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Closing in on 'end user' satisfaction for Genesee County Jail, offices set to move

By Joanne Beck
Assistant Engineer Laura Wadhams
Genesee County Assistant Engineer Laura Wadhams shows off the new county jail during Monday's Public Service Committee meeting. 
Photo by Joanne Beck

As one of the leads on Genesee County’s new jail on Route 5, assistant engineer Laura Wadhams is understandably happy to see the $70 million facility finally round the corner to completion with a colorful array of inmate pods ready and waiting for beds and other furnishings to be installed next week.

“Today seems kind of fitting because as of March 15, the building was finally complete and is actually ours now. So, as of today, the jail transitions team is staffing the building 24/7 for security. They’ll be there from here until they open and move the inmates,” Wadhams said Monday during the county’s Public Service Committee meeting. “We are going to be turning over the keys to the jail staff, a little quick ceremony … the furniture is actually starting to be delivered on March 25, so it will be all of the commercial furniture for the jail admin, Genesee Justice, all the training rooms, things like that. And we’re working on planning for a dedication ceremony complete for sometime in May too, and officially open the building to the public.”

Senior Project Manager Carl York, who has typically given jail updates, has already moved on to another project, she said. She showed pictures of the new jail, including “the nice clean pods,” which are inmate cells in various colors of green, yellow, and purple for the women’s block, which “got the most separations,” Wadhams said. 

She said each block will be self-contained, with food brought to the inmates and each group having access to an outdoor area. Legislator John Deleo remarked how swiftly the facility has progressed to this endpoint.

“You’ve done an outstanding job,” he said. 

Staff from Genesee Justice will be moved out of the current jail at 14 W. Main St. to the new jail in April, and inmates will eventually move into their new housing by summertime, Wadhams said. The Public Defender’s staff will move to the old jail during renovations of the Engine House and will then move back once those are finished. 

Landscaping will be completed once the weather cooperates with warmer temperatures, she said.

“You can really see how far this building has come in the past two years. It's pretty amazing. So it's looking a little bit greener out there,” she said. "Now I’m excited to see how that comes through this spring. We’ve got some paving to do, clean up around the outside, landscaping, get rid of that big topsoil stockpile on the back, but it's looking great out there.”

The jail staff is working out a final plan to move inmates over to the new jail this summer, and there will be “quite a bit of training that our COs have to do for this style of jail compared to the jail that they have now,” Wadhams said. 

“So rotating COs through to do training while they’re still operating the jail at 14 W. Main is going to take some time,” she said.

County Manager Matt Landers reviewed a related change order for $59,725 for construction costs to install the backup 911 center in the planned shell space at the new jail. This amount is to be paid out of the new jail capital project budget and not an added expense, Landers said. 

The committee approved it, and a resolution will go onto the Ways & Means and then the full Legislature for a vote during the next two weeks.

Wadhams has worked as a civil, staff, and transportation engineer and transportation construction inspector for the New York State Department of Transportation. The new county jail was her largest county project since being hired as assistant engineer in September 2018, she said. 

She explained it sort of as a doll’s house you could see from an aerial view. 

“So when we talk about furniture, fixtures and equipment that's yet to come in, if you take the top off the building, turn it upside down, shake it, anything that would fall out would be considered furniture, fixtures and equipment. So think of desks and chairs, computers, TVs, things like that would also have to go into the building. So right now, it's a very nice, clean, empty shell for us to move into,” she said.

What will be going into the old jail and Genesee Justice building?

“It’s still all up in the air right now. I mean, it's a great central location for the county. So what ends up going in there is still to be determined. And there's gonna have to be some renovations done in order for anybody to use the space. So that's an intermediate while they work on the Engine House. So that's why Genesee Justice had to move. It's a very domino effect,” she’s said. “Right now, I'm glad we have it for the public defenders to move over. because it's still super central for what they need to do while the Engine House is being renovated, hopefully this summer.”

What’s your favorite part of such a project? Is it the beginning, ribbon-cutting, or some point in between?

“That’s a good question; I've never been asked that question before. I mean, for me, it's the end user, it's kind of certainly the ribbon cutting, that's great. You know, it's great for everybody to see it, step back and really look at it, take it all in,” she said. “But for me, it's seeing the end user, seeing Genesee Justice in their new space and jail admin in the new space, seeing, you know, our corrections staff is excited about working in a safe and bright and open space that they're going to be in, all the new technology that's going to be in this building that'll make that a lot safer for our corrections staff, plus the incarcerated individuals, it's going to be huge. So really excited to see that all come to happen.”

Eclipse viewing plans are drawing food, dance, parades, communities together

By Joanne Beck
September 2023 file photo of batavia silver stars
September 2023 File Photo of a Batavia Silver Stars square dancing event in Batavia. This is one of the groups that plans to be at the Village of Corfu's eclipse festivities during the dance on April 6 at Pembroke Intermediate School. It will be open to all ages with DJ Leon Perry and include square dancing demonstrations.
Photo by Julia Ferrini

As news of the impending eclipse visit in April continues to ramp up, it’s likely a fair share of folks still aren’t feeling equal enthusiasm for something that’s supposed to last only a few minutes once it gets here. 

Tom Sargent, Corfu village mayor, can relate.

“I probably talked to Katy Hobbs from the Chamber back a year ago; I didn’t really know what was really happening. I knew it was a total eclipse but didn’t know how close it was going to be to us. So I didn’t really put much thought into it myself,” Sargent said to The Batavian, noting how his attitude shifted once he learned more. “Then, in the fall, you start hearing more about it; the Chamber’s got some activities going on. And then it was like ok, so this is a big deal. This is a historic event that none of us will ever see in this area again. So we decided to put something together to remember it and bring the community together." 

“We've got an opportunity to show off the village to people who are not from around here, they're talking the county population could double or triple, you know, they talked about that,” he said. “So, we just wanted to have an opportunity to do something else … we sat down and I thought we were gonna come up with a day and we were going to do some stuff.”

Was he ever off the mark. The committee of seven municipal, fire, church and community members were not just in — they were all in. A one-day viewing event turned into a party for the village:  someone suggested a parade and then a dance, which led to a family movie night, and then square dancers at the Grange wanted to get involved to offer lessons and demonstrations, and then a craft fair was organized, food trucks were lined up, and before they knew it, the village had a three-day eclipse extravaganza going on.

The committee has mapped out a full three-day slate of events, beginning with an Alien Parade at 6 p.m. on April 6 at Corfu Fire Hall. 

Participants are to line up at 5 p.m. at the fire hall, with the route to end at Pembroke intermediate School. All are welcome to join in, and enter your alien-themed float.

Then there’s a dance party at 7:30 p.m. at the school for all ages, with DJ Leon Perry and demonstrations of square dancing.  

Sargent said that the square dancers had originally offered to host it at the Grange, but the village welcomed them into the mix for one more activity at the school. 

“I know I haven't done it since I was in elementary school. It's a thing that's unique that a lot of people don't do, it’s something that I guess old timers, they talk about it, and the older generation, that they do, but if we can do something to bring it back or expose people to something that they don't get to see every day, then why not?” he said. “They're gonna bring in square dancers from all over the area, there'll be some demonstrations, there'll be some instruction, and you know, we're hoping to get some people to come out and do a little do-si-do and have some fun with it.”

