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McMurray decries fourth delay in sending Chris Collins to prison

By Press Release

Press release:

Nate McMurray, congressional candidate in NY-27, released the following statement after former Congressman Chris Collins asked for a fourth delay in reporting to federal prison. 

After lying to the public, claiming that the charges were meritless, Collins pled guilty to insider trading in October of 2019. This unleashed a cascade of negative impacts on the people of WNY, especially the constituents of NY-27. Collins was set to report to prison on March 17th, which was delayed until April, and now Aug. 18th due to concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic. Collins is requesting that his report date be delayed again to Oct. 13th.  

“We have been here before. Hundreds of us wrote letters to implore the judge in Collins’ case to administer a fair sentence. We watched his tearful pleas; the hammer of justice raised, but not brought down. Chris Collins now unapologetically claims the pandemic threatens this life and should prevent him from serving his prison sentence — it’s a twisted irony that he was the first supporter of President Trump in Congress, the man who so horribly mishandled the pandemic, which led to so many avoidable deaths across our country and especially in New York State.

“Trump and his ilk are also demanding that our schools open immediately, but that elections be delayed, and now that justice be delayed too. If our kids can go back to school, Chris Collins can pay his debt to society. He denied this region representation, and he lied to secure power and privilege. Politicians like Trump yell ‘law and order,’ but when it comes to their buddies, it’s a different story: Manafort, Stone, Flynn, and yes, Collins. 

“I have always believed that justice must be balanced with mercy, but Chris Collins has seen more mercy than most. Justice delayed is justice denied — he needs to go to jail now."

McMurray knocks Jacobs for vote to use taxpayer dollars in law suits against ACA

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Democratic Congressional candidate Nate McMurray released the following statement after Republican Chris Jacobs voted against an amendment that would keep taxpayer dollars from funding the Trump administration’s lawsuits to strike down the Affordable Care Act:

“Let me be clear: Every American deserves healthcare, and that is exactly what I will fight for in Washington. To watch the Republican assault on affordable, accessible healthcare with no plan of their own is horrifying. But it is inhumane for Trump and his followers like Jacobs to continue their attacks while our country is ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic—using taxpayer dollars to strip protections for pre-existing conditions and sabotage a program that the majority of Americans support.

"Our country has seen over 150,000 deaths, an estimated 5.4 million Americans have lost their employer-sponsored health insurance, and after voting against sick pay for COVID-19 patients in Albany, Chris Jacobs is voting with Donald Trump to kill the Affordable Care Act.

“I have spent years in this district; the people from Canandaigua to Clarence, and everywhere in between, know that Nate McMurray fights for healthcare and the working class. The people of NY-27 are already up at night worrying about the pandemic, their jobs, schools reopening; and now, they have to worry about Jacobs taking away their healthcare.

“Thanks to House members of both parties in Western New York who voted ‘Yes,’ this amendment passed in spite of Jacobs and Trump. As he did on his first day, Jacobs stood alone again, hurting the people of NY-27.”

Jacobs appointed to House Agriculture Committee

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) has been officially appointed to the House Agriculture Committee.

“Agriculture is immensely important to both our Western New York community and economy, and I am honored to represent our great family farms in Congress,” Jacobs said. "Right now, my focus is on ensuring our farmers have the resources needed to continue their important operations providing food for families during this challenging time, but I am also looking toward the future to develop policies that allow for future generations of farmers to thrive in Western New York."

A major need in the Western New York community is improving access to rural broadband. The Agriculture Committee currently oversees this area and is tasked with developing ways to provide reliable expanded coverage.

“I have been a vocal advocate for the need for greater broadband access in our area, not only do our farmers and their machinery rely on it, but it is also critical for small businesses, students, and telehealth services – which have become increasingly important," Jacobs said. "While I fight for our great farming industry, I will also be working to improve the lives of all Western New Yorkers by addressing this critical need."

McMurray criticizes Jacobs for not speaking out against Trump's 'outrageous and offensive' remarks

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Yesterday, President Trump recommended that Americans listen to the advice of a doctor, Stella Immanuel, who claims to have a cure for COVID-19: hydroxychloroquine," said Nate McMurray, Democratic congressional candidate for NY-27.

"The medical community at large, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, the FDA, and randomized experiments have all indicated that hydroxychloroquine is ineffective, and sometimes dangerous when used to treat COVID-19.

"But that has not stopped the President from promoting it. This supposed doctor has also advised against wearing masks and warned about some 'vaccine' that would make us less religious. Worse yet—she has a history of mixing complete conspiracy and mythology into her medical advice—talk of demons, witches, and aliens. Yet Trump still called her 'very impressive.' "

Chris Jacobs, after tightly tying himself to Trump, has remained silent on this and many other issues. Since the Special Election, Jacobs has remained mute on this and many other outrageous or offensive comments by the President, hiding behind a team of spokespeople.

“He’s practicing a sort of à la carte Trumpism," McMurray said. "He wants to take what benefits him politically and ignore the conspiracy, lies, and failures. Tens of thousands of people are dying. Americans are banned from traveling to most countries. Trump’s handling of the virus is a historic fiasco, and the people of Western New York want leadership, not some flip-flopper.”

McMurray has echoed the warnings of doctors and scientists since January and has offered recommendations for achieving best practices on testing and tracing for months. Unlike Jacobs, if elected McMurray would be advocating for a national testing plan, resources to stabilize and sustain NY-27’s rural hospitals, and responsible allocation of federal funds for state and local governments, families, and small businesses.

“The press, our campaign, and the voters will hold Jacobs accountable for his poor judgment and bad acts, like voting against sick pay for COVID-19 patients, spreading misinformation during the pandemic, and not holding the President accountable when Americans are dying,” McMurray continued. “The President claimed to have ‘researched’ my record before lying to the people of Western New York. For America’s sake, I wish he would research these quack doctors that are putting all of our lives at risk with their misinformation.

"Jacobs’ father was a highly respected medical professional — head and shoulders above the likes of the strip mall snake oil salesmen that Trump promotes. I implore Jacobs, Trump, and all Americans to listen to the true experts and to reason. The real tragedy is that so many of the deaths occurring now are completely avoidable.

"We could manage this virus until there is a vaccine, but our President and Jacobs have abandoned science for party politics. They have chosen talk of aliens, witches, and demons, instead of leadership and solutions for the American people."

McMurray accuses Jacobs of voting 'for the Confederacy'

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

After an almost muted, secretive swearing-in ceremony and an election that still has not been certified, Chris Jacobs has begun his short term in Congress. His first big moment? A vote against our military and for the Confederacy.

Jacobs sided with Trump and voted against the National Defense Authorization Act, because it includes a provision to rename military bases that are currently named after Confederate Generals. The bill, H.R. 6395, passed the House easily with more than half the Republican caucus voting for it. Every other Congressperson from Western New York voted for it—even Trump extremists like Tom Reed and Elise Stefanik sided with Democrats Higgins and Morelle.

“Jacobs was alone on his first day of Congress, protecting dead traitors. I want to be shocked, but I’m not. Jacobs has sided with Trump over the people of NY-27 again and again, even supporting Trump’s failure during the pandemic and Trump’s advocacy for far-right conspiracy theories. This bill will give a pay raise to our troops, and provide the Pentagon with pandemic response funding—I’m glad it passed in spite of Chris Jacobs. We are going to watch him like a hawk watches a field mouse,” McMurray said.

Jacobs also voted against H.R. 1957, the Great American Outdoors Act, a vastly bipartisan bill to fund and restore our National Parks. The bill also funds state and local parks without using taxpayer dollars. The bill’s passage marks a once-in-a-generation win for environmentalists, for the President, and for bipartisanship, but Jacobs voted against it.

“Our national, state and local park system is second to none, and the question has to be asked: ‘Why would Jacobs vote against 94 percent of Americans that support preserving these natural wonders?’ His family’s business, Delaware North, has extensive business with the National Parks and has had a high-profile, coastline dispute with Parks Services over Yosemite. It’s fair to ask if Jacobs should be voting on such bills, given the potential conflicts.”

McMurray was most concerned, however, about Jacobs’ support for the confederacy.

“Jacobs said that Black Lives Matter is a radical ideology, but defending treasonous generals is OK? A man of wealth like him, a man whose family owns estates across New England, owns the Boston Bruins itself, cannot claim this has to do anything to do with ‘Southern Pride,’ ” McMurray continued.

“He is shamelessly indulging the racist agenda of our President, and it’s an insult to the Union soldiers from across NY-27 who fought the Confederacy. There are tributes to these soldiers everywhere — including the town square in Avon, before the courthouse in Warsaw, and in Geneseo where there stands an obelisk honoring the Union war dead. Geneseo is also home to a statue of General Wadsworth, who defended our nation’s capital, fought valiantly in Gettysburg, and died on the battlefield. The current Republican Town Supervisor is his descendant,” McMurray added.

