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Batavians Say the Darndest Things - Evidence of Stupidity in Genesee/Wyoming Region

By Lazlo Toth

A few gems for today -

  1. I never seen a UFO, but I know they are real.
  2. The govmint is puttin' chips in the money so's they can track how much you got.
  3. I'm a Christian!  I don't lie!
  4. God doesn't want old men to have sex.  Viagra should be illegal!
  5. The Daily News - 10/15/2002 - Op-Ed - Letters to the Editor 


I am sick and tired of seeing almost nude girls in The Daily News. It's almost like watching  . Think of how many young people see these pictures. If this continues, I will stop reading the paper.

Joan Pietrzykowski


We see enough nudity on TV, either shows or commercials. How can we ever teach our young people right from wrong when this is all they are exposed to? I am going to stop reading the paper until it gets cleaned up.

Lois Schutt


I am a mother of four children. I have eight nieces and nephews. I shop extensively, however, I will not be shopping at K-Mart or reading The Daily News until the pornography you are circulating through our communities stops.

Amy L. Parker


When I picked up the paper I was shocked! I have been reading The Daily News for 55 years and never have I seen almost a naked girl on three-quarters of the page. It shocked me and I felt ashamed of The Daily News.

Unless I receive a letter telling me that we will not have our young people subject to this stuff, please close my subscription. I have been told that the paper has had to have real cutbacks. Now I know why.

In the Bible, it says, "If anyone causes one of these children, who trusts in God, to lose faith, it would be better for you to have a rock tied to your neck and be thrown into the sea." Matthew 18:6, Living Bible. God will not bless a work that is guilty of this sin to our young people.

Geri DeMay


Please take note that as I have walked the streets of Batavia as a resident for four years and through Le Roy for 25 years come Jan. 7, 2003, I have thought the day would not come when I see in the papers of Genesee County the disgusting sights I saw living in Buffalo over the winter.

My Lord, deliver this town as a sanctuary it once was, free, free from the sicknesses so unsightly in large, ugly concrete like Rochester or even NYC that so soon forgot about the threat to us ever present in "AP Islam" as the Muslim religion is self-titled in Arabic.

May we never forget our nation's children are abused by people that start hungers in them they cannot control by the abuse of themselves with pornographic pictures, like the ones in the recent K-Mart flyer and in the Daily Snooze's full-page, scantily-clad porn, so-called soft porn. May we never, ever not remember 9/11! We should not forget the day of infamy, the way we forgot America's childs' minds, the minds of our kids, the kids that have already seen these expositions of garbage that causes nearly every other civilized nation to excise us from theirs. The TV Guide picture of a woman with the breast exposed was worst!

John R. Sissel


  • The Daily News - 4/7/2008 - Op-Ed - Letters to the Editor


Sometimes one feels the need to write a letter to the newspaper. I protest the picture of Ashley Alexandria Dupre in your newspaper on page A-5 on March 13 ("Call girl in Spitzer case says she doesn't want to be 'monster'").

It's the woman's fault. It's the way we dress, our facial expressions, our body movements as we walk, bend over or dance. It's the pictures of us when we lose weight. If a man loses weight, his advertisement shows him before and after with a shirt and pants. The woman's picture is very immodest.

They used to have a saying, NIMBY (not in my backyard). When I see a picture of an almost naked lady, I say not in my living room, kitchen or back yard -- NIMLRKBY.

We need to practice modesty . We should not be increasing a male's desire for sex until marriage. After marriage sex has a purpose. People should be able to have one, two or more children to be raised in a modest household. If the idea of creating a baby doesn't appeal to you, one should forget about having the momentary enjoyment of sexual activity. All mothers and other women should angrily protest any immodesty.

Pauline Pelton




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