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Bergen C-Store reportedly robbed

By Howard B. Owens

A possible robbery is reported at the Bergen C-Store, which is near the intersection of Route 33 and Route 19 in Bergen.

Law enforcement patrols are looking for a blue or black Hyundai or Kia occupied by two black males.

UPDATE 5:50 a.m.: A deputy on scene reports this was shoplifting, not a robbery.

Pembroke response to questions about reopening of schools

By Mike Pettinella

Here is the response received from John Cima, school board president for Pembroke for the questions we sent each individual board member of the school district.  Cima said he was responding as school board president and the response reflected the views of the school board.

The school board members who failed to provide their own responses:

  • John A. Cima
  • Heather Wood
  • Ed Levinstein
  • Dan Lang
  • Art Ianni

Do you support the District’s policy and reopening plan? Why or Why not?
As Board President of the Pembroke Central School District, I have been asked to give you our Board’s response. At Pembroke, and across the State, school boards operate as one unit not as individuals. We set policy and work in conjunction with the Superintendent and administrative team to effectively and efficiently operate our district. Individual opinions and ideas from all are listened to and discussed as we formulate policies and plans affecting the District as a whole. It is through these rich and respectful discussions that our policies and plans are developed. By adhering to this process, we examine situations and, in the end, develop policies and plans that we feel best meet the needs of our District. So, with that being said, our Board and the individuals who serve on our Board strongly believe in and support the District’s policy and reopening plan.

The reopening plan offers options to our school community to address various comfort levels while providing our students the challenging education and safe environment they richly deserve whether they choose virtual or in-person learning. We have also provided a structure to allow parents to change the initial option chosen for their children on a quarterly basis and our district the flexibility to adjust on the fly to a hybrid or 100% virtual model should the health numbers change.

No plan developed will completely satisfy everyone’s concerns but, we listened to all stakeholders and feel that our reopening plan comes very close to addressing those concerns in a manner providing educational opportunities and a safe environment for all of our students and staff.

What feedback have you received from parents in your district?
We have surveyed parents numerous times throughout the process of developing the reopening plan and used that feedback to effectively formulate the plan. The feedback received has been extremely positive. Also, the Superintendent and administrative team held a series of question and answer sessions via Zoom to answer questions and receive feedback. The valuable feedback has allowed for some tweaking of the plan to address concerns. Our Board feels strongly that the Superintendent and Administrative team has done a highly effective job communicating the elements and expectations of our district’s reopening plan and has welcomed the community feedback we have received,

Group response from Oakfield-Alabama to questions on school reopening

By Mike Pettinella

Here is the response received from Matt Lamb, school board president for Oakfield-Alabama for the questions we sent each individual board member of the school district.  Lamb said this served as a group response. A group response was not an option given to the school board members.  

The school board members who failed to provide their own responses:

  • Timothy Edgerton
  • Lorna Klotzbach
  • Matt Lamb
  • Justin Staebell
  • Jackie Yunker Davis
  • Pete Zeliff
  • Daniel Groth

"The OACS school board fully supports our district's reopening plan.  The plan originated from a district survey that went to all families.  The survey indicated that 84% of our families would approve of the decision to send their children back to school to resume full-time, in person instruction.  The administrative team concluded that our facilities have the space necessary to meet the 6 foot physical distancing guideline within the classrooms while the students receive their instruction, making the request of the families of our district possible.  The committee that helped form our plan included administrative staff, teachers, students and parents of the district.

I'm happy to say most parent feedback went directly to our Superintendent and the building Principals.  However, to your question, we'd mention that at our last board meeting some families asked to speak in our public comment section and expressed their approval and gratitude to the district for our plan.    

We'd also like to acknowledge the flexibility within the plan.   It is important to the board that families have the option to learn remotely if their concerns could not be alleviated by the district's plan.  Our school is accommodating those families that aren't ready to send their children into our facilities.  Should these families reconsider their decision, there is also a re-entry plan for students who have chosen the remote option.

Our board is incredibly appreciative to all who made themselves available to help write the reopening plan, and also to all of the district employees who will be implementing the plan.  We are excited to get the kids back in school, but at the same time, understand the anxieties this brings to both families and staff.  We expect the plan to remain fluid and for our administrative team to continue to make themselves available to hear the concerns of families and staff.  We wish everyone the best of health as we get back to the business of the education of the students of our district."

