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Jeremy Karas steps down as City Council member

By Mike Pettinella

Updated, 1/27, 4 p.m. with Karas and Richmond comments:


Jeremy Karas has confirmed that he is stepping down as a member of the Batavia City Council.

Council's Feb. 12 meeting will be the final one for Karas, who was elected last November to begin a second two-year term as Council member-At-Large.

Karas (photo at right) is an Elba native who is employed as service manager for Temp-Press

He told The Batavian this afternoon that his work responsibilities have increased significantly in recent months.

"Like I told Gino (Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr.) and (City Manager) Rachael (Tabelski), the last three meetings I was unable to make because I was out of town or still at a job site late at night," he said. "So, I just had to make that decision. It's the City of Batavia and the people deserve somebody who's going to be there -- although I had really hoped that I could have."

Karas said the COVID-19 pandemic actually has resulted in more business at Temp-Press, a company that deals with process control and instrumention wilth roughly 120 municipal and private business customers.

"With shortages and other things, they're relying on outside contractors like us more and more," he said. "Usually, this time of year is the slow time, but it just hasn't backed off one bit. I could be down in Erie, Pa., tomorrow and the next day over in Saratoga County.

He also said he wants to be able to spend more time with his family, which includes two boys, ages 14 and 12, who are involved in sports at Notre Dame.

In September 2019, Karas was appointed by the City Republican Committee to fill the seat vacated by Adam Tabelski.

The seat became available when Tabelski resigned due to the hiring of his wife, Rachael, as the city’s assistant manager. Rachael Tabelski now is the city manager.

Karas said he believes the city is heading in the right direction thanks to "good management and good support" from its employees.

"Council is in great shape, too, as far as I'm concerned. Everybody works together very well," he said."They all bring different things to the table, different types of experience and I am very proud to have served with that group. And hopefully, maybe 10 to 15 years down the road if things slow down, I might be able to get back in."

City Republican Chair Richard Richmond issued the following statement:

"Jeremy has been a good asset to the City of Batavia Republican Committee. I've worked with him over the years. He's reliable. I understand his work problem these days with COVID. But when he was on Council, he was quiet. He listened. He was studious. So, we're sorry to lose him

"The next thing is that we're going to be looking for somebody to replace him, and I will have a press release coming out soon. We're inviting people to be interviewed for the job."

Standing-room only crowd gathers Wednesday for hearing on proposed campground in Pavilion

By Joanne Beck
Video Sponsor
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A standing-room-only crowd pitted supporters against the opposition Wednesday evening during a proposed campground hearing at Pavilion Town Hall.

Applicant Jesse Coots has been working with the town’s Planning Board to address a litany of requirements in order for Lokee-Hikee Campgrounds to be environmentally sound and neighbor-friendly. The Pavilion project to be situated on a 110-acre parcel on Perry Road still raises many concerns, speaker and Pavilion resident Mike Fisher said. 

He directly addressed the group of about 50 attendees first.

“Not one of you folks lives near this. Their home is not right next to this thing. They're not going to be affected by the noise, the light, sound, the smell, the traffic, and litter, with a bunch of transient people coming in and out of this place,” Fisher said. “We're going to have diminished property value. I think the board's number one job is to protect the neighborhood. This has been going on since 2020. And every time the plan changes, every single time. That speaks volumes.”

Planning Board Chairman Bill Fuest said that the process includes answering questions and meeting requirements. Engineers, town, county, and state entities have done their “due diligence” to thoroughly vet the project to ensure it complies with zoning and codes, he said. 

During her presentation on the project, Sara Gilbert, president of Pinewoods Engineering, laid out the scope of the project and offered assurance that setbacks and other utilities would align with local and state codes. A septic system, public electric and gas, two recently drilled wells, and stormwater management are in the plan, as well as wetland consultants to work with the Department of Environmental Conservation to have no negative impact on the property’s wetlands, Gilbert said. 

Only 24 percent of the total acreage is being mapped out for development, she said, and the application includes an eventual plot for 145 campsites. 

“It's going to be located on a beautiful piece of land. The applicants would love to have it landscaped with facilities that fit well within the community. It will include a registration building that will have a camp store and food facilities, a pool, pavilion, picnic areas, public restrooms, all-black sky-compliant lighting, and a recreational plan,” she said. “We've also been required to hire an archaeologist and investigate the site to make sure we're not having any negative impacts on historic resources and that also has been cleared by an appropriate state department. We've had a geotechnical engineer on-site, reviewing the soils with us making sure that they're adequate for a septic system, and making sure there aren't any downstream impacts. We've had a landscape architect on the team helping us design plantings and buffering. We have licensed land surveyors, multiple engineers, architects, and development consultant firms who are all part of the team that has helped us get to this point.”

And as for zoning, Gilbert said the project has been designed to “completely 100 percent comply” with town zoning codes.

Fisher was one of a half-dozen people who weren’t on board with Gilbert’s assurances. Carrie Page, who moved to Pavilion a year and a half ago, had three main reasons for opposing the campgrounds. 

“First and foremost is privacy and safety. When I think about safety, pulling out of my driveway, I'm just over the Knoll. It's quick, go. I gotta pull out and stay on the wrong side of the road before I can go over. So adding more traffic to Perry Road, based on where I live … that's a danger zone that you have,” Page said. “So I am concerned from a traffic standpoint. The well water is a concern, I have a pond in my front yard. You wouldn't think that I would run out of water, but I do.”

Although speaker Guy Laesser ended by asking Planning Board members who to call when he runs out of water, he did not lay out any specific reasons for why he was opposed to the project. He does not want a “city in the middle of the country,” and appeared to be angry that Coots has invested money into this venture.

“The town board has allowed Jesse and his family into this project to invest who knows how much money. It plays into Jesse’s favor to invest all that money into it,” Laesser said. “It’s going to affect our life and the way we live.”

Ray Butler, who said he’s against the plan, believes the project “does not meet the standards” of zoning and proper construction guidelines. 

“The project is not harmonious with the community,” he said. 

Setbacks of 140 to 150 feet are three times the required amount, Gilbert said. Camping spaces meet code requirements of being a minimum of 100 feet from any property lines, she said. 

There were also plenty of people that spoke up for the project. Citing a family-friendly venue, increased tax base, potential revenue from the additional shoppers in the area, increased job opportunities, outdoor recreational offerings of a pool and a pond, five or six miles of hiking trails, a disc golf course, and the fun of camping, Lokee-Hikee seemed like a great idea, they said.

