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Video: Meet and Greet with Sen. George Borrello

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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State Sen. George Borello is a small business owner from Chautauqua County. He has represented the 57th State Senate district for three years.  In 2023, the 57th District will include Genesee County.  On Wednesday, Charles Men's Shop hosted a meet and greet for Borello and he spoke for a few minutes with The Batavian.

Photo: Lost dog on Wortendyke Road

By Howard B. Owens

This dog is apparently lost in the area of Route 33, near the corner of Wortendyke Road, Batavia.

The reader who submitted the picture said Sheriff's deputies were unable to catch it last night and it's still loose in the area this morning. 

'Gopher Gathering' draws families, school together

By Joanne Beck

Maddasin DuBois attended her first Gophers Open House Thursday. Though she had never thought much about these events, this year seemed different.

“My teachers kept talking about it,” said the new sixth-grader.

Her cousin, Alaina Rowe, went to see “my friends,” she said. They ate from one of the four food trucks, visited school booths, watched kids try to nail the target for a dunk tank and hung out at the Middle-Senior High School on Big Tree Road, Pavilion. Crystal DuBois, who is mom to both girls, said it was a first time for them. In the past, the girls hadn’t shown any interest, she said. But this year they all went and learned a thing or two.

“They have clubs and programs I didn’t know about, and maybe I can get them interested,” Crystal said.

The Gopher Gathering is Pavilion’s third annual open house, English teacher Rachel Kress said. Food trucks, games, informal meetings with teachers and Board of Education members, visiting a petting zoo hosted by Future Farmers of America and other activities filled the late afternoon until 7 p.m.

Ninth-grader Erin Andrews was one of several student volunteers to help out with the event. Erin had a face painting station set up for sparkle-adorned designs and temporary tattoos.

Sabrina Sanner, a newly hired music teacher, had never been to prior events and said it was a good idea. School districts often have events that bring families into the school classrooms for more formal types of interactions, she said. Pavilion's was out on the lawns, lined with tables, activities and information.

“I think it’s nice, it’s a better way to do an open house,” the 24-year-old said.

Next to her at the table was Eric Weaver, an art teacher. After all summer, this was "kind of like a reunion," he said.

“I think it’s a way for the community to get together,” he said. “This is kind of the first opportunity we’ve had to get together … and parents turn into supportive parents for their child’s education.”

He held up sign-up sheets with several student names on them indicating interest in art class. Aside from the general theme of meeting one another, there was another one: wearing the school colors of purple and gold. 

Groups of students sat talking on a nearby curb while others took turns trying to dunk Assistant Principal Charles Martelle in a tank of cold water. The school’s resource officer was on hand to talk to families and take photos for the bulletin board. Genesee County Sheriff’s deputies were there as well, in addition to about 75 faculty and staff, said Deb Barie, director of pupil personnel services.

“I think it’s a great way to have the whole family involved in the school,” she said. “They’re getting to know the teachers in a comfortable, safe setting. (Parents) can enjoy a night out with the kids. The student volunteers are showing off their extracurriculars to show what they do during the school day and outside of school.”

Top Photo: Pavilion Middle-High School students relax with some treats from food trucks during the annual Gopher Gathering at the school on Big Tree Road; Erin Andrews decorates a tattoo on first-grader Caroline Mead's hand; school faculty Eric Weaver and Sabrina Sanner share their passions for art and music, respectively, during the event Thursday; students take turns whipping the yellow ball at a dunk tank target in hopes of dropping Assistant Principal Charles Martelle into the water (some were successful); and photo above, school secretary Coreena Green, substitute teacher Jonathan Holland and Deb Barie, director of Pupil Personnel Services, meet families and hand out informational flyers. Photos by Joanne Beck.

Dog abuse case postponed after VFA letter received

By Joanne Beck

Cassandra Elmore’s case was set for 1:30 p.m. today, and one thing was fairly certain: she would show since she was recently arrested on a warrant and put in jail. She had failed to show up two times previously.

After several other cases were brought before Judge Thomas Burns Thursday in City Court, Elmore was brought in, handcuffed and wearing a neon yellow jumpsuit with Livingston County Jail stamped on the back.

While waiting for her case to be called, Elmore turned to talk with her mother, Lisa, about posting bail, and made a one-fingered gesture to someone else in the gallery area. She was being represented by Assistant Public Defender Jamie Welch.

Judge Burns said that some correspondence was received from Volunteers For Animals, and it, in essence, asked for a “possible resolution to this case,” given that Oddey, Elmore’s dog that overdosed, has been sitting at the county shelter for more than two months.

Burns proposed adjourning the case for a week and set her next appearance for 1:30 p.m. Sept. 22.

Welch and Assistant District Attorney Jenna Bauer agreed. Burns instructed Elmore that, if she was to make bail, she needed to show up for her court date. 

Elmore has missed two prior court dates after initially asking for more time to hire an attorney. Her original charge was three counts of injuring an animal after her dog was found to have overdosed on some type of narcotics.