Le Roy group response to questions about reopening of schools

By Mike Pettinella

Here is the response received from Jacalyn Whiting, school board president for Le Roy for the questions we sent each individual board member of the school district.  Whiting said this served as a group response. A group response was not an option given to the school board members.  

The school board members who failed to provide their own responses:

  • Jacalyn Whiting 
  • Denise Duthe 
  • Christine Dowell 
  • Richard Lawrence  
  • Peter Loftus 
  • William MacKenzie 

The Le Roy Central Schools Board of Education would like to reply to your questions about our district's reopening plan and policy concerning COVID 19 as a group.  We have discussed our district's reopening plans as a group with the administrative team many times over these last few months and thank you for this opportunity to share our excitement in welcoming our students and staff back to our schools next week   

Jacalyn Whiting, LCS Board of Education President
Denise Duthe, LCS Board of Education Vice President

Do you support the district's policy and reopening plan?  Why or why not?
We fully support our district's reopening plans.  Our Superintendent, Merritt Holly and our administrative team have spent countless hours surveying, meeting and speaking with parents, staff, and students for their valuable input and to fully understand the needs, concerns and wishes of our community.  Our administrators also spoke to neighboring school districts to compare and brainstorm different ideas and plans.  Then carefully following all of the mandates from the New York State Department of Health and the New York State Education Department our administrators crafted a plan for the reopening of our schools.  Our families were given a choice depending on their situations, needs and concerns to follow a hybrid plan and return to school in person for 2 days a week with one day remote learning or to be a fully remote student.  Our students and staff are also fully prepared to go to completely remote learning if the need arises.  Our district is ready to welcome our students next week with protocols and plans in place for a safe and exciting year!

What feedback have you received from the parents in your district?
The parents in our district have been extremely supportive and appreciative of the amount of thought and time that has gone into the creation of our plan and the way the reopening choices have been clearly communicated to them.  89% of our families have selected the hybrid in person model for this year.  Their trust and support of our district administration and staff is appreciated and not taken lightly. 

Byron-Bergen response to questions about schools reopening

By Mike Pettinella

Here is the response received from Debi List, school board president for Byron-Bergen for the questions we sent each individual board member of the school district.  List said this served as a group response. A group response was not an option given to the school board members.  

The school board members who failed to provide their own responses:

  • Debra List
  • Yvonne Ace-Wagoner
  • Kimberly Carlson
  • William Forsyth
  • Tammy Menzie
  • Amy Phillips
  • Jennifer VanValkenburg


We appreciate that you are looking for individual statements from Board members however the Byron-Bergen Board members choose to reply as one. The Byron-Bergen Board of Education fully supports the decision of our district of to bring children back to school as long as we are able to do it safely and with all the many precautions as we can provide to our students and their families. With the CDC guidelines we are able to bring  PreK-5Th grade in everyday, but unfortunately the district is not able to bring back all students in 6Th to 12th grade for in person learning 5 days a week and that we will need to do a hybrid model.

Any parent that has reached out to our board members understands the situation and knows that the Byron-Bergen school district is doing what is best for kids.

Trustee Alice Ann Benedict answers questions about schools reopening

By Mike Pettinella

Response from Alice Ann Benedict, trustee in the Batavia City Schools District.

Do you support the district's policy and reopening plan?  Why or why not?
I am in total support of the district with the hybrid plan. It is well thought out and the superintendent and staff have worked very hard this summer to comply with the governor’s requirements and also do what’s best for all students, faculty and staff. They have been very prudent in their consideration of all involved including parents and staff. We realized, through surveys and registrations, that a majority of students wanted in-person teaching. Certainly, there was a percentage that wants virtual classes, so the district accommodated them all with a definite aim to improve academics and keep everyone safe and healthy.

What feedback have you received from the parents in your district?
The feedback that I’ve gotten is mainly positive. Parents felt more assured with the open question and answer sessions that were available, plus with all the information available on the district’s website, most questions are answered.

