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Jacobs praises officers during National Police Week

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement in recognition of National Police Week.

“Each day, law enforcement officers serve our communities, not knowing if they will return home that night. Each day, these brave men and women selflessly serve and put themselves in harm's way to keep others safe.

"Our nation cannot survive without the dedication and courage of our law enforcement officers. We have a duty in Congress to ensure they have every resource available to not only keep us safe but to do their jobs safely and return home to their families as well.

“I am proud to stand with our law enforcement officers. This National Police Week please join me in thanking those who keep us safe and honoring those officers who have fallen in the line of duty.

“May God bless our law enforcement officers.

Jacobs opposes creation of Disinformation Governance Board

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) cosponsored the Protecting Free Speech Act to prohibit the Biden administration’s Disinformation Governance Board.'

“The freedom of speech is integral to our nation and enshrined in our Constitution. The Biden administration’s creation of ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ threatens that freedom, and we cannot allow it to move forward,” Jacobs said. “This administration has tried to weaponize the IRS to spy on Americans’ bank accounts and tried to send the FBI after concerned parents. We cannot trust them to not use this board as a political weapon - especially when the person chosen to lead it has a history of partisanship who has herself spread partisan disinformation. I am proud to fight against government overreach, and I will continue to work to protect Americans’ freedoms.”

Jacobs also sent a letter last week to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas expressing his concerns with the creation of the Disinformation Governance Board and highlighting the failure of the administration to address real threats such as the crisis at our southern border.

GO ART! judge awards ‘post modern feel’ in NY-27 Congressional Art Competition

By Howard B. Owens

The winning piece in this year's NY-27 Congressional Art Competition was executed with exemplary technical skill and creative energy, said Mary Jo Whitman, education/SCR director for GO Art!, and competition judge.

The winning painting was a self-portrait by Sarah Durkin, a senior at Iroquois High School. Whitman praised it its technical execution in part because of the difficulty of the medium, oil pastel.

"It's not just traditional portraiture but putting it in the setting and the way she executed the interior of the car,  the complementary colors between the blues and the reds, the sunset in the car," she said. "It was just very well executed and had a kind of very postmodern feel to it."

Heller was unable to attend today's event because she was at a university accepting a scholarship.

Second place went to Kaylee Ziobro of Eden HS, and third to Kendall Heller, also of Iroquois.

Heller's painting will hang in the hallway that leads from the congressional office to the Capitol Building for a year, said Rep. Chris Jacobs, who was on hand to meet the young artists who entered the competition and present the awards. 

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story reversed the names of the first and third place winners.  It's corrected now. The Batavian regrets the error.

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Jacobs takes up the cause of gun owners who file for bankruptcy with bill allowing them to protect firearms

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) led 15 representatives in introducing the Protecting Gun Owners in Bankruptcy Act to ensure an individual’s right to self-defense is not stripped due to financial hardship.

“An American’s right to protect themselves and their family is not conditioned on their financial standing. People fall on hard times, but their fundamental rights afforded under the Second Amendment are ensured by our Constitution and must be protected,” Jacobs said. “I am proud to lead this effort in the House to ensure any law-abiding American can continue to defend themselves despite financial hardship, and I will continue my work to protect and defend the Second Amendment.”

“I am proud to sponsor legislation to ensure gun owners can always maintain their Constitutional right to bear arms. The government should not be allowed to take advantage of lawful gunowners who have declared bankruptcy,” Rep. Stefanik (NY-21) said.

“The Second Amendment is one of the most fundamental rights in our Constitution,” Rep. Feenstra (IA-04) said. “Bankruptcy proceedings should not disqualify any American from exercising their constitutional freedoms. As a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, I will always protect the right to keep and bear arms.”

“The right to self-defense is God-given,” Mullin (OK-02) said. “Our bankruptcy code should reflect that. As the Biden Administration continues their assault on our Second Amendment rights, we must stay diligent in protecting them. I want to thank my fellow cosponsors on this bill who recognize this too.”

