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McMurray says Jacobs ads are contradictory and confused

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“Jacobs' new ad tries to portray me as some outsourcing tycoon when his previous ads tried to portray me as a socialist," McMurray said. "Chris is confused. Which am I? I guess we should just accept that Chris — as a Democrat who became a Trump-loving Republican — overnight, is always confused."

The McMurray team points out that Jacobs, despite having spent over a million dollars already on his campaign, has never talked about expanding healthcare, protecting social security, or building our infrastructure in any of his ads.

He is not interested in improving the lives of Western New Yorkers. He’s interested in lying about McMurray, calling Beth Parlato “nasty,” and trying to scare people about foreigners — first Mexicans now Asians, just like Chris Collins did.

What we should really be scared about is Jacobs' record.

“Jacobs has done nothing, despite years in office, to help working people," McMurray said. "He has been a shill going so far to hide campaign funds on the state level, paving the way for companies like Delaware North to fund these political aspirations.

"And who is Delaware North? His family's company. A company that really has outsourced thousands and thousands of jobs to Asia by cutting staff in Buffalo and hiring people in India for a fraction of the price. Look it up. Don’t be fooled."

VIDEO: Nate McMurray Get Out The Vote Rally in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens
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Nate McMurray notified supporters in Genesee County that he would be at City Hall this afternoon for a get out the vote rally. A reporter and photographer from The New York Times were there to cover it.

McMurray expresses concern about whether voters are receiving requested ballots

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Today, Congressional candidate Nate McMurray voiced his continued concerns about ballot integrity and voter suppression after the first weekend of early voting came to a close in New York’s 27th District.

McMurray’s campaign has established a hotline with the New York Democratic Lawyers Committee to continue to address the issues on behalf of voters. 

“We are getting reports that people are not getting absentee ballots they applied for and should have received by now, and some are being told to just go vote in person," McMurray said. "The problem is many are very worried about voting in person because of the health risks.

"That’s why the Governor originally expanded voting by absentee ballot. Now here we are just days from when absentee ballots must be postmarked by, and voters receiving them last minute will be under pressure to turn them around overnight wondering if their vote will even be counted”

Further, the locations of early voting polling sites had not been made readily available in all places. In particular, the Erie County Board of Elections failed to even post a list of early voting locations until McMurray brought a lawsuit compelling the Board of Elections to take action. Still, many are showing up to their usual polling location confused because they received no notice by mail.

“I’m not saying there is deliberate malice, but the result will lead to fewer people going to the polls because of widespread confusion," McMurray said. "And of course, it’s not just the voters who are struggling. Board of Elections employees across NY27 are exhausted and have little outside help.

"It is our duty to protect access to the ballot and elections integrity during this public health crisis. Every voter should have received their ballot by now and have basic confidence in the process, and the sad truth is, they haven’t."

Voters who are experiencing any issues voting by absentee or obtaining early voting information please contact: NYS Democratic Lawyers Council Voter Protection Hotline: ​(585) 213-1710, or email:​

Jacobs attacks Cuomo's threat to withhold funding from some police agencies

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Chris Jacobs is releasing the following statement today in response to Governor Cuomo’s threat to withhold state funding from police departments. (Buffalo News, 6/12/20

“Governor Cuomo’s threat to withhold state funding from police agencies is not only irresponsible but dangerous and insulting. At a time when our law enforcement officers are under attack and a growing group of radicals is turning to violence over a peaceful discussion, the last thing our officers should be worried about is having their funding cut.

"Now more than ever, we need to ensure that our officers have all the necessary resources and equipment needed to do their jobs and return home safely to their families. This is just one more example of how Governor Cuomo single-handedly decides to put his political agenda over the needs and safety of New Yorkers.

"I will not stand for this, and I will be a staunch advocate and fighter for the brave men women of our law enforcement in Congress.”

McMurray claims to 'dominate' WIVB congressional debate that didn't include all candidates

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressional Candidates Nate McMurray and Chris Jacobs went head to head Tuesday night in the highly anticipated debate hosted by WIVB News Channel 4.

