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Five questions with William Sheron and David Krzemien, candidates for Genesee County Sheriff

By Howard B. Owens

William Sheron

Why are you the best choice for Sheriff?
I am the best-qualified candidate for Sheriff of Genesee County. My vast law enforcement experience spans 43 years with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office. I began my career at the age of 18 as a 9-1-1 Dispatcher and advanced through the ranks of Jail Deputy, Road Patrol Deputy, Road Patrol Sergeant, Investigator Genesee County Drug Task Force, Chief Deputy Road Patrol, Undersheriff for 21 years, and Sheriff the past four years. In addition, I was honored to have been selected to attend and graduate from the prestigious FBI National Law Enforcement Academy in Quantico, Va.  

This experience and training provide me with a complete understanding of the demanding administrative responsibilities associated with the position of Sheriff. In this position, I have oversight of multiple divisions and personnel of the Sheriff’s Office which include Road Patrol, Criminal Investigation Division, 9-1-1 Emergency Services Dispatch Center, County Jail, Civil Bureau, Genesee Justice, Justice for Children Advocacy Center, Court Security, and Animal Control. I also serve as an active member with local and New York State agencies and committees working with officials on numerous matters to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal requirements. Administrative duties also include the management of a nearly $15 million Sheriff’s Office budget.

The position of Sheriff is demanding and serves as the highest-ranking law enforcement officer in the county. It requires transparency to create accountability and build trust. For that reason, I released my entire, unredacted personnel file to the public to provide confidence in my honest work ethic and as evidence of my exemplary professional career.  

If elected, what reform or changes would you undertake during your term?
We have made great strides in my term as Sheriff and I will continue my work to keep the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office services at the level the county deserves. This requires continual training, accountability and transparency.

I will collaborate with County officials and the citizens of Genesee County to meet the requirements of NYS Governor’s Executive Order 203 (Reinventing Policing). Open and honest dialogue with members of our community is extremely important to develop best practices in policing. I welcome constructive feedback and encourage input to identify ways to improve our strategies.

I will continue to work with the Genesee County Legislature and the NYS Commission of Corrections on the construction of a new jail that meets our needs in the most economical way feasible.

I will continue efforts to push our state officials and Governor to repeal bail reform and provide judges the ability to confine dangerous criminals that jeopardize the safety of our citizens.

I will further my work with mental health officials and the specially trained officers of the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) to expand and offer Mobile Intervention Team (MIT) services to assist individuals with mental health illness on the scene during their times of crisis.

Substance abuse is one of the leading underlying factors of incarcerated individuals. We are working on an inmate reentry program for individuals that suffer from addiction. These programs are designed to assist incarcerated individuals with a successful transition to their community after they are released. Improving reentry is a critical component to reducing drug use and its consequences.

Domestic violence continues to plague our society. I will hold abusers responsible for their actions while providing specialized officer training, and access to support for domestic violence victims.

Nationally, law enforcement conduct has been under scrutiny for several years. In reviewing the in-custody deaths that have sparked controversy and protest, which of them do you believe are potentially examples of police misconduct, and which of them do you think the police conduct might be justified?
Based solely on information reported through the media, it appears that the in-custody death of George Floyd in Minnesota represents an example of excessive force and police misconduct. Conversely, in the recent incident in Philadelphia in the death of Walter Wallace Jr., again, based solely on reported media, it would appear that the amount of force used was justified.

I would like to emphasize that before any final determinations can be made regarding any such incident, the entire evidence and factual information needs to be presented through our judicial system.  

You attended the March for Justice in Batavia over the summer. Some of your deputies have been critical of your attendance. Why did you think it important to attend this event?
As Sheriff of Genesee County, I represent ALL the citizens of our county. I welcomed the opportunity to listen to the concerns presented by individuals regarding policing and changes that may be needed. I believe that open exchange and discussions between citizens and law enforcement officials are critical to maintaining a free and fair society. It is an ever-changing world, we all have to be willing to make changes needed to live peacefully and productively.

What three books first published in English since the Enlightenment has informed you, influenced you or inspired you?
While books are certainly informative, I personally find relationships to be the most influential.

I am extremely fortunate to have worked with numerous dedicated, professional law enforcement officers throughout my career. I have learned a great deal from these officers and their guidance has influenced me tremendously. Through these relationships and experiences, I’ve learned that serving in law enforcement demands courage, knowledge, and integrity.

I am inspired to provide the citizens of Genesee County with a safe environment in which to live, work, and raise their families. I receive letters, phone calls, and emails of appreciation from county residents that remind me of this purpose, and affirm the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office is doing great work.

I’m proud to serve as Sheriff for the citizens of Genesee County. I am influenced and inspired most by the dedicated men and women of the Sheriff’s Office, law enforcement and emergency service agencies who consistently go above and beyond to keep Genesee County safe.

David Krzemien

Why are you the best choice for Sheriff?
I am the best choice for Sheriff because I have passion, leadership and drive. I plan on being present and active in the county and within the Sheriff’s Office. I want to learn the inner workings of the Sheriff’s Office to make improvements and unite all employees, this includes road deputies, jail staff and dispatchers. Not only am I looking to create a better work environment for the employees of the Sheriff’s Office, but I am also looking to improve the community as a whole. I want safe and secure communities where people can be proud to raise their families. I want to close the gap between law enforcement and the community, we need to be open and honest with each other so that we can create safer communities.