“The Second Amendment codified Americans’ right to keep and bear arms, and that right should not be considered circumstantial. This legislation will ensure that, even when they may be struggling financially, responsible gun owners across America are still able to access their firearms as guaranteed by the United States Constitution,” Rep. Newhouse (WA-04) said.

The Protecting Gun Owners in Bankruptcy Act (H.R. 7493) would modify federal bankruptcy law to allow an individual debtor to exempt from their bankruptcy estate one or more firearms up to a total maximum value of $3,000. The bill also specifies that such firearms are household goods that are not subject to liens in bankruptcy.

The legislation was originally cosponsored by Representatives Cawthorn (NC-11), Newhouse (WA-04), Weber (TX-14), Mooney (WV-02), Van Drew (NJ-02), Garbarino (NY-02), Stefanik (NY-21), Tenney (NY-22), Mullin (OK-02), Gosar (AZ-04), McKinley (WV-01), Budd (NC-13), Norman (SC-05), Feenstra (IA-04), and Herrell (NM-02)

Jacobs lobbies for lower fertilizer costs

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) joined 96 colleagues in calling on President Biden to reverse his anti-American energy policies and take steps to bring down the cost of fertilizers for farmers.
“Most common fertilizers are petroleum-based. With prices skyrocketing and foreign supplies becoming less accessible, it is critical action is taken to bring down fertilizer costs for farmers. Farmers are struggling under increased fuel costs, labor shortages, and inflationary pressures on inputs. If we do not act now, it could spell even higher prices for American consumers,” Jacobs said. “The President could take immediate steps to bring prices down across the board. His policies have been destructive to the U.S. energy industry, and in turn, our farmers. The President must allow for increased U.S. oil and gas production, take steps to allow for easier access to alternative fertilizers, and ensure critical minerals are made part of the Department of Interior’s mission.”
Recently, Jacobs also co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation designed to restore American energy independence and bring fuel costs down for farmers and the American people as a whole. More on that legislation can be found here.
“Farming is an industry of incredibly narrow margins – any action the President can take immediately to lower the inflationary pressures facing our farmers, in large part due to his bad policies, must be a priority,” Jacobs said.
Dear Mr. President:
We are writing to express our serious concern regarding record-high fertilizer prices impacting American farmers going into the spring planting season. Fertilizer is a primary input and major expense for producers across the country, and price increases will have a significant effect on farm profitability and the prices of food and consumer products.
Since January 2021, according to the most recent data from the United States Department of Agriculture, the prices of key fertilizer sources have substantially increased as follows: anhydrous ammonia (by 203%); urea (by 141%); liquid nitrogen (by 162%); monoammonium phosphate (by 74%); potash (by 125%); and farm diesel (by 95%). Ongoing supply-chain bottlenecks and the rising cost of energy are among the factors sending fertilizer prices soaring, and disruptions stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will only compound the problem. As a result, Americans will pay more at restaurants, grocery stores, and elsewhere.
We are therefore urging your administration to review all available options to lower the cost of fertilizer, including but not limited to: eliminating the cross-border vaccine mandate for transporters of essential commerce; urging the USDA to use its existing authorities under the food supply chain and pandemic response resources to provide support for farmers facing financial difficulties; ensuring agricultural minerals like phosphate and potash are part of the Department of the Interior’s crucial mission; increasing U.S. gas production; and approving pending export permits at the Department of Energy for liquefied natural gas.
Quickly undertaking such measures is the most immediate – and perhaps only – near-term opportunity to partially remedy the high costs of fertilizer hurting American farmers and, ultimately, American consumers. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Jacobs says he's been calling for Social Security offices to reopen for months, glad to see it happening

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement after it was announced Social Security field offices would return to in-person services starting April 7th, 2022. 

“After months and months of limiting services to countless seniors in Western New York and all around the country, Social Security field offices are finally reopening. The delayed return to in-person services was yet another example of this administration’s failure to adequately provide for the American people. Without the successful advocacy of myself and my Republican colleagues, this situation could have continued for much longer. I am proud to have led the charge in Congress to have in-person services restored, and I will always fight for the needs of my constituents.”