The poll results today confirmed that viewers agree that McMurray won the debate in a landslide.

Tuesday evening highlighted McMurray’s strong resume and stances on the issues most pressing to Western New Yorkers and confirmed voters’ concerns that Jacobs is unfit to represent their needs in Washington after years of being deprived of real leadership in NY-27.

While Jacobs dodged any question as to whether he’d hold the current administration accountable and resorted to rehearsed, partisan rhetoric, McMurray repeatedly stated he’d stand up to anyone in Washington, from President Trump to Speaker Pelosi, in order to fight for the needs of the struggling families across Western New York and the country.

Both Jacobs and McMurray agreed the CARES act and federal loan program for small businesses were critical to help companies stay afloat, but Jacobs claimed the unemployment figures had improved and that the economy is fundamentally strong, to which McMurray rebutted in disbelief noting greater Buffalo has one of the worst job markets in the country.

McMurray condemned Trump’s tax cuts citing the wealthiest Americans and corporations, like Jacobs’ family and their multibillion-dollar empire, are the ones who have received the majority of benefits.

“The people at the top have already benefited from a tax cut that 83 percent of the benefits went to 1 percent of the people," McMurray said. "That’s wrong. He doesn’t understand what average people are going through. That’s why he thinks the economy is good.

"But for most people in Western New York, it ain’t so good. You [Jacobs] have been a State Senator for years, what have you done to improve things?”

NOTE: Duane Whitmer, Libertarian Party candidate for the NY-27, was excluded from the debate.

Jacobs campaign issues statement attacking McMurray following televised debate

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“Last night, Western New Yorkers saw two vastly different candidates with two vastly different views of America and the choice is clear. Chris Jacobs will support our law enforcement, secure our borders, and fight for our small businesses to grow the economy. Nate McMurray's socialist proposals would raise taxes, make our cities and towns less safe, and threaten the constitutional rights of every New Yorker. Western New Yorkers who want to ensure President Trump has an ally in Congress and our region need to get out and vote for Chris Jacobs on June 23rd.”

-- Christian Chase, Communications Director -- Jacobs for Congress

NOTE: Libertarian Party Candidate Duane Whitmer was excluded from the debate.

Early voting starts Saturday and continues for nine days; absentee ballots must be postmarked by June 23

By Billie Owens

From Genesee County Board of Elections, commissioners Richard Siebert and Lorie Longhany:


  • Voters can register for the NY-27 Special Election up until Friday, June 12, at the Board of Elections office at County Building 1, 15 Main St., Batavia.
  • The last day to register in person to vote in the NY-27 Special Election is June 13 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at County Building 2, 3837 W. Main Street Road, Batavia.


Early in-person voting for the NY-27 Special Election, the Presidential Primary Election and State Primary Elections begins this Saturday, June 13 and continues for nine days. The early in-person voting location is at County Building 2, 3837 W. Main Street Road, Batavia.

The schedule for early in-person voting is as follows:

June 13 --- 12 to 5 p.m.

June 14 --- 12 to 5 p.m.

June 15 --- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

June 16 --- 12 to 8 p.m.

June 17 --- 12 to 8 p.m.

June 18 --- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

June 19 --- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

June 20 --- 12 to 5 p.m.

June 21 --- 12 to 5 p.m.


  • Written requests for absentee ballots for the NY-27 Special Election, Presidential Primary and State Primary elections must be postmarked by June 16.
  • You can also request an absentee ballot via email or phone or FAX: / Phone (585) 815-7804 / FAX (585) 344-8562.
  • You can pick up an absentee ballot ​in person no later than June 22 by going to the Board of Elections (County Building 1, 15 Main St., Batavia).
  • ​Any absentee ballot being mailed back to the county Board of Elections must be postmarked no later than June 23.