If elected, what reform or changes would you undertake during your term?
If elected I plan to implement the following:

  • Front Desk Position: I want the front desk manned for the majority of the day by a public servant to take walk-in complaints. We need to be available to the public when they need our assistance and this position will help ensure those voices are heard.
  • Task Force: I want to create a team of members of the Sheriff’s Office and social work professionals in the county. This task force will respond to and follow up on domestic violence or mental health-related incidents. This team will offer support to both the victim and the aggressor to ensure each side is receiving the proper support/help they need.
  • Annual Review Panel: Internally for our annual review, I would like to create a panel to rate the employees of the Sheriff’s Office. The panel will be made up of supervision and mentors to ensure that road deputies, jail staff and dispatchers are given the proper guidance to advance their careers.
  • Use of Force Follow-up: Any time an officer has to use force in the field I want a review of the incident done shortly thereafter. By reviewing the incident we are able to learn from these scenarios, teach others, and take practical steps to ensure the safety of all moving forward.
  • Connecting to the Community: I want to hear the concerns and comments our citizens have regarding law enforcement. To open up lines of communication between the public and law enforcement will aid in understanding the expectations that each side has of the other. Communicating and connecting with the community will bridge the gap between law enforcement and the public so we can work together to fight crime and create safer communities.

Nationally, law enforcement conduct has been under scrutiny for several years. In reviewing the in-custody deaths that have sparked controversy and protest, which of them do you believe are potentially examples of police misconduct, and which of them do you think the police conduct might be justified?
To be very frank, we do not have all the facts regarding the cases that have most recently sparked controversy. I am in no position to judge what happened based on secondhand knowledge or what the media is saying. No police officer goes to work with the intent to endanger the lives of another person. Most law enforcement agencies have been looking for ways to improve or change the way they police, all of this reform may actually help that come to fruition. We need to be forward-thinking when it comes to policing and how officers are being trained as opposed to how they were trained even 10 years ago. Officer safety is just as important as the safety of the citizens, we need to work together to bring change to our communities.

You did not attend the March for Justice in Batavia over the summer. Why not? If elected and a similar event were held in Batavia again, would you attend?
I did not attend the March for Justice out of respect for those peacefully protesting. I did not want people to think I was using the event for political gain/attention. People have a right to peacefully protest and if I were to have attended I believe I would’ve detracted from the people’s message. If a similar event were held while I was Sheriff, I would attend the event to ensure everyone’s safety. I would ensure all attendees were peaceful, and if there was a threat to that peace I would take action to protect the voice of the peaceful protesters.

What three books first published in English since the Enlightenment has informed you, influenced you or inspired you?
I’ve read "Effective Police Leadership" by Thomas Baker and used the text as a source of inspiration. I enjoy reading about leadership to learn new ways to be an effective and respected leader. I also read "Capital Gaines" by Chip Gaines and was inspired by the way the author Chip followed his dreams. He had the drive and passion to overcome obstacles to become a successful entrepreneur and leader of his family. Because of his experience, he is able to lead others to be just as successful. The most recent reading I’ve done is of the NYS Penal Law and the NYS Criminal Procedures Law, specifically article 245 regarding bail reform and discovery. Being up to date on the expectations of law enforcement with regard to criminal prosecution is vital to the Sheriff’s Office. To be the best leader I can be I need to know what is necessary for prosecution and be able to educate the deputies on how to best do their job in the field to result in a favorable outcome within the court system.

Workin' on the railroad

By David Reilly

From the mid 1800s until the 1960s Batavia could rightfully be called a railroad town. With four different rail lines going through it from Walnut Street, through the Jackson / Ellicott area and across Harvester Avenue and Cedar Street, there was train traffic 24 hours a day.

Many of the local men employed by the railroads were of Irish or Italian descent. So, on a summer day along the line you could probably smell the aroma of boiling potatoes and corned beef (on the rare occasions when it could be afforded) or garlicky marinara sauce made with homegrown tomatoes wafting from open windows.

There are many former or current Batavians of a certain age (meaning old) whose parents or grandparents made their living working for one of the rail lines in some capacity. I think my grandfather was unique in that regard because in his 30-year career he worked in several varied job positions for three different railroads: the Lehigh Valley, Erie, and New York Central.

James D. Reilly was my paternal grandfather. He died in 1931, 16 years before I came along. He was born in 1870 in Mendon to Irish immigrants Patrick and Bridget Costello O'Reilly. Patrick, who was a farm laborer, and Bridget raised six children in a house about the size of today's two-car garage. The term “dirt poor” certainly applied to them -- all the way down to the earthen-floored root cellar of their tiny house.

Rochester Junction

The house was located very close to Rochester Junction, which was a stop and transfer point on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. From there some passengers would switch trains onto a spur, which went to downtown Rochester to a station now occupied by the popular Dinosaur Barbecue Restaurant on Court Street.

As today's patrons gobble down ribs and sauce-slathered brisket they might picture in their mind the chaotic hubbub of travelers in their suits, bowler hats and corseted dresses rushing to and from the steam-emitting trains.

About 1900 James D. Reilly got a job as a laborer working for the Lehigh Valley. By 1905 he had moved to the position of Towerman and worked in the interlocking tower at Rochester Junction. It was the responsibility of the men in the tower to operate the switching equipment to enable trains to change from one track to another.

Every model railroad enthusiast worth his salt (or coal) knows that each rail company had their own distinctive color scheme for their towers. The Lehigh Valley was light and dark gray, the Erie was dark green, and so on.

The Batavia tower shown in the top photo of the track gang at the Jackson and Ellicott Street crossing was eventually bought and moved to Fairport and placed next to the Erie Canal, where it now serves as the office for a canoe rental company. This is somewhat ironic because it was the boom in railroad transportation that sounded the death knell for the canal in the late 1800s.

When James was a towerman, according to the 1905 State Census and the Mendon Town Historian Diane Ham, it is likely that he was living on railroad property in a small “shanty” with his wife, Catherine Nussbaumer Reilly, whom he had married in 1904, and her elderly father George.

By 1910 James was promoted to foreman of a track crew. It was harder work but more pay. Track maintenance was backbreaking work in the blazing heat of summer and even harder in the freezing and snowy winters, but the family needed the money.