Jacobs has called for return to in-person services for months. In October, Jacobs led 50 of his House colleagues in sending a letter to Acting Social Security Administration (SSA) Commissioner Kilolo Kijakazi urging the SSA to work with the AFGE to reopen in-person services as soon as possible. Later, Jacobs introduced the Having Employees Return to Duty (HERD) Act to require government workers to return to work at pre-pandemic staffing levels to provide in-person services for constituents. 

Jacobs signs on as co-sponsor of parental rights bill

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27), a member of the Education and Labor Committee, released the following statement after participating in a roundtable yesterday on parents’ rights in their children’s classrooms.

“Yesterday we heard from two different organizations who have made it their mission to ensure parents are the primary stakeholders in their children’s education. Over the past couple of years, we have seen radical policies creep into our schools. Whether its critical race theory or the Biden administration’s attempts to villainize concerned parents, it has never been more important to ensure we are working in Congress to protect the right a parent has to be involved in their child’s education and to have full transparency into what is being taught in the classroom. I am proud to be a co-sponsor of the Parents Bill of Rights Act to federally codify these rights, and I will keep working tirelessly in Congress to support educational integrity in our schools.”

The Parents Bill of Rights Act codifies five basic rights parents have including participation, transparency, access to school budgets, access to officials, and protecting the privacy of their children. More information on this legislation can be found here.

Jacobs given award by Family Research Council for abortion voting record

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement after being awarded the Family Research Council’s True Blue Award for his strong pro-life voting record in Congress.

“As the father of two young children, I understand the sanctity of life and the need to protect the most vulnerable in our nation. I am honored to receive this award, and I am proud to be a strong advocate for pro-life policies in Congress. Whether working to protect the Hyde Amendment or fighting radical ‘abortion on demand’ policies being pushed by Democrats in Congress, I will always fight to defend the right of unborn Americans to reach their full potential in life.”

Jacobs, GOP Chair Langworthy hold press conference on energy policy

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) and New York State Republican Chairman Nick Langworthy called for the President to unleash the American energy industry and reverse his destructive policies that have killed American energy independence and caused prices to skyrocket for American families. 

“Long before Russia invaded Ukraine, President Biden made the conscious decision to destroy our energy independence and drive costs at the pump up for American families. From canceling the Keystone XL pipeline to making new production incredibly punitive, the President’s actions had caused prices at the pump to skyrocket for the past year,” Jacobs said. “The Biden blame game needs to come to an end and the President needs to get out of the way of the American energy industry and allow affordable, domestically-produced energy to flow to the American people and our allies. No issue better underscores the need to take back the House in November.”

“From high gas prices to inflation, Democrat policies are crushing New Yorkers’ wallets. Voters know exactly who is causing them pain at the pump and they are going to hold them accountable this November. If you want a return to common sense that respects taxpayers, we are going to make sure you know the Republican Party is your home,” Langworthy said.

Jacobs and Langworthy held a press conference at a gas station this morning calling for actions that would bring prices down for Americans and allow the restoration of American energy independence. Additionally, they had volunteers on site conducting a voter registration drive. 

Additional Reading:

Jacobs announces return of Capitol tours

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is announcing that constituents will once again be able to schedule tours of the White House and the Capitol Building.

“For two years, the Capitol Building and the White House have been closed to the people, today I am happy to announce that these restrictions are being lifted, and constituents can once again schedule tours,” Jacobs said. “I urge any constituents who would like to schedule a tour for either the Capitol or the White House to reach out to my office and we would be happy to assist you in making those appointments!”

The Capitol will reopen for tours starting March 28th, 2022. Each week, Jacobs’ office is limited to one U.S. Capitol tour of up to fifteen people. This weekly tour will occur on a weekday between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Tours will likely be comprised of multiple groups to maximize the number of constituents who can receive a tour, so expect the day and time of tours to change from week to week. U.S. Capitol tours should be requested at least two weeks before your desired tour date.