“The more campgrounds we have, the better,” Alan Buchanan said. “We need to get our kids off video games. I think it’s a wonderful thing.”

Timothy Bartholomew spoke as a businessman. Traveling a lot for work has meant being able to compare Pavilion to other towns, he said. The increased business and revenue to come from the campground should seriously be considered, he said. 

“I see towns dying all over the place. The state’s picking from the county, the county’s picking from the town. Where’s the money coming from,” he said. “As a business owner, hopefully, everybody understands what this could mean.”

Brook Coniber knows Jesse and his wife Jolene Coots very well, she said. She spoke to their character and how this project could put Pavilion in the much-needed spotlight.

“People don’t know where we are,” she said. “They would never plan to bring anything to the community that would cause harm.” 

The applicants have been working with the town and completing an environmental review, site plan special use permit review, and building permit, Gilbert said. MRB Group, led by Project Manager Jonathan Hinman, has been representing the town of Pavilion.

“So we have, over the course of many months, been working with the board. We've been taking feedback from the board and from some of the neighbors that have spoken at those meetings. We've changed the buffering type planting to try to accommodate what's been requested to the greatest extent that we can,” Gilbert said. “And I would just like to close with saying the owners would really like to make this facility just a jewel of the community and a business that many generations of their family and the community family can really be proud to be associated with. We hope you'll agree that this project is good for the community and we hope you'll express your support to the board.”

There were 22 people signed up to speak, and because some of them may not have been able to voice all of their comments, Fuest motioned to officially continue the hearing and allow emailed comments to be sent in. The board agreed to keep the hearing open until the next board meeting on Feb. 16.

“We will read any additional input and take the next steps,” Fuest said, adding that “there’s a chance” the board could vote on the proposed plan during that meeting. 

As for the questions about any potential impact to area water supplies, Hinman said that is still under review by Genesee County Health Department.

County manager: Time is ripe for Genesee to cash in on New York State's budgetary surplus projections

By Mike Pettinella

Genesee County Manager Matt Landers is urging legislators and key staff members to strike while the iron is hot as far as funding opportunities from New York State are concerned.

“Just a couple of years ago … former Governor Cuomo was telling us that they had a four-year projection of something like $80 billion in the hole. A year later, they were down to $20 billion in the hole, and then $3 billion,” Landers said.

“Now, they're looking at something like over $50 billion to the positive in a four-year projection outlook. So, the state is looking at different opportunities to fund. If there’s ever a time to ask for stuff – this is the time.”

Landers made his comments during this afternoon’s County Legislature meeting at the Old County Courthouse.

With Genesee moving ahead with Phase 3 of its Countywide Water Project, Landers encouraged County Engineer Tim Hens and his team to “put together some aggressive ‘asks’ on the water side because it's never going to be any better than right now to be asking for funding for some of our projects.”

Landers said that in reviewing Gov. Kathy Hochul’s $216 billion spending plan for 2022-23, the path seems to be clear for the county to receive its 1 percent sales tax as well as the cash generated by video lottery terminals at Batavia Downs Gaming.

“At this point in time, it looks like there's more good than bad, and not necessarily all financial,” he said. “Just having the ability to not have to go back and beg Albany for our extra 1 percent sales tax is a nice provision that's in there. It isn't tied directly to financially -- it's more procedural and a bit nerve racking that we have to do it, but it’s a nice thing that it's in the (state) budget.”

He also said distribution of VLT money – an unknown in recent years – is on track, and the county is expected to receive “an additional windfall in Article Six funding for the health department … and for mental health and veteran services.”

Article 6 state funds help support critical services provided by local health departments.


Landers pointed out that the masking requirement for county employees, which has been in effect for some time, continues – regardless of any legal back-and-forth that is happening at the state level.

County employees must wear face coverings at all time, but can take them off when seated at their workstations and are at least six feet away from others. Visitors to county buildings also are required to wear masks.

“… the Genesee County policy that we had for masking for county employees and visitors to our buildings were in effect before the governor's mandate came into place,” Landers said. “And that would still be in effect, regardless of whatever the court decision was.”

Landers mentioned that the county policy was instituted when there were “a quarter of the cases in the county that we have now, so I think it'd would not be wise for us to not follow science and to open ourselves up to less safe conditions for our employees.”

“We’re going to monitor and hopefully be able to take a different action in the spring, when the cases are ... expected to reduce but just wanted to give an update to the legislature where we stand with that,” Landers said. “And that is with both consultation and an agreement and approval from our public health director.”


Landers said the timeline for the new $70 million county jail on West Main Street Road hasn’t changed, crediting the work of "jail team" members Paul Osborn and Laura Wadhams for their efforts and Hens for reviewing the site plans and preparing bid documents.

“We were scheduled to be out (with bids) next week but we'd rather have it right than to just to rush,” he said. “So the timeline is still a little fluid where we're looking at (maybe) an additional week or two delay, which isn't going to be significant in the long term.”

The county manager added that Osborn and Wadhams will save the county “well into the six figures on catching things we don’t need.”

“That would be a waste of taxpayer money. I've been highly impressed with the work that they've been doing for us. They're some of our best employees and we're lucky to have them,” he said.


The final two of the 54 resolutions on the meeting’s agenda were Rule 19 measures (late additions) relating to the purchase of COVID-19 test kits and the revision of the county’s purchasing policy specifically for the jail project.

Genesee County was hoping to use state funds to buy 20,000 test kits for its residents, but learned in recent days that would not be allowed. As a result, it reverted to its original resolution that called upon using $150,750 from American Rescue Plan Act (federal) funding.

Concerning the purchasing resolution, the legislature authorized Landers to approve expenditures up to $35,000 – instead of the current $20,000 limit – exclusively during the construction of the jail.

The change was made after consulting with construction management, engineering and architectural officials, who are looking to avoid any work stoppages by having to wait for the full legislature to convene.

Lehigh Avenue will be closed tomorrow for water line repair

By Press Release

Press release:

The City of Batavia Water Department will be repairing a water line on Lehigh Avenue, on January 27, 2022. The location will be just south of the underpass on the curve. Due to the location, the street will be closed to traffic at Ellicott Street as well as the city line. The closure is planned for 8 a.m. The road should reopen by 3 p.m. Motorists should plan to have an alternate route in place.

We thank the public for their patience.