*(From a previous reminder April 24 to voters from the Genesee County Board of Elections: You can vote absentee instead of going to the polls on June 23rd by going to our website, going to departments and elections where you can print an absentee application. Fill it out checking the box that says temporary illness in the first block of questions and in the second block of questions check Primary Election only. You can also call our office at (585) 815-7804 to request an absentee application. After filling out your absentee application you can either mail it in to the Genesee County Board of Elections, or scan and email your application back into our office for processing. Our email address is: Visit our Facebook Page for updates at Genesee Co. NY Board of Elections.)                                                                              

Parlato calls on Jacobs to debate in NY-27 race

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

''It's been three weeks now since my opponent, Chris Jacobs, backed out of debating me. With the primary election right around the corner, I have one question to ask my opponent. Chris, what are you so afraid of? Debate me! This is your last chance to prove to the voters that you are not a bought and paid for career politician. I'll tell you what, you and Nick Langworthy set it up however you want. You make the rules, you pick the date, the location, the time -- I'll be there! Or, you can hide from the voters until Election Day. Your choice!

"We need transparency in leadership. As a resident of NY-27 for 53 years, I am sick of career politicians who serve themselves and not the people. We need leaders with convictions, integrity, and passion.The voters of NY-27 deserve this! I know he doesn’t want his liberal voting record exposed, but he owes it to the voters to explain the blatant lies coming out of his campaign."

Candidate for NY-27 Stefan Mychajliw vows support for two officers seen pushing protester in Buffalo

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Following the arrest of two Buffalo Police Officers now facing felony charges, Erie County Comptroller Stefan I. Mychajliw sent letters to the Buffalo Police Union President John Evans and Commissioner Byron Lockwood of the Buffalo Police Department pledging support for the two officers and all those that wear the badge.

In addition to letters of support for the Buffalo Police Department, Comptroller Mychajliw sent correspondence to more than 60 police agencies across NY-27, stating his support for law enforcement facing increased pressure and scrutiny in these trying times.

“The officers need to know we have their back,” said Comptroller Mychajliw. “Violent rioters and protestors attack police and have no respect for the rule of law. Their jobs have been made more difficult than ever. Police deserve the public’s praise, not political prosecution. Law enforcement is trying to maintain law and order and peace during this period of civil unrest.”

Comptroller Mychajliw wrote to the police agencies that there should be zero tolerance for lawbreakers who attack police, and he stands with them.

“The recent arrests of two Buffalo Police Officers during these unsettling times is a travesty,” added Comptroller Mychajliw. “Criminals should be places in cuffs, not cops. Members of law enforcement protect our community. They put their own lives at risk every day to keep us safe.”

Comptroller Mychajliw added that New York State’s bail reform legislation creates even more problems for law enforcement already facing many challenges.

“The rare times rioters and looters are arrested, they’re put right back out on the street to create more mayhem. Backward state laws protect criminals and give them more support than law-abiding taxpayers,” said Mychajliw.

Comptroller Mychajliw concluded his letter to police agencies and unions by offering his support in any way needed.

“These attacks on law enforcement have to end,” Mychajliw said.

In new campaign message, Stefan Mychajliw focuses on riots

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Republican candidate for New York’s 27th Congressional District Stefan I. Mychajliw Jr. released a new television commercial focused on the need for strong leadership to build a better America while lawlessness reigns here at home and across the country.

The new “Stefan for Congress” television commercial titled “Leadership” stresses the need to restore law and order on our streets, offers support for police, while at the same time promises to lead our nation to a better place.

“Taxpayers deserve better leadership now more than ever. People want strong and calming leaders who will work together to build a better America. I stand with law enforcement. We can have zero tolerance for lawbreakers attacking cops. Bad actors can’t justify assaults on law enforcement by wrapping themselves in a cloud of so-called social justice,” said Mychajliw.

Chaos and riots still plague communities across the NY-27 Congressional District. Businesses burned in Buffalo and Rochester, criminals were charged with running over three members of law enforcement, curfews are in place and protests take place daily.

“Rioters attacking police and looters destroying businesses need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. This lawlessness crippling our communities must end. Once we rebuild, it’s time to restore America to a land of equal opportunity, respect for police and our neighbors. I’ll be the leader in Congress that families need in these trying times,” added Mychajliw.