Additionally, tours of the White House will resume on April 15, 2022. These tours are available on Fridays and Saturdays between 8:00 AM and 12:30 PM. White House tours must be requested at least 21 days prior to the requested tour date.

Any constituent seeking to schedule a tour should contact Jacobs’ Washington, D.C. office at

Jacobs announces return of Congressional Art Competiton

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is announcing the NY-27 Congressional Art Competition for high school students is returning.

“I am pleased to announce the Congressional Art Competition is once again open for NY-27 high school students,” Jacobs said. “Last year we had some incredible submissions from young artists in our area, I am looking forward to once again showcasing the talent of Western New York!”

The Congressional Art Competition is a national program started over three decades ago as a way to showcase the extraordinary talent in congressional districts around the country. In NY-27, this program is open to any high school students who reside in the district.

Schools and students wishing to participate are urged to reach out to one of Jacobs’ district offices located in Clarence (716-634-2324) and Geneseo (585-519-4002). All artwork must be submitted between Monday, April 11th, 2022 and Friday, April 15th, 2022.

A reception to celebrate the artwork and recognize the winners will be held. First Place will have their artwork hung in the Capitol for all members and visitors to see. Second Place will have their artwork hung in Rep. Jacobs' Washington, D.C. Office. Third Place will have their artwork hung in Rep. Jacobs' Clarence District Office.

For more information on the Congressional Art Competition and eligibility requirements for artwork, interested parties can visit:

Jacobs, Hawley, Rath call on Hochul to reject lowering overtime threshold for ag workers

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27), NYS Senator Ed Rath (R,C,I - Amherst), and NYS Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) held a press conference this morning to call on Governor Hochul to reject the NYS Farm Laborers Wage Board’s decision to lower the overtime threshold from 60 hours a week to 40 hours.

“Farming is already a business suffering from labor shortages with incredibly tight margins, if the Governor were to accept this decision it would have disastrous impacts on the viability of agriculture in our state and the security of our rural economies,” Jacobs said. “Lowering the threshold would force producers and workers out of our state, and bankrupt generation family farms. I urge the Governor to reject this decision – made at the expense of our farmers – our region’s future prosperity depends on it.”

"The decision by the Farm Laborers Wage Board to lower overtime hours from 60 to 40 hours is fatal to our farms. As the largest industry in New York, agriculture is a vital part of our Upstate community. With this overtime change, many family farms will not survive. I have spoken with countless farmers and farm workers who have shared their concerns with this hour reduction. I remain deeply troubled by this decision and the impact it will have, not only in my district but across our State," Rath said.

“Our state’s agribusinesses and rural communities are staring down the edge of a cliff as they eagerly wait to see whether Gov. Hochul will stand up for them, or for the special interests who’ve been pushing this policy through the bureaucratic process,” Hawley said. “Farmers, lawmakers, farm laborers and experts alike have made clear the devastating consequences this decision will have on agriculture. In this moment, Gov. Hochul has the power to save agriculture in New York state, or put it down a path that will cause it to become something completely unrecognizable. Having represented a rural part of upstate New York in Congress, I sincerely hope she understands how dangerous this decision would be not just for farmers, but for rural communities throughout the state.”

Jacobs recently joined the New York Republican Congressional Delegation in sending a letter to Governor Hochul outlining the disastrous impacts of this recommendation from the wage board and urging her to reject it. You can read that letter here.

Jacobs issues statement on war in Ukraine

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement after Ukrainian President Zelenskyy delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress.

“The continued Russian assault on the sovereign nation of Ukraine is reprehensible. I commend President Zelenskyy for his strength and poise in the face of this assault on his country. Last week Congress approved additional aid - we must expedite its delivery and not delay any new economic action. We must continue to provide humanitarian assistance and military equipment, including MiGs and other air defense systems, to restore peace, end the Russian invasion, and hold Vladimir Putin accountable for the war crimes being committed in Ukraine."