Village of Elba handing out free COVID-19 test kits on Saturday

By Press Release

Press release:

The Village of Elba will be handing out free COVID- 19 test kits on Saturday, January 29, 2022, from 11 a.m. to Noon based on availability.

There is a limit of to two (2) test kits per individual, four (4) tests per household. You must be a Genesee County resident and there are no pre-orders.

This event will take place at the Village Office, 4 South Main St. in Elba.

Olympic Torch coming to Batavia this Saturday

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Empire State Games will be making a stop in Batavia with the Olympic Torch on their way to Buffalo this Saturday, January 29th.  The representatives from Empire State Games expect to reach the Batavia Ice Rink (soon likely to be known as the David McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena) at 8 a.m.  They will arrive through the front doors and go to the Rink and pass the torch to an awaiting Genesee Amateur Hockey Rampart player who will proceed to skate around the rink and pass the torch off to other Rampart players.  There will be a photo shoot in front of the trophy case before their departure.


Fewer local residents in job market but overall unemployment rate hits record low

By Howard B. Owens

While the overall number of Genesee County residents with jobs is lower than a year ago, the local unemployment rate hit its lowest percentage point in decades in December at 2.7 percent.

The labor force (the number of people with jobs or considered employable but unemployed) was 28,000 in December, down from 29,200 in December 2021.

The total number of employed residents was recorded as 27,200, down from 27,600 a year ago, with 800 residents unemployed, down from 1,600 a year ago.

The NYS Department of Labor statistics available online goes back to only 1990.  The unemployment rate has never dipped below 3.0 over those decades.

The GLOW-area unemployment rate is 2.8, also a record.

In Erie County rate is 3.3 percent, and Monroe County is 3.0.

The State rate is 5.0, down from 8.5 percent a year ago.  The national rate is 3.7 percent, down from 6.5 percent a year ago.

Genesee County school districts report concerns, appreciation and hope in COVID era

By Joanne Beck

Being superintendent of Elba Central School during a pandemic the last two years has made Gretchen Rosales mull what her inherent role is, she says. 

What it’s not is to be a doctor, scientist, or another virus expert, though current times have hinted otherwise, she said.

Elba Central School Superintendent Gretchen Rosales

“I sometimes reflect upon the fact that I did not study to be an epidemiologist;  I studied to become an educator,” Rosales said to The Batavian as part of a district round-up in Genesee County. “But COVID has consumed so much of school and what we do here.  Education is my passion and I can talk for days about what my vision of a high-achieving school looks like.  But COVID has been the topic of conversation for the past two years, and I think that we are all ready to move on and focus on what school should really be about: learning and growing.”

And how does one do that in the thick of ever-shifting recommendations and mandates dealing with all things COVID-19? Rosales has a focus on keeping her school community physically and mentally healthy. That means maintaining a routine, keeping students in school, and offering extracurricular activities that allow for meaningful engagement, she said. 

“And providing opportunities for them to make a difference in their community is an important measure in positive mental health,” she said.   

Her district recently had a dozen students and/or staff members out sick with COVID-19, which is more than what’s been seen in the past, she said. On the other hand, that hasn’t been too surprising given “the trends that we have seen in the community,” she said. Part of those trends involves a new routine.

“Our school nurse does have a testing protocol and she spends a good portion of her day testing students or staff, either due to the mandated testing of the unvaccinated or due to symptomatic cases,” Rosales said.  “We follow all DOH protocols for universal masking, testing, and quarantine.”

When asked what advice she would give to district families, Rosales had nothing specific other than to regularly wash one’s hands and stay home when ill. Aside from that, though, is her more serious concern: “that all schools are focusing on the mental health of our entire school community.” 

January is the traditional time for New Year’s resolutions, and Rosales is looking forward to what the 2022 school year will bring. Her goals for the district include “continuing to refine our instructional programs,” she said.

“To offer a high quality, rigorous education for all Lancers. We are looking at ways to continuously expand our academic and extracurricular opportunities for all students,” she said. “Personally, I feel that it is important to continue to grow as an educator myself, which includes making time to read current research, visit other schools, and engage in professional development.”

Batavia City Schools Superintendent Jason Smith, who began his role at the district on Jan. 3, resolves to balance his new job requirements with a “full and balanced lifestyle, including continued regular exercise, healthy eating and rest and relaxation.”

Batavia City School District Superintendent Jason Smith

For his district, Smith, a 1990 Batavia High School grad, is placing his own stellar expectations onto all students as a New Year's resolution for 2022. His personal mantra has been to "raise the bar, set high goals," and he believes that it's "our job as the adults" to help students achieve those high expectations. He has been open to questions from the district population and hosted a community forum online for a Q&A with him and other district leaders. One question was regarding the wearing of masks, and he acknowledged that some people like them and others do not. Personal preference aside, though, Smith said that masks are to be worn as a state and district protocol. Batavia's Board of Education also recently approved the purchase of portable air purification devices. 

As far as cases being reported for the district and in Genesee County, Smith feels they reflect those numbers cited at a national level. His district’s goal is to keep students in the classroom.

“But as we’ve shared with our families, it will take a combined effort,” Smith said. “We continue to ask families to keep children home if they’re not feeling well, and to reinforce good hygiene habits. We were grateful to receive a supply of at-home testing kits to distribute to the district (a week ago), and we’re working with the Health Department on implementing ‘Test-To-Stay’ in our schools.”

The Test-to-Stay procedure has begun at school districts in an effort to keep as many students in school while rooting out positive cases for required isolation and/or quarantine. 

Smith added his thanks to the school staff, “who have been a tremendous source of support during this challenging and evolving time.”   

Pavilion Central School Superintendent Kate Hoffman

In addition to what school districts do, there’s the “why” behind that work for Pavilion Central School Superintendent Mary Kate Hoffman. 

“When things are stressful, difficult or overwhelming it is important to remember (and to help those around you remember) that the reason we do what we do each day is to give our students the best education and school experience we can,” Hoffman said.

Similar to other districts, Pavilion has experienced “a significant rise” — up to 10 percent — of student and staff absences. Although not every absence is related to COVID-19, she said, the majority are due to positive cases or being quarantined from exposure at the home.   

Pavilion follows all Department of Health guidelines and ascribes to universal masking recommendations. Communication, testing for those with symptoms, and promoting vaccinations and masks have also been key, she said.

“We have reached out to our community to ask that they keep their children home if they are sick.  Getting vaccinated and wearing masks helps us keep our kids in school,” she said. “We also have amazing school nurses who are working extra hard to keep our whole school community healthy, and we are very thankful for the work that they are doing for us.”  