“I’m Stefan Mychajliw. Like you, I’m worried about America. Rioters are attacking police and destroying businesses. We cannot sit back and let these bad actors go unpunished. It's why I’m running for Congress. Because we need strong leaders who will listen, find solutions and lead our country to a better place. In Congress I will do just that, and deliver a brighter future for my family and yours. I’m Stefan Mychajliw and I approve this message.”

Ranzenhofer endorses Jacobs for Congress

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

New York State Senator Mike Ranzenhofer (SD-61) endorsed Chris Jacobs for Congress (NY-27) today.

“I have had the honor of serving with Chris Jacobs as a State Senator for four years now, and I can say with all sincerity he has always put the needs of Western New York at the forefront of his agenda," Senator Ranzenhofer said. "Chris has served our state and our region with integrity and dedication, and he cares deeply about the men, women, and families of Western New York.

"I can think of no one more qualified or more prepared to fight for us as our next Congressman, especially at a time when we are in dire need of conservative leadership in Washington. I am proud to endorse Chris Jacobs for New York’s 27th Congressional District.”

“I am deeply grateful to be endorsed by Senator Ranzenhofer," Jacobs said. "It has been a pleasure serving in the Senate and representing Erie County with him; he has always been a strong, dedicated advocate for our region, and for our conservative values.

"I have been honored to serve Western New York in the Senate and I look forward to fighting for our region in Congress in June and ensuring that we restore strong conservative leadership to this seat. Senator Ranzenhofer’s support makes me confident we can develop a strong coalition of local leaders to ensure a bright and prosperous future for Western New York.”

Jacobs is also the only candidate to receive the endorsement of United States President Donald Trump, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), Congresswomen Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Former Congressman Jack Quinn (R- NY), NYS Senator Patrick Gallivan, NYS Assemblyman Angelo Morinello, NYS Assemblyman Mike Norris, and Erie County Sheriff Timothy Howard.

Former congressional rep Kathy Hochul endorses Nate McMurray

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Today, New York Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul announced her endorsement of Nate McMurray for the Special Election on June 23rd. Hochul represented this district from 2011-2012 after winning a special election to fill the seat prior to redistricting in 2012. 

Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul said, “I believe Nate McMurray will be successful based on the Democratic values he espouses and his track record advocating for the working families and farmers that make up this region.

"I know this district well and am confident that Nate will be a strong representative for all Western New Yorkers when he gets to Washington. We have a critical opportunity on June 23rd to send a national message to Trump and GOP insiders before the General election in November.” 

“I’m very proud to have Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul's support once again," McMurray said. "Kathy Hochul has long been a champion for women and families across New York. I look forward to getting to work in Washington and partnering with public servants like her to improve the lives of all New Yorkers and all Americans."

Trump tweets support of Chris Jacobs in NY-27

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

United States President Donald Trump announced his endorsement today of Chris Jacobs for the Republican Primary in New York’s 27th Congressional District on June 23rd.

The President wrote in a tweet, “Chris Jacobs will be a tremendous Congressman who will always fight for New York. He is Strong on the Border, our Military and Vets, and the Second Amendment. Chris has my Complete and Total Endorsement! Vote for Chris on June 23!”

President Trump had previously endorsed Jacobs for the Special Election in the 27th Congressional District to fill the duration of the Congressional term vacated by former Congressman Chris Collins -- this endorsement solidifies Jacobs as the only candidate in the district to carry the President’s endorsement.

“I am deeply honored to have the support of our President for the upcoming primary election, and I’m proud to be the only candidate to carry his endorsement for this district. Western New York needs a conservative leader in Congress to fight for our values, and our President needs an ally who will help him fight for all Americans as we rebuild our nation,” Jacobs said. “Our President has put his trust in me and knows I am the leader he needs in Washington with him working to get tough on China, secure our borders, and build our economy. I look forward to working every day to help him accomplish his America First Agenda.”

Jacobs is also the only candidate to receive the endorsement of House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), Congresswomen Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Former Congressman Jack Quinn (R-NY), NYS Senator Patrick Gallivan, NYS Assemblyman Angelo Morinello, NYS Assemblyman Mike Norris, and Erie County Sheriff Timothy Howard.