Jacobs says he's secured funding for district projects

By Press Release

Press release:

With the passing of last night’s two-bill omnibus package in the House of Representatives, Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) has secured critical funds for district projects. Jacobs released the following statement on the votes.

“I voted for the defense portions of the omnibus, which included funding for our national security agencies, military aid for Ukraine, and expanded funding for CBP and ICE – a need I heard directly when at the border last week. However, I voted against the non-defense portion of the omnibus because it contained partisan policies that erode the Second Amendment and grow domestic spending at a time when we are still grappling with 40-year record inflation,” Jacobs said.

“This year, each member was afforded the opportunity to submit community project funding requests to support critical projects in their district. We held an extensive search to locate projects of importance in this district and secure federal funds for them,” Jacobs said. “My community project requests focused heavily on a priority I have had since taking office – supporting rural communities in NY-27 and ensuring they every resource to prosper now, and generations into the future. Whether building out high-speed broadband infrastructure, educating the next generation of Western New York farmers, or improving emergency services – these goals and initiatives are reflected in the funding I secured for my district.”

Specifically, Jacobs was able to secure funding for several projects including: 

  • Niagara Orleans Wireless Broadband Initiative - $3,877,500
  • Lockport Memorial Hospital Campus of Mount St. Mary's Hospital - $2,000,000
  • GLOW YMCA Healthy Living Campus - $900,000
  • Dansville YMCA Branch - $105,000
  • Cornell Cooperative Extension Ag/Tech Community Response & Learning Center - $379,432
  • Royalton-Hartland Agriculture Center for Excellence Outdoor Learning - $515,685
  • Wyoming County Fire Training Center - $597,289

Jacobs calls for increase in domestic oil production

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) delivered a floor speech last night calling for the White House to reverse its anti-American production policies and allow for the domestic energy industry to be unleashed.

FACT CHECK: There's no barrier to U.S. energy companies increasing production. There are 9,000 unused leases in the U.S.  The Keystone Pipeline, if implemented, would have a minimal impact on prices.

Jacobs announces trip to southern border

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) is traveling to the southern border today to meet with members of Border Patrol and local law enforcement, tour detention facilities, and observe ports of entry and technology being deployed at the border.

“As a member of Congress, I believe it is imperative to see challenges facing our nation firsthand and to hear directly from the people facing them in order to be a more effective representative,” Jacobs said. “Since President Biden took office and undid the successful policies of President Trump that discouraged illegal immigration, we have seen a growing national security and humanitarian crisis at our southern border. Most recently, we have seen record amounts of fentanyl crossing into our country.”

This is Jacobs' third trip to the southern border since being elected to Congress. In June of 2021, Jacobs traveled to the southern border with President Trump to meet with Border Patrol agents and observe the impacts of President Biden’s decision to cancel the construction of the border wall.

“The Biden administration has created a crisis at our southern border – one that impacts the safety and well-being of every American. Once criminals and illicit drugs cross our southern border, they move throughout the nation,” Jacobs said. “Fentanyl trafficked across our southern border continues to fuel the opioid epidemic in communities across our country and right here at home. Securing our southern border and providing our brave Border Patrol agents with every resource they need has never been more important to the health, safety, and security of our nation.”

Jacobs appointed to House education and labor committee

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) was appointed to the House Education and Labor Committee.

“American students and businesses face unprecedented challenges in today’s world, and I am honored to join a committee focused on finding solutions to these challenges,” Jacobs said.

Jacobs joins the House Education and Labor Committee after Rep. Greg Murphy (NC-03) was appointed to the House Ways and Means Committee in January. Jacobs has long been an advocate for education – his first elected office was a seat on the Buffalo School Board. Additionally, Jacobs started a private voucher program to help students in Western New York attend private or religious schools if their parents chose to send them.