Matthew Calderon’s resolution is as superintendent of Pembroke Central School: “To continue to pursue and promote a UNIFIED (he emphasized in all caps) approach in everything we do here in Pembroke.”

As for COVID-19 protocols, the Pembroke district’s attendance 10 days into January was at 87 percent, with only six employees absent. Employees have been tested on a weekly basis since early November, and so far, “it’s going well.”

Pembroke Central School Superintendent Matthew Calderon

“Our Continuation of Operations Plan includes all the standard protocols for masking, testing, and quarantines, as required by the NYSDOH Commissioner's Determinations,” Calderon said. “In Pembroke, we track and communicate student COVID numbers on a monthly basis.  In September, three students tested positive district-wide.  In October, nine students tested positive district-wide. In November, 26 students tested positive district-wide.  In December, 45 students tested positive district-wide.  I will not have January's numbers until the first week of February, but I think it's safe to say they may be higher than December.”

The district peaked in positive COVID-19 cases in January, he said, but remained open every day. The coronavirus is “clearly transitioning to become endemic” he said, and the district is in a much better place overall than last year at this time. 

“We are confident we will remain open every day this year as well,” he said, offering some advice to the district community for keeping healthy. "Take care of yourself mentally and emotionally, and have hope as we start 2022!"  

He takes some reassurance from the Centers for Disease Control data for New York State showing “significantly lower” numbers so far this year for COVID-related hospitalizations, as compared to January 2021.

“While increased testing and the newest strains of COVID certainly caused a dramatic increase in the number of positive COVID cases identified, the CDC Data for the week ending January 1, 2022, shows that hospitalizations throughout New York State are significantly lower than when they peaked in January 2021,” he said.

For more information about state hospitalization numbers, go to:

Oakfield-Alabama Central School Superintendent John Fisgus

Oakfield-Alabama Central School never had to switch learning modes to a hybrid format of part in-school and part at home, Superintendent John Fisgus said. Likewise, the district didn’t have to pack three students per seat on the bus as other districts such as Batavia have had to. The city school district heard some parental concerns about the close-knit quarters on buses, which prompted Batavia Board of Education President Alice Benedict to encourage worried parents with the option to drive their students to school instead.

Oakfield-Alabama had no such experience, Fisgus said.

“We were able to accommodate one kid to a seat, and they have to wear masks,” he said. “The bus drivers disinfect buses before the next run. Our buses are not overcrowded; we never had that issue.”

There has been “a lot of testing,” he said, and the district, as other towns, villages, and schools in Genesee County have done, has offered COVID-19 testing kits to families. Despite the rising numbers of COVID-19 cases early this year, he has taken note of a bright side.

“We’re struggling, like any district, with an increase in COVID cases,” he said. “The good news is that symptoms don’t seem to be as severe. People seem to be getting over it, with a day or two of symptoms, and then they’re ready to go.”

Fisgus and other superintendents emphasized how helpful and valiant their school nurses have been. The school nurse has played a central role in most districts as the starting point for prospective COVID-19 cases. 

“The school nurses have been unbelievable,” Fisgus said. 

The Batavian contacted all districts by email and phone with questions regarding board meeting agendas, New Year’s resolutions, and the impact of COVID-19 so far in 2022. Alexander, Byron-Bergen, and Le Roy district superintendents did not respond. Byron-Bergen’s communications person did reply with information about board agendas. Board of Education agendas may be found at each respective district’s website, and meetings are open to the public.

The most recent COVID-19 numbers are in a related article, “COVID-19 numbers for Genesee County School Districts.” 

COVID-19 numbers for Genesee County school districts

By Joanne Beck

As of Jan. 24, Le Roy Central School district had the highest current number of positive COVID-19 cases, with 18 students, three teachers and three staff members testing positive. National news reports have cited the latest Omicron variant to be more prevalent but with less severe symptoms than the prior Delta variant. As of Jan. 17, the total number of deaths from COVID-19 was 169 in Genesee County.

New test-to-stay procedures and take-home testing kits have been put in place for Genesee County school districts, and Genesee County Health Department’s guidance, as of Jan. 13, recommends several precautionary measures for students to remain healthy and in school.

These include getting the COVID-19 vaccine, following universal indoor masking protocols; maintaining at least three feet of physical distance between people; following test, isolation, and quarantine procedures; stick to hand washing and respiratory rules; and stay home when sick and when getting tested for suspected illness.

The following numbers are from New York State’s School COVID Report Card. Numbers are for positive cases from Jan. 11 to 24 in Genesee County public school districts:

Alexander Central School
Students - 8
Teachers - 1
Staff - 0
Total: 9

Batavia City Schools
Students - 15
Teachers - 0
Staff - 2
Total: 17

Byron-Bergen Central School
Students - 12
Teachers - 0
Staff - 1
Total: 13

Elba Central School
Students - 8
Teachers - 0
Staff - 3
Total: 11

Le Roy Central School
Students - 18
Teachers - 3
Staff - 3
Total: 24

Oakfield-Alabama Central School
Students - 13
Teachers - 4
Staff - 3
Total: 20

Pavilion Central School
Students - 4
Teachers - 0
Staff - 2
Total: 6

Pembroke Central School
Students - 7
Teachers - 3
Staff - 2
Total: 12

School districts report their numbers each week to the state site. For more information, go to:

Interim principal appointed for Le Roy Jr./Sr. High

By Howard B. Owens

Beth Patton, an experienced administrator, has been named interim principal for Le Roy Jr./Sr. High School by the board of trustees.

The board made the appointment last night.

Superintendent Merritt Holly said Patton "has an extensive background, success, and experience as a building-level administrator.  She has just completed an interim position at Bloomfield CSD assisting the district in covering for both the middle and high school principal."

In his announcement to district parents, he listed a sampling of her accomplishments: 

Rush-Henrietta Senior High School: (April 1998 to June 2019) 

  • Instructional leader responsible for the academic success of 1250 students in grades 10-12. 
  • Daily administrator of the building and supervision of 225 staff members. 
  • Rush-Henrietta Senior High School was recognized by NYS Dept. of Education as a Reward School in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 for closing significant achievement gaps
  • Rush-Henrietta Senior High School earned “Silver” distinction by US News & World Report’s Best High Schools in America in 2017, 2018, and 2019

She will begin her new position on Feb. 7.