UPDATE: Response from Nate McMurray

Congressional Candidate Nate McMurray responded today to President Donald Trump’s Twitter endorsement of Chris Jacobs in light of the current calls for justice and reform in this country.

“A murder was committed by a police officer on video for all the world to see," McMurray said. "When a crime is committed like the death of George Floyd and justice isn’t served the result is lawlessness; we can’t condone lawlessness whether it’s committed by our police officers or by rioters.

"But I fear we are missing the larger picture; millions of peaceful protesters have come together to call for reform to our broken justice system that devalues people based solely upon the color of their skin. These voices must be heard or we will all continue to suffer. If we want the burning to stop, we need to listen, we need to reform, we need to be more focused on peace than violence.

"Chris Jacobs’ and Beth Parlato’s blind support of Trump’s violent rhetoric only hurts the cause of justice and peace, and I am calling on them to show the courage necessary to ask the President to focus on compassion, healing, and justice. We need to bring this country together, not divide it further. But don't just take my word for it, hear what other Republicans across this Country are saying.” 

Congressman Tom Reed said: "Justice must be served for the murder of George Floyd. In this tragedy, two things can be true at once. People’s voices and frustrations must always be allowed to be heard in our free society but rioting is never acceptable. Those responsible for this murder must face justice but we recognize that the vast majority of our law enforcement officers are honorable men and women who have a true public servant at heart."

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik called on the President to address the public about George Floyd’s death and police brutality, “Whether that’s an oval office address or some form of providing a message to the American people that we grieve together, but also the importance of the rule of law.” 

“The country is looking for healing and calm," said Senate Majority Whip John Thune. "And I think the president needs to project that in his tone. He masters that sometimes. That’s the tone he needs to strike right now.”

Senator Tim Scott said, "But obviously, if your question is, should you use tear gas to clear a path so the President can go have a photo op, the answer is no.”

Stefan Mychajliw releases first campaign commercial in race for NY-27

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Republican candidate for New York's 27th Congressional District Stefan I. Mychajliw Jr. released a television commercial with a positive message, focusing on being the son of legal immigrants, and how his record of results as Erie County Comptroller will help him deliver a conservative agenda for President Trump in Washington.

“I’m the son of a typewriter repairman and a factory worker. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I’m living the 'American Dream’ because of my immigrant family. It is my mission to honor their legacy by working hard to serve others. I have a strong record of results for Conservatives. Republicans can trust me to deliver for them and President Trump, like I always have,” Mychajliw said.

The positive television campaign commercial focuses on a strong level of trust built by the Erie County Comptroller in his current role as the Taxpayer’s Watchdog and a long career holding politicians accountable as an investigative journalist.

“I’m not trying to be something I am not to win this election," added Mychajliw. "Taxpayers have known me a long time. I’ve fought for families for many years. They know I am a true conservative that stood strong with President Trump from ‘Day One.' "

The Stefan for Congress campaign commercial, titled “Results Matter,” is now running on broadcast and cable television outlets, as well as digital social media platforms.

Results matter. As Erie County Comptroller I kept my promise to taxpayers. Like President Trump, I’m delivering results for Conservatives. As the son of blue-collar immigrants, I’ve lived the ‘American Dream.’ The drive of my family’s sacrifices motivates me today. Unlike Albany moderates, I supported President Trump from ‘Day One.’ I’m running for Congress to work with President Trump, and deliver for Conservatives, just like I always have. I’m Stefan Mychajliw. And I approve this message.”

Jacobs accused Parlato of touting fake endorsement, Parlato calls him a liar

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Divorce lawyer Beth Parlato, who on Friday was forced to pull an attack ad from the air after a published report concluded that Parlato faced the possibility of “a hefty fine and/or up to six months in jail” followed up the illegal ad with a mailing this weekend that included a fake endorsement.

Parlato’s weekend mailing includes the words “Endorsed Pro-Life Candidate” encircled by laurel wreath clip art and under a checkmark, but no actual endorsing organization is listed.