“Giving our students access the highest quality education has long been a priority of mine. Additionally, Western New York, and many other regions in our nation, face a growing shortage of labor in advanced manufacturing and skilled trades. I will be using my position to advocate for policies that put our students first and support strong workforce development initiatives to address our nation’s skilled labor shortage,” Jacobs said. “Finally, together with my work on the House Agriculture Committee I will work to ensure rural students and economies thrive.”\

Jacobs has been a frequent advocate for education policy that puts students and parents first. He cosponsored the Parents Bill of Rights to codify parents’ rights in their children’s education. Recently Jacobs cosponsored the Unmask our Kids Act and introduced the Kids in Classes Act to promote school choice and in-person learning. He also introduced the School Resource Officer Act to provide additional resources to law enforcement officers protecting schools. This fall, Jacobs received the Adult Education Champion Award presented by the Coalition on Adult Basic Education for his work to support adult education in Western New York. Finally, Jacobs and Republican Leader Foxx successfully led the charge to have the CDC update COVID guidance to allow for Test-to-Stay options for students.

“As a small business owner and former school board member, Congressman Chris Jacobs is uniquely qualified to sit on the Education and Labor Committee. We welcome Rep. Jacobs’ insights on building a thriving workforce and making K-12 and postsecondary education as effective as possible. I look forward to working with Rep. Jacobs; I know this Committee will benefit from his leadership, experience, and wisdom,” Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) said.

“I am thrilled to welcome Congressman Jacobs to the House Committee on Education and Labor. I look forward to working with him more to advocate for our New York students, support our workforce, and stand up for parental engagement in our state,” Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY-21), Senior member of the House Committee on Education and Labor.

“I have had the pleasure of fighting alongside Republican Leader Foxx and Congresswoman Stefanik to promote continued access to in-person learning for our students and parents’ rights,” Jacobs said. “I look forward to continuing that work together on the Education and Labor Committee to put American students first and set them up for future success.”

Jacobs issues statement on State of the Union speech

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) released the following statement following President Biden’s State of the Union address this evening.

“Despite his words tonight, President Biden’s actions, policies, and agenda have been bad for our nation, and American families are paying the price. Reckless spending has driven our debt to record levels and caused an inflation crisis hitting hardworking families everywhere they spend money. Anti-American energy policies have killed our energy independence and driven fuel costs up for families. Open border policies have caused an illegal immigration and drug crisis at our southern border that continues to rage. Vaccine mandates threaten the viability of critical industries and the personal liberties of every American. And the reckless withdrawal from Afghanistan weakened our position in the world and emboldened our adversaries.

“President Biden’s actions have not been in the best interests of Americans. That is why my Republican colleagues and I have been fighting for common-sense, practical solutions to get our country back on track. We’ve introduced legislation to secure the southern border, to unleash domestic energy production, to protect parents’ rights, outlaw vaccine mandates, support police officers, bring down our national debt, and restore fiscal sanity to our government. We’re going to keep fighting for these policies to get our nation back on track and we’ll keep working to hold the Biden administration accountable.

Jacobs introduces 'Unmask our Kids Act'

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) cosponsored the Unmask our Kids Act.

“As more states have moved to drop mask mandates on our children in schools, New York continues to bring up the rear by still forcing kids to mask up in the classroom,” Jacobs said.“Forced masking has done incredible damage to the emotional, social, and language development of children. Many younger students have now developed new speech problems as a result, with more suffering from emotional intelligence problems because they are unable to fully read facial cues.”

The Unmask our Kids Act would prohibit the Secretary of Education from providing federal funds to a local educational agency unless in-person education is available to all students and parents have the ability to send their children to class maskless.

“It is far past time to remove the mask mandate in New York schools and return normalcy to our students’ classrooms, gymnasiums, lunchrooms, and playgrounds,” Jacobs said. “I am proud to join this legislation to do just that.”

'We can't manage it on our own.' Legislators ask Jacobs for countywide water assistance

By Mike Pettinella
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Genesee County legislators on Wednesday afternoon – in the clearest of terms – asked Congressman Chris Jacobs for his help in finding federal money to assist the municipality with its multimillion dollar Countywide Water Project.