By then his father-in-law had passed away and he and my grandmother had two children, George and Margaret. They moved to a rented house still near the railroad but near what is now Clover Street in Mendon.

Moved to Batavia

In 1911 my father James Francis was born and then my aunt Katherine in 1913, both in Mendon. At this point the Reillys (the O had been dropped from their name) with a growing family had need for better housing. You can almost hear my grandmother saying to her husband, “James, I'm sick of living in shacks with all these kids! We need a house!” So, about 1915 the family moved to Batavia. Their final child, Mary, was born there in 1919.

In Batavia, James continued as a track gang foreman, but with the Erie Railroad. At first the family lived in a rented place on Wiard Street off East Main Street between Bank and Summit streets.

But sometime before 1920 he finally was able to purchase his own home at 27 Cedar St. The house wasn't large, but had three bedrooms and two floors, which must have seemed like a mansion to someone who grew up in what was little more than a shack.

The house was directly adjacent to the four tracks of the New York Central Railroad. Chugging and hissing steam engine trains passed by at all hours of the day and night, plus they lived next to a crossing so whistles had to be blown on every approach.

This cacophony of sound might have bothered some people, but the Reillys were used to it and slept like proverbial babies.

Their next-door neighbor was Marty O' Brien, another Irish immigrant and also a railroad employee. Back in those days, crossing gates had to be raised and lowered manually and that was Marty's job, so he just had to walk past Reilly's house to his work shanty by the tracks. Marty played the violin and would bring memories of faraway Ireland with his tunes.

Cedar Street was the ideal place for railroad employees to live because the tracks of four rails -- Erie, New York Central, Peanut and Lehigh Valley -- all bisected that road at some point. But, since three of the railroads crossed Cedar at street level (the Lehigh had a bridge) traffic could be held up interminably -- horse-drawn wagons and later automobiles.

Union Man

James was a loyal union man and paid dues of $3.50 every six months to The United Brotherhood of Maintenance and Way Employes (sic) who were affiliates with the American Federation of Labor (AFL).

This union membership paid off for him when sometime between 1920 and 1925 he sustained a serious leg injury on the job. Apparently, a section of track was inadvertently dropped on his limb causing a severe enough injury so as to make it impossible to continue on the track crew.

However, the union stepped in to make sure their brother and his family would be provided for by arranging a transfer to the New York Central Railroad. In the late 1800s that railroad had built and staffed a nursery in Batavia for the purpose of growing and providing plants and flowers for all the grounds of NYC Stations between Buffalo and Syracuse. 

James was assigned to that nursery to raise and care for the flowers as it was a less strenuous task for a man with a debilitating condition, but one that continued to enable him to earn a salary.

The End of the Line

Unfortunately, my grandfather was stubborn about his medical care, as it seems many men were in that time, and he refused to see a doctor on a regular basis. In 1931 he developed sepsis (blood poisoning) due to continued infection in his leg.

He passed away at the age of 61 in his home on Cedar Street next to railroad tracks that had been a part of his life for 30 years.

It is a fanciful notion, but it gives comfort to think that perhaps as James D. Reilly passed from this life a lonesome whistle blew on a passing train signaling the end of shift for a hard-working railroad man.

Epilogue: Even though James D. Reilly had passed away, the house at 27 Cedar St. remained a part of the Reilly family for almost 60 more years. In 1939 his wife Catherine, my grandmother, also died there.

Their son George, my uncle, married in the early 1940s and purchased a house up the street at 5 Cedar St. He and his wife, Helen, lived there until the 1980s when he passed away.

James' and Catherine's daughters, Catherine and Margaret (my aunts Kate and Peg) never married and lived at 27 Cedar until 1990. Neither of them ever had a driver's license but they both managed to work at the P. W. Minor Shoe Factory on State Street for more than 40 years.

My brothers and I spent many an hour and night at our aunts' house. We could always count on two Christmases, two Easters, and two Halloweens, courtesy of aunts Kate and Peg who fondly (and embarrassingly) called each of us “Honey Boy."

The New York Central was moved farther down Cedar Street in the late 1950s when the tracks became an interference with traffic in the City of Batavia. You could certainly still hear the sounds of the trains, but it no longer seemed that they were barreling right through the living room.

In 1989 Kate died and soon thereafter Peg went to a nursing home. The contents of the longtime Reilly home were disposed of at auction and the house was sold. It was the end of a 75-year era of Reillys at 27 Cedar St. in Batavia. 

Top photo: Track crew at the intersection of the Erie and New York Central railroads in Batavia circa early 1900s, from the Dan Orr Collection courtesy of the Holland Land Office Museum.

Photo below: James D. Reilly, right, his daughter Mary Reilly and an unidentified man sitting outside a railroad crossing guard shanty in Batavia in the early 1920s. Courtesy of Dave Reilly.

Below: Interlocking tower at Rochester Junction in the early 1900s, courtesy of Diane Ham, Town of Mendon historian.

Bottom, postcard of New York Central Railroad Station in Batavia in the early 1900s, courtesy of the Holland Land Office Museum.

GC treasurer and former legislature chairman endorse Sheron for Sheriff

By Press Release

Submitted photo and press release:

Sheriff William A. Sheron Jr. receives endorsements from Genesee County Treasurer Scott German (top photo, right) and former Genesee County Legislature Chair Robert Bausch.


From Scott D. German, Genesee County Treasurer:

I have known Sheriff Sheron for about 25 years and know him to be a true law enforcement professional.  Sheriff Sheron had the opportunity to learn from the best, from the retired Sheriff Gary T. Maha, whom Bill had the pleasure to work for as Undersheriff for 21 years. Sheriff Sheron has 43 years of law enforcement experience working for the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, the last four as our Sheriff.  

