HomeCare & Hospice Foundation is preparing for their 29th Annual Tree of Life ornament sales and ceremonies.
Every year during the holiday season, HomeCare & Hospice Foundation and the communities they serve, come together to honor and remember lost loved ones.
“We look forward to bringing the communities we serve together,” said Melissa Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer at HomeCare & Hospice in Allegany. “We want those who have lost loved ones to feel support during the holidays – we encourage anyone to attend one of our ceremonies regardless if they have an ornament or if their loved one was on our services.”
Ceremonies will be held in Allegany on Thursday, November 14 starting at 5:30 p.m. at the St. Elizabeth Motherhouse, located at 115 E. Main St., and on Wednesday, December 4 starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Richmond Memorial Library in Batavia, located at 19 Ross St. Batavia.
To purchase an ornament or for more information, please visit https://2024treeoflife.givesmart.com or contact Sarah Negron at 716-372-2106.