Patton will serve while the district goes through the process of hiring a new principal with interviews expected in March and an anticipated start date of April 25.  The position opened following Tim McArdle's resignation last week to assume a new job at Caledonia-Mumford Jr./Sr. HS.

Previously: Le Roy's high school principal taking new position at Cal-Mum

Accident reported at Oak and Richmond, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

A two-car vehicle accident is reported at Oak Street and Richmond Avenue, Batavia.

One person is still in a vehicle, unknown if injured.

City Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

UPDATE 10:21 a.m.: Two flat-bed tows are requested to the scene. No reports of serious injuries.

GO Art! announces pair of free weddings for lucky contest winners

By Press Release

Press release:

GO ART! has partnered with more than TWENTY local shops, vendors and artists to give TWO happy couples the wedding of their dreams.

The contest is free to enter! To enter, the couple needs to send us a video of why they deserve to win, and fill out an application form. These can be found at All couples are welcome regardless of gender or sexuality, we just ask that both marriers be 21+. We'll be sharing their stories on social media for everyone to vote on the winners, starting February 14, 2022, so we ask that all contestants follow us on Facebook (!

These special Batavian weddings will take place at GO ART!'s own Seymour Place (1) at 201 E Main St. The historic Seymour Place has facilities for a ceremony, reception for up to 35 guests plus a wedding party of six, a cash bar with bartender provided, dance floor, and bridal and groomsmen's suites for the wedding party to prepare.  The reception will be catered by either Eli Fish or Main Street Pizza, see details below for a full list of what we'll be providing! 

Provided for the big day: 



Wedding Party Pampering:

  • Tuxedo rentals (6) will be provided by Charles Men's Shop
  • Wedding Party Updos (7) by Wisteria 
  • Wedding Party Barbering (7) by My Cut Barbershop 
  • Makeup (8) by Carrie Richards & Kristen Geroult owners of Glam Spa Studio inside of Wisteria Studios
  • Wedding Party Pedicures (8) by Artemis 

Each couple can choose one of the following ahead of your wedding! 


Couples must allow their images to be used for promotional purposes, both as part of their applications and all wedding photography & videography.

No profanity or nudity is allowed in submitted videos.

(1) Wedding must take place on a weekday, dates are subject to availability of GO ART!'s facilities and vendors. 

(2) Services include up to 8 hours of coverage, final images will be edited and uploaded to a personal gallery for viewing online; additional add-ons are available for purchase i.e. hours, prints, albums, USB, etc. 

(3) Select rings or a $150 credit towards the purchase of two rings 

(4) For a wedding party of six

(5) Select cakes or $250 credit 

(6) up to three tuxedo rentals, additional costs to be agreed upon between vendor and marriers

(7) barbering and updos for up to six people total, taken in any combination

(8) for a wedding party of six (total for both sides of the party), does not have to be used in its entirety

(9) Value of $60 per person, no combining, final design pending artist approval 



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  • Organization: Genesee Orleans Arts Council (GOART!) 
  • Contact: Allison Hamilton 
  • What: Go Art’s Wedding Give Away 
  • When: Nominations / Entry Now, Contest Opens on Social Media on 2/14/22
  • Where:
  • Cost: FREE; 21+ 
  • Number for more information: 585-343-9313
  • Website:
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City Council prepared to gain some control over a 'baaaad' situation involving residents' farm animals

By Mike Pettinella

The City of Batavia may have to get its ducks in a row after the City Council president on Monday night expressed his view that farm animals living in the community apparently have gotten his goat.

Eugene Jankowski Jr. said he was compelled “to start a conversation” over the fact that he has received a couple complaints from residents about neighbors who are keeping animals such as goats on their properties – resulting in excessive noise, excrement and other byproducts of such species.

“What we’ve had in the last year – we’ve had a couple of interesting cases where people had multiple goats on their property and it kind of disrupted the neighborhood,” Jankowski said. “I don’t know what we can do, if anything? I don’t know what the public input is on this, but I wanted to start the conversation and at least have some direction from Council …”

Jankowski suggested looking at what other municipalities are doing in similar cases, adding that maybe the city can act to limit the number of non-traditional pets and possibly to install some enforcement measures.

“When you have multiple goats in the backyard and they’re kind of loud and they scream and make weird noises, and they also leave a lot of dung laying around. Maybe we should have some oversight on it,” he added. “It’s not something you’d really expect to see in the city … (where) a person has to wake up with a goat screaming right outside their bedroom window at 5 in the morning.”

Terming it a “low priority” at this point, Jankowski asked for input from his colleagues.

Patti Pacino spoke up, stating, “If it’s disturbing someone, I think we need to look into it.”

Robert Bialkowski said he dealt with this issue in the past and noted that code enforcement officers treat farm animals differently than pets.

“If you have a lamb and it’s a pet and it’s named as a pet, there’s nothing they can do about it,” he said.

Bialkowski said in his case it was St. Bernard dogs “which probably leave as much waste as a small goat, and we couldn’t use our backyard in the summer because the flies were so bad; they didn’t clean up after themselves.”

He said he turned it over to the county Health Department and it was resolved quickly.

Jankowski said they he did try to resolve it but found it was a “gray area.”

“It wasn’t the same as a dog or a cat … and again I don’t want to prevent people from,” he said. “If they have a horse and that’s their means of transportation, where some communities do that … I wouldn’t want to prevent someone from living in the city and not having their transportation.”

The council president said he was referring more to goats, geese, ducks and even roosters who count themselves as city dwellers.

“I was told that Rochester has certain regulations on chickens,” he said. “Nothing like if you’re working the midnight shift and you just put your head to the pillow and you hear a rooster out your bedroom window. It kind of makes you angry.”

City Manager Rachael Tabelski, responding to Jankowski’s request to “find out what our options are,” asked what direction she should take.

“Are you directing me to look into all types of animals on city property or specifically goats, or cloven hoofed animals which would be considered sheep, goats, horse and cattle?” she asked.

Jankowski said he was thinking about animals normally considered to be raised on a farm, which produce food and eggs. He said he wanted to make sure the animals were treated humanely and safely, and were located in an area where they didn’t disturb the neighbors.

Again, he suggested finding out what other communities do and to get public input on the matter.

At that point, John Canale, speaking remotely, said he wished to stay “fairly neutral” since he is dealing with the same problem in his neighborhood.

“I, too, have received complaints about it and I am very apprehensive about making a move in any way because I get along with all my neighbors tremendously well and I certainly don’t want to put myself in a situation where I upset some neighbors and don’t upset other neighbors.”