Photos: Old Hippies and What About Jane perform in Elba

By Howard B. Owens

The Old Hippies and What About Jane teamed up Saturday for an evening of memorable music as part of a summer concert series sponsored by the Elba Betterment Committee in the Elba Village Park.

Food venders included Dubby's Wood Fired Pizza (pictured below), Los Compadres, Lori's Delectable Edibles (desserts), and Bubble Tea.

The final concert of the season will be Wednesday featuring the Corfu Pembroke Community Band in an All-American-themed evening that will include the Betterment Committee hot dogs and hamburgs and serving Mom's apple pie. And, of course, there will be ice cream. Showtime is 7 p.m.

Photos by Kelly Dudley. 

Photo: Love birds

By Howard B. Owens

Jason Smith shared this photo of a male cardinal feeding a female cardinal in the backyard of his Batavia home.

Back to school back in the day

By David Reilly

After attending school (elementary, high school and college) for 18 years and teaching school (fifth and sixth grades) for another 33, I have been a part of opening day 51 times. And that doesn't include the overlapping times when my own two children headed back to their educational journeys.

But nothing in all that time is going to compare what the beginning of this school year will be like due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Taking temperatures, wearing masks, social distancing, plexiglass separating panels, lots of sanitizing, and a whole lot more that teachers and students are going to face including some days at school and other days virtually, all because of COVID-19.

I have never regretted being retired, but I am even more happy about it this year and convey my best wishes to all those who will try their best to make the 2020-2021 academic year a productive one.

Back in the 1950s at St. Mary's School in Batavia, we certainly had a less worrisome time when our summer vacation ended. Some preparations had to be made, but nothing approaching what parents and kids have to do now, even before the virus.

Bow Ties and Buster Browns

There was no fretting about what to wear to impress our classmates. We had uniforms, so each kid looked as plain and mundane as every other one. For the girls, it was a light blue blouse with a dark blue skirt, and the boys wore a light blue long or short sleeve shirt with dark blue pants. The pièce de résistance for the boys was a blue clip-on bow tie. If I had a nickel for every one of those I lost I could have bought a lot of Junior Mints.

I'm pretty sure that the school had a deal with Charles Mens' Shop (which is still in business) to stock the uniforms and each year my mom would buy me two shirts and two pairs of pants. Between roughhousing on the way to and from school and outdoors at lunchtime, by June those pants would have been patched more times than a pothole at Ellicott and Main.

When it came to shoes, things were pretty simple. We'd head to Thomas and Dwyer's Downtown and Mr. Dwyer or Skinny Weiss would find a new pair of Buster Brown's in our size. We hated those goofy-looking round-toed things, but Mom was paying so that's what you got. The girls would arrive on day one with new saddle shoes or Mary Janes. I don't think sneakers were allowed.

Lunch Box and Lunchroom

In the '50s we didn't have backpacks, but choosing your lunchbox was a big deal. This was before everything was plastic and they were made from metal and most contained a Thermos.

Howdy Doody ones were a favorite of the younger kids, while the older boys wanted Davy Crockett or The Lone Ranger. By the way, those metal boxes could come in handy if you had to defend yourself from a bully.

During the first couple years of St. Mary's existence we were housed in the basement of adjoining Notre Dame High because the elementary school was still under construction. Once we got in the new building our lunch habits changed because we had a school lunchroom.

Mrs. Isabelle Suranni, who was a chef at various restaurants in the area, prepared the food right on the premises. Unlike most other lunchroom food I encountered over the years St. Mary's was tasty, especially the spaghetti. My mom worked in the kitchen for a couple of years and whenever spaghetti was served she'd bring some home for dinner.

So, that was about it -- uniform, shoes, lunchbox. Maybe a couple pencils and a box of eight crayola crayons. There was no list sent home of all the things the parents needed to buy.

As far as teacher preparations that were made for school's opening, it was certainly a big deal for me when I was teaching. We'd head back to our classrooms a week or two early to get the classroom ready. Desks were arranged, bulletin boards decorated, name tags made, lessons prepared, and so on.

'Convent'-ional Classroom

For seven of my eight elementary school years, my teacher was a nun -- a Sister of the Holy Cross (inset photo below right from the 1950s). I don't know how many of them had formal teacher training but I'd guess not many.