Just as with the annual Christmas parade and Autumn in the Village, Sargent is hoping that this event will be a success as well: “I would love to see the gym filled that weekend,” he said.

They already have 23 vendors signed up for the Craft Fair, he said.

Admission for the dance is $5, and children under 10 are free. There will be food trucks available on both April 6 and 7.

“It’s going to be a once-in-a-lifetime event, and it’s not going to happen again, not in this way,” Village Clerk-Treasurer Jennifer Eck said.  “I feel like we talked about this a year ago. We were going to have a craft show on the lawn and then said what if we have a snowstorm? It’s in April!”

The committee has involved firefighters, church members, residents, and village staff, and everyone has been eager to see this come together, Eck said.

A later addition has been a pancake breakfast from 8 to 11 a.m. on April 7 at the Community Center, 116 E. Main St., followed by the craft show and a planetarium exhibit in the school gym from 1 to 5 p.m. and then Family Movie Night at 7 p.m. featuring “Home” and “E.T.” Sort of gives one the feeling there’s a theme going here in Corfu.  Admission is a food donation for Corfu Food Pantry.

“So the historic aspect of it is probably one of the driving factors. But really, it's just an opportunity for the village to get together, come out, have an activity, winter's going to be over, we'll have an opportunity to come out of our houses and see what the world looks like,” Sargent said. “You know, kind of like the groundhog coming out and seeing his shadow. But really, that's probably the biggest drivers is, our community is really starting to become more and more and more active. People are looking for things to do. We just want to give them an opportunity to do it.”

An eclipse viewing party is set from noon to 5 p.m. April 8, with a corn hole competition, live trivia, a miniature golf course and those funky 3D-like glasses safe for eclipse viewing will be available for purchase. 

Viewing action is to happen at 3:19 p.m., and guests at all events on April 8 are asked to stay put for awhile to help alleviate traffic congestion. With corn hole, yummy food and trivia, why would anyone be leaving anyway?

All events in Corfu are to carry on rain or shine. For more information about an event, call 585-599-3327 or email

So what will happen on April 8? 
According to NASA, A total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. A total solar eclipse happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, completely blocking the face of the Sun. 

The sky will darken as if it were dawn or dusk. During a total solar eclipse, if the skies are clear, people can see the Sun’s outer atmosphere, the corona, with their own eyes.

The corona is otherwise too dim to see against the bright face of the Sun. A total solar eclipse is the only type of solar eclipse where viewers can momentarily remove their eclipse glasses (not the same as ordinary sunglasses) for this brief period of time when the Moon is completely blocking the Sun. This is what will happen in the U.S. on April 8.

While the moon makes its closest approach to earth on this day, at 223,000 miles, there are a whole lot of Genesee County communities planning to take advantage of that distance by pulling together for all things in the name of eclipse totality.

Employees will be taking a day off from work; students will be excused from classes; businesses will feature themed meal, dessert, drink and snack options and thousands of folks are expected to be donning those special glasses for safe eclipse viewing. 

It’s all set to happen on April 8, although, as is the case with Corfu, some municipalities are taking advantage of expected out of town visitors with a full weekend array of activities.

Elba is also planning its share of lively action for this rare space occurrence, School Superintendent Gretchen Rosales said. 

“Considering that this event will put the spotlight on our county, we want everyone to see just how special our community is,” Rosales said. “Elba is incredible, and we are very proud of it. We have a beautiful school, great businesses, and a wonderful small-town feel.  My hope is that our businesses gain long-standing customers who otherwise wouldn't know about our products and services.

“It is also my hope that our school families are able to enjoy the eclipse, either at home or at school, and make some great memories of this once-in-a-lifetime event!” she said.

The village of Elba and school communities have worked together since last November to plan and organize ideas, she and Village Clerk-Treasurer Jerah Augello said.

“Our science department began to attend instructional collaboration meetings with the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce to plan for instructional activities to teach our students about the solar eclipse,” Rosales said. “We are hosting a block party at the school, which includes games/food booths/local vendors.  Many of our school clubs and organizations will also be setting up tables and booths.  There are also local businesses that will be featuring special merchandise or offers.  For example, Chap's Diner will have eclipse themed meals and will have a dessert table at our school.”

 Everyone's favorite band, The Front Porch Pickers will be playing at the school, she said.

“We thought the chances of people coming to Elba were pretty great, given it’s on Route 98, so we worked with Elba Central School and local businesses,” Augello said. 

Chap’s Diner will have food specials, along with Oliver’s and Sweet Life Winery will be selling special chocolates, she said.

“All money will go back into the local community, whether it’s the school, a fundraiser or business commerce,” Augello said. 

She has served as a constant reminder to folks about the upcoming event, and “we’re getting excited about it,” she said. 

A viewing party will be from 1 to 4 p.m. on school grounds, with food, games, face painting, live music, the Boy Scouts will be selling onion soup as a fundraiser, Elba eclipse bumper sticker sales with a free bag of onions from Torrey Farms, will benefit the Jordyn Torrey Augello Foundation, and each purchase of I Saw the Solar Eclipse in Elba, NY shirt will benefit Elba school. 

Other activities include a martial arts demo by Amerikick Batavia, a variety of foods for purchase at the school, including hotdogs, burgers, nachos and baked goods, beverages of hot chocolate, coffee and flavored lemonade. Chap’s dessert table sill be filled with caramel apple pie, raspberry dream pie, coconut cream pie and Texas chocolate sheet cake.

To alleviate traffic congestion, there will be shuttles to and from key points in the village, stationed at Elba Central School, Sweet Life, Veterans Memorial Park (parking and viewing site), Chap’s and Elba Presbyterian Church. 

Porter Farms will also be hosting a watch party from noon to 5 p.m. April 8 at 4911 Edgerton Road, Elba. This free event will include music by the Bluesway Band, a bounce house, concessions for sale from Alabama Hotel, and heated barns. To attend the party, registration is requested HERE

The Tonawanda Reservation Historical Society at the Tonawanda Indian Community House is hosting a free event from noon to 5 p.m. for viewing on April 8 "for a fun day commemorating the Eclipse.”

Activities will include "Iroquois Legends of The Eclipse" historical presentations throughout the day, public tours and viewing of the exhibits and artifacts within the Community House.

"We are participating because we also have a book club and have been reading about legends, and we like to do things for the community,” Society leader Juanita Poodry Dunn said. “We're listed on the county page for our activities, legends, food, free glasses, and viewing of artifacts in the community house. There are also restaurants, gas stations, gift shops and dispensaries.”

Hot dogs, macaroni salad and soft drinks will be available for purchase, and visitors are asked to bring a chair and dress appropriately for the day. Temperatures may dip as much as 10 degrees during the eclipse arrival.

According to the Society’s website, the Seneca people are one of the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy, known as the Haudenosaunee or People of the Longhouse, who have occupied Western New York for centuries. The majority of their settlements were located along the Genesee River Valley. Senecas have lived along the Tonawanda Creek since the early 1700s. The Reservation is located east of Akron, New York, where Erie, Genesee, and Niagara counties meet.

Oakfield Betterment Committee also jumped on the bandwagon to provide some western county action, and it’s not too late to participate, President Jamie Lindsley said.

