst. chief
  • Chris Holley, captain
  • Kelly Murrock, captain
  • Jason True, lieutenant
  • Dewey Murrock, lieutenant
  • Ken Weaver, fire police captain
  • Dave Clor, safety officer
Codey O'Neill, Jason Everett, Bryen Murrock, and Dave Clor.
Photos by Howard Owens.
Chris Holley, Don Roblee Jr., Tom Garlock, and Jason Everett.
Photo by Howard Owens.
Paul Daugherty and Ken Weaver.
Photo by Howard Owens.
Jerry Fitzsimmons
Photo by Howard Owens.
Doug Wright, Ken Weaver, Don Roblee, and Assemblyman Steve Hawley.
Photo by Howard Owens.
Photo by Howard Owens

Photos: Pavilion seniors watch a simulated fatal DWI accident in advance of prom night

By Howard B. Owens

Pavilion High School Seniors were asked today to imagine what it would be like to do something that would change their lives and the lives of dozens and dozens of other people.

They were asked to imagine taking another life, however unintentionally, perhaps the life of a fellow classmate, by driving drunk.

Such a decision would not only cost them their driver's license along with thousands in fines and perhaps send them to prison; they would live for the rest of their lives with the knowledge that something they did ended the life of another human being.

That decision would also bring grief to the lives of the families of their victim, and perhaps victims, and hardships and disruptions to the lives of everybody else impacted by that decision.

That was the message today of a Senior Prom DWI Drill at Pavilion High School sponsored by Pavilion Volunteer Fire Department and helped by volunteers from Stafford, Bethany, Wyoming, and Elba, along with Mercy EMS, the Sheriff's Office, and Genesee County emergency dispatches.

-- more photos after the jump (click the headline) --

Photos by Howard Owens.

Pavilion fire holds annual dinner, presents awards

By Howard B. Owens

Chad Freeman was named Pavilion fire's Firefighter of the Year, but he's on vacation so he couldn't be at the award's ceremony and dinner on Saturday night, so he got a picture of Chief Dewey Murrock and emcee Josh Finler, from Le Roy fire, holding his award.

Doug Logsdon became the fourth current member of the Pavilion Fire Department to reach the milestone of 50 active years of service. The awards were presented by Doug Wright, also a 50-year active member.

Kathleen Wright received the Life Member Award, presented by David Wright.

The department also installed its 2018 officers.

Department officers are: Dewey Murrock, chief; John Weis, 1st assistant chief; DR Roblee, 2nd assistant chief; captains Tyler Schiski, Mike Wright, Chad Freeman, Josh Mess, and Bryen Murrock; lieutenants Kelly Kraft, Nick Saravullo, Jason True, and Nick Taylor; Gerald Feurch, fire police captain; and Bill Kegler and Nick Wright are safety officers.

The social officers are: Donna Davis, president; Paul Dougherty, vice president; Bill Carrigan, treasurer; Kathy Wright, recording secretary; and Kelly Kraft, financial secretary.

Pavilion Firefighter of the Year: Tyler Schiske

By Howard B. Owens

Tyler Schiske, on the right with Chief Dewey Murrock, was named Pavilion's Firefighter of the Year, during the department's annual dinner at its Fire Hall on Saturday night.

The Pavilion Volunteer Fire Department's officers for 2017 are: Dewey Murrock, chief; John Weis, 1st assistant chief; Donald Roblee, 2nd assistant chief; Tyler Schiske, Paul Dougherty, Wayne Taylor, captains; Mike Wright and Chad Freeman, lieutenants; Doug Wright, fire police captain; Bill Kegler and Dick Park, safety officers; and Dougherty, Schiske and Taylor are training officers.

The social officers are: Nick Wright, president;Paul Dougherty, vice president; Bill Carrigan, treasurer; Kathy Wright, recording secretary; and Kelly Kraft, financial secretary.

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