McMurray is planning a tour to pay tribute to the men and women of the Genesee Valley and Niagara Frontier who confronted the tyranny of the Confederacy and fought for what was right at the most pivotal moment in our country’s history.

NOTE: The Batavian offered the Chris Jacobs campaign to respond and the campaign declined.

McMurray predicts victory in November, short term for Jacobs

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Today Nate McMurray, the Democratic nominee in the 27th congressional district, held a press conference with supporters on the status of his race and his path to victory in November.

“I am amazed and grateful for the support, and especially blown away by our victory here in Ontario County. On Election Day we were down by 42 points across the district, and now we are down to a mere 5 points, maybe even less,” McMurray said. “Even though Jacobs received significant support from President Trump -- including numerous robocalls, tweets, and a live Town hall the night before Election Night -- even though he outspent us on commercials 10 to 1 and is able to privately fund his campaign, and even though we ran a progressive campaign in the reddest district in New York, Jacobs only won by a small margin.

"All things considered, he should’ve maintained his 42-point lead from election night. Make no mistake, while my opponent has claimed victory time and again prior to tens of thousands of votes being counted, attempting to silence countless voices of people in this district, he knows, and Trump knows, Jacobs is limping into Washington. This is the foreshadowing of our clear path to victory three months from now, when an additional 150,000 or more people will be casting their ballots.

“While Jacobs is about to serve one of the shortest congressional terms ever, the next three months are critical. Now Jacobs must address the critical issues facing our region that he avoided on the campaign trail. Will Jacobs continue to defend President Trump and how he has handled COVID-19? Will Jacobs continue to claim Trump is doing a great job for our region when Western New York has one of the worst job markets in the country? It is our job to hold them both accountable. It is our job to continue to stand against the daily lies being told and to fight for our democracy.

“A critical part of our fight is to ensure that when 150,000 additional people cast their ballot this November, every vote is counted. Due to massive confusion during this Special Election, people struggled to receive their ballots in time to no fault of their own, and as a result, thousands of ballots were thrown away and not counted. This is unacceptable. We must do better.

"It is imperative we make this process simpler, more accessible and more transparent and get county boards of elections the critical resources they need to process a growing number of unprecedented absentee ballots. Trump and Jacobs are already trying to suppress our votes and silence our voices, but we will continue to advocate for truth and to fight like hell for the people of the 27th."

Chris Jacobs sworn in as NY-27 representative

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Chris Jacobs was sworn into the United States House of Representatives today at 10 a.m. on the House Floor by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Jacobs assumes New York’s 27th Congressional District seat.

“Our district has been without representation and leadership for far too long – today that finally ends and the people of NY-27 have representation again. I am deeply grateful and honored that the voters have put their trust in me, and I am eager to get to work fighting for them and their needs in Congress,” Jacobs said.

“Whether it is fighting for our region's small businesses, or supporting our great family farms, or working to update infrastructure and rural broadband access -- I promise to serve this district with honor and integrity. I care deeply about our Western New York Community, and I look forward to helping our region reach its full potential,” Jacobs said.

Smith, Jacobs local winners in respective races

By Howard B. Owens

CORRECTION 7:27 p.m.: We published the wrong tally of votes for NY-27 district special election candidate Duane Whitmer. It is 159, not 1,059. The Batavian regrets the error.

Unofficial ballot counts are done for Genesee County in the Democratic primary for the 61st State Senate and the NY-27 special election, according to Lorie Longhany, Democratic commissioner for the Board of Elections.

In the primary:

  • Kim Smith: 1,083
  • Joan Seamans: 796
  • Jacqualine Berger: 769

In the NY-27 special election:

  • Chris Jacobs: 6,127
  • Nate McMurray: 3,848
  • Duane Whitmer: 1,059  159
  • Michael Gammariello: 71
  • Write-ins for Beth Parlato: 188

The count of the NY-27 GOP primary has not yet been completed.

Longhany said that count along with official results should be released on Monday.

Candidates declaring victory, admitting defeat, as public waits for release of vote counts

By Howard B. Owens

Not all the votes are counted yet -- delayed by the massive number of mail-in ballots filed -- but some candidates from the June 23 election are sounding confident of the outcome.

Chris Jacobs seems to believe he's won the NY-27 while Nate McMurray seems sure he's lost and Jacqualine Berger has declared victory in the Democratic primary for the 61st State Senate District.

Richard Siebert, the Republican commissioner for the Genesee County Board of Elections, said it will be 24 to 48 hours before local unofficial results will be released.