Canale said if it came down to involving his neighbors that he would recuse himself from the fray, but agreed that Council should look into it.

“Totally understand,” Jankowski replied. “And one of the complaints I received was your neighborhood.”

Concluding the nine-minute discussion, Jankowski called for a “fact-finding thing” and report back in February or March.

City budget public hearing tentatively set for Feb. 28

By Mike Pettinella

A public hearing on the City of Batavia’s $17.7 million budget for the 2022-23 fiscal year is tentatively scheduled for 7 p.m. Feb. 28 at the City Hall Council Board Room.

City Council on Monday night forwarded several resolutions to its Feb. 14 Business Meeting, including the chance for residents to speak about the budget ordinance and water rate changes.

The proposed General Fund spending plan calls for a tax levy of $5,986,000 – up $121,403 from 2021-22. The property tax rate, however, would decrease by 78 cents to $8.94 per $1,000 of assessed value.

Council has scheduled four budget work sessions, with the first one taking place last night. Others are set for tonight, Jan. 31 and Feb. 7 (if needed).

The budget, if adopted as it currently sits, would raise water rates, meter fees and capital improvement fees by 1.5 percent from last year’s rates.

Other items forwarded to the next Business Meeting:

  • A long list of capital projects that include several late additions thanks to funding received through the American Rescue Plan Act:

-- Walnut Street mill and fill;
-- Interior improvements to the Batavia Ice Arena;
-- Multiple water plant projects and sewer bypass repairs at the Waste Water Treatment Plant;
-- Maple and Mill Street sanitary sewer project;
-- Sewer lining improvements.

Previously identified projects include the Richmond/Harvester highway improvement program, Bureau of Maintenance/Fire Department facilities, Jackson Square, Austin Park playground, new police station, water treatment plant filters, Jackson Street water project, Waste Water Treatment Plant air system blower and City Centre.

  • An increase in the fee charged to accept waste from bulk haulers at the Waste Water Treatment Plant of $5 per 1,000 gallons -- from $35 to $40.

Tabelski is recommending that each time a truck dumps the waste that it be charged for a full tank capacity, a change in policy that could reap another $11,400 in revenue. She indicated that $40 to $45 per 1,000 gallons is the industry standard.

  • Rezoning parcels at 145 and 147 Pearl St. from Planned Development (P-1) to Residential (R-2) in response to one of the owners’ desire to erect a shed on his property. No one spoke at a public hearing held last night.

Two resolutions were passed during a Special Business Meeting that took place prior to the Conference Meeting:

  • Authorizing a contract for $615,000 with Ashley McGraw Architects of Syracuse to design, engineer and provide construction management services for the city’s new police headquarters, which is expected to be built on the Alva Place parking lot off Bank Street.
  • Creation of a temporary human resources director position in light of HR Director Dawn Fairbanks’ intention to retire in the coming months. The non-union job would allow for a smoother transition and handling of the department’s workload, according to the resolution.

Pavilion campground venture merges entrepreneurship with family values

By Joanne Beck
Video Sponsor
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Give Jesse Coots a couple of hours and he will find plenty to say. The Pavilion native’s enthusiasm is infectious, whether it’s about his family, hot rod shop, or a new campground venture slated for later this year. 

The 45-year-old entrepreneur and his wife Jolene are eagerly mapping out their Lokee-Hikee Campgrounds project at 10156 Perry Rd., Pavilion. It seems rather easy to start daydreaming of packing up the camper as the Coots verbally paints a picture of their vision: friends, families, campfires, slowing down, relaxation, swimming, catching frogs, and taking scenic hikes in the great outdoors. The site’s tagline perhaps says it all: “We’ll leave the stars on for you.”

“We really live in a great area. We love Pavilion, it's where I'm originally from. I mean, we've lived here for 20 years. It's kind of where we really wanted to be,” Mr. Coots said during an interview with The Batavian Saturday at the family’s 1800s farmhouse. “We walked the property and it's perfect. It' in a great location, it's on a back road, but … there's a lot of main roads that run right by it. So it's a very accessible spot, and the land itself is perfect. It's really a great spot, it's got great terrain. So I'm really excited about it.”

Low Key, High Key …
That piece of land is 110 acres — and an estimated $250,000 investment so far — requiring a special use permit, engineering, land surveys, drilling for wells, securing town board approval and doing everything they can to ensure the site will be environmentally sound and neighbor-friendly, he said. 

Providing a fun, family-friendly campground has been a dream-in-the-works for the last five or six years, the couple said. They began scouting properties a few years ago, from Alexander and Batavia to Caledonia and found the ideal property practically in their own back yard.  But they were a step too late; it had already been purchased. Mr. Coots congratulated the new owner and admitted that it was a great parcel of land. 

Fate took a turn, and that owner changed his mind, notified the Coots, and put it back up for sale. There was no misstep this time, and the Coots became the proud owners of property that’s only three miles away from their home. 

Jesse and Jolene walked the property with some friends who are avid campers, and they gave a nod of approval. 

“They're like ‘you couldn't have picked a better piece of land,’” Mr. Coots said.

The first phase of the project is a section of 26 acres for about 80 campsites, a registration building, bathroom and shower facilities, a pool, and a stocked pond large enough for paddle boats, swimming, fishing, and skipping stones. There are also to be a host of jobs for people — especially youth —  to keep busy and gain work experience. The Coots want to provide that type of wholesome family experience for their three girls and the community. 

The special use permit has been a sticking point so far, as a prior hearing was rendered null and void after the board asked for the application to be completed again, Mr. Coots said. Another hearing has been set for 7 p.m. Wednesday at Pavilion Town Hall, 1 Woodrow Drive, Pavilion. (See “What’s in a Plan?”)

The name Lokee-Hikee has a touch of Native American appearance in it that appeals to the nature-loving, outdoorsy Coots family. It also is a play on words to imply a sense of low key relaxation with high key fun, energy, and friendliness, he said. 

Mrs. Coots, the quieter one of the couple, created the logo of five trees representing the family, silhouetted against a sunrise with the tagline about the stars. She complements her husband by filling in the creative gaps. It was the three girls — Cricket, Trilly, and Souly, 14, 12, and 11, respectively —  who reminded their folks that they appreciate the seemingly small stuff. The girls texted mom and dad one morning and told them to look at the sunrise. Likewise, the girls have asked their parents to check out the stars on particular nights.