Bill knows our Genesee County community, and he knows how to keep us safe at an economical cost to the taxpayers.  For the past 17 years as County Treasurer, I have worked with Bill regarding the finances of the Sheriff’s Office. He is acutely aware of the costs of law enforcement on the taxpayers, and he does keep that in mind when making decisions. Under Sheriff Sheron’s leadership, the department has continued to be in compliance of all 110 standards and has continued to be an accredited department since 2000.

Sheriff Sheron merits another four-year term as Genesee County Sheriff, and I fully endorse him for this position. Please join me in voting for William A. Sheron Jr. for another term as our Sheriff.


From former Genesee County Legislature Chair Robert Bausch:

As a former Genesee County Legislature Chair, Legislator, and Chair of the Ways and Means Committee, I worked with Bill in his capacity as Undersheriff and Sheriff on a very real-time basis.   

Without a doubt, he is very professional, experienced and strongly committed to the safety and welfare of the citizens of Genesee County and our many visitors.  His foresight and desire to continually improve all areas of responsibility of the Sheriff’s Office is commendable.  

Bill Sheron has earned, and deserves, our support on Election Day.

Remember: City fire reminds residents, with time change, change your batteries

By Press Release

Press release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department joins fire departments nationwide in promoting the annual “Change Your Clock, Change Your Battery” campaign on Sunday, Nov. 1. Fire Chief Stefano Napolitano encourages all residents to adopt the simple, life-saving habit of changing smoke alarm batteries when they change their clocks back from daylight savings time to standard time.

“It’s an easy, inexpensive, and proven way to protect your family and your home,” Chief Napolitano said. “Plus with winter quickly approaching and most everyone turning their heating systems on, it also makes this an ideal time to make sure your heating system is working properly. This is a great opportunity to check your carbon monoxide detectors as well.”

Today’s home fires grow in size faster than ever, typically allowing as little as one to two minutes to escape a home fire from the time the smoke alarm sounds, due to current home furnishings burning faster and producing more toxic gases and smoke. One thing that is instrumental in reducing deaths is to close doors to prevent the fire from spreading and to facilitate escape.

Almost two-thirds of home fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with either no smoke alarms or non-working smoke alarms. Smoke alarm failures usually result from missing or dead batteries or disconnected wires. The peak time for home fire fatalities is between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. when most families are sleeping; a working smoke alarm provides the critical extra time needed to get out safely.

According to the NFPA, the maximum life cycle of a smoke alarm is 10 years from the date of manufacture, not the date of installation. Beginning in 2002, all smoke alarms must have a manufacture date marked on the outside of the smoke alarm. If your smoke alarm does not have a manufacture date or if you’ve had it for more than 10 years, it needs to be replaced.

The City of Batavia Fire Department recommends purchasing smoke alarms with 10-year lithium batteries. All smoke alarms should be tested monthly.

"The City of Batavia Fire Department has a free smoke alarm installation program,” Chief Napolitano said. “If you do not have a smoke detector or if you are unsure the batteries are working properly, members of the City of Batavia Fire Department will come to your home and ensure that you have a working smoke detector, absolutely free of charge. Call (585) 345-6375 to set up an in-home appointment.”

Photo by Howard Owens.

Photos: Le Roy children pick pumpkins from patch

By Howard B. Owens

Today was pumpkin patch day for students at Wolcott School in Le Roy.  Students walked through the patch and picked their own personal pumpkins to take home.

Genesee Community College eliminates six, doesn't renew seven full-time positions

By Mike Pettinella

Genesee Community College has cut 13 full-time jobs -- a move necessitated by the adverse impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the two-year college’s financial picture, an official of the two-year institution said today.

“We did have some full-time positions that were not renewed or retrenched,” said Justin Johnston, vice president of Development & External Affairs. “Notice was given today but it doesn’t take place until the end of December. Thirteen positions.”

Johnston said that six of those positions are traditional faculty members and seven are non-teaching administrative employees. He would not disclose the specific job titles.

“These individuals will continue to work in their roles for the next two months and may seek employment elsewhere, so we cannot comment on personnel matters on an individual level,” he said. “Seven folks’ positions will not be renewed, which is part of our process that we follow in a regular union model, and six of the positions are being eliminated.”

This latest action comes on the heels of the summer layoff of 27 part-timers at the college, which previously had enacted measures in reaction to reduced funding and revenue triggered by COVID-19.

Five-Step Plan in Place

“We had a five-step plan to respond to the pandemic and the associated budgetary impact,” said Johnston, who moved into his position nine months ago. “The decline in funding that we’ve received has necessitated this plan and this is going back to the beginning.”

He mentioned an across-the-board pay freeze -- management, confidential and our union positions – and “sizeable reductions in our operating budget, given the move to lessen the effect on personnel.”

“So, although ultimately we did have those 13 positions eliminated, it was greatly reduced from what it might have been had we not done that,” he offered. “We took proactive measures to curb spending early on and those aggressive measures were part of our plan to balance the budget the best that we could.”

Noting that GCC hasn’t been immune to the effects of the pandemic, he disagreed with the contention that the college’s financial situation wasn’t very good prior to mid-March.

“To my knowledge, our financial position was strong prior to the pandemic. This was a disruption that really no one could have predicted,” he said.

President: Drastic Measures Taken

GCC President James Sunser, when addressing the Genesee County Legislature in June, said the college took “painful” measures -- retrenchments, pay freezes, deferral of capital projects and supply purchases, and the use of $2 million in reserves -- to reach the $38.1 million budget that was submitted to the state.

At that time, he indicated that the cuts announced today, which affect the unionized faculty/administrative group, were part of the management's plan.

Genesee Educational Association President Karyn S. Bryson said the union knew these notices were coming because it has been working with GCC administration since May on finding a solution to the SUNY funding gap.

Calling it a “difficult day when jobs are cut,” Bryson said the union is concerned about the long-term funding issues and noted that today’s cuts were distributed among all levels of employees.

Union Rep: Provisions Will Help

“GEA (which represents both faculty and staff) did everything possible to minimize the number of members retrenched, including agreeing to a wage freeze for the 2020-21 academic year, but it wasn't enough to save everyone's job,” she said. “We sincerely wish it had been enough. Our contract is strong, and there are some provisions which will assist some of the affected employees going forward. We wish nothing but the best for our colleagues in the future.”

Bryson is the director of Paralegal Studies at GCC.

Johnston said that management has no plans to make further retrenchments in 2020-21 as long as “the funding models and the enrollment models trend as we expect them to.”

He acknowledged the anguish of having to eliminate so many positions.

“It’s certainly not something that we had planned to do. It’s just a result of the environment that we’re in so we can continue to forge ahead for the success of our students,” he said.

Johnston commented on other aspects, as follows:

  • Instruction: “We are primarily virtual (online learning). We do have some on-campus course work but only until Thanksgiving and that’s in compliance with the State of New York (SUNY) guidelines.” After Thanksgiving, all virtual learning.
  • Enrollment: “The college is sitting at a 10-percent decrease right now, with the actual Fall 2020 numbers fluctuating at plus or minus 10 percent. We are fortunate that we’ve stayed fairly close to last year given the pandemic.” GCC’s full- and part-time enrollment during the Fall 2019 semester was 5,324. Tuition for 2020-21 for New York State residents is $4,550.
  • Possible elimination of programs: “I can’t really speak to that piece. The process of program determination is something that plays out over a number of years. If you were to eliminate a program, it gets taught for several years following to ensure that all the current students within it can complete it.”

Health officials: adhere to gathering restrictions, social distancing guidelines, wear masks

By Press Release

Press release:

With the recent increase in positive cases of COVID-19 and reports of various events occurring it is important to remember there are still restrictions in place due to COVID-19. The State has set in place orders on the importance of physical and social distancing to limit the spread of this novel coronavirus that impacts people differently.

In some situations distancing is not being followed and has led to the spread of COVID-19. Through contact tracing and investigating cases it has been made apparent social distancing guidelines were not followed. Recently a wedding, with more than 100 people in attendance, impacted at least nine counties across the state. This event has led to no less than 30 people testing positive so far, between guests and other secondary contacts from one event.

With Halloween and Dia de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) this weekend, it is important to remember to minimize exposure through keeping with smaller gatherings and social distancing. The more people a person is in contact with and for longer periods of time the greater the risk of being exposed to and transmitting COVID-19.

If you are sick, experiencing COVID-19 or flu symptoms, are in isolation or quarantine, do NOT participate in any holiday activities until you are cleared and symptom free. Limiting social contact is challenging for many people but there are still ways to be in contact without being in their physical presence. Consider having your "gatherings" over social media platforms. You can still connect and have fun in the safety and comfort of your own home.

If you do choose to participate in various activities, make sure they are outdoors and you have no more than 50 people total in attendance. Everyone is recommended to wear face masks/coverings to minimize exposure.

In order to move forward safely it is important to follow the restrictions placed by the state. If our COVID-19 positive cases increase the Governor may tighten the restrictions if our counties become a micro-cluster.

With more holidays approaching as well as dealing with the flu and COVID-19 it is more important than ever to be diligent in our safety efforts. We appreciate your cooperation.

One new case of COVID-19 reported today in Genesee County

By Press Release

Press release:

New Cases – As of 2 p.m. 

  • Genesee County received one new positive case of COVID-19.
    • The new positive case resides in Pembroke.
    • The individual is in their 60s.
    • The individual was on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Nine new individuals are on precautionary quarantine due to travel from restricted states.
    • Two of the positive individuals are hospitalized. 
    • Genesee County was informed yesterday, Oct. 29, that a student at the Le Roy Junior/Senior High School has tested positive for COVID-19. Last day the student was in the school was Tuesday, Oct. 27. All contacts have been identified and have been placed under mandatory quarantine.


    • Orleans County received one new positive case of COVID-19.


    • The new positive case resides in Gaines.
    • The individual is in their 50s.
    • The individual was not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
    • Nine new individuals are on precautionary quarantine due to travel from restricted states.
    • Three of the previous positive individuals have recovered and have been removed from the isolation list.
    • One of the positive individuals is hospitalized.

HEAP opens Monday for all new applicants

By Press Release

Press release:

The Home Energy Assistance Program -- HEAP -- opens Monday, Nov. 2, for all new applicants.

Each year, Genesee County Office for the Aging assists older adults and persons with disabilities with HEAP applications.

This year, it is strongly recommended that you apply online at If you do not have a computer or lack to skills to apply online, you may pick up a blank application in the front entryway of our building.

If you need assistance or have questions about filling out the application, please call 343-1611 for a phone appointment. Once you have completed your application, you can either drop off or mail it in to our location, 2 Bank St. in Downtown Batavia.

Please remember to include all necessary documentation and identification for all household members.

UPDATED: American Legion in Le Roy invites all to observe Veterans Day ceremony Nov. 11 at Trigon Park

By Press Release

Press release:

“The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month...”

The American Legion Botts-Fiorito Post #576 in Le Roy will observe the annual Veterans Day program as per custom on Wednesday, Nov. 11th at 11 a.m. at the Trigon Memorial Park.

Personnel will assemble at 10:45 at the Trigon Park Soldiers Monument, with the program beginning at 11 a.m. sharp!

Highlights of the program will include readings by Post Commander David Rumsey and Auxiliary President Chris Stewart that will commemorate the significance of the day. This will be followed by a remembrance prayer offered by Chaplain Gary Bassett.

The ceremony will conclude by a placement of the wreath on the Memorial, a volley by the Post Firing Squad and playing of “Taps."

Immediately following the formal ceremony, all are invited to the American Legion hall for refreshments. It is located at 53 W. Main St. in the Village of Le Roy.

UPDATED today, Oct. 30, 2:57 p.m.: Please note that per Gov. Andrew Cuomo's Executive Orders, gathering restrictions are still limited to 50 people. In addition masking and social distancing requirements will be adhered to.


A Reminder: There is a Difference!

  • Armed Forces Day -- The third Saturday of each May -- honors those serving.
  • Memorial Day -- The last Monday of each May -- remembers those who died while serving.
  • Veterans Day -- The 11th day of each November -- honors those who served.

UPDATED: Schedule of ceremonies for Veterans Day 2020 in Batavia and GC Park & Forest

By Press Release

From William R. Joyce, director, Genesee County Veterans Service Agency:

Veterans Day Ceremonies Schedule for Wednesday, Nov. 11

9 a.m. -- Genesee Co. Park (Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter #193)
10 a.m. -- Batavia VA Medical Center
10:15 a.m. -- NYS Veterans' Home
11 a.m. -- Upton Monument in Downtown Batavia 
11:30 a.m. -- Jerome Center (UMMC) Monument

Organizations participating: Veterans of Foreign Wars of Genesee County; Genesee County American Legions; Disabled American Veterans – Chapter #166; Marine Corps League – Hansen Brothers Detachment; Vietnam Veterans of America – Chapter #193.

UPDATED today, Oct. 30, 2:48 p.m.: Please note that per Gov. Andrew Cuomo's Executive Orders, gathering restrictions are still limited to 50 people. In addition masking and social distancing requirements will be adhered to.

GCEDC Board adopts adopts policy with incentives and criteria for multifamily rentals and housing projects

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Economic Development Center Board of Directors formally adopted a Phase 1 Housing Policy at the agency’s meeting on Oct. 29. The Phase 1 policy establishes incentives and criteria for multifamily rental/market-rate and multifamily rental/affordable housing projects.

The Phase 1 Housing Policy is the result of the findings from a study and assessment of Genesee County’s housing stock conducted by LaBella Associates in 2018 and an economic development strategic assessment of Genesee County conducted by the Rockefeller Institute of Government in 2019.

Among the key findings of both assessments:

  • Genesee County has an extremely aged housing stock with an average median age of 73+ years;
  • There is a marketplace demand demand/need for approximately 4,800 new housing units, market-rate apartments, and owner-occupied units $100,000+;
  • Grants and/or incentives should be provided to promote new housing construction;
  • Incentives should be created to spur investment in the housing stock.
  • Failure to meet market housing demand will negatively impact economic development, including potential out-migration of current residents.

“I want to thank and acknowledge the great work of the members of the GCEDC Housing Committee, including our Housing Committee Chair Paul Battaglia that took a methodical approach in developing this policy,” said GCEDC President and CEO Steve Hyde. “It is irrefutable that there is a demand in the marketplace for new housing and if we do not address the supply there will be negative economic impacts.”

The GCEDC Phase 1 Housing Policy would offer property tax exemptions for new construction and/or rehabilitation of multifamily rental market rate and affordable housing projects; sales tax exemptions for the purchase of construction materials, equipment rentals and purchases; and mortgage tax exemptions. These are the typical incentives available through the GCEDC for projects across the county.

“The members of the Housing Committee and the GCEDC Board recognize that housing is an integral part of economic development, including the demand among employers who are concerned about being able to attract new workers as they expand their operations because of a lack of quality housing near their workplaces,” Battaglia said.

“We are confident in the review by our legal counsel that we can begin to offer these incentives to developers to improve the County’s housing stock and we are excited about moving forward to get some projects started.”

David Saleh, dedicated attorney, judge, civic leader, succumbs to cancer

By Mike Pettinella

David J. Saleh, well-known attorney, judge and community volunteer, died on Thursday after a short battle with brain cancer, leaving behind many heartbroken colleagues and friends. He was 67 years old.

“As my former partner (with Oshlag, Saleh & Earl), Dave was an excellent attorney in all areas of the law, and especially liked the challenge of criminal law and criminal trials,” said Kevin Earl, current Genesee County attorney, as he fought back the tears. “More importantly, he was an outstanding human being – very involved in his community through civic activities.”

Saleh lived in the Village of Corfu for many years before relocating to the city in 2013. Last December, he was appointed as part-time City Court judge, filling the vacancy created by former part-time Justice Durin Rogers’ election to the full-time post.

Both Rogers and Paula L. Feroleto, administrative judge of the Eighth Judicial District in Buffalo, expressed their sadness at Saleh’s passing.

“The City of Batavia and our community have experienced a great loss,” Rogers said. “I will very much miss my friend and colleague Judge David Saleh. Judge Saleh had a passion for the law and was highly regarded by his friends and colleagues on the bench and bar.

“He strove to be just and compassionate, treating people who came before him with fairness. I learned from him both as an attorney and a judge. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.”

Feroleto said that the “judges and nonjudicial employees at Batavia City Court and the Genesee County Courthouse will very much miss Judge Saleh.”

“During his brief tenure as a Batavia City Court Judge, he was a diligent, hard-working jurist,” she said. “He enjoyed a reputation of being kind to the staff at the court. Despite experiencing personal health challenges, he continued his work on the bench to serve the public in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. He was a consummate professional and will be missed by the Court.”

Prior to accepting the city judge position, Saleh served as the City of Batavia Republican Committee chair.

“Dave was just a great asset to this community, and not only respected by Republicans, but also by many of our Democratic friends,” said Richard Siebert, chairman of the Genesee County Republican Party. “He was so dedicated – fund raising for the party and instrumental in getting great candidates for the City of Batavia.”

Siebert said he was impressed by Saleh’s dedication to any cause that he supported.

“He was so active. Some people get in and then get out, but when Dave got into something, he stuck with it,” said Siebert, also mentioning that Saleh was a well-respected attorney and served as party chairman for the Town of Batavia for many years.

Saleh had been a lawyer for more than 40 years, with experience in various disciplines, including being both a defense attorney and prosecutor as well as practicing corporate and municipal law.

Saleh, vice president/general counsel for Inlighten Inc., of Clarence, also was involved in several community and civic organizations, including president of the Batavia Lions Club and was recognized for his volunteer efforts to support the residents of Corfu.

In September, he was honored by the Village of Corfu with the dedication of a new bench at the village hall.

As indicated in a story on The Batavian, Saleh used his legal expertise to help the village and the volunteer fire department. In 1995, he helped lead the effort to create a fire district to support the department and relieve the village of the expense. He's volunteered with the department for more than 40 years.

Three months earlier, Corfu volunteer firefighters supported Saleh in his fight against cancer by conducting a parade past his home and showing off their new fire engine tanker.

Telephone calls to Corfu Mayor Tom Sargent for comment on Saleh’s passing were not returned at the time of the posting of this story.

Saleh is survived by his wife, Elizabeth, and four children. His obituary can be found by clicking on the Obituaries tab at the top of this page.

Genesee County is participating in statewide Halloween crackdown on impaired driving

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Genesee County STOP-DWI coordinator announced that the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office and the Village of Le Roy Police Department are participating in the special enforcement effort to crackdown on impaired driving.

Halloween is meant to be scary, but not when it comes to driving. When it comes to drunk driving, Halloween can turn the roads into a horror fest. While we spend time trick-or-treating and hosting parties with our loved ones, law enforcement officers across New York State are taking to the roads in an effort to stop impaired driving, prevent injuries and save lives.

The statewide STOP-DWI Crackdown efforts starts today, Oct. 30, and will end on Sunday, Nov. 1. State Police, County Sheriff and municipal law enforcement agencies across the state will be out in force.

Research shows that high-visibility enforcement can reduce impaired driving fatalities by as much as 20 percent. Sobriety checkpoints play a key part in raising awareness about the problem. 

The STOP-DWI Halloween Weekend Crackdown is one of many statewide enforcement initiatives promoted by STOP-DWI NY and the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee. Throughout the remainder of the year. the Statewide STOP-DWI Crackdown Campaign will also target Thanksgiving and the national holiday season in December.

While STOP-DWI efforts across New York have led to significant reductions in the numbers of alcohol and drug related fatalities, still too many lives are being lost because of crashes caused by drunk or impaired drivers. Highly visible, highly publicized efforts like the STOP-DWI Crackdown Campaign aim to further reduce the incidence of drunk and impaired driving. 

You can help to make a difference by having a sober plan. Download the mobile app – “Have a Plan” -- and you will always be able to find a safe ride home Impaired driving is completely preventable. All it takes is a little planning. Have a safe and happy Halloween Weekend.

Steady stream of early voters keeping poll workers busy at County Building #2

By Howard B. Owens

Turnout during early voting has been much higher than anticipated, said Election Commissioner Lorie Longhany.

More than 10 percent of Genesee County's 40,567 registered voters have shown up at the polling station inside County Building #2 on West Main Street, she said.

There isn't yet available a breakdown of how many voters from each party of turned out so far.

A poll worker told us yesterday that voters seem to like the early voting option and Longhany said that's the feedback she's been hearing.

"Yes, it does seem to be very popular and even when there is a line, the voters seem to be patient and courteous," Longhany said.

Corfu hosts Autumn in the Village Saturday afternoon

By Billie Owens

The Village of Corfu and Better Corfu Committee will be having an Autumn in the Village event from 2 to 6 p.m. on Halloween -- Saturday, Oct. 31st.

Tarot card readings, paintings, handmade items by several local artists. And of course, trick-or-treating, which will start at 5 p.m. There will be a spooky Haunted House at 44 Alleghany Road.

Walk around the village and see the scarecrows. There will be a Story Walk at the Corfu Free Library.

Visit the Village of Corfu website for more details.

Food by Center Street Smoke House BBQ, Dubby’s Wood Fired Pizza and Dilcher’s snacks and more.

All are welcome to this fun and safe autumn event!

Public hearing on Genesee County's tentative 2021 budget scheduled for Nov. 4

By Mike Pettinella

Public Notice

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Genesee County Legislature will meet at the Genesee County Old Courthouse, 7 Main St., Batavia, New York on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 6 p.m. for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing on the Tentative Genesee County Budget for 2021.

Further Notice is hereby given that a copy of said Tentative Budget will be available in the Office of the Clerk of the Legislature, 7 Main St., Batavia, New York where it may be inspected by any interested person.

Pursuant to Section 359 of the County Law, the maximum salaries that may be fixed and payable during said fiscal year to members of the Genesee County Legislature and to the Chair, thereof, are hereby specified as follows:

Members of the Legislature $12,606 each

Chair of the Legislature $16,835

Pamela LaGrou, Clerk
Genesee County Legislature
Oct. 29, 2020

Law and Order: Man accused of driving wrong way on one-way street charged with pair of felony DWIs

By Billie Owens

Glennder J. Velez, 24, of Moulson Street, Rochester, is charged with: felony driving while intoxicated -- with a BAC greater than .08 percent; felony DWI -- common law; aggravated unlicensed operation in the first degree; driving in the wrong direction on a one-way street; operating a motor vehicle without an ignition interlock device. Velez was arrested at 8:14 p.m. on Oct. 23 on North Spruce Street in the city following a traffic stop. He was processed by Batavia police and is due in Batavia City Court on Jan. 6. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Cowen Mitchell, assisted by Officer Adam Tucker.

Joel Morales Cruz, 46, of Swan Street, Batavia is charged with: speeding; illegal turn signal -- made less than 100 feet from turn; failure to notify a change of home address; driving while intoxicated -- first offense; and operation of a motor vehicle while having a BAC of .08 percent or more. Batavia Police Officer Nicole McGinnis stopped Morales Cruz for allegedly speeding on Oak Street in Batavia at 4:38 a.m. Oct. 25. He was put through field sobriety tests, resulting in his arrested. He was processed then released with an appearance ticket for Jan. 26 in Batavia City Court. Batavia Police Officer Connor Borchert assisted in the case.

Russell J. Hamilton, 30, of Myrtle Street, Le Roy, was arrested and charged with second-degree criminal contempt on Oct. 26. The arrest follows an investigation of a violation of an order of protection that occurred at 1:19 p.m. on Oct. 21, when Hamilton allegedly sent the protected party a text message. He was released with an appearance ticket returnable to Batavia City Court on Jan. 26. Batavia Police Officer Sean Wilson handled the case.

Donald V. Notaro Jr., 22, of Deumant Terrace, Tonawanda, is charged with operating a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs -- first offense, and operating a motor vehicle with an inadequate headlight. Notaro was arrested after a traffic stop on East Main Street in Batavia at 11:45 p.m. on July 3. He was processed at Batavia Police Department and issued traffic tickets to be in Batavia City Court on Jan. 26. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Wesley Rissinger, assisted by Officer Joshua Girvin.

Russell J. Hamilton, 30, of Myrtle Street, Le Roy, is charged with second-degree criminal contempt. At 4:58 p.m. on Oct. 26, Hamilton was arrested after an investigation allegedly revealed he violated a stay away order of protection by being at the the protected person's home on Dellinger Avenue in Batavia. He was arraigned in Batavia City Court and put in jail on $2,000 cash bail, $4,000 bond, or $8,000 partially secured bond. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer John Gombos, assisted by Officer Christopher Lindsay.

Jamie L. Soto, 45, of West Main Street, Batavia, is charged with first-degree criminal contempt. Soto was arrested at 3:19 p.m. on Oct. 25 after an investigation revealed Soto violated a stay away order of protection by allegedly having physical contact with the protected party. Soto was arraigned in Batavia City Court and jailed without bail. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer John Gombos, assisted by Sgt. Dan Coffey.

Rosemary R. Waters, 34, of East Main Street, Batavia, is charged with having an unregistered motor vehicle and driving while ability impaired by drugs. Waters was arrested on Dellinger Avenue in the City of Batavia at 3:23 a.m. on Aug. 17. She is due in Batavia City Court on Jan. 20. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Samuel Freeman, assisted by Officer John Gombos.

Jose Garcia, 35, of South Main Street, Batavia, is charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief. He was arrested after an investigation of an incident that occurred at 10:19 a.m. on Oct. 23 on South Main Street. Garcia is accused of kicking and damaging the front door of a residence. He was issued an appearance ticket then released. He is due in Batavia City Court on Nov. 10. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Stephen Cronmiller, assisted by Officer Kevin DeFelice.

Brandon C. Dodd, 33, of Highland Park, Batavia, is accused of petit larceny. He was arrested Oct. 23 following an investigation of a larceny that occurred at 2:56 p.m. on Oct. 19 at Tops Friendly Market in Batavia. Dodd was released with an appearance ticket for Jan. 12 in Batavia City Court. The case was handled by Batavia Police Officer Adam Tucker, assisted by Officer Freeman Samuel.

Jacobs calls on governor to release funding to local governments

By Press Release

Press release:

Congressman Chris Jacobs (NY-27) held a press conference this morning to highlight the critical need for additional state and local COVID-19 relief funding. He was joined by NYS Senate Minority Leader Rob Ortt, Assemblyman Mike Norris, Niagara County Legislature Chair Rebecca Wydysh, and Orleans County Legislature Chair Lynne Johnston. 

"Our small rural governments are struggling and facing severe cuts to first responders, education, hospitals, and other critical services unless additional aid is provided to them," Jacobs said.

"I am working tirelessly to ensure they are supported, and that is why I proudly cosponsored the SMART Act to deliver $500 billion in relief, specifically $161 billion to county and municipal governments that have been hardest hit by COVID-19 revenue loss and expenses."

"The state's Division of Budget is currently withholding 3 billion dollars in COVID-19 recovery funds, a third of which could be immediately distributed to the smaller counties of our state that did not receive assistance previously," Ortt said.

"By releasing this funding, the Governor could provide much-needed support to our counties, towns, villages, and cities, these counties and municipalities that are struggling to maintain vital services due to the economic impacts of the COVID pandemic." 

“I commend Congressman Jacobs for supporting the SMART Act to assist municipalities recover during COVID-19," Assemblyman Norris said. "It is very important that this proposal gets enacted to assist counties like Niagara and Orleans to directly receive funding to help taxpayers and small businesses rebuild."

"The pandemic has wreaked havoc on the local economies of all counties across New York State, large and small, and as such, all counties should have received a share of CARES Act dollars,” Wydysh said. "We do not begrudge the fact that Erie County received funding, and quite frankly, they have done some great things like grants to small businesses that we would emulate.

"That is why I join with Congressman Jacobs and my colleagues in calling on New York State to release CARES dollars that are still sitting in Albany to counties like Niagara that so far have received nothing."

"I am calling on Governor Cuomo to release CARES Act funds to our rural counties. Each day that he stalls forces smaller counties to make difficult decisions," Johnson said.

In NY-27, Monroe County and Erie County received CARES Act funding because they met the population threshold of over 500,000 residents. With this funding these counties were able to launch programs to aid towns and small businesses.

Meanwhile, smaller counties, including Orleans and Niagara, have received little to no funding. The SMART Act would send one-third of the $500 billion ($161 billion) directly to local governments based on revenue loss, population size, and COVID-19 caseload.

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