That said, based on what he's seen so far, it looks like McMurray will have 400 more votes locally from mail-in ballots than Jacobs in the special election to fill the unexpired term of convicted criminal Chris Collins. 

Siebert believes McMurray won every precinct in the City of Batavia.

Still, that won't be enough for McMurray to close the gap on in-person voting on June 23, when McMurray polled only 1,565 votes in Genesee County to 4,536 to Jacobs.

Results also aren't released yet for other counties but the campaigns typically have poll watchers in place during vote counting so they have some idea what to expect when tallies are released.

Last night, Jacobs released this statement:

"With the counting completed today and the outcome reaffirmed, I’m eager to get to work for the people of Western New York as their representative in Congress. I care deeply about this community and I will do all I can to serve it with honesty and integrity. I would also like to personally thank each Board of Election member and employee who worked tirelessly throughout this process and the entire election season. Conducting an election under these circumstances was challenging for all involved and I appreciate the sacrifices made.”

McMurray has not released a statement but he did tweet about the election outcome.


All that cash, all those Trump endorsements, the lies, your family’s billions...

Got you a skin of your teeth 1.9% lead in a County you were a State Senator in.

You struggle against a team of volunteers and guy from community college.

We’re coming for you.

Nov 3

— Nate McMurray for Congress 2020 (@Nate_McMurray) July 9, 2020

In the State Senate primary, Democrat Jan Berger released this statement:

Educator Jacqualine Berger has declared victory in the Democratic Primary Election to run for the New York State Senate seat vacated by longtime Republican State Senator Michael Ranzenhofer. Berger was victorious against Kim Smith, formerly of the Monroe County Department of Public Health, and Joan Elizabeth Seamans, a small-business owner. 

The race was too-close-to-call on the night of the election. After all the votes were tallied, Berger edged Smith by 141 votes. Berger received 9,246 votes (39%), while Smith earned 9,105 (38%) and Seamans received 5,475 votes (23%).  

“I am honored to have won this close election against two outstanding candidates. I congratulate both of my opponents for running strong campaigns under challenging circumstances,” said State Senate candidate Jacqualine Berger. “I am looking forward to the general election campaign, where we can work together to give the district the representation it deserves.”

Erie County Democratic Committee Chairman Jeremy Zellner said, “We endorsed Jacqualine Berger because she understands the needs of the 61st State Senate district. I am proud of her victory in the Primary Election and look forward to supporting her this fall. The Democratic Party is united like never before, and ready to take on the Republican extremists.”   

Jacqualine Berger is the Deputy Supervisor in the Town of Amherst and an educator at Empire State College. Berger has a master’s degree in Early Childhood and Special Education from Tulane University. She is a lifelong advocate for individuals with special needs, running a local Challenger Baseball program for children and adults with disabilities since 1991. In 2019, Empire State College awarded Berger the Altes Prize for Exemplary Community Service.

Berger will face politician Ed Rath in the election this fall.

In Election Day voting, Jacobs trounces competition with tens of thousands of absentee ballots yet to be counted

By Howard B. Owens

In walk-in voting on Election Day in Genesee County, Chris Jacobs far outpolled his opponents in the special election race to fill the vacant NY-27 race, getting 4,536 votes in the unofficial tally to 1,565 for Nate McMurray and 155 for Duane Whitmer.

Jacobs has declared victory in the NY-27 race and McMurray has said that with far more absentee ballots to be counted than were cast on election day it's premature to say who won and who lost the race.

In the GOP primary for the same seat, Jacobs received 2,473 votes from Genesee County residents to 1,099 for Darien resident Beth Parlato and 340 votes for Stefan Mychajliw.

Districtwide, the Buffalo News reports that Jacobs garnered 70 percent of the walk-in votes to 28 percent for McMurray and has a 30,639 vote lead with 65,509 absentee ballots to be counted.

That count could take a week or more but the Jacobs campaign contends it is mathematically impossible for McMurray to close the gap.

In the GOP primary, Jacobs currently has 25,668 votes to 8,644 for Parlato and 7,190 votes for Mychajliw.

Jacobs, McMurray, and Mychajliw have all issued statements about the election results. We've not received a statement yet from Parlato nor Whitmer.


Chris Jacobs has declared victory in the Special and Republican Primary for New York’s 27th Congressional District and is releasing the following statement: 

“We did it, it has been a long, challenging and ever-changing election, nevertheless the people of Western New York made their voices heard overwhelmingly for strong, conservative leadership! With the commanding lead I have amassed; I am confident in declaring victory in both the Special and Primary elections.

"Now I am looking forward to getting to Congress and getting right to work fighting alongside our great President for the people of Western New York. I would like to thank all the volunteers, supporters, party leaders, and elected officials who have worked so hard to make this happen, and I would especially like to thank President Trump for his early and consistent support throughout this entire election, I am deeply grateful.”


Tonight, with thousands of ballots left unopened across the 27th Congressional District, millionaire Chris Jacobs declared a premature victory. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a historic number of absentee and mail-in ballots still need to be counted. Absentee counting in most counties will not start until July 1st, and likely won't be completed for at least two weeks. 

 “How can you declare victory before the ballots are counted?” Nate McMurray said on Tuesday night. “There are more ballots still out there, uncounted, than people that voted in-person today. As we have always said, we will fight for every single vote. Chris always wanted to be crowned. The coronation will have to wait. They had to bring the whole Trump family into this to help drag him across the finish line. He can peacock. We will talk in two weeks.”


Congressional candidate Stefan I. Mychajliw Jr. released the following statement on the New York 27th Congressional District election results:

“I called Chris Jacobs a few minutes ago to congratulate him on his victory in the Republican Primary. I’m thankful for the support I’ve received in this race. We said it was important to let voters decide, and they have. While not victorious, I’m proud of the race we ran. We stayed above the fray, and ran a positive campaign on the issues. I’m a loyal Republican – always have been, always will be. Just like I have in the past, I will work hard to keep NY-27 in Republican hands in November."

UPDATE: Statement from Parlato:

"I got in this race to give every voter in NY-27 a choice, and that is exactly what we did. Although not victorious, I am grateful for each and every vote, prayer and supporter. We ran a tough campaign, and I’m proud of all that were involved. I look forward to campaigning for President Trump as we fight harder than ever to protect our freedoms and conservative values."

Nate McMurray says one of his opponents lies about him in campaign commercial

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Politifact, a fact-checking website that rates the accuracy of claims by elected officials and candidates, announced today that Chris Jacobs’ most recent TV ad is entirely false. The ad repeats a set of lies first put forward by Chris Collins about Nate McMurray. In particular, the ad claims that McMurray sent American jobs to Asia and China, which is entirely not true.

“I can’t believe this man has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on this false message, the same false message first put forward by Chris Collins. He’s doubling down on those dated lies. This ad must be effective, but what does it say about Jacobs’ judgment that he would so openly lie to get elected?” McMurray said.

Instead of talking about the critical issues that matter, like creating jobs, Jacobs seems concerned with only one issue: lying about and slandering his opponent. Instead of lies, McMurray has talked throughout this campaign season about expanding healthcare and protecting Social Security and Medicare.

McMurray's press release did not contain a link to the fact-checking site. Below are links to pages fact-checking both McMurray and Jacobs, finding a mixture of false and true statements for both candidates.

Erie County DA says he feels his office was 'used' in filing of complaint against Chris Jacobs

By Howard B. Owens

During a press conference in Buffalo today, while announcing he was not pursuing criminal charges against congressional candidate Chris Jacobs, Erie County DA John Flynn "called out" the anonymous person who filed a complaint against Jacobs for alleged "voter fraud."

"There is no doubt that I'm being used here to a certain extent," Flynn said. "I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, you know. I've been around for a long time. I've seen a lot of things. When I feel like I'm being used, I feel like someone is, put John Flynn aside, someone is using the District Attorney of Erie County and that bothers me a lot."

Flynn declined to name the complainant but said the complainant's failure to identify him or herself is once the complaint was made public -- through an anonymous tip to a Buffalo TV station -- didn't sit well with him.

"I think it's pretty weak that you won't let anyone know who you are," Flynn said. "I'm going to say that publicly and I know the person won't want to hear it and I say, 'too bad.'"

The person who made the complaint called Flynn directly, he said, and then Flynn's staff and that person's attorney exchanged emails about the allegations.

After reviewing the allegations, Flynn decided not to file charges against Jacobs.

The person making the complaint alleged that Jacobs circulated petitions last summer using an address for an Orchard Park house he had made a deposit on but had not yet purchased. If that were a crime, Flynn said, it would be offering a false instrument for filing. And if it were a crime, Flynn said, it would be outside his jurisdiction because the petitions were filed in Albany.

The two other allegations against Jacobs were that he registered to vote at the Orchard Park address on Sept. 3 but didn't close escrow on the property until the end of September. Then, he used that address as his voting address on Nov. 5 while maintaining another residence in Buffalo.

Flynn said Jacobs came into Flynn's office voluntarily and shared with the DA paperwork and information about maintaining two households. He purchased the house in Orchard Park and invested a substantial amount of money in renovations while also continuing to pay utilities on that residence. Meanwhile, after the pandemic hit, Jacobs decided to spend more time in Buffalo where he could be closer to his mother and assist her during the pandemic lockdown.

He said the evidence undercuts any claim that Jacobs might have had an intent to defraud anybody therefore his actions were not criminal.

"Under election law, it is legal to have two residences," Flynn said. "It was Jacobs who voluntarily came into my office and voluntarily gave me the whole story, he readily admitted he owns two homes, readily admitted during COVID-19 crisis he lived more so at home in Buffalo because his mother lives near him and he wanted to stay close by and help his mother

"He readily admitted he spent more time at his buffalo address," Flynn added. "That is not a crime. It is not a crime to have two residences. There is nothing the in law that says you have to live at one resident X-number of days or X-number of hours to have that declared as your residence."

Because Jacobs invested a substantial amount of money in the other house and because he has continued to pay the utility bills there, there is no "aura of a sham," which would be necessary, he said, to prove an election fraud case.

Jacobs issued the following statement following the announcement:

Chris Jacobs is releasing the following statement in response to DA Flynn’s dropping of the false complaint.

“I want to thank D.A. Flynn for his swift dismissal of Beth Parlato’s phony complaint. And I further want to thank D.A. Flynn for allowing me to come in of my own volition and present him with complete documentation that completely disproves these attacks from Beth Parlato.” 

“It’s now clear Beth Parlato orchestrated this stunt and abused the justice system solely as a political attack and to run a negative television attack ad. It’s shameful, but not surprising. Beth Parlato must immediately take down her false, negative ads. The voters of Western New York are a lot smarter than Beth Parlato thinks and I suspect they will reject her and her nasty, negative campaign on Tuesday.” 

The Batavian offered Beth Parlato a chance to respond to the Jacobs' allegation that she was behind the complaint and got no response to our email request.

Hours after news of a complaint was filed, Parlato released a campaign commercial that accused Jacobs was the subject of a criminal investigation. She also included the same accusation in a press release sent to The Batavian yesterday. There was no criminal investigation, as Flynn revealed today.

Parlato has not issued a statement regarding Flynn's decision to drop the complaint.

Stefan Mychajliw:

“My initial statement on this matter is just as relevant Thursday as it is today: the District Attorney and voters will pass final judgment on Chris Jacobs. Judgment has been passed by the District Attorney. Now, voters will decide for themselves who will be the Republican nominee for New York’s 27th Congressional District in November. Nevertheless, it is troubling to just now find out from the District Attorney that Chris Jacobs admittedly does not live in the 27th Congressional District."

Nate McMurray:

“It is concerning that in a day a complaint of voter and election fraud of a Congressional candidate and State Senator can be dropped, so quickly. No one knew about this until the local news reported it yesterday. Yet here we are, everything resolved with a 5:00 p.m. press conference on a Friday the weekend before an election--just hours after a visit from Jacobs and his attorneys,” said McMurray. 

“If only justice worked so swiftly for regular people, and not just people who can afford the best attorneys. I will tell you this, regardless of what loophole he used, what he did was meant to mislead. He knows. But the people of Western New York, most of us never get a break. Chris? He gets all the breaks,” said McMurray.

Speaking of misleading, McMurray posted this tweet this evening:

Months ago, pre COVID, I sat down with @howardowens for an hour long, no cut interview.

Jacobs refused.

— Nate McMurray for Congress 2020 (@Nate_McMurray) June 20, 2020

Jacobs did not refuse an interview with The Batavian. Jacobs, like McMurray, Parlato, Duane Whitmer, and Mychajliw, all participated in interviews.

Hawley endorses Jacobs for NY-27

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley endorsed Chris Jacobs for New York’s 27th Congressional District today.

“Chris has served Western New York with honor and integrity, and he has been a steadfast defender of our conservative values in Albany,” Hawley said. “Chris is unwavering in his fight for his constituents, our region, and our values – I can think of no one more suited to fight for Western New York and be the conservative leader we need in Congress.

"It is my distinct honor and pleasure to offer my full endorsement for Chris in both the Special Election and Primary Election on June 23rd.”

“I am beyond honored and grateful to receive Assemblyman Hawley’s endorsement," Jacobs said. "It has been an honor serving beside him in the State Legislature and he has been a true conservative fighter for the people of Western New York.

"With his endorsement, I feel confident that we can usher in a new era of prosperity in our region and send strong conservative leadership to Washington."