In fact, last week Chris Jacobs was endorsed by the National Right to Life, the nation's oldest and largest grassroots pro-life organization. (Jacobs for Congress, 5/11/20)

“Beth Parlato must think Republicans in New York’s 27th District are dumb,” Jacobs spokesman Christian Chase said. “Ads pulled from the air, ads with fake actors, and now a fake endorsement -- is anything about Beth Parlato’s campaign true?”

Parlato’s fake endorsement comes just days after pulling her illegal ad from the air, and the same week all eight Republicans chairs in the 27th District demanded Parlato “suspend (her) negative campaign and promote your own candidacy rather than viciously attacking others." (Buffalo News, 5/13/20

One county chair described Parlato’s negative campaign as “the continuation of a destructive behavior pattern for her own self-promotion,” and said it seems “like she's working with Nate McMurray." (Buffalo News, 5/13/20)

“Beth Parlato’s nasty, negative attacks and fake endorsements are moves straight out of the desperate candidate playbook,” Chase said. “Beth Parlato is doing everything she can to hand this seat to far-left liberal Nate McMurray and Republican voters won’t tolerate it.”

Response press release:

Beth Parlato, endorsed Conservative Republican for Congress in NY-27 released this statement:

“Chris Jacobs continues to show his weak candidacy for Congress. They have to lie to create anything to try and attack me. The weak, fake attacks are being sent to the media to hide the fact that Jacobs is scared to debate me on his liberal voting record. 

There is no illegal ad or fake endorsements. The truth is, I have been endorsed by The Conservative Party of New York State; Pro-Life Concerned Women for America, the largest public policy women’s organization in our nation; Pro-Life Moms for America, and many others. In fact, Chris Jacobs failed to receive the Conservative Party endorsement due to his pro-abortion stance.

Our campaign continues to run with integrity. We will not follow in Chris Jacob’s footsteps and put forth nasty, negative attacks, and outright lies. We will continue highlighting his liberal voting record where he voted to send our taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood and for Medicaid-funded abortions.”

Jacobs joins in call for investigation of nursing homes

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Chris Jacobs released the following statement in response to Congresswoman Elise Stefanik’s (R-NY) call for a federal investigation into Governor Cuomo’s handling of COVID-19 in New York nursing homes (Fox News, 5/16/20)

“I applaud Rep. Stefanik’s leadership on this issue and I fully agree that a comprehensive and robust federal investigation must be conducted into Governor Cuomo and his failed policy, which directed recovering COVID-19 patients back into nursing homes. His directive put countless lives at risk and potentially lead to a higher death toll than we would have ever experienced otherwise.

"While no investigation could ever take away the heartbreaking pain and grief thousands of families across our state are experiencing, they deserve to know what happened, and if there has been wrong-doing or negligence, they deserve justice.

"When I join the New York Congressional delegation in June, I pledge to join Rep. Stefanik and my other colleagues in ensuring a thorough federal investigation is launched and those responsible are held accountable – we owe it to all the members of our New York family we have tragically lost.”

GC Board of Elections: Important upcoming deadlines for voters to know

By Billie Owens

From the Genesee County Board of Elections:

Registration deadline for the Presidential Primary and Primary Election -- May 29 is the last day to postmark an application to register to vote.

With County Building One closed to the public due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may also use the DMV drop box located on Court Street in the City of Batavia.

Voter registration forms can be found on our website.

Mail registration forms must be received at Board of Elections by June 3.

Registration deadline for the NY-27 Special Election – May 29 is the last day to postmark a registration form.

June 3 is the last day for the Board of Elections to receive a mail registration form.

June 13 is the last day to register in person at the Board of Elections. 

Absentee for the NY-27 Congressional Special Election, Presidential Primary Election and Primary Election – June 16 is the last day to postmark, email or fax application or letter request for a ballot.

June 22 is the last day to apply in person for a ballot.

June 22 is the last day to postmark the ballot and it must be received by Board of Elections no later than June 30.

June 23 is the last day to deliver a ballot in person to the County Board of Elections by 9 p.m.

Last day to submit a change of address to the County Board of Elections is June 3.