She failed to appear in court on Aug. 11 (when a friend reported a call from Elmore in the hospital) and Sept. 8 and was arrested in between, on Aug. 30 after a traffic stop. She was charged with criminal possession of a weapon, obstruction of governmental administration, aggravated unlicensed operation third, uninspected motor vehicle, and insufficient tail lamps.

After not showing in court on Sept. 8, a warrant was issued for her arrest, and Batavia Police Department caught up with her on Sept. 10 after a property dispute at 316 East Main St. called them to the scene. She was arrested on the spot.

In the meantime, while her case has been pending and continues to be postponed due to her being a no-show, Oddey awaits his fate at the shelter. He can’t be put up for adoption while it’s an open case.

Volunteers For Animals member Wendy Castleman said Thursday that the dog is doing well. She couldn't answer any questions pertaining to the correspondence because it's an open case, she said.

Future convenience store planned for Town of Batavia

By Joanne Beck

If you have driven past the former Clor’s building on West Main Street Road and thought you saw a sign that later disappeared, you’re not seeing things.

A sign for F&M Convenience store was briefly put on the front of 4169 West Main Street Rd. in the town of Batavia. The site, which sits on a triangular piece of property between Top’s Friendly Markets and Valu Plaza, has been leased, Town Building Inspector Daniel Lang said.

Unfortunately, Ali Musa, the renter, has not taken his business through the proper channels of the town planning board yet, Lang said. His business is set to go before the Town Planning Board next week. Meanwhile, the process has been explained to the new occupant at least a few times, Lang said, yet Musa put the sign up, then took it down as directed, followed by putting up blue and white lights around the front windows. Those have also been taken down.

Property owner Benderson Development is leasing the 1,737-square-foot building to Musa after an 18-month gap in occupants. Musa has also been stocking the future store, although some of his products may not pass town code, Lang said.

Cannabis sales are legal in the city, but not in the town, which vetoed an option for cannabis dispensaries. Apparently, Musa intends to sell related products at the convenience store.

A representative of Benderson Development was unable to provide any details about the renter's plans.

The site was built in 2004 and has served to house several various operations, most notably Clor’s Meat Market, which moved there in 2009. Longtime owner Chuck Gugel sold the business to Kathleen (Kate) Gonzalez in 2013, who closed it by the end of that year.

Other former occupants have been Pizza Joe’s and Georgie Porgies.

Photo: After an 18-month vacancy, the building at 4169 Main Street Rd., Batavia, has been leased for use as a convenience store, but has not been through the Town Planning Board process yet. Photo by Howard Owens.

County proclamation backs recovery, suicide prevention

By Mike Pettinella

The Genesee County Legislature on Wednesday afternoon threw its support behind the community’s cooperative efforts to help those with substance use disorder and to prevent suicides.

The legislature issued a proclamation acknowledging Sept. 4-10 as National Suicide Prevention Week and September 2022 as National Recovery Month – “when millions of people around the world join their voices to share a message of hope and healing.”

Representatives of Genesee County Mental Health Services, Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse, Mental Health Association and Genesee County Suicide Prevention Coalition were on hand at the Old County Courthouse as Legislator Gregg Torrey, chair of the Human Services Committee, read the proclamation aloud.

In part, the decree states that county residents “have access to high quality prevention, support, rehabilitation, and treatment services that lead to recovery and a healthy lifestyle, and every day … people begin treatment at behavioral health services and community supports and begin the road to wellness and recovery.”

Furthermore, “Suicide Prevention Week and Recovery Month inspire millions of Americans to raise awareness, build resiliency, and find hope.”

Sue Gagne, a Suicide Prevention Coalition leader, said the proclamation “shines a light on the people who are considering suicide or battling addiction – who often feel very alone in their pain. And it shines a light on all who have lost a loved one to suicide or overdose, allowing them to feel seen.”

Photo: Taking part in the reading of the National Suicide Prevention Week and National Recovery Month proclamation are, from left, Legislator Gregg Torrey; Bob Riccobono, clinical director of Genesee County Mental Health Services; Cheryl Netter, Nickole Millette, Sue Gagne and Amy Kabel of GCASA; Diana Bucknam of the Mental Health Association and Genesee County Suicide Prevention Coalition, and Rachel Mieney, clinical social worker of Genesee County Mental Health Services. Photo by Mike Pettinella.

'God's Good Grace' is bestowed upon All Babies Cherished Family Assistance Center

By Mike Pettinella

Thanks to the generosity of a longtime Genesee County entrepreneur, All Babies Cherished Family Assistance Center has its first “nesting place for women and children.”

That’s how Sue Sherman, ABC executive director, described the five-bedroom house at 441 Ellicott St. that is two doors down from the nonprofit agency’s office. It will serve as a temporary residence for women in need of assistance during their pregnancy.

The home was purchased by Gary Good, an Alexander native who now splits his time between Batavia and Florida, and donated to ABC. He said it will be ready to welcome pregnant women, including some who have already had children, in early 2023.

“We’re calling it God’s Good Grace,” said Good, who serves in a volunteer role on the agency’s Housing Committee. “The goal is to make it easier for women who do not have a place to stay to access the services provided by All Babies Cherished.”

Sