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Porter Farms carries on tradition of offering locally grown, organic produce to residents throughout WNY

By Mike Pettinella

The day-to-day operations manager at Porter Farms in the Town of Elba is determined to make all of Western New York aware of the substantial benefits of local farm markets and Community Supported Agriculture programs.

“I think that we all know that after COVID, we can’t rely on big box stores for everything that we need,” Kathy Riggs-Allen, a longtime Elba resident said today at the retail store and CSA processing site at 4911 Edgerton Road.

 “You’ve got something like this right in your backyard. Whether it’s us, or Torrey’s Farm Market on (Route) 98 and Underhill's in Elba or Harrington’s in Batavia. You have these awesome things right in our area.”

Today was CSA pickup day at Porter Farms, which, for 25 years, has forged relationships with consumers who support the farm by purchasing memberships and, in return, receiving a bag of produce each week during the 22-week or so growing season.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Agriculture Library, CSA consists of a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation so that the farmland becomes, either legally or spiritually, the community's farm -- with the growers and consumers providing mutual support and sharing the risks and benefits of food production.

Per the USDA, through these memberships the farmer receives advance working capital, gains financial security, earns better crop prices, and benefits from the direct marketing plan.

Riggs-Allen reported that membership in the CSA at Porter Farms currently is at approximately 450 members, with around 250 from the Buffalo area, 100 from the Rochester area and another 100 local residents.

She said that a full share costs around $20 a week while a half share (a little more than half of what is in the bag for a full share) costs around $15 a week, with memberships paid in advance.

All of the produce in the bag is organic, grown on the more than 500 acres owned by the Porter family.

“Every Saturday morning, we bag and retrieve produce for our members,” Riggs-Allen said. “For the Buffalo area members, we have divided them into about 17 different groups – with letters on the wall that indicate the (street or town) location. If there’s 13 people in your group, you take turns and you can drive out here – usually twice a season – and pick up the bags for everyone in that group. From there, you would take it to a pickup site where everyone in that group would come to that pickup site to get their bag.”

The Rochester area members are divided into five pickup sites, she said.

“For them, we load a truck first thing every Saturday morning, and the truck drops off the produce at those five sites, and the people in those groups go to their sites to pick up,” she explained. “Anybody can come to the farm and pick their share up. If you want to come every week, that’s great. If you don’t, you can be assigned to a group.”

Riggs-Allen said the farm is looking to grow the CSA, which at one time had more than 1,000 members.

She said samples of the vegetables that are being picked that particular week are available at the retail store.

This week’s bag contains potted oregano, white onions, baby romaine lettuce, cucumbers, pickling cucumbers, yellow squash, zucchini and purple kohlrabi (the name kohlrabi is German for “cabbage turnip”).

Ruth Miller, of West Barre, part of a family of retired dairy farmers, said she has been a CSA member for five years and appreciates “the food and the fellowship.”

“(I support) the idea of group, community farming. We’re farmers as well, so we understand the business and kudos to these people who are doing this,” she said, adding that the fact that the vegetables are organic is important.

“There’s a process that farms have to go through to be certified organic – and it is quite a process. No use of chemicals or contaminated seeds. No herbicides or pesticides,” she noted.

Riggs-Allen said another key factor in the organic process for vegetables is crop rotation.

“We can’t fertilize and put nutrients back into the soil with fertilizers so we have to use additional crops that put those nutrients back in,” she advised. “Crops such as beans and peas take a lot of nitrates out of the ground, so wherever you plant those one year, you want to be put a cover crop that’s going to repopulate those nitrates into the ground.”

Elba resident Bill Kauffman, a 20-year CSA member, said the program has given him a new appreciation of produce.

“I was somewhat vegetable averse,” he said, but over time he indicated that he has grown to love zucchini.

“I’m the world’s worst baker, but last night I made zucchini cake – and it was edible. This has expanded my vegetable horizons, but there still are certain ‘no go’ areas like kohlrabi,” he joked.

Kauffman added that the Porters “are a wonderful family and they have created something beautiful and enduring here; I’m happy to be a little part of it.”

The family also owns a certified organic orchard of Asian pears and apples on Route 262 and rents additional farmland in the area.

Vegetables grown include tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumber, Swiss chard, broccoli, cauliflower, varieties of lettuce, onion, leek, winter squash, beets, peas and other greens.

At the recently opened retail store, the Porters sell all-natural Angus ground beef and lamb, produced from the livestock raised on their farm, as well as herbs, local honey and syrup, baked goods and other items.

The farm was started in 1956 by the late Carlton “Jack” Porter Jr. and carried on by his sons, Steve and Mike, who also have passed away.

Currently, Debbie Porter owns the farm, with Katie Porter-Metzler and Emily Porter-Swarner as key contributors to the operation and CSA program.

The retail store is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Wednesdays and Saturdays. An open house, featuring activities for families, is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Aug. 7.

Photo at top: Kathy Riggs-Allen and Emily Porter-Swarner display the contents of this week's CSA bag of produce at Porter Farms in Elba; photos at bottom: Porter Farms location on Edgerton Road; picture at the retail store of founder Jack Porter with children, Mike and Beatrice "Bess"; hats, T-shirts and tote bags for sale at the store; Katie Porter-Metzler with children Georgia, Cora and Suzanna; Riggs-Allen, and Debbie Porter. Photos by Mike Pettinella.

HLOM is back to having in-person events, see what's upcoming

By Press Release

Press relaese:

It was so nice to be able to have in person events back at the museum this past week. It felt like things are finally getting back to normal, for the first time since March 2020.

Thank you to Steve Kruppner for his wonderful concert Wednesday night (in case you missed it check out this link HLOM Concert Series: Steve Kruppner - YouTube) and Erica Wanescki for her informative presentation on polio.

Be sure to come out to the museum on Wednesday, July 28th to see Bill Kauffman discuss his new edited work "The Congressional Journal of Barber Conable."

We have now reached 85 percent of the way to our membership goal of 200 people for 2021. If you know of anyone who hasn't joined the historical society yet and is a fan of local history tell them to check us out. Our members are our best ambassadors. Again, thank you everyone for your support for 2021.

This Month:

If you would like to join us in person for any of our events please preregister by calling the museum at (585) 343-4727.

  • Wednesday, July 28th 7 p.m. - Guest Speaker: Bill Kauffman "The Congressional Journal of Barber Conable." Admission is $3/$2 for museum members. Also available via the Zoom link below. Meeting ID: 813 4537 8772  Passcode: 494343. The presentation will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel courtesy of Paul Figlow.

Upcoming Summer Events:

  • Thursday, Aug. 12th 7 p.m. - Trivia Night @ the Museum "Napoleon Bonaparte"
  • Wednesday, Aug. 18th 7 p.m. - Guest Speaker Derek Maxfield, "Hellmira"
  • Thursday, Sept. 9th 7 p.m. - Trivia Night @ the Museum -- "Pan-American Exposition"
  • Saturday, Sept. 18th 2 p.m. - Guest Speaker Rob Thompson, "Batavia's Body Snatchers"
  • Thursday, Sept. 23rd 9 a.m. - Java with Joe E. with Jennifer Liber Raines, "Forgotten People, Forgotten Places"
  • Thursday, Sept. 30th 7 p.m. - Guest Speaker Chris Mackowski, "A Season of Slaughter: The Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse"
  • History Heroes Summer Program:
    • Saturdays July 24th, Aug.14th, Aug. 21st, Aug. 28th, Sept. 4th 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the museum "Fun in the Roaring '20s."
    • Children ages 7-12 can come and join us and learn all about the 1920s through art, music, dance, medicine, sports & leisure, cultural movements, transportation and much more.
    • Activities will include period arts & crafts, walking tours to various sites in Batavia, and even a trip on the Arcade & Attica Railroad.
    • The program is $10 per child with discounts for members and multiple children. Limit to 16 children each day. Visit the museum's website and social media sites for more information.

Artifact Video Series:

This week's video details the history of our Herschede Hall Grandfather Clock from the White Family. Holland Land Office Museum Artifact Video Series: White Family Grandfather Clock -- YouTube. If you missed any of the previous videos there are links on the homepage of our website and Facebook page. You can also subscribe to our YouTube channel, Holland Land Office Museum.

Joseph Ellicott Book & Gift Shop:

We are always adding new things to our inventory. The store is available at the following link HLOM Gift Shop Site.

This week's focus is a popular title that we recently got back in stock "The Linden Murders...Solved" by Rob R. Thompson ($15).

"Countless have speculated over the years and still, even today many wonder was there a maniac wandering the backroads of Genesee and Wyoming counties? Was he, by modern definition, a serial killer? Was his identity known, but his neighbors too fearful to expose the name behind the deeds?

Did he die alone in his Attica home clutching ever last to the haunting memories of his bygone days? Did he, before the final sheet was pulled offer even the lightest of hints? Did his wife know...did his mother...brothers and children know the secret behind the face at Christmas dinner?"

AmazonSmile Program:

AmazonSmile donates .5 percent of every applicable purchase made through the AmazonSmile website. You can assist us through this manner by following the link below and choosing the Holland Purchase Historical Society as your noprofit of choice:

Call for Volunteers:

We are in need of more volunteers to keep the museum going strong. If you have just a few extra hours and have an interest in history consider donating your time to the HLOM:

  • Assisting with museum membership
  • Museum events (setup/take down, refreshments, tickets)
  • Landscaping & Gardening

Promoter members: Eric Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Brian Daviau, Thomas & Marcia Duffy, Matthew & Jessica Jolliff, and Dr. Paul Stomper.

Business Sponsors: Genesee Patrons Insurance Co., Kleen All Company, Liberty Pumps, and Marchese Computer Products.

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Photos: Horse Hitch Classic at the fair

By Howard B. Owens

The Genesee County Fair is underway and yesterday's first official event, and only event, was the North American Six Horse Hitch Classic Series competiton.

Today's schedule:

7 AM—4-H Beef may arrive

9 AM—Empire Classic Youth Sheep Show (TBD)

9 AM—NY Hereford Beef Show (TBD)

10 AM – Exhibition Halls & Buildings Open

10 AM – 4-H Kennedy Building Exhibit Judging (Kennedy Building)

10 AM – 4-H, Rabbits, Cavies & Poultry Must be in place

12:30 PM—North American Six Horse Hitch Classic (Horse Arena)

2 PM—Rabbit & Cavy Show (Merton Building)

2 PM—Fair Queen—Speech & Talent (Entertainment Tent)

4 PM—Farm Hitch Draft Horse Show (Horse Arena)

5 PM—4-H Club Exhibits must be in place (Kennedy Building)

6 PM – Genesee Speedway Racing

7 to 10PM—Band – OHMS Band (Entertainment Tent)

11 PM – Exhibit Halls & Buildings Close

Photos by Kristin Smith.

Ghost Riders continue Friday night series at Jackson Square

By Steve Ognibene

With many music traditions in Batavia, the Ghost Riders continue playing over 30-plus years and highlighted last evening's Jackson Square concert series with a packed crowd. Mild Bill Pitcher and Wild Bill McDonald founded the band decades ago and would play 100 plus concerts from May to August. 

Since COVID-19 came present in 2020, they cut it down to about a dozen gigs in the summer months and traveling back and forth to Florida has increased for some members also. 

For the last eight years, Bill and Kay McDonald continued in the winter months as the "Old Hippies." With some changes, the duo decided this summer to perform a home-to-home concert series. Wild Bill said, they plan two mini jam series on Aug. 8th and Sept. 12th in Jackson Square, and Aug. 22 in Elba.

Photos by Steve Ognibene.

Free COVID-19 vaccine clinics available at GC Fair Monday through Friday next week

By Press Release

Press release:

GO Health is bringing free COVID-19 vaccination clinics to both the Genesee and Orleans county fairs this year. 

The one shot Johnson and Johnson will be available as well as the two-dose Pfizer vaccine. The second dose of Pfizer will be scheduled at the health department.

The Pfizer vaccine is authorized for those that are 12 and older, while the Johnson and Johnson vaccine can be administered to people that are 18 and older. Everyone under the age of 18 seeking vaccination must have a parent or guardian with them to provide permission.  

“The vaccination rates in both Genesee and Orleans counties are slowly increasing, but we are still lagging behind New York State,” said Paul Pettit, Public Health director for GO Health. “The majority of the cases we are seeing in both counties are people that are unvaccinated.” 

Genesee County Fair

Monday, July 26th

1:30-4:30 p.m.

Tuesday, July 27th

1:30-4:30 p.m.

Wednesday, July 28th

4:30-7:30 p.m.

Thursday, July 29th

1:30-4:30 p.m.

Friday, July 30th

1:30-4:30 p.m.

Anyone who is interested in being vaccinated can stop by the county emergency preparedness and health department trailers and choose the vaccine that is best for them.

There is a lot of misinformation out there about the vaccines, so health department staff will be available to answer any questions or concerns that residents have. 

“The fair is a perfect place to reach members of our community and this is a great opportunity for residents that have not been vaccinated yet, to conveniently get vaccinated while they are visiting the fair,” Pettit said.

Motorcyclist speeding through the city

By Billie Owens

A speeding motorcycle is zooming through the city and the police have determined not to engage it. It was westbound at about 80 mph, then headed up Lewiston Road going about 115 mph, an officer tells dispatch.

UPDATE 5:31 p.m.: An officer tells a dispatcher the motorcycle was last seen heading down "Townline Road."

Law and Order: Oakfield man accused of menacing and attempted assault after fighting with three victims

By Billie Owens

Michael Thomas Martinez, 37, of Church Street, Oakfield, is charged with: second-degree menacing; two counts of first-degree attempted assault; two counts of criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree; two counts of second-degree harassment; and trespass. He was arrested at 1:55 a.m. July 21. After an altercation between Martinez and two victims, it is alleged that Martinez hit both victims with a closed first. He then allegedly pulled out a knife and attempted to slash at the two victims with a knife, stating he was going to stab and kill them both. Martinez did allegedly cut the arm of one of the victims. He then left the scene and returned to his residence. A relative of a victim watched Martinez's house to make sure he did not leave before deputies arrived. Martinez allegedly came out of his house with a black metal pipe, which started a separate altercation. He then threatened to hit the third victim, the family member, with the pipe. Martinez then allegedly told the third victim he was going to get a gun from his house and shoot the third victim unless he left. Martinez returned to his house for a short time, then came outside. He was taken into custody by Genesee County Sheriff's deputies and NYS troopers. Martinez was arraigned in Oakfield Town Court and put in GC Jail on $10,000 cash bail. The incident was handled by GC Deputy Jacob Gauthier and Deputy Austin Heberlein with assistance from state police.

Ida Marie Vanorden, 35, of Swan Street, Batavia, is charged with second-degree attempteed assault and third-degree assault. She was arrested July 22 after an investigation for allegedly assaulting two people at 3 a.m. on July 14 on North Lake Road in Bergen. She was arraigned in Bergen Town Court and is due back there on Aug. 11. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Jenna Ferrando.

Pamela A. Morrow is charged with driving while intoxicated with a BAC of .08 percent or greater -- second offense within 10 years, and DWI -- second offense within 10 years. At 6:20 p.m. July 21, Morrow was arrested on Linwood Road in Le Roy. She was processed at Genesee County Jail then released on appearance tickets. She is due in Le Roy Town Court on Aug. 3. The case was handled by Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Nicholas Chamoun, assisted by Deputy Kyle Krzemien.

Elizabeth Michelle Thompson, 31, of Monclair Avenue, Batavia, is charged with petit larceny. She was arrested at 12:50 p.m. July 21. It is alleged that she stole $113.28 worth of merchandise from Walmart. She is accused of walking past all points of sale without paying for the items. She was processed at Genesee County Jail, then released on an appearance ticket for Batavia Town Court Aug. 19. The case was handled by GC Sheriff's Deputy Chad Cummings.

Grass fire knocked down in Stafford

By Billie Owens

A grass field fire covering about an acre erupted at about 11:37 a.m. in Stafford at Sweetland and Roanoke roads. It was moving toward a house.

Stafford Fire Command called for mutual aid from Le Roy, which was just wrapping up a response to a vent fire at a business and an accident in front of Le Roy's Tops. Byron also responded.

The fire was knocked down but then hot spots flared up and had to be snuffed out. 

A farmer helped by plowing a furrow around the blaze to help contain it.

Stafford and Byron went back in service at 12:56 p.m.

Photos by Glenn Adams.

LeRoy Democratic Committee announces 2021 candidates for Nov. 2 General Election

By Press Release

Submitted photo and press release:

The Le Roy Democratic Committee is pleased to announce its 2021 candidates.

After a large turnout at their caucus Tuesday evening, the Le Roy Democrats have chosen their candidates for the Nov. 2 General Election.

Robert Fussel Jr. is a teacher at Attica Correctional Facility. Together with his wife, Stacey, they have raised their two daughters here in Le Roy.

“I am running because I believe in doing the rightthing regardless of what others may think or say about you personally,'' Fussell said after receiving the nomination for Town Board candidate.

Sara Krzemien is a full-time student and mom of two girls as well. She is also running for the Le Roy Town Board.

“I am ready to be that fresh voice at the council table," Krzemien said. "We can have progressive ideas without compromising our small town feel. It’s why many of us have chosen to live here.”

Both candidates are seeking to build a stronger community and allow for more transparent local governing.

Nominated for Town Justice is Carol DiFrancisco, who recently retired from Le Roy High School after teaching there 35 years.

“You have to listen and be fair," DiFrancisco said. "You can’t be partial. I believe that from my experience as a mother, a teacher and as a member of this community, I have the ability to make tough and fair decisions. I am honored to be your candidate.”

There are two seats open for town board and one position for town justice.

Disc golf promoter puts Centennial Park in rear view mirror, now has his sights set on Williams Park

By Mike Pettinella

City of Batavia resident Phillip Boyd on Thursday said he has shelved his idea of a nine-hole disc golf course at Centennial Park in favor of working with city officials to place one at Williams Park on Pearl Street.

“It’s much larger than I originally thought,” Boyd said after taking a walk around the east and south portions of Williams Park with City Maintenance Supervisor Ray Tourt and City Parks Supervisor Brian Metz yesterday afternoon.

“Our talk went very well and there’s definitely a lot of potential for a nine-hole and we talked about possibly clearing out some of the woods in the right (southwest) corner for an 18 (hole course) in the future.”

Boyd said that he planned to return to the park today with a couple friends to map out a nine-hole course that would start near Pearl Street on the east side and proceed south along the east, southeast and south edges of the park.

He said he is hoping to attract sponsors for each hole to cover the expenses for tee pads, signage and baskets, figuring it would cost around $5,000. He also said he will be submitting his plan for Williams Park to City Manager Rachael Tabelski.

“Yes, I’ll have to do the same thing that I did to try to get Centennial Park; send in my course layout and proposal,” he said.

When asked to comment about the stir he caused with those living around Centennial Park, with many residents of that area rising up in opposition, Boyd said he wants to look ahead.

“Look, we all have our passions. Their passion was for Centennial Park’s history and mine is for disc golf,” he said. “I have no problems with leaving that behind now that there are other options available.”

Boyd also said he is willing to help those seeking to put an 18-hole course at Genesee Community College, and already has received quotes for the necessary equipment for that layout.

Photo: Brian Metz, left, Phillip Boyd and Ray Tourt looking at a map of Williams Park as they explore the possibility of placing a disc golf course at the Pearl Street recreational area. Photo by Mike Pettinella.

Two-car accident with injuries reported in front of Tops in Le Roy

By Billie Owens

A two-car accident with injuries is reported in front of Tops market at 128 W. Main St., Le Roy. It is blocking traffic. Le Roy fire and an ambulance are responding.

UPDATE 11:16 a.m.: Medics are cancelled. A flatbed tow is called for one of the vehicles involved.

Possible structure fire reported in Le Roy

By Billie Owens

A possible structure fire is reported at a business at 53 Church St. in Le Roy. Le Roy fire responding, along with city engine #11.

Village police are on scene. Possibly involves sawdust from a side vent; exterior only. Venting now; building evacuated. Caledonia is also called. All units to proceed until there's confirmation of no smoke or fire.

Orcon Industries is the business located at this address. The vent in question is on the second story.

UPDATE 11:22 a.m.: The city is returning to fire headquarters.

UPDATE 11:25 a.m.: Church Street command says a sawdust vent appears to be faulty; investigating.

UPDATE 11:36 a.m.: Firefighters located a small fire in the dust collectors. It's knocked down and responders are picking up and returning to service.

GC Master Gardeners invite you to resume monthly Garden Talk via Zoom Aug. 5

By Press Release

Press release:

Join the Genesee County Master Gardeners as we jump back into Garden Talk! On Aug. 5 at noon, we will get the lowdown on “Beneficial Insects.” Most of the insects that live in your garden or landscape do little or no harm to you or your plants.

Many of these good guys provide free pest control for you. Who are these six-legged allies? Join Master Gardener David R. to learn about the beneficial insects that could be in your garden!

Sept. 2 – “A Year in the Life of a Garden.” Gardens aren't static, they change as we progress through the seasons, and evolve over the years. Sometimes change comes from losing a major tree in the garden or a change in your lifestyle. Join Master Gardener Lynette S. as we explore the changes that have taken place in her small city garden.

Oct. 7 – “Winter Bird Feeding 101.” Do you enjoy watching the birds in your yard? Winter bird feeding can be entertaining for you and beneficial for the birds. Join us for tips on "setting the table" for your neighborhood feathered friends.

Nov. 4 – “Harvest of Squash.” Do you know what to do with that winter squash that found its way into your home? Master Food Preserver Catherine J. will explain the different types of squash, how to prepare them for use, store them for later, and share a few recipes for that bountiful harvest.

Dec. 2 – “Gifts from the Kitchen.” Join Master Food Preserver Catherine J. as she demonstrates some wonderful ideas that you can use this holiday season.

Currently all Garden Talk programs are being held online via Zoom, from noon to 12:45 p.m. This free series is open to all. Registration is required. A Zoom link will be sent to your email with your personal link to the event.

To register, please visit the events page at the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County website.

COVID-19 testing, OFA funding, SROs in two schools among resolutions forwarded to full legislature

By Mike Pettinella

As a result of three committee meetings this week, Genesee County legislators have much to vote upon when they meet as a full board next Wednesday.

Resolutions passed at Monday’s Human Services and Public Service meetings and Wednesday’s Ways & Means meeting that were not previously reported upon by The Batavian include the following:

  • $1.4 million for COVID-19 testing in schools

The New York State Department of Health has awarded the Genesee County Health Department funding in the amount of $1,415,984 for COVID-19 school testing activities and to purchase personal protective equipment for all public and private school pupils from Universal Pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.

Public Health Director Paul Pettit said the money can also be used for testing supplies and telehealth services for both students and faculty. Distribution of funds will be based on the population at each school, he added. The grant does not cover vaccination.

  • ARP funds to help spruce up OFA

This resolution calls for using $64,416 of more than $233,000 awarded through the American Rescue Plan for a capital project at the Genesee County Office for the Aging on Bank Street.

The project consists of reconfiguring and adding office space, carpeting and painting, replacing the dishwasher and garbage disposal, and adding other furnishings, equipment and subscriptions to enhance the client experience, OFA Director Diana Fox said.

The Human Services Committee also approved using some of the ARP money to fund two new positions at the OFA – a part-time program assistant and full-time financial clerk typist, both through Dec. 31, 2024 – and expand a part-time program assistant position from 15 hours biweekly to 19.5 hours biweekly, also through Dec. 31, 2024.

Two part-time vacant nutrition program meal site assistant positions were eliminated.

  • Radio system contract with L3 Harris is extended

The Public Service Committee recommended approval of an extension of the public safety radio system maintenance services contract with L3 Harris Technologies Inc., through Dec. 31, 2026, at a cost of $188,567 per year.

The agreement was set to expire on Dec. 31 of this year, but since the county will be adding a new tower site on Molasses Hill Road in Alexander, it was determined to extend it at this time.

Another resolution to accept $205,530 in grant funding from the state Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Office of Interoperable and Emergency Communication was approved. The money will be used to offset a portion of the 2021 Communications budget, according to Emergency Communication Director Steve Sharpe.

  • SROs to continue at Byron-Bergen, Pavilion

School Resource Officers will remain at Byron-Bergen and Pavilion central school districts for at least another year, with B-B opting for a September through August 2022 schedule at a cost of $102,813.81 and Pavilion going with a July through June 2022 schedule at a cost of $119,021.07.

Sheriff William Sheron said the difference in cost is due to one SRO having a single health insurance plan instead of a family plan. The cost to the schools include the hourly rate for a deputy sheriff, fringe benefits and insurances.

Public Service also approved a resolution to expend $10,757 from the K9 Donations Reserve Account to help in the recovery of K9 Rayzor, who recently suffered a leg injury and is need of physical therapy and medications before returning to service.

K9 Frankie also has had physical issues, but currently is fully functional, said Sheron, who thanked the public for donations to the fund, which has been depleted.

  • More funding for Justice for Children Advocacy Center

A grant from the state Office of Children and Family Services’ to fund the Justice for Children Advocacy Center has been renewed, with this year’s amount of $190,143 representing a $2,000 increase from last year.

Funds from this grant will enable the program to provide services for children and families affected by abuse in the Batavia, Warsaw and Albion areas, JCAC Coordinator Theresa Roth said.

  • ARPA funds to aid Genesee County Airport

Thirty-two thousand dollars in funding from the American Recovery Plan Act to offset expenses incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be coming to the Genesee County Airport.

Highway Superintendent Tim Hens said the money will be used to help pay down the debt service on the terminal and main hangar. Hens noted that the county is expected to receive about $100,000 in this type of funding by the end of the year, and all will be used in the same manner.

Oral rabies field evaluation of new vax to halt raccoon rabies to take place in GC July 26 - Aug. 24

By Press Release

From the county health department:

New York will once again be taking part in a nationally coordinated effort to halt the spread of raccoon rabies in 16 states. The Oral Rabies Vaccine Field Evaluation will be held in New York, July 26 – Aug. 24.

Ongoing field evaluation of a new oral rabies vaccine (ORV) called ONRAB will occur in Clinton, Essex counties in the Empire State as part of an evaluation that also includes parts of northern Vermont and New Hampshire.  Additionally, evaluations will also occur in Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Jefferson, Lewis, Niagara, Oneida, Onondaga, Orleans, Oswego, St. Lawrence, and Wyoming counties.

These sites were selected in part because of ongoing collaborations with partners from the provinces of Quebec and Ontario, Canada, in the fight against rabies to protect human and animal health and reduce significant costs associated with living with rabies across broad geographic areas.  Aerial and hand distribution of baits will take place in New York from July 26 – Aug. 24. 

Rabies is a serious public health concern because if left untreated it is invariably fatal. Costs associated with detection, prevention and control of rabies conservatively exceed $500 million annually.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, greater than 90 percent of reported rabies cases in the United States are in wildlife. The cooperative USDA, APHIS, Wildlife Services, National Rabies Management Program (NRMP) was established in 1997 to prevent the further spread of wildlife rabies in the United States by containing and eventually eliminating the virus in terrestrial mammals.

The majority of the NRMP efforts are focused on controlling raccoon rabies, which continues to account for most of the reported wildlife rabies cases in the United States. Raccoon rabies occurs in all states east of the established ORV zone that extends from Maine to Northeastern Ohio to central Alabama.

Continued access to oral vaccine and bait options that are effective in all target wildlife species remains critical to long-term success. 

During 2011, the NRMP worked with other Federal, State, and local partners to conduct the first raccoon ORV field trial in the United States in over 20 years.

This field trial was designed to test the safety and immunogenicity of the oral human adenovirus-rabies glycoprotein recombinant vaccine ONRAB (Artemis Technologies, Guelph, Ontario, Canada), which has been successfully integrated into comprehensive rabies control programs that resulted in elimination of raccoon rabies from Canada.

Encouraging results from the U.S. trial in West Virginia represented a major milestone that led to expanded evaluations in four additional states (N.H., N.Y., Ohio, and Ver.) during 2012-2020.

In 2021, the use of ONRAB will further expand into two additional states (Pa. and Tenn.). Data from these evaluations will support licensing of this vaccine for broader, more aggressive management of raccoon rabies by the NRMP and partners, with the goal of eliminating the variant of the rabies virus that cycles in raccoons.

The ONRAB bait consists of a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) blister pack, containing the vaccine. To make the baits attractive, the blister packs are coated with a sweet attractant that includes vegetable-based fats, wax, icing sugar, vegetable oil, artificial marshmallow flavor, and dark-green food-grade dye.

Humans and pets cannot get rabies from contact with the bait. However, people who encounter baits directly are asked to leave them undisturbed.  Should contact with bait occur, immediately rinse the area with warm water and soap and contact your local health department at (585) 344-2580, ext. 5555, for Genesee County or (585) 589-3278 for Orleans County.

Please do not attempt to remove a bait from your dog’s mouth. The bait will not harm the dog. If you have additional questions related to the field evaluation in New York, please contact the Wildlife Services office in Rensselaer at (518) 268-2289.

Miss being out with people? The fair is the antidote to what ails you

By Howard B. Owens

One hundred and eighty one years ago, the local farmers invited the Genesee County community to a fair and the Ag Society has been hosting a fair every year since -- well, except last year when a pandemic forced the fair's concellation in history.

In 2021, the Genesee County Fair is back and fair managers are promising a good time.

"We have a midway Tuesday through Saturday," said Rose Topolski, one of the fair managers. "We have a demolition derby Friday night at seven o'clock. We have a big draft horse show tomorrow at 5:30 (p.m.), and that continues Saturday at noon. We also have stock car racing, both Saturdays of the fair.

"We're expecting between a thousand and twelve hundred animals to be on the property during the entire week. We have tons of fair food. All the fair favorites. Pretty much every aspect of the fair will be here again this year."

To celebrate, the Chamber of Commerce organized a ribbon cutting at the fairgrounds this afternoon.

The fair has been quite popular the past few years and comanager Nick O'Geen thinks after a year of COVID-19 restrictions, the fair offers area residents a way to get out and rub elbows with their friends and neighbors again.

"You've been cooped up long enough," O'Geen said. "It's time to come out and have some fair fun."

For the complete 2021 schedule, click here.

A first look: City View Residences (aka Ellicott Place) on the second floor of Save-A-Lot building

By Mike Pettinella

The Ellicott Place project, one of several redevelopment ventures supported by the City of Batavia’s $10 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative award, is about 10 days away from completion, according to the head of the company that owns the Save-A-Lot building at 45 Ellicott St.

“We’re 98.5 percent done,” said Victor Gautieri, president of VJ Gautieri Constructors Inc., who, this morning, gave The Batavian the first look at some of the 10 market-rate apartments being built on the second floor.

City View Residences, the housing portion of the project’s official name, consists of seven one-bedroom and three two-bedroom units featuring nine-foot ceilings, stainless steel appliances (including a dishwasher and microwave oven), upgraded fixtures and trim, and plenty of closet space.

The apartments, which vary in size from 900 to 1,200 square feet, also come with a 10-foot by 6-foot outside deck that is secured by protective guardrails measuring 42 inches high. Each unit has its own laundry room with washer and dryer, and heating and air conditioning system, both tucked away in a small room with a door on it.

Gautieri (pictured above) said that transforming the building into more than a supermarket was a goal of his father, Vito, the company founder.

“It was his thought from initially purchasing the building that we’d be able to redevelop the second floor and put some commercial space up there, but that never materialized,” Victor Gautieri said. “Then, when we were approved for the DRI grant (covering $1.15 million of the total project cost of $3.1 million), that allowed us to put the apartments in.”

Realizing the need for quality housing in Batavia and Genesee County, Gautieri said he and his father “looked at it as a company” and figured that apartments on the second floor would be a viable option.

“We were able to get the (DRI) grant and then the financing to do the second-floor apartments, and from there, we did a complete ‘reno’ on the exterior of the building and now we’re creating a vanilla box in the remaining commercial space,” he added.

Gautieri said the apartments will rent for $1,325 to $1,575 per month, plus utilities (cable television is available). The apartments were designed by Dean Architects PLLC, of Depew, in conjunction with VJ Gautieri Constructors Inc.

“We have a waiting list and we’re going through the applications,” he said. “It looks like we will be in good shape on the apartments in short order.”

Another neat feature of the apartments is an electric door at the main entrance (on the north side of the building), with each tenant receiving a key fob that unlatches the door for entry. Each apartment has a video monitor on the wall near the door.

“Tenants will be able to see who’s at the front door and allow them to come in without having to walk down the stairs to unlock the main entrance door,” Gautieri said, noting that security cameras have been installed in all the public areas.

As far as commercial space, he said that 16,000 square feet is available, and can be divided depending upon the requirements of businesses that show interest in the property. Currently, it is being used as a production area during construction.

“Like the saying goes, ‘If you build it, they will come.’ As we started to redevelop and modernize the property, it spawned more interest from the business community,” he said.

The wall leading to the elevator and stairs on the first-floor foyer, crafted from wood taken from the building's exterior.

Stairs leading to the 10 apartments.Technicians are nearly finished with wiring of the elevator, Gautieri said.


Modern kitchen area with stainless steel appliances.

Flooring in one of the bedrooms. The color scheme is a darker shade of blue and light gray.

Enclosed laundry room.

Every apartment has a full bathroom and either a half- or three-quarter bath.

View from the deck of one of the units, looking west. Genesee County Building 1 is in the background.

"Door bell" monitor system that allows the tenant to see who is at the main entrance downstairs.

Photos by Mike Pettinella.

GC Soil and Water and DEC offer free Zoom webinar Aug. 4 on tree pests the gypsy moth and emerald ash borer

By Press Release

Submitted photo and press release:

The recent infestations of the gypsy moth (right photo) (also known as Lymantria dispar dispar -- LDD) and emerald ash borer -- EAB (also known as Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire), along with other pests and diseases, have been the cause of a lot of concern in Western New York recently.

The adult gypsy moths are emerging. While the initial damage from their caterpillars is done for this year, now is a great time to learn about how to reduce or mitigate damage that may occur from next year’s caterpillars.

Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District, along with our partner the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, will be hosting a FREE online webinar on Wednesday, Aug. 4th, at 7 p.m. on Zoom.

NYSDEC forester Gary Koplun will present about ways to manage the gypsy moth, as well as speak about the emerald ash borer and other issues that stress trees.

There will be an opportunity for questions as well as resources provided.

You can register today by visiting the Conservation District's website.

Mark Your Calendars: All welcome to summer picnic Aug. 10 hosted by SCOPE at Batavia Coon Hunters club

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Chapter of S.C.O.P.E -- Shooters Committee On Political Education -- announces a summer picnic Aug. 10 at “The Sportman Coon Hunters Association,” located at 8770 Hopkins Road, Batavia.

The gathering will start at 4 p.m.

Members, former members, and the public are welcome to attend.

Come out, have some picnic food, and meet others interested in preserving the Second Amendment.

Picnic is FREE and you could win a FREE door prize.

Questions? Contact Dave Kaufman (585) 690-7429.

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