“I love that my kids know enough to look at the sunrise and go ‘this is beautiful.’ And it's the same with the stars,” Mr. Coots said. “It's like, that's what camping is about. And that's what we want to expose kids and people to, because it seems that in our fast pace in life, you forget to enjoy the stars.”

The girls shared their excitement for the project with reasons of meeting new people, getting to play outside and help out, and, no doubt, enjoying some chocolatey S'mores. 

Who are Jesse and Jolene Coots …
It was, no doubt, his zeal for car rebuilds and providing hospitality that helped Jesse’s Hardcore Happenings event to mushroom in size and importance. The gathering has been a longstanding yearly opportunity to show off one’s classic car, eat some picnic fare and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow hot rod lovers. 

He has owned and operated The Old Soul Hot Rod Shop for more than a dozen years next to his home in Pavilion. Rebuilding and working on 1930s to 1950s era vehicles has been a passion since he started doing it in high school. 

Mrs. Coots, 44, is a massage therapist with a plan to offer her services at the campground. The three girls, plus dogs Trixie and C.C. (for chocolate chip), some chickens, bunnies, fish and a rooster, round out the family homestead.

A glitch with the Planning Board aside, the Coots have been pleased with everyone they’ve encountered, from the Department of Environmental Conservation and Genesee County Health Department to well-drillers, topographical surveyors and Army Corps of Engineers.

“We have really gone through the steps of making sure we're doing everything right legally (with all entities involved). They have been fantastic to deal with. It's our engineering that our Town of Pavilion is obviously involved in, and wants to make sure we're doing everything right,” he said. “So we have the entire product. They've made us engineer everything. So we have hired (Engineer Sara Gilbert), and she has been heaven-sent.” 

This labor of love will come down to the Planning Board, he said, and whether board members want the land available for the Coots' dream-come-true campground.

“Of course we would like people to be able to come and, you know, if they want to buy a membership they can have coffee there, they can use the hiking trails … we plan on having disc golf and different things like that for people to do,” he said. “And we know we're going to have, obviously, a swing set and stuff for kids, and we'd like to be able to open that to the community to use.”

The Coots family has been charging forth with the plan despite a small handful of Perry Road area neighbors complaining with signs advocating for no campgrounds and a rumored petition being circulated against the project. 

Mr. Coots said that he and his engineer have ensured not only the recommended setbacks but increased that to be amply compliant. For example, the required minimum of 25-foot setbacks has been lengthened to 150 feet, he said. And there will be no Hardcore Happenings, live concerts, or loud parties allowed on the property, Coots said. 
“So that's kind of one of the reasons we went after the campground idea because it is a family and community kind of thing; we can all work together,” Mr. Coots said.

“We wanted a piece that was of large size …  so it could be wide open and free and not be intrusive on the neighbors and also not having our guests be crowded,” he said. “We can really spread it out and make it a beautiful place and let everybody have lots of freedom and space.”

Middle photo by Howard Owens. Jesse and Jolene Coots, shown here with daughters Cricket, Trilly, and Souly, pose outside of their Pavilion home. 

Photo courtesy Jesse Coots.

What’s the plan? Hearing this week for Pavilion family’s proposed campground

By Joanne Beck

Jesse and Jolene Coots are keeping their fingers crossed for a positive outcome of their hearing this week. Pavilion Town Planning Board will be reviewing the Coots’ application and supporting documents for their Lokee-Hikee Campground at 10156 Perry Road, Pavilion.

"The hardest part of these projects is just starting," he said during an interview Saturday with The Batavian. "Our setbacks with neighbors are over the top. We're well within the code." 

The hearing is set for 7 p.m. Wednesday at Pavilion Town Hall, 1 Woodrow Drive, Pavilion. 

The Details …
The proposed site is 26.4 acres to be carved out of a total 110-acre property with woods, wetlands, and rolling topography. The campground is to be seasonally operated, neatly landscaped and maintained, and geared toward families, retirees, and seasonal occupancies, the application states.

Amenities are to include a registration building and camp store, food service, a swimming pool, public restrooms, and shower facilities, and a recreational fishing pond. 

The application is for approval of 145 total campsites that would be developed in multiple phases and compliant with the town’s zoning ordinance. In addition to the town  Planning Board’s approval, the project will also be reviewed by the Genesee County Planning Board and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.  

During a prior Planning Board meeting, Mr. Coots needed to address the use of an existing driveway at 10162 Perry Road, the campground’s main entrance, plans for the whole 110 acres (half to be for farming and half for campsites), water, septic, buffering, dark sky technology and the recreational area, according to meeting minutes.

Because the project’s original concept changed, the board recommended that the Coots had to “restart with a new complete site plan plus engineering” and return for another hearing. The board agreed to consider a campground site plan of up to 150 sites at that initial meeting in May 2021. 

The application also includes prospective “project benefits” of:

  • Positive economic impact to the town through bolstered sales at local restaurants, gas stations, golf course, laundry service, and retail stores.
  • Job growth potential from those businesses named above.
  • An increased town tax base.
  • Compliance of town codes, the Comprehensive Plan, and Environmental Regulatory mandates.
  • Buffering and setbacks (exceeding the minimum of 25 feet with nearly 150 feet) to mitigate any negative impacts to neighboring residents.

Time to Speak Up …
Public comments are encouraged during the hearing. Speakers may be given maximum time limits, and the board may terminate a speaker’s time for combative, rude, overly emotional, or non-relevant statements. 

The Coots encourage people to attend and speak up about the project. They wanted to have discussions with those who oppose it, but haven’t been able to do that, Mr. Coots said. He would like to be able to hear and address residents’ concerns, he said. 

See Also: Pavilion campground venture merges entrepreneurship with family values

Council sends favorable signals to Batavia duo seeking to acquire ice arena naming rights

By Mike Pettinella

Calling it a significant event in his lifetime, Batavia businessman Guy Pellegrino walked away from tonight’s City Council Conference Meeting with a good feeling that the Batavia Ice Arena soon will be named in honor of the late David McCarthy.

Pellegrino, owner of Pellegrino Auto Sales on Pearl Street Road, and Brian McCarthy, president of the David M. McCarthy Memorial Foundation, spoke to city lawmakers at the City Hall Council Board Room to let them know how much it would mean to them for Council to vote in favor of accepting their offer to purchase the naming rights of the Evans Street facility.

City management put out a Request for Proposal back in October and apparently has drafted a contract that stipulates annual payments of $3,100 from Pellegrino Auto Sales over a 10-year period for the privilege to rename the rink The David McCarthy Memorial Ice Arena.