I could be cynical and surmise that the nuns spent their summer sanding and honing their rulers and yardsticks to use on us little delinquents.

But, since most Catholic schools had 40-50 students in a class, more likely they were catching their breath and recuperating from the previous semester.

Maybe they had nun spas where they would go to get refreshed. Probably not.

I don't recall much about bulletin boards or decorations, but with 50 desks there probably wasn't room for any. There were always a bunch of strategically placed statues though. Some saint was always looking over your shoulder when you were about to launch that spitball.

A Long Year Ahead

I can't imagine having more than 30 kids in a class, but it must have given the nuns some preopening day anxiety. Actually, I could identify with that feeling somewhat because my very first teaching job after graduating from college in 1969 was in a Catholic school, Sts. Peter and Paul in Rochester.

I was also similar to the nuns in that I really didn't have much preparation for teaching. I had, quite honestly, taken the job in order to secure a deferment from the military draft. I had only taken a couple education classes at St. John Fisher and never did any student teaching. Essentially, I was winging it.

My very first day I started out by handing out index cards to my sixth-graders and asking them to write down their name, address, phone number, and parents' names. I had a boy in the class who was from Lebanon named Toufik. 

As I circulated around he raised his hand. “Yes, Toufik,” I said. “How can I help you?”

“Mister,” he replied. “How do you make a T?”

“Oh boy,” I thought. “What have I gotten myself into?

First Days

Only two of my St. Mary's opening days stand out in my memory of boyhood, both of which I mentioned in a previous story.

In first grade, school started on a Wednesday, but because I had strep throat, I didn't arrive until the following Monday. I was a shy kid so I was probably terrified to come in on my own.

A boy named Lenny, the briefest of classmates, had the absolute greatest opening day entrance in my 51 years when he showed up with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and promptly got expelled. There was an ad at the time which said, “I'd walk a mile for a Camel.” Lenny only got to walk about 50 feet before the black-habited arm of a nun whisked him off the premises forever.

On my first opening day after retiring, I took my boat and went fishing. On the first opening day of my longtime girlfriend's retirement, we took a day trip to the pretty little Finger Lakes Town of Skaneatles.

What will we do on the first day of school this year? I'm not sure except that it won't involve little kids. Or nuns.

Photos and images courtesy of Dave Reilly.

Bridge on fire in Pavilion

By Howard B. Owens

A caller reports a bridge is on fire in the area of 9963 Covell Road, Pavilion.

Pavilion fire is dispatched.

Fully involved house fire reported on Hartshorn Road

By Billie Owens

A fully involved structure fire is reported at 8699 Hartshorn Road, Town of Batavia. East Pembroke Fire Department is responding, along with mutual aid from Corfu, Town of Batavia, Alexander and Darien.

An occupant is believed to be trapped inside, according to neighbors. The location is between West Main Street Road and Pearl Street Road.

UPDATE 9:34 p.m.: A second ambulance is requested to the scene.

UPDATE 9:37 p.m.: The trapped resident has been removed and is being evaluated by medics.

UPDATE 9:42 p.m.: Fire knocked down; doing overhaul. Alexander fire can go back in service. Alexander's ambulance is going to evaluate the patient.

UPDATE 9:45 p.m.: GC Emergency Management Services asks Byron and Bethany ambulances to stand by in their quarters.

UPDATE 9:58 p.m.: The Alexander ambulance, with a Mercy medic on board, is transporting a patient to UMMC. A Mercy ambulance that just went in service is requested to the scene for firefighter rehab.

UPDATE 11:18 p.m.: Bethany and Byron ambulances can go back in service.

UPDATE 1:15 a.m., Sept. 13: A quick knockdown of a fire that appeared to be on the exterior of the house was the reason volunteer firefighters from East Pembroke and Batavia were able to rescue an elderly woman from her home on Hartshorn Road on Saturday night.

"I just can't be more proud of these guys right now," said Don Newton, chief of East Pembroke. "They got in there and did a great job of knocking it down and between our guys and the Town of Batavia, they just did a hell of a job getting her out of the house."

Tim Yaeger, emergency management coordinator for Genesee County, said the preliminary indication is that the fire started on the outside of the house near an electrical outlet but at this point, no cause of the fire has been determined and nothing has been ruled out.  