“OBC wanted to host an event surrounding the total solar eclipse because it’s such a rare event at any given location. OACS students are still on spring break on Monday, April 8, so we are hoping families will come out to enjoy the live music by Salvatore, savor food by Caryville and treats by Sweet Ally’s, and make use of the spacious park for games as well as eclipse-related activities,” she said. “Students will receive glasses at school and should bring them along, plus we will have some available on that day. 

“There is great potential for local commerce, and we love the scientific as well as historic nature of being directly in the path of totality. We encourage people to arrive early and stay as long as they can to avoid any potential traffic,” she said. “There will be plenty of parking and admission is free. We are trying to get a few more groups involved, so it’s not too late if they’d like to be a part of the festivities.”

If interested in being part of Oakfield’s event, call Lindsley at 585-704-6663, or email

Everyone is invited to bring a chair or blanket and sit on the lawn at Richmond Memorial Library for a viewing event from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. April 8, said Kelly March of the library’s Youth Services department. 

“We will have outdoor lawn games, and hands-on science stations for folks to record data on their science apps. Pre-registration is not required for this free event,” March said. “The official timing for the astronomical event in our zip code is 2:05 p.m., the beginning of moon to eclipse, the sun and the sky will begin to slowly darken (even if it’s a cloudy stormy day). At 3:19 p.m. the moon will appear to be in full coverage of the sun and last until 3:22 pm. The completion of the solar eclipse is expected to occur at 4:32 p.m. with normal light restored.”

The library last hosted such an event in the sunnier and warmer month of August 2017, bringing out 400 people to observe a partial solar eclipse. The staff was able to distribute 2,000 free eclipse glasses prior to and on the day of the event, and the biggest difference between then and now will be the uncertainty of the weather conditions, March said.

“Anyone who saved their eclipse glasses from 2017 and the lenses have no damage can use them in April,” she said. “This once in a lifetime viewing event is open to all members of our community free of charge.”

The library is at 19 Ross St., Batavia.

For more information about these and other events, exhibits and lodging throughout the county, go GeneSEE the Eclipse.

Recap: Last week's coverage of the passing of Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello

By Howard B. Owens
sanfratello riptides
Members of the GLOW Riptide Swim Club honored Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello during its meet last week in Long Island.
Photo submitted by Chris Erion.

For those who may have missed some of the stories and events, here's a recap of our coverage of news and events related to the death of Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello:

Remote video URL
This video was shot for The Batavian on Friday when the hearse carrying the casket of Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello was escorted from Gilmartin Funeral Home to Genesee Community College in preperation for the funeral on Saturday.  We neglected to publish it on Friday we are sharing it in this post.

Le Roy residents asked to vote on Tuesday on new school bus proposal

By Press Release

Press release:

Le Roy Central School District 
2024 Bus/Vehicle Purchase Public Vote
March 19, 2024

2 p.m. - 7 p.m. in the Wolcott Street School Media Center  

Le Roy Central School residents are being asked to authorize the district to borrow money for the purchase of new school buses in an amount not to exceed $390,000. This dollar amount would purchase two (2) 65-passenger buses and one (1) utility passenger vehicle. All buses listed will include a two-way radio and built-in video surveillance equipment. 

Le Roy Central School District has implemented a 10-year replacement cycle for all school buses. This replacement cycle is based on a history of mileage and usage. The District has found that maintenance costs, body repairs, rust damage and safety issues increase significantly once a bus reaches approximately 10 years of age, particularly as school buses must pass New York State D.O.T. inspections twice a year. Additionally, the strain of typical driving patterns creates faster wear on buses, as an average school bus makes approximately 100 stops and starts during a single day. 

All public schools in New York State receive a reimbursement from New York State for such school bus purchases over a 5 year period.  The Le Roy Central School District’s reimbursement ratio is currently 90%, thus the taxpayers would be responsible for the remaining 10%. The District’s plan is to borrow these funds to align the debt repayment with the reimbursement period.

 What Does This Mean for Taxpayers?

  • Cost of 2 Buses and passenger vehicle: $390,000
  • NYS Reimbursement at 90% for buses: (-$351,000)
  • Local Cost of 2 Buses and utility vehicle: $39,000

The total Le Roy taxpayer cost of buses/equipment would be $39,000 for this proposition, which, when divided over a five-year payback period, is approximately $7,800 per year from the General Fund Budget. When this amount is then divided into the assessment value total for the entire District, each taxpayer will pay approximately two cents per thousand dollars assessed value each year. In other words, if your home is assessed for $150,000, you would pay roughly $0.30 (30 cents) a year for this proposition. 

Much appreciation shown for volunteers at Byron Fire Department’s annual dinner

By Steve Ognibene
Byron Fire Department 2023 award recipients, Photo by Steve Ognibene
Byron Fire Department 2023 service award recipients, Photo by Steve Ognibene

Byron Fire Department held it’s 2024 recognition and installation of officers Saturday evening at the fire hall.  More than 100 people attended the event to honor volunteers who have served in the department. 

In the 2023 year of review presented by Captain Brandon Crossett, there were 226 total calls, 168 of which were EMS calls. John Durand had 196 Calls, Bob Mruczek 167, Edward Sharp 137, Brandon Crossett 126.

A moment of silence was given to Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello who passed away on March 10 in the line of duty.  A 50/50 raffle was raised for the family of Sgt. Sanfratello.  The winner chose to give their winning proceeds towards the total raised, which was $230.

In 2023 some significant mentions included the town board and community used funds to purchase a new town park and Byron rescue ambulance.

The Ladies Auxiliary presented awards that totaled 185 service years, and member of the year was Morgan Leaton.

Award highlights:

2023 Firefighter of the Year - Michael Alexander

Acknowledgement of Chiefs Award – Cory Russell

Most Training hours in Genesee County - Michael Alexander, 201

Training Award - Brandon Crossett 132 hrs

EMS Award - Debra Buck-Leaton EMT of the Year

Dedication of Service Award - Fire Chief Bob Mruczek


Ken McKendrick Jr, 45 years of service

David Barringer, 50 years of service

Jim Hutchinson, 55 years of service

Other awards were given to, Pete Lochner, Steve Lochner, Joe Wells, Joshua Woika, Tammy Wells, Lori Mruczek, Morgan Leaton and Julia Wasinger.