“You couldn’t find a better person to have their name on that building,” Pellegrino said. “This is one of the most special things I have ever embarked upon.”

Pellegrino said he and David played hockey together from 1983 through the Batavia High Ice Devils’ run to the New York State finals in 1995.

“He was our team captain and was just one of my great, great friends,” he said. “But back to the naming rights and making sure David's name is on there. He was just very passionate, just a great, great hockey player and even greater person. So, to honor him -- that's honestly what we set out to do.”

David McCarthy was killed tragically in a motor vehicle accident in November 2006 at the age of 29. Shortly thereafter, his family and friends started the foundation in his name to support local youth sports.

His brother, Brian, said he appreciates Pellegrino’s generosity and will work closely with him to advance youth hockey and enhance what the arena has to offer for children and adults, alike.

“Guy came to us and said when this proposal (from the city) came out that he wanted to do this – not necessarily for his business, but in honor of his teammate and my brother, David McCarthy,” Brian said to the City Council members.

“Our family was just blown away that he wanted to do this. We thought, well, what can we do? So, what we bring to the table is … a charitable foundation that is passionate about improving and supporting youth athletics in Genesee County.”

McCarthy said the foundation has supported “a long and diverse list of organizations” over the past 15 years. The foundation has donated around $80,000 to youth sports during that time.

With help from his father, Michael, and other family and friends, McCarthy said the foundation is in a position to help sports groups get started or move to the next level.

“As Guy and I talked about it a few weeks ago, I have the fun job of often times getting back to these organizations, reporting to them that we're going to step in and help,” he said.

“We have a huge golf tournament every June where we raise money to support youth athletics and it's become a very big event, and the community has just been amazing in supporting us,” he mentioned. “So, we're excited to take kind of that recipe and join forces with the people that have been working hard for years to make the ice rink an amazing place, and maybe even add a little more to the equation.”

Both men said they are hopeful that their offer will be accepted when Council votes at its next Business Meeting on Feb. 14.

Judging by some of the Council members’ initial reactions, they have reason to be optimistic.

Patti Pacino said she has an 8-year-old and 4-year-old (grandchildren) that use the rink and said, “I couldn’t agree more” with their bid to win the naming rights.

Council President Eugene Jankowski Jr. thanked both of them for “thinking about the long term” status of the rink and fostering public partnership; Tammy Schmidt noted that her son “grew up at the rink and now her grandson” and Robert Bialkowski said he was glad that somebody from Batavia responded to the RFP.

Bialkowski asked what would happen if the city leases the rink to a different management firm that wanted to change the facility's name. City Attorney George Van Nest said there is an opt-out clause and that would be addressed at that time.

For now, both Pellegrino and Brian McCarthy are spending their free time as coaches – teaching the basics of hockey to their young children.

“We’re coaching together at the beginner level. Yeah, the smallest kids on the ice – 4 and 5 years old; as little as they get,” McCarthy offered. “The two of us have a long extension to our own hockey adventure ahead of us with our sons.”

Photo: Guy Pellegrino, left, and Brian McCarthy address City Council tonight about their offer to have the Batavia Ice Arena named in memory of Brian's brother, David. Photo by Mike Pettinella.

Previously: City drafts resolution to name ice arena in memory of standout Batavia athlete David McCarthy

Town of Batavia runs out of COVID test kits in first half hour of distribtuion

By Howard B. Owens

The Town of Batavia blocked out the hours of 5 to 7 p.m. to distribute free COVID-19 test kits at Town Hall.

All 110 kits were gone by 5:30 p.m., according to Clerk Teressa Morasco.

The kits were only available to Genesee County residents, proof of residence required, and there was a limit to two per household.

Photo: City Fire knocks down vehicle fire on Elm Street

By Howard B. Owens

At about 5:40 p.m., City Fire received a report of an object next to a vehicle on fire with the fire spreading to the vehicle at 18 Elm St., Batavia.

Lt. David Green said the owner of the vehicle had tried hitting a latch in order to open using a propane heater.


Business owners again waiting for city to clear snow so customers can easily reach their shops

By Howard B. Owens

It's been a week and Mark Fanara, owner of High Voltage Tattoo at 110 W. Main St., Batavia, is feeling increasingly frustrated that nobody can park in front of his business because of the massive pile of snow in the very limited space available for parking at his location.

He said he's called the city's maintenance department twice and that his landlord called as well and was told the snow would be removed today.  

Snow removal in front of city businesses is a perennial complaint of local shop owners, especially downtown where businesses often rely on the ability of customers to park along Main and walk into stores.

Dave Howe, Charles Men's Shop, said it is frustrating to have snow piled up or piling up, because it does hurt business, especially when the snowstorm comes on a holiday, as it did a week ago on Martin Luther King, Jr., Day.

"It's important for retail because bank clerks and school teachers and city workers all have the day off and it can be really busy for us," Howe said. "It's unfortunate because here we are generating tax money for the county, the state, and the city.  But I get it. It's money. It'd budget. It's overtime."

The Batavian spoke with City Manager Racheal Tabelski about the situation at High Voltage Tattoo before checking on the snowbanks downtown.  As for High Voltage, she said, "It's on DPW's list and they will get to it as soon as they can."

She has yet to respond to a text message about the snowbanks along Main Street in the downtown area.

UPDATE 11:15 p.m.: Tabelski said tonight that, yes, snow removal on Main Street in downtown continues to be an issue with every big snow event. "I absolutely sympathize with businesses trying to survive with customer access in the snow.  As you are aware, the crews have been doing the best they can. If it would stop dumping 4-5 inches on us each night, crews could get back to removal and these areas cleaned up sooner. I am hopeful they will get to public parking lanes quickly."

The snowbanks have been cleared from in front of City Hall.

Bubba's Landscaping cleared the snow from in front of the YNGodess Shop. Owner Chris Crocker said it took the crew about an hour using a snowblower and shovels.

Crocker said she understands the storm came on a federal holiday, and the city may even be short staff, "but then get on WBTA or The Batavian and explain it," Crocker said. "Tell the community what is going on and the community will come together."

She said her biggest concern is the safety of citizens who are forced to walk in the street to get to not just her business but Alberty's and the bank.  Some of those people are elderly, she noted.

"I don't want anybody to get hurt," she said.

The snowbank in front of the Masonic Temple building, the location of several businesses, including Charles Men's Shop.

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