"I wouldn't say we're really leaning towards anything," Yaeger said. "We're just going to we have to actually look at every possibility. It's going to be a while for this investigation. Again, it's fairly rare to have a fire in outside on a porch so it's going to take some time to find out what exactly caused the fire."

East Pembroke fire is still on scene at this hour though some mutual aid companies are back in service.

UPDATE 11:40 a.m.: East Pembroke Fire is responding to a rekindle at the residence. Smoke is coming from the roof line.

Photos and interviews by Alecia Kaus/Video News Service.

Driver reportedly irate after accident at Bliss and Lewiston

By Howard B. Owens

A driver is reportedly irate following a motor-vehicle accident at Bliss Road and Lewiston Road in Oakfield.

Injuries are reported.

Oakfield fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

UPDATE 8:55 p.m.: There are possibly six injuries, including a pregnant female. A second ambulance is requested.

UPDATE 9:06 p.m.: A third ambulance requested.

Motorcyle accident reported on State Street

By Howard B. Owens

A rider is down in the roadway after the report of an accident involving a motorcycle in the area of 240 State St., Batavia.

City fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

Dispatchers are asked to check on the availability of Mercy Flight.

UPDATE: Mercy Flight was not required. No further word on injuries.

GCC's Derek Maxfield signed first book 'Hellmira' at Roman's, on C-SPAN at 6 p.m. he talks about the Civil War POW camp

By Billie Owens

Genesee Community College Associate Professor of History Derek D. Maxfield (above photo) had a reception this afteroon at Roman's restaurant in Downtown Batavia and signed copies of his first book, "HELLMIRA: The Union's Most Infamous Civil War Prison Camp -- Elmira, NY."

He became an expert on the excruciating conditions at the infamous POW camp while researching material for his book.

He will be featured on C-SPAN tonight at 6 o'clock sharing what his research uncovered about this notorious time period in Elmira's history.

It is the largest city and the county seat of Chemung County. "The Queen City" was incorporated in 1864. By the late 19th century, it was a major transportation hub, connecting commercial centers in Rochester and Buffalo with Albany and New York City.

Called by some the "Andersonville of the North," the prisoner of war camp in Elmira is remembered as the most notorious of all Union-run POW camps. It existed for only a year -- from the summer of 1864 to July 1865. But in that time, and for long after, it became darkly emblematic of man's inhumanity to man. Confederate prisoners called it "Hellmira."

In the end, Maxfield suggests that it is time to move on from the blame game and see prisoner of war camps -- North and South -- as a great humanitarian failure.

"HELLMIRA: The Union's Most Infamous Civil War Prison Camp -- Elmira, NY" is available through AmazonSavas Beatie -- and was released in July as an audio book as well.

Most of the information in this post provided by GCC.

ABATE rides through county today thanking firefighters

By Howard B. Owens

Kelly Boyle delivers a few remarks this afternoon at Town of Batavia Fire's Station 1 to thank the volunteers for their service to the community as part of an ABATE motorcycle ride around the county to recognize firefighters.

Boyle said, "We thank you because you're there for us. You save us no matter who we are, white, black, or brown, you are there to help us when we need it most."

ABATE a national nonprofit organization of motorcycle enthusiasts which has a chapter in Genesee County -- also visited Mercy EMS, City fire, Stafford, and Le Roy today in their "Ride for the Red."

(ABATE is dedicated to preserving motorcyclist rights, promoting safe operating practices and raising motorists' awareness of motorcycles.)

City fire will flush hydrants north of Main, west of Bank on Thursday and Friday

By Press Release

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department will be flushing fire hydrants in the areas north of Main Street and west of Bank Street on:

  • Thursday, Sept. 17 from approximately 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and
  • Friday, Sept. 18 from approximately 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Homes and businesses nearby will be affected. These tests may result in a temporary discoloration of water in that area. As in the past, please do not attempt to wash any clothing if your water appears discolored. If you do experience a discoloration of your water, run cold water for about five minutes or until clear.

If you have any questions, or should notice a hydrant in need of repair, please contact the fire department at 345-6375.