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Photos by Steve Ognibene

Byron Fire Deptartment 2024 installation of Officers  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Byron Fire Department 2024 installation of Officers.
Photo by Steve Ognibene
L to R, Chief Bob Mruczek presenting special awards to Pete Lochner, Steve Lochner, Joe Wells  Photo by Steve Ognibene
From left, Chief Bob Mruczek presenting special awards to Pete Lochner, Steve Lochner, Joe Wells.
Photo by Steve Ognibene
L to R special awards, Tammy Wells, Lori Mruczek, Morgan Leaton, Julia Wasinger  Photo by Steve Ognibene
From left, special awards went to Tammy Wells, Lori Mruczek, Morgan Leaton, Julia Wasinger. 
Photo by Steve Ognibene
A standing ovation was given to David Barringer for 50 years of service  Photo by Steve Ognibene
A standing ovation was given to David Barringer for 50 years of service.
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Firefighter of the Year, Michael Alexander  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Firefighter of the Year, Michael Alexander.
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Cory Russell was presented the Chiefs Award by Bob Mruczek  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Cory Russell was presented the Chiefs Award by Bob Mruczek.
Photo by Steve Ognibene
L to R Tyler Lang presents Brandon Crossett and Michael Alexander with top training service hours awards  Photo by Steve Ognibene
From left, Tyler Lang presents Brandon Crossett and Michael Alexander with top training service hours awards.
Photo by Steve Ognibene
L to R Kaleena Neal-Smith and Bob Mruczek present Debra Buck-Leaton with the EMT of the Year award  Photo by Steve Ognibene
From left, Kaleena Neal-Smith and Bob Mruczek present Debra Buck-Leaton with the EMT of the Year Award.
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Ladies Auxillary combined 185 years of dedication to the Byron Fire Department  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Ladies Auxillary combined 185 years of dedication to the Byron Fire Department.
Photo by Steve Ognibene
Ladies Auxillary Member of the year Morgan Leaton (holding flowers)  Photo by Steve Ognibene
Ladies Auxillary Member of the year Morgan Leaton (holding flowers).
Photo by Steve Ognibene

Statement from Borrello on the Senate Majority's 'One House budget'

By Press Release

Press Release:

“There is no clearer way for citizens to communicate their unhappiness with the governance of their state than by packing up their households and moving out. Here in New York, our residents are virtually shouting that message as they are leaving in such numbers that our state has topped the nation in outmigration for several years running.

Regrettably, rather than use that valuable information to cut taxes and lower the cost of living - the chief factors driving the exodus - my colleagues continue to steadfastly ignore this reality. Their head-in-the-sand approach is evident in the majority’s One House Budget which actually doubles down on the tax-and-spend and politically-driven policies that have brought us to this point. They’ve taken an already bloated $233 billion Executive Budget and inflated it to a staggering $246.2 billion, which represents a 44 PERCENT increase since 2019.

Not surprisingly, spending isn’t the only thing going up in this budget. The majority’s plan raises more than $14 BILLION in taxes over the next two years through increases in the income tax, on businesses and on health insurance. These tax increases will only accelerate the stampede out of New York, taking much-needed jobs, revenue, economic activity, and people with them.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Our Republican Conference has proposed a package of targeted and much-needed income, property and small business tax cuts in our 2024 agenda which would be a crucial step forward toward changing the reality and perception of New York as an unaffordable, high-tax state.

I acknowledge there are worthy restorations in this plan that I advocated for, including a reversal of the Executive Budget’s inequitable school aid cuts and increased aid for upstate transportation. I am glad that our voices were heard on these issues as well as on the need to stabilize our financially ailing hospitals and nursing homes with additional funding and reimbursement rate increases. As one who has been advocating for relief to our cannabis farmers who were hurt by the state’s botched rollout of its legal market, I am glad to see funding and grant programs for them included among other important aid increases to agriculture programs, including Nourish NY.

Ultimately, however, this One House Budget takes us further away from the priorities we should be moving towards. The crushing $2.4 billion in no-strings-attached spending on Democrats’ self-created migrant crisis is an unending drain on taxpayer funds that is unsustainable and irresponsible.

There are tens of millions of dollars spent on ‘bandaids’ like retail store security tax credits and retail theft task forces which have only become necessary because of the Democrats’ disastrous bail changes. While I am opposed to the concept of including policy in the budget, the fact that the majority removed the governor’s

proposals to increase penalties for thieves who assault retail workers and for hate crimes is representative of Democrats’ dangerous and incomprehensible protection of violent criminals. They’ve also reduced funding for the state police and included a bill that would make it easier for convicted criminals to overturn their sentences, a bill Governor Hochul rightfully vetoed last year.

It is discouraging that my Democratic colleagues can’t see or refuse to see the toll their policies are taking on everyday New Yorkers, on our economy, and on the quality of life in our beloved state. The funding and policies in this plan would only worsen the problems New Yorkers are most concerned about, which is why I voted against it.”

Work to continue on Jackson Street water project Tuesday

By Press Release

Press Release:

Please be advised that Blue Heron Construction will continue to work on interconnections for the Jackson Street Water project tomorrow, Tuesday, March 19, on Jackson Street from Ellicott to Main Street. 

Loss of water should be expected in this area and possible surrounding area depending on valve closures needed. If discolored water occurs when water pressure is regained, please avoid doing laundry or cooking until the water runs clear.

We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank the public for its patience and cooperation as we work to improve our community.

Oakfield native returns to 'pride of his roots' as medical practitioner

By Joanne Beck
Kevin Bluer
Kevin Beuler
Submitted Photo

As talk of a mass exodus — the droves of youth and others fed up with rural life and lack of opportunities in this area and New York State — has supposedly been draining the local population, there’s been at least a gain of two people recently who wanted to move back in.

Oakfield native Kevin Beuler made a purposeful choice to return to Genesee County from Pennsylvania with his wife, Brooke, as others have left the area for greener pastures.

“I’ve been craving to come back. I came back because of the exodus, but just to give back to the community because of what they put their time into me, all those teachers, all the people you grow up around, they help build you up to who you become,” Beuler said during an interview with The Batavian. “Those are very crucial years for a young person, and to be able to come back to a rural place like Oakfield or Pembroke or Batavia to be able to come to a full circle to become part of the community to give back, and then totally do the same for young ones as I was blessed with an experience with, it’s like taking pride in your roots.”

A 2010 Oakfield-Alabama High School graduate, he went on to University at Buffalo for the pre-medicine track, majoring in mathematics, a favorite subject in school. 

“I really loved mathematics in high school, and still do. To be honest, it’s the emotional connection that I would have (with) my two teachers in high school; they were phenomenal. And so because of them being such great teachers I just really love and appreciate math even more,” he said. “But I love the computation. I love plugging and chugging things. I like to be able to balance out equations and it’s just fascinating. I love numbers. I'm a numbers guy.”

Those two teachers are Wendy Bergman and Barb Harkness. They made a difference in his high school years and especially in his pursuit of all things math-related, he said.

When asked how and if that fits with his current career as a physician’s assistant, he believes it’s more about solving puzzles and making the pieces, such as one’s mental condition and a lab report, “fit part of the equation.” 

“So you start putting things together, and then it balances out in the equation, then you find out what might be the diagnosis. So I guess it’s similar,” he said.

He then went on to DeSales University in Pennsylvania for his master’s in physician assistant studies, which he completed in 2018. It was there where he met his wife, Brooke, a fellow physician assistant. 

It’s that career that has landed Beuler at Oak Orchard Medical in Pembroke. He and his wife moved to Oakfield late this winter. He is passionate about football and most sports, and as a former trumpeter in the high school jazz band, he also enjoys playing and listening to music.

It was while working as a medical scribe for Dr. Kasir Khan at UBMD Internal Medicine in Buffalo in August 2016 that Beuler first realized that he was interested in treating the entire family rather than focusing on one age group.

“I helped prepare his notes, I learned all his medical decision-making and how to just be able to be more than just a doctor taking notes, just to be able to practice great quality medicine, and being able to see all the different ages, all the different crux of a person's health care where you're organizing their endocrinologist, a cardiologist, all the specialties, but the patient keeps coming back to you, I thought that was just a huge inspiration,” he said. “But then he didn't see the kids so I missed the kids. So I realized during school when I did all my rotations that I enjoyed having the pediatrics as well. So to be able to blend and have both instead of just specializing in pediatrics or specializing in adult primary care, I thought family medicine would be the most rewarding.