Jacobs has also received the endorsement of United States President Donald Trump, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Republican Whip Steve Scalise, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, NYS Senator Patrick Gallivan, NYS Senator Mike Ranzenhofer, NYS Assemblyman Angelo Morinello, NYS Assemblyman Mike Norris, Erie County Sheriff Tim Howard.

NY-27 Candidate Interviews: Chris Jacobs

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor.pane-node-body img {background: none !important; border: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: unset !important; padding-left: 1px !important }

The Batavian interviewed candidates for NY-27 both in the special election and in the GOP primary.

Our original plan was to interview Chris Jacobs, Nate McMurray, and Duane Whitmer, running in the special election originally scheduled for April and later interview the GOP candidates.

With that in mind, we interviewed McMurray in February at the Richmond Memorial Library. Then the pandemic hit before we could schedule the next interviews.

We were unable to return to the project until late May, early June, at a time when interviews could only be conducted remotely. Outside of this different setting, we strove to conduct the interviews in a similar style.

The goal of the interviews is to try and uncover the political philosophies of the candidates and how that affects their thinking on some big issues.

This is the interview with Chris Jacobs.

NY-27 Candidate Interviews: Stefan Mychajliw

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor .pane-node-body img {background: none !important; border: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: unset !important; padding-left: 1px !important }

The Batavian interviewed candidates for NY-27 both in the special election and in the GOP primary.

Our original plan was to interview Chris Jacobs, Nate McMurray, and Duane Whitmer, running in the special election originally scheduled for April and later interview the GOP candidates.

With that in mind, we interviewed McMurray in February at the Richmond Memorial Library. Then the pandemic hit before we could schedule the next interviews. We were unable to return to the project until late May, early June, at a time when interviews could only be conducted remotely.

Outside of this different setting, we strove to conduct the interviews in a similar style. The goal of the interviews is to try and uncover the political philosophies of the candidates and how that affects their thinking on some big issues.

This is the interview with Stefan Mychajliw.

NY-27 Candidate Interviews: Beth Parlato

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor .pane-node-body img {background: none !important; border: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: unset !important; padding-left: 1px !important }

The Batavian interviewed candidates for NY-27 both in the special election and in the GOP primary.

Our original plan was to interview Chris Jacobs, Nate McMurray, and Duane Whitmer, running in the special election originally scheduled for April and later interview the GOP candidates.

With that in mind, we interviewed McMurray in February at the Richmond Memorial Library. Then the pandemic hit before we could schedule the next interviews.

We were unable to return to the project until late May, early June, at a time when interviews could only be conducted remotely. Outside of this different setting, we strove to conduct the interviews in a similar style.

The goal of the interviews is to try and uncover the political philosophies of the candidates and how that affects their thinking on some big issues.

This is the interview with Beth Parlato.

NY-27 Candidate Interviews: Duane Whitmer

By Howard B. Owens
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The Batavian interviewed candidates for NY-27 both in the special election and in the GOP primary.

Our original plan was to interview Chris Jacobs, Nate McMurray, and Duane Whitmer, running in the special election originally scheduled for April and later interview the GOP candidates.

With that in mind, we interviewed McMurray in February at the Richmond Memorial Library. Then the pandemic hit before we could schedule the next interviews.

We were unable to return to the project until late May, early June, at a time when interviews could only be conducted remotely. Outside of this different setting, we strove to conduct the interviews in a similar style.

The goal of the interviews is to try and uncover the political philosophies of the candidates and how that affects their thinking on some big issues.

This is the interview with Duane Whitmer.

NY-27 Candidate Interviews: Nate McMurray

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor .pane-node-body img {background: none !important; border: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; padding: unset !important; padding-left: 1px !important }

The Batavian interviewed candidates for NY-27 both in the special election and in the GOP primary.

Our original plan was to interview Chris Jacobs, Nate McMurray, and Duane Whitmer, running in the special election originally scheduled for April and later interview the GOP candidates.

With that in mind, we interviewed McMurray in February at the Richmond Memorial Library. Then the pandemic hit before we could schedule the next interviews. We were unable to return to the project until late May, early June, at a time when interviews could only be conducted remotely.

Outside of this different setting, we strove to conduct the interviews in a similar style. The goal of the interviews is to try and uncover the political philosophies of the candidates and how that affects their thinking on some big issues.

This is the interview with Nate McMurray.

Jacobs, opponents for NY-27 wrangle over his residency last time he voted

By Howard B. Owens

Opponents of Chris Jacobs, the state senator from Erie County running for the vacated NY-27 congressional seat in a special election Tuesday, and in a GOP primary for the same seat on the same day, have jumped on news reports accusing Jacobs of registering to vote and voting at a residence in Orchard Park that he did not own and was not living in at the time.

The house is his current residence.

A spokeswoman for the Erie County District Attorney's Office confirmed this evening that the office did receive a complaint about Jacobs but said, in reference to a FOIL request for documents, the office had "no documents responsive to the request."

While one of Jacobs' opponents said Jacobs was now the subject of a "criminal investigation," the spokeswoman indicated there was no such investigation currently but that the matter was "under review."

Nate McMurray, running against Jacobs in the NY-27 special election, and Beth Parlato and Stefan Mychajliw., running against Jacobs in the GOP primary, all issued statements attacking Jacobs for "voter fraud."

Jacobs, in turn, called the attacks, "a desperate political stunt."  

Here are his statement and the statements of the other three candidates.


"This is nothing more than a desperate political stunt made by someone who is about to lose an election. My wife and I went under contract to purchase our home in Orchard Park on June 17th of 2019 and closed on our home on September 30 of 2019.

Desperate attacks by political opponents are not surprising – sadly they have become a standard part of politics.

We are grateful to the thousands of volunteers and supporters who have helped put us in position for a victory on Tuesday and we are looking forward to getting to work for the people of Western New York.”


“Chris Jacobs said Chris Collins would be ineffective due to the criminal investigation hanging over him. With a pending investigation by the Erie County District Attorney into potential criminal misconduct, Chris Jacobs should apply his own standard to himself. The District Attorney will pass judgement upon Chris Jacobs, and so will voters in Tuesday's Primary Election."


"I got in this race 11 months ago because we cannot trust career politicians.

Chris Lee resigned in disgrace. Chris Collins resigned in disgrace and is heading to prison. Now, Chris Jacobs has not even made it to Congress yet, and he is under criminal investigation.

The last thing we need is another career politician embarrassing our district and bringing shame to the hardworking, honorable people of NY-27. We deserve better.

We need to bring integrity back to this seat.

I am calling on Chris to put the people first, to do what is right, and remove his name from both the special election and primary ballots."


Western New Yorkers were shocked to learn endorsed Republican candidate for the NY- 27 Congressional District Chris Jacobs was called out for alleged voter and election fraud.

The Erie County District Attorney received a complaint against Jacobs including the following allegations: that Jacobs was registered to vote in the Orchard Park District before owning his home, that he voted from the newly registered home less than 30 days before owning the home, and that he filed primary residence documents that he lived within the 27th District before doing so.

Democratic congressional candidate Nate McMurray joined Republican candidate Beth Parlato in calling for Jacobs to pull out of the race.

“After so much corruption here on the 27th, we now have another endorsed Republican candidate who appears to be lying to the voters already. He has high paid consultants. This was no accident. It’s fraud.

The people of this district cannot afford another entitled and detached millionaire. He’s proving he’s nothing more than that, and he shouldn’t be in office. I call on Chris Jacobs to do the right thing and drop out of this race,” said Nate McMurray.

Jacobs given 'A' rating from gun group

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressional Candidate Chris Jacobs (NY-27) was given an A rating from the Gun Owners of America New York (GOANYS) following a vote by members at its recent meeting, and an A+ Rating from the Second Amendment Show.

“We do not hand out A ratings lightly to candidates," GOANYS Communications Director Bill Robinson said. "However, Chris Jacobs’ record of fighting against the unconstitutional SAFE Act and fighting for privacy rights of pistol permit holders as County Clerk, and his voting record against red flag laws and SAFE Act expansion made this decision very easy.

"Chris has a strong record of defending the Second Amendment, and we have the fullest confidence that he will uphold this commitment to our constitutional rights in Congress. Andrew Cuomo has ravaged our rights in New York for too long and we look forward to having a Congressman who will fight back.”

The A rating from GOANYS and the A+ rating from the Second Amendment Show are the most recent shows of support Chris Jacobs has received from the Second Amendment community. He has also received the endorsement of the National Rifle Association (NRA) for his record of defending the Second Amendment.

“I am honored to have received an A rating from Gun Owners of America New York and an A+ rating from the Second Amendment Show," Jacobs said. "I have always taken the responsibility of defending the Second Amendment extremely seriously, and I am fully committed to continuing this record of defending and protecting our constitutional rights in Congress.

"I urge everyone to get out and vote on June 23rd so we can ensure Western New York has a Congressman who will respect, protect, and defend the Second Amendment."

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