Just Kings distribute 80 backpacks containing school supplies

By Howard B. Owens

The Just Kings Social Club distributed 80 backpacks containing school supplies to children at Austin Park on Friday evening.

The club raised funds to support the project through sales of chicken dinners and other fundraising events. 

A member of the club said there are still some funds available for school supplies if there were any parents who could not bring their children by for a backpack. The Kings can be contacted through their Facebook page.

Abutment being replaced under rail bridge in Le Roy damaged by garbage truck

By Howard B. Owens

Rochester and Southern Railroad is in the process of replacing a bridge abutment on Mill Street in Le Roy that was heavily damaged July 15 when a Waste Management garbage truck struck the bridge.

The truck was powered by compressed natural gas with the tanks on top of the truck. With the tanks, the truck stood 13' 6" tall. Unfortunately, the bridge clearance was only 12' 6". The gas tanks exploded on impact, causing a large crack in the foundation of the bridge.

A spokesman for R&S said crews still take at least another three weeks to replace the abutment but with the work, the bridge will be ready to "meet the next century."

Rail service is not affected by the repair. there are temporary structural supports under the bridge during the project.

Mill Street is closed to thru traffic during the repairs.

Photos: 9/11 remembrance in Corfu

By Howard B. Owens

Members of the volunteer Corfu Rescue Hook & Ladder Co. #1 carried the U.S. flag through the village yesterday evening in remembrance of those who fell on Sept. 11, 2001.

Photos submitted by Tyler Lang.

Project manager: Construction of Main Street 56 Theater at City Centre expected to begin in a couple months

By Mike Pettinella

The performers are patiently waiting in the wings as, slowly but surely, the Downtown Revitalization Initiative project known as Main Street 56 Theater moves forward.

Project Manager David Ciurzynski of Ciurzynski Consulting LLC, of Attica, on Friday said the preliminary design work has been delayed by the coronavirus but, if everything breaks right, the theater will be able to open its doors to the public next summer.

“We’re trying to finalize the design that got held up a bit because of the COVID-19 requirements – (as we’re) looking to design it in a way that is flexible for social distancing,” Ciurzynski said. “And we’re also still looking for people for financing – to solidify that.”

He said the demolition work is almost done.

“The area is pretty cleared out, and ready to build,” he said, noting that the 11,000-square-foot facility will feature a dance studio, theater that seats 150, offices and storage rooms.

It will be located at 35 City Centre -- in space formerly used by the Dent Neurological Clinic office, between Genesee Dental and The Insurance Center.

Ciurzynski said that Batavia Players, the not-for-profit organization operating the theater, has hired Thompson Builds of Churchville as the general contractor. Thompson Builds has done extensive work in Genesee County, including construction of a new Town of Batavia firehall off Clinton Street that is happening now.

“We’re going to start, hopefully, in a couple months on the dance studio and then the theater after that,” Ciurzynski said. “We are waiting on some of our first reimbursements from the DRI for the work that we’ve done so far – we have to wait for the Department of State on that. But, hopefully, in the next month or so, we’ll be able to get some money from the state so we can keep things moving.”

He said the timetable has “the meat” of construction taking place in late winter and early spring.

“We’re trying to get through all of the pandemic requirements and making sure we have space for social distancing, and it’s a kind of reimburse-as-you go-along with the Department of State,” he offered.

The project is one of several awarded to the City of Batavia as part of the state’s $10 million DRI.

Since the total project cost is estimated at $910,000 and the DRI award for the theater is $701,750, fundraising will come into play, Ciurzynski said.

“Batavia Players will have to raise the difference, and will have to rely on the community to help them with that,” Ciurzynski said, advising that various fundraising efforts are underway.

Patrick Burk, president of Batavia Players, said the troupe is in the process of closing down its current location at the Batavia Industrial Center on Harvester Avenue.

“We will be reopening a new office and bringing in a bunch of new volunteers to assist state and local government officials on the project,” he said.

Batavia Development Corporation Director Andrew Maguire said the theater project aligns with the city’s “All In” effort which, in part, focuses on fostering arts and entertainment and cultural appreciation Downtown.

Renderings provided by David Ciurzynski, Ciurzynski Consulting LLC.

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