 “My big focus is on education. I love being able to spend time explaining things to patients,” he said. “I feel that professionals sometimes talk at the patient, and I feel it’s very important to talk very clearly. It’s important to their quality of life.”

Common issues that he has seen lately have been stress — “that’s a big one” — and the consequences of long-term smoking, not being able to strike a work-life balance, chronic use of pain medications “is a huge problem that we face,” and “the rise of diabetes and food that we’re eating,” he said.

Do people ever question your being a physician assistant versus a medical doctor?

Beuler doesn’t mind the question, he said. 

“It's definitely always out there. There will always be that bias. And there's nothing wrong with that. I will never look down upon someone who has that bias. I feel like it's almost naturally ingrained in our culture,” he said. “But I also invite the challenge; it kind of helps push me during learning to try to learn as much as I could so that if a person saw me, they wouldn't know the difference or care about the difference of the degree.”

Beuler speaks conversational Spanish in addition to English. He is accepting new patients and works under the supervision of Dr. Mary Obear. He is also interested in managing chronic conditions, diagnosing acute medical issues, women’s health, and orthopedics. 

He is passionate about creating a positive, judgment-free environment and providing high-quality care that focuses on educating and empowering all patients. 

“I think I put a lot of pride in trying to really reflect that, even though I might not be a doctor, mid-levels, like NPs and PAs, you can definitely find a provider that you can connect with that has the knowledge to be able to to help you through any kind of a medical crisis or link you to the right people to help improve your health,” he said. “And at the same time, on the other side, knowing your limitations, that's why we work alongside doctors to help ensure that we are providing evidence-based medicine, ensuring that we're doing the best for the patient, and treating the patient and not just numbers or pushing medicines. It's very important to stress that collaborating with physicians is a very important part of the job.”

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 585-599-6446.

More than 300 people celebrate Genesee County agriculture at annual dinner in Alexander

By Staff Writer
genesee county ag dinner
The Cupicha family, Cupicha Family Farm, Soil and Water's Conservation Farm of the Year.
Photo by Philip Casper.

Genesee County's agriculture community came together at the Alexander Fire Hall on Saturday for the Celebration of Ag Dinner, with more than 300 people in attendance.

This was the 20th year for the event.

The Cupicha Family Farm of Bethany was this year's Conservation Farm of the Year.

The award recognizes farms that are good stewards of the land.  

Third-generation farmer Mark Cupicha completed numerous projects to mitigate erosion and maintain the health of the soil on his 405-acre farm, which consists of steep and sloping land in the Black Creek and Little Tonawanda watersheds.

Cupicha couldn't thank Jared Elliot and the Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District team enough for helping maintain the health of his land, always answering his calls, and coming out to the field.

"If you take care of the soil, the soil takes care of you," said Cupicha.

The meal, prepared by Chef Tracy Burgio and her staff, consisted of beef, chicken, corn fritters, maple-glazed carrots, and roasted potatoes, most of which were donated by local farms in attendance. 

Representative Claudia Tenney, Assemblyman Steve Hawley, and Senator George Borrello were in attendance to extend their thanks to the Cupicha family farm for being great stewards of the land.

genesee county ag dinner
Appetizer cheese donated by Yancey's Fancy 
Photo by Philip Casper.
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Photo by Philip Casper.
genesee county ag dinner
Photo by Philip Casper.
genesee county ag dinner
Photo by Philip Casper.
genesee county ag dinner
Jared Elliot, Senior Field Manager for the Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District, Mark Cupicha
Photo by Philip Casper.
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genesee county ag dinner
Senator George Borello, Mark Cupicha 
Photo by Philip Casper.
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Rep. Claudia Tenney, Mark Cupicha
Photo by Philip Casper

East Pembroke Fire catches up with three years of awards at installation dinner

By Howard B. Owens
east pembroke fire dinner 2024
James Gayton was named Firefighter of the Year for East Pembroke at the department's awards and installation dinner on Saturday night.
Photo by Howard Owens.

It's been four years since the East Pembroke Fire Department came together for an awards and officer installation dinner, so there were a few awards to hand out on Saturday night.

Chief Don Newton recognized years of service and training hours for 2021, 2022, and 2023, as well as handing out, along with Tim Yaeger, the Service Awards and Firefighter of the Year for each year.

The Service Award for 2021 went to the Genesee County Health Department for support and assistance during the pandemic.

Jennifer Groff was named Firefighter of the Year for 2021.

For 2022, the Service Award went to the Genesee County Office of Emergency Management for all of its assistance around Christmas when Winter Storm Elliott hit.

Dave Martin, who couldn't attend the dinner, was named Firefighter of the Year for 2022.

Willie Welch received a special award for his 40 years of dedicated service to the fire department and the county. Paul Fenton also has 40 years of service but wasn't available on Saturday night.

The Service Award for 2023 went to Adam Pearce. 

The Firefighter of the Year for 2023 is James Gayton, who was recognized for his dedication to the department, whether it is fixing things that are broken, cleaning what needs to be cleaned, or barbecuing at fundraisers.

Newton said, "He puts his time in and gives us the best of everything he can."

The 2024 firematic officers:

  • Don Newton, Jr., chief
  • Charles Chatley, deputy chief
  • Andrew Martin, assistant chief
  • Travis Dobrowsky, EMS chief
  • James Gayton, firematic captain
  • Jennifer Groff, EMS captain
  • Ken Marble, exterior fire captain
  • Kyle Rupp, firematic lieutenant
  • Stephen Smelski, EMS lieutenant
  • Richard Groff, fire police captain

Administrative Officers:

  • Donald Newton, Sr., president
  • Ken Marble, vice president
  • Julie Waldron, secretary and parade marshall
  • Riley Martin, sergeant of arms
  • Adam Pearce, assistant parade marshall
  • Pastor Bloom, chaplin

Board of Directors: Andrew Martin, Donald Newton, Sr., Charles Chatley, Ken Marble, Stephen Smelski, Julie Waldron, Dale Lewter, Patrick Gallaway.

District Representatives:

  • James Gayton, chairman
  • Patrick Reeves, sergeant of arms
  • Kristi Humphrey, treasurer,
  • Kevin Gill, assistant chairman
  • MaryAnn Chatley, secretary
  • Richard Groff, commissioner
east pembroke fire dinner 2024
Tim Yaeger, Genesee County's emergency management coordinator, was the evening's master of ceremonies.
Photos by Howard Owens.
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Don Newton, Tim Yaeger, Charles Chatley, and Gary Patnode (Office of Emergency Management), with the 2022 Service Award
Photo by Howard Owens.
east pembroke fire dinner 2024
Bill Welch receiving the 2023 Service Award from Tim Yaeger.
Photo by Howard Owens.
east pembroke fire dinner 2024
Adam Pearce received the Service Award for 2023, with Don Newton.
Photo by Howard Owens.
east pembroke fire dinner 2024
Tim Yaeger presented to Chief Don Newton and the department an award for most training hours in the county in 2023.
Photo by Howard Owens.
east pembroke fire dinner 2024
Don Newton, Charles Chatley, and Andrew Martin, with plaques they received in recognition of their position as chief, deputy chief, and assistant chief.
Photo by Howard Owens.
east pembroke fire dinner 2024
Tim Yaeger administered the oath of office.
Photo by Howard Owens.
east pembroke fire dinner 2024
James Gayton rang a bell and Charles Chatley lit candles to honor first responders who have passed in the last year, including a candle for Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello, whose funeral service was earlier in the day on Saturday.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Erin go bragh!