Legislature Chair Rochelle Stein set the tone for the roundtable discussion at the Old County Courthouse by emphasizing that residents’ quality of life and the county’s economic development hinge upon the amount of water flowing into the City of Batavia and Genesee’s towns and villages.

The purpose of the meeting – it lasted about 50 minutes -- was to educate Jacobs on the details of the water project, which is nearing the end of Phase 2 of a planned four-phase initiative.

County Engineer Tim Hens said the cost of the project is staggering -- $20 million for Phase 1, $23 million for Phase 2 (which will bring in another 2.4 million gallons per day), $85 million for Phase 3 (another 6 million gallons per day and the elimination of the aging City water plant) and an estimated $50 to $60 million for Phase 4.

“We’re at a point now where we can’t manage it on our own,” said Stein, asking Jacobs and his staff to explore all options through the network of federal agencies.

County Manager Matt Landers said the county “is on the same trajectory with the same issues and the same concerns,” referring to having to impose water restrictions at peak summer times and delays in completing Phase 2 due to COVID-19.

He said the bulk of the water generated by Phase 2 is “largely spoken of for other developments, expected growth and other water districts (including the Town of Bethany) coming on line.”

“So, we’re going to be chasing our tail; we’re in the same position for the next five or six years until Phase 3 comes on board,” he said, adding that Phase 3 is at the design stage. “Phase 3 brings us extra water, but it really doesn’t put us in position for the next generation …”

Landers said the county has taken steps to attract funding – enlisting a lobbying firm, hiring grant writers and using its resources (such as $8 million of American Rescue Plan Act funding) – but is in need of outside help to avoid placing the burden on taxpayers.

He said that breaking Phase 3 into a couple dozen smaller projects, such as individual pump stations or towers at $2.5 million, for example, could be the best way to present it to funding entities such as the United States Department of Agriculture or the Environmental Protection Agency.

Hens said the county estimated, in 1998, a 40-year forecast of needing 10 million gallons per day, but it already has hit that amount. Now, they’re looking at 21.5 million gallons a day for Phase 3 and Phase 4.

“The growth of the water system has far exceeded our expectations for not only residential demand,” Hens said, but also for dairy farmers, who comprise the county’s largest industry. “Cows drink probably eight times what the average human consumes in a day, so the usage on farms is pretty high.”

He also said the water project has fostered the expansion of the county’s food processing industry, mentioning HP Hood (that uses a million gallons per day) and O-At-Ka Milk Products.

Stein, noting that the Tonawanda Creek is an “environmentally-threatened water source,” wondered out loud whether there is an environmental bill coming out where funding for public water could be allocated. She also asked if some sort of “social justice” funding was available in light of the amount of low- to moderate-income citizens in the city and county.

While Genesee County is proud of its dairy and food processing industry, Stein said it lost an opportunity to attract the Great Lakes cheese plant in Le Roy because of limited access to water.

“We don’t want to be in that situation forever,” she said. “… seeking those federal dollars is really important to us. Our conversation is meaningful … and you’re going to talk about that when you’re in Washington.”

Jacobs said he and his staff would “scour departments within Washington, D.C., to find good fits for opportunities for this very important project.”

He said that water and broadband (internet) are “common needs” throughout his Congressional district that he continues to advocate for. The Republican said that as a member of the House Agriculture Committee he is learning about the problems facing rural communities and “hopefully, we’ll be in the majority next year and I will be in a better position to advocate as well.”

Derek Judd, who serves as Jacobs’ legislative director, said by video that low cost, long-term financing for water infrastructure is in the works but advised legislators to be prepared for a long timeline when it comes to Congress-supported community project funding projects.

Landers said Jacobs “should be proud” of the fact that Genesee County has developed a regional water supply in conjunction with the Monroe and Erie county water authorities and (with Niagara County in the future at the WNY STAMP site in the Town of Alabama).

Both Stein and Landers pointed out the “partnership” the county has with the city, towns and villages, and hoped that Jacobs would communicate their message to his colleagues at the nation’s capital.

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