UPDATED: Parlato says Jacobs is refusing to debate

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

“Channel 4 contacted me several weeks ago asking if I would accept their invitation to debate my primary challengers. Without hesitation, I responded yes, I would love to debate. I believe the voters in NY-27 deserve it. 

Yesterday, Channel 4 called to let me know that the debate has been canceled due to my opponent, Chris Jacobs, refusing to participate.

The career politician is refusing to debate me. Why? What is he hiding? Is he afraid that his liberal voting record will be exposed? 

If Jacobs is refusing to debate me, how can he debate anyone or stand up for anything in Congress? We cannot afford to have weak politicians. If he can’t even debate me, he certainly doesn’t have what it takes to stand up to AOC, Nancy Pelosi, or Chuck Schumer. 

We need someone in Congress with enough resolve to stand up for what’s right, a fighter, not afraid of a challenge. It’s time we have real representation. I am not going to back down from a fight. I am not going to back down from a debate. I will respond to questions because the voters deserve answers. They deserve to be informed.”

The Batavian received this response from the Jacobs campaign at 4:26 p.m.:

“We have agreed to participate in two formats with WIVB, one for the special and one for the primary. We had previously agreed to debate Nate McMurray and look forward to allowing voters to see the clear choice between Chris Jacobs -- a strong conservative leader, who has been endorsed by President Trump and will help the President secure our borders, get tough on China, and fight for Western New York -- and Nate McMurray who supports Bernie Sanders’ and AOC’s far-left socialist agenda.”

Jacobs says Parlato pulled 'illegal' ad, Parlato calls it a lie

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from the Chris Jacobs campaign:

Beth Parlato pulled an attack ad from the air today after a story published by WNYmedia Network indicated that Parlato faced the possibility of “a hefty fine and/or up to six months in jail” for violating federal laws related to misuse of IRS logos and hiring an actor to portray an IRS official.

“Parlato’s attack ad misses the mark in many ways, but most importantly, the ad prominently features the official IRS logo behind a really bad actor portraying himself as an IRS official. The use of the logo is a direct violation of Federal laws.” (WNYmedia Network, 5/14/20)

According to WNYmedia Network, “Parlato now finds herself facing the possibility of a hefty fine and/or up to six months in jail if the ad is not immediately removed.”

The report cited IRS guidelines that specifically indicate that “Failure to comply with or knowingly violate IRS Design Standards, or using any logo in an unethical way are subject to any of the legal ramifications denoted in IRM, Legal Authority.”

Parlato pulled the illegal ad from the air, just two days the Republicans chairs in the 27th District have demanded that Parlato “suspend (her) negative campaign and promote your own candidacy rather than viciously attacking others." (Buffalo News, 5/13/20)

One county chair described Parlato’s negative campaign as “the continuation of a destructive behavior pattern for her own self-promotion,” and said it seems “like she's working with Nate McMurray." (Buffalo News, 5/13/20)

But Parlato replaced the illegal IRS ad with another negative attack ad that also uses an actor to make fake and misleading claims.

Statement from Beth Parlato:

Sadly, it’s no surprise to me that within an hour of declining to debate me Chris Jacobs would push this lie citing a Never Trumper website. He’s lying now just as he has lied before to cover up his liberal record in Albany. Also, we fully delivered our ad and it was time to move on to the next message in our progression.

NOTE: The IRS guidelines mentioned in the press release do not pertain to third-party use of IRS logos. They are part of a standards document -- common in marketing -- created to guide employees and vendors in the use of IRS material to promote the IRS. Quote from the same document:

All IRS employees, contractors, and service providers are required to abide by all established standards and report any misuse immediately to M&P.

CLARIFICATION: In a previous paragraph at the end of this story, we said we couldn't find evidence that the use of the IRS logo was "illegal." We should note, that under U.S. Code, there are provisions for criminal prosecution of copyright infringement. Copyright cases are, however, usually civil matters. Trademark infringement is a civil matter, Again, "fair use" in copyright would come into play. Fair use is a complex legal question for a court to decide.

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