By Mike Pettinella
rusty nail
Staff and patrons at Rusty Nail Bar & Grill/StrikeForce Lanes in Oakfield are celebrating St. Patrick's Day today with traditional Irish dinners, beer specials and giveaways. From left are Tom Porter, Chris Fowler, Pat Wester, Jodi Puccio, Kim Fluker, Traci Wester, Chris Shultz and Zack Wester. Photo by Mike Pettinella.

'Godspeed GS-9': Sgt. Sanfratello honored in service at GCC

By Howard B. Owens
sanfratello funeral at gcc
Ian Sanfratello recalled what his father meant to the community, to his family, and as a father who shared a love with his son for Sabres hockey during the funeral service on Saturday for Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello.
Photo by Howard Owens.

In a service inside the Call Arena at Genesee Community College, Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello was remembered as a man who was committed to protecting and serving our community, a man who loved his children, and as a man who enjoyed his work and his hobbies.

"Grandma Sanfratello stopped me last night," said Pastor Ryan Macdonald of City Church, who officiated the service. "She said, 'Come here, pastor.' She called me over for a beautiful moment, and she whispered to me, she said, 'Pastor, please tell the people tomorrow how much Tom loved this community. Please tell them tomorrow that Jesus gave us time for a moment, for a season, and then Jesus came, and he walked him through those pearly gates and into heaven.' She went on to tell me, 'Tell the people today that Tom passed doing what he loved to do. No greater love than a man show than that he would lay his life down for his friends. Please tell them, pastor, that Tom loved being a servant and that Tom shared his love as long as he could.' 

"I believe with all my heart," Macdonald added, "that Sgt Sanfratello understood God's love."

Sanfratello died early Sunday morning at Batavia Downs while trying to deal with two customers who had been asked to leave 34 Rush. One of those customers is accused of violently attacking the 32-year veteran of the Sheriff's Office, reportedly pulling a heavy chain from around his neck and striking Sanfrantello with it. The cause of death has not been released, but the suspect, Michael J. Elmore, 33, of Batavia, has been charged with manslaughter.

Saturday's funeral was attended by hundreds of first responders, including police officers from throughout the region and from as far away as New York City and Chicago.  There were also hundreds of members of the community at the Call Arena, including friends and family.

His sister Michelle Panasiewicz and his son Ian Sanfratello, along with Sheriff William Sheron, were the speakers.

Panasiewicz recalled growing up with her brother and watching him grow into a man who served his community and loved his family, especially his children, Ian, Kyla, and Alexis.

"Nothing made him prouder than spending time with them and watching them grow into the people that they have become," Panasiewicz said.

Growing up, as siblings do, Tom and Michelle had their differences, but as adults, she said, Tom was the strength of the family.

"When I had a question that my husband Joel couldn't answer, I'd call or text Tom," she said. "More often than not, he had the answer. We leaned on each other when we needed to, and we always knew that we were there for each other no matter what time of day or night without needing words."

She asked how she and the family would go on without Tom.

"I guess I have to learn that I have my family, my friends, my loved ones and we will continue to go on," Panasiewicz said. "This memory will live on, and all of us will continue to have a memorial of some kind. Or, like I said, his memory will never go away. He was loved by too many for his memory to ever go away."

sanfratello sheriff's officer of the year
Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello was twice named Officer of the Year for the Genesee County Sheriff's Office, including in 2012, when Gary Maha, right, was sheriff and William Sheron was undersheriff.
File photo by Howard Owens.

Sheron noted that Sanfratello dedicated his entire adult life to serving people, first as an EMT who put himself through training, working in Buffalo and Rochester, as a volunteer for the Alexander Fire Department, as a dispatcher in Batavia, before joining the Sheriff's Office in 1992 as a dispatcher.

"You knew, right from the beginning, there's something special about Tommy," Sheron said. "You know, there are individuals when you hire him, you just go, 'This guy is going to go somewhere. Tommy would take on tasks in the communication room that might have been lingering for years. But Tommy's energy, he just got in there and got it done."

Sanfratello collected Hot Wheels and Legos and attended conventions all over the country for collectors.  He loved children and kept a bucket of Hot Wheels in his office to share with children who visited the office, either with department family members or when caught up in some serious situation.

It's no surprise, then, that one of Sanfratello's favorite duties was helping to organize the Christmastime Shop with a Cop at Walmart.

"He loved doing that," Sheron said. "He loved kids. He loved helping people."

Ian, now himself a corrections officer who graduated from the academy top in his class, recalled seeing his dad in action at work and said he was clearly a leader in the Sheriff's Office.

See also: At Darien Lake, 'Tommy had it under control'

"He did try to steer everybody in the right direction," Ian said. "Even if he didn't see eye-to-eye with someone, he would always have their back and trust them with his life."

He said, "Deputies would tell me how he was the glue that held the department together. They don't know what they will do without him.  One way of looking at it, as I have the past couple of days, when he passed away was he was doing what he loved. He loved working overtime."

Ian recalled how they shared love for Buffalo Sabres hockey. He said he will miss their phone calls -- win or lose, they would critique the games, either what the Sabres did right or what they need to improve. 

"It won't be the same any more ," he said, but he hopes someday he will have a son to carry on the family tradition.

Ian closed his remarks: "Godspeed GS-9."

See Also: A full showing of support for Sgt. Sanfratello

  • To listen to an MP3 of the Last Call for Sgt. Sanfratello, GS-9, Click Here.
  • To view more photos from the service, Click Here

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Michelle Panasiewicz rubbing her hands together the way her brother, Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello, would when he was excited about something.
Photo by Howard Owens.
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While members of the Genesee County Sheriff's Office salute, the Keystone Club Police Pipes & Drums Corp. enter the Call Arena.
Photo by Howard Owens.
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Hundreds of police officers from throughout Western New York and as far away as New York City and Chicago, attended the funeral for Thomas A. Sanfratello.
Photo by Howard Owens
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Sgt.  Kyle Krzemien and Sgt. Andrew Hale.
Photo by Howard Owens
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Pastor Ryan Macdonald
Photo by Howard Owens
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Colorguard entering the service.
Photo by Howard Owens.
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Pastor Ryan Macdonald.
Photo by Howard Owens.
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Sheriff William Sheron.
Photo by Howard Owens.
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Corrections Officer Ian Sanfratello, son of Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello.
Photo by Howard Owens.
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Officers praying during the service.
Photo by Howard Owens.
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Photo by Howard Owens.
sanfratello funeral at gcc
Sheriff William Sheron exiting the service.
Photo by Howard Owens.
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Sheriff's deputies, including Patrick Reeves, leaving the service.
Photo by Howard Owens.
sanfratello funeral at gcc
Fly over by Mercy Flight.
Photo by Howard Owens.
sanfratello funeral at gcc
Photo by Howard Owens.
sanfratello funeral at gcc
Photo by Howard Owens.
sanfratello funeral at gcc
Photo by Howard Owens.
sanfratello funeral at gcc
Photo by Howard Owens.

A full showing of support for Sgt. Sanfratello

By Joanne Beck
Images from Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello's funeral.  Photos by Steve Ognibene
Images from Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello's funeral Saturday at the Richard C. Call Arena at Genesee Community College in Batavia. 
Photos by Steve Ognibene

Several contingencies of law enforcement and first responders represented the region Saturday during the funeral service for Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello, who died in the line of duty March 10.

Throughout the week flags have been set at half mast throughout Genesee County and in downtown Batavia, people have made memorial one-mile runs, the county court house cupola has been lit up in blue, a sheriff’s cruiser has been adorned with flowers by citizens in Sanfratello’s memory in front of the Sheriff’s Office, and countless condolences and heartfelt messages have been expressed via news articles and social media for an undeniable fallen hero.

A burial was scheduled to follow in St. Joseph’s Cemetery.

Photos by Steve Ognibene

Images from Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello's funeral.  Photos by Steve Ognibene
Images from Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello's funeral.  Photos by Steve Ognibene
Images from Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello's funeral.  Photos by Steve Ognibene
Images from Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello's funeral.  Photos by Steve Ognibene
Images from Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello's funeral.  Photos by Steve Ognibene
Images from Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello's funeral.  Photos by Steve Ognibene
Images from Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello's funeral.  Photos by Steve Ognibene
Images from Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello's funeral.  Photos by Steve Ognibene
Images from Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello's funeral.  Photos by Steve Ognibene
Images from Sgt. Thomas Sanfratello's funeral.  Photos by Steve Ognibene

At Darien Lake, 'Tommy had it under control'

By Howard B. Owens
sanfratello darien lake

These are file photos of Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello working on one of his favorite details -- law enforcement at Darien Lake concerts.

In 2012, I did a "ride along" with patrols at the concerts to get a first-hand perspective of what went into dealing with all the issues that used to arise on concert nights.

While I had run into Tom on patrol before, working with him at Darien Lake was really my first chance to get to know him a bit.  He struck me as kind, professional, caring, and dedicated.

He took the job seriously without taking himself seriously. There was a complete absence of ego in his approach to enforcing the law.

When two young people climbed up a communications tower, I remember him being simultaneously amused by the folly of it and sincerely concerned about their safety.

At Saturday's funeral service for Sgt. Sanfratello, Sheriff William Sheron spoke of "Tommy" taking charge at Darien Lake.

"As we all know, Tom was the guy out at Darien Lake," Sheron said. "He was the first one there, and he was the last one out. He oversaw that venue for years and years. And again, when Tommy was on, I didn't worry about anything. Tommy, I knew, had things under control. We were dealing with tens of thousands of people and many, many officers. Tommy had it all under control."

Unrelated from Darien Lake, we received two more tributes to Sgt. Sanfratello to share.

Eric Olson, retired from the Sheriff's Office:

I’ve known Tom for a long time.  He is a true friend and law enforcement brother.  I will miss the 4th of July gatherings and the occasional conversations here and there.

From Deborah Shea, principal financial clerk, Sheriff's Office:

As we navigate through these next few days, I’ve thought a lot about my boss, my friend, my co-worker and most of all, my annoying “big brother” this week. 

That’s what comes to my mind when I think of Sgt. Tom (Tommy) Sanfratello.  We worked 50 feet from each other for 12 years, and we argued and teased one another just like brother and sister, even crying once in a while. He was so maddening at times, but at the end of the day, we were friends, and tomorrow was another day. And when he walked out of the office last Friday and said, as always, “See you Monday, maybe,” it was not supposed to be goodbye! 

I would sing along to the radio, and he’d say, “Don’t quit your day job,” and of course I’d say, “You wish!” He’d also say, every day, 10 times a day, “Whatever, Shea!” And on occasion, in typical Tommy fashion, he’d tell you, “Sink or swim!” I never thought I’d ever miss these words!

His presence In our office was larger than any of us could have imagined until we walked back in Monday morning and the loss hit me immediately.  

He had his quirks, his funny habits and definitely a Hot Wheels and Lego fetish, but it was him and who he was.  He loved to read and joke around and make his funny comments.  He loved having his annual Easter egg hunt and fantasy football league.  He wore many hats in our office and has big shoes to fill, and it will be a hard act to follow. No matter what he did in his life and career, his biggest accomplishments are his 3 amazing kids, Ian, Kyla and Lexi. He loved them more than life itself.  He was not a fall-all-over-you or mushy kind of guy, but he honestly had a big heart and really cared for the people closest to him, especially his family, friends and our department for sure. 

Thanks for your friendship and all the laughs.

You will be, as they say, forever missed and never forgotten!

Fly high GS 9

Finally, retired Batavia PD lieutenant James Henning had this to say about Saturday's service:

What a tremendous outpouring of support shown today for the family, friends, fellow citizens and coworkers of GS-9!

The entire wake and funeral service was incredibly organized and a fitting tribute to a great man and public servant.

GCSO, BPD, LPD & NYSP did a fantastic job of working shoulder to shoulder to make this all possible, along with the numerous fire departments and EMS in Genesee County.

Also, the entire staff of GCC for hosting this memorial and area restaurants for catering the gathering at the college afterward.

The police and fire agencies present were amazing from as far away as Chicago PD and NYPD.

R.I.P.  GS-9

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sanfratello darien lake
sanfratello darien lake
sanfratello darien lake

Photos: Music in Education concert at Batavia HS

By Howard B. Owens
music in education batavia

March is "Music in Schools Month" across the nation, and on Thursday evening, Batavia City Schools held its annual concert featuring educators and students at all levels to celebrate the month.

The concern opened with the faculty/alumni band playing Sir Duke, a Steve Wonder hit honoring Duke Ellington.

Also performing are the High School Orchestra, the Middle School Beauty Shop, High School Guitar, John Kennedy Second Graders, High School Select Choir, Middle School Band, High School Rock Band, and High School Jazz Ensemble.

Photos by Howard Owens.

music in education batavia
music in education batavia
music in education batavia
music in education batavia

Anastasia, The Musical, on stage Friday and Saturday nights at Notre Dame

By Howard B. Owens

Notre Dame High School opens its staging of the musical "Anastasia" tonight (Friday) at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium.

A second show is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Saturday.  

Director Kate Edwards said of the show:

Anastasia the Musical is based on the animated film Anastasia, which is also based on the real-life story of the Romanov family. It takes place during the Russian Revolution when the Bolsheviks took over Russia and killed the Czar and his entire family. The rumor was always that young Anastasia, the youngest of all the children, actually lived. 

The musical is based on the animated film of the same name. The plot is that Anastasia did live, but her memory has been wiped. She now knows herself to be Anya, and she’s searching to find where she belongs. She looks for help from two Russian revolutionaries, who are also good-hearted con men. They are looking for a young girl who can pretend to be Anastasia because they want the reward money. They also need to escape Russia because the communists are taking over. 

Through a series of escapades and traveling from Russia to Paris, they discover that Anya is actually the real Anastasia. Meanwhile, the Bolsheviks are looking for Anya because if she really is alive, they want to kill her.

To see what happens next, you’ll have to come see the show!!

The cast:

  • Anya/Anastasia - Maia Zerillo
  • Dmitry - Rhys Tanner
  • Vlad Popov - Liam Berger
  • Gleb - Aiden Boehly
  • Countess Lily - Mia Yonkin
  • The Dowager Empress - Bri Johns
  • Tsarina Alexandra - Gracie Phillips
  • Tsar Nicholas II/Count Leopold - Joe Trewer
  • Gorlinsky and others - Billy Zerillo
  • Young Anastaia - Mia Yonkin
  • Policeman - Brodie Schie
  • Ensemble - Emma Elliot, Aubrey Plath, Sophia Plath, Hailee Adams, Korina Hodges, Claira Keppler

Tickets are $10 at the door.

The musical is also directed by Josh Pacino, with choreography by Jasmine Wessel and Lisa Antinore. 

NOTE: Due to photographer error, we have no photos from the rehearsal this week.  Our apologies.

Photos: Body of Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello carried to Call Arena at GCC, where services will be held

By Howard B. Owens
sanfratello procession

The casket of Sgt. Thomas A. Sanfratello, who died in the line of duty on Sunday morning, was carried by Hearst on Friday morning from the Gilmartin Funeral Home to the Call Arena at GCC.

The route went down Park Road, past the Sheriff's Office, then to Route 98, to West Saile Drive, to Bank Street, to Assemblyman R. Stephen Hawley Drive.

The casket was then carried into Call Arena by a Sheriff's Office detail prior to calling hours on Friday afternoon.

Sanfratello's funeral will be held in the Call Arena at 11 a.m. on Saturday.

Photos by Howard Owens.

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sanfratello procession
sanfratello procession
sanfratello procession
sanfratello procession
sanfratello procession

Coach's Column: let’s put the spotlight on women this March

By Chris Suozzi
Submitted photo from Finger Lakes Youth Apprenticeship Program.

March Madness brings out the best of college basketball players across the country. The emotions and exuberant atmosphere generated by fans and athletes are unmatched.

From a workforce development perspective, the GLOW region’s version of March Madness offers the same competitive, robust, and exhilarating atmosphere that hundreds of student-athletes will shortly embark upon.

Two themes that intertwine in the realms of workforce development and athletics are the inspirational narratives that haven’t always been given the spotlight. I’m excited that Caitlin Clark’s record-breaking performances at Iowa are getting the attention it deserves - and I’m working to ensure that the young women ready for tech careers get the same attention. 

Like Caitlin, the young leaders stepping up in workforce training and manufacturing are a small portion of the women who can play integral roles. If our region is going to successfully meet the workplace demands of existing and new and emerging companies, then there is going to be a need for a diverse workforce, particularly among women.

Future Genesee County employer and semiconductor manufacturer Edwards has recognized the importance of having a diversified workforce as the industry-leading company has set a goal for 30% of their employees to be female by 2030.

The team overseeing Edwards Genesee, and our existing base of manufacturers, is striving to these goals by promoting positive awareness through our work with schools and colleges, encouraging aspiring female engineers, technicians, managers, and apprentices.

“Our goal is to be as diverse as possible… You want to have that mix of ideas and backgrounds - that’s how you get the best results,” Jeff Mickel, Edwards’ project manager shared recently on a tour of GCC’s training facilities.

Our workforce development blueprint was designed to introduce our students to in-demand, family-sustaining careers, and we look forward to working with our employers in their efforts to recruit individuals from various backgrounds.

We have two great opportunities to do that!

The GLOW region’s March Madness kicks off with STEAM Jam and Tech Wars, where elementary, middle, and high school students showcase their technical skills at Genesee Community College.

At STEAM Jam, over 100 3rd – 5th-grade students will participate in hands-on activities and show them the opportunity to turn these skills into a potential career once they are older and ready to join the workforce.

Later in the day, the 15th annual Tech Wars will take place where GLOW region middle and high school students showcase their technical expertise through innovative technology competitions.

To further educate students in attendance, New York State’s leading mechatronics program housed at the Genesee Valley BOCES will be in attendance to inform students about the career opportunities and training available for careers that use the same skills being utilized at STEAM Jam and Tech Wars.

Stay tuned to find out what schools and individuals will end up in the winner’s circle on Thursday, March 21!

Rounding out our March Madness is the second annual GLOW With Your Hands Healthcare. This is a great program offering hands-on displays and presentations to over 600 students from 28 GLOW region schools.

While this edition of GLOW With Your Hands aims to introduce students to careers in the healthcare sector, I always advise students that these skills can take them to any career. We have one of the most prepared and educated workforces in the country and we can’t close any doors to a career change - after all, a versatile skillset is what set up Cailtin Clark’s scoring record on the court!

Whether you are a student, parent, teacher, or guidance counselor contact me at to learn more about the opportunities available.

Chris Suozzi is the Vice President of Business & Workforce Development and the Co-Founder of GLOW With Your Hands.

Submitted photo from Genesee Valley Pre-Apprenticeship Bootcamp.
Submitted photo from GLOW With Your Hands: Healthcare.
Submitted photo from GLOW With Your Hands: Manufacturing.

Emmanuel Baptist invites gardeners to come and plant

By Press Release

Press Release:

Calling all green thumbs and community builders! Emmanuel Baptist Church is seeking gardeners to plant in our community garden at 190 Oak St in Batavia.

Our garden features 20 spacious 4x3 plots which will be transformed into thriving vegetable, fruit, and herb gardens once YOU put the seeds in! Each person who signs up gets to plant and harvest from their own plot!  

Being a gardener at our community garden is more than just a chance to get your hands dirty. It's an opportunity to connect with fellow garden enthusiasts, learn new skills, and contribute to a project that benefits the entire community.

Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a complete beginner, you can grow veggies or flowers and grow yourself as well!  Our team will provide all the necessary tools and seeds.

So if you're looking for a place to get your garden growing while enjoying the great outdoors, come join us at Emmanuel Baptist Church's Community Garden. Together, we can create something truly special.

The cost is $20 per plot. Call 585 343 4905 or email to sign up.

Hawley comments on one-house budget proposal

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Steve Hawley.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) recently commented on the Assembly’s One-House Budget proposal. The proposal is a ceremonial “wish list” of what Assembly Democrats want to see in the final state budget. 

While the proposal countered the governor’s initiative to cut Foundation Aid funding for schools across the state by revoking Hold Harmless, it would institute historic spending increases while raising taxes by $3.5 billion over two years. 

While the proposal restored funding for the CHIPS program and increased funding for the Pave NY program, Hawley believes this one-house budget overall will hurt Western New York residents and further the trend of outmigration.

“Never in my 18 years of public service have I seen a more bloated and reckless One-House Budget proposal,” said Hawley. “The Assembly Majority is pulling out all the stops this time around to make sure their far-left, progressive agenda is here to stay. This budget reeks of downstate special interests. More spending leads to higher taxes, which means hardworking New Yorkers will have to continue to pick up the tab for the Majority’s failed policies. The Assembly Majority expects people to pay billions of dollars more in taxes to course-correct problems they created. It should not be the job of upstate communities to bail out these liberal epicenters. It seems as if my friends across the aisle have forgotten they have an entire state to take care of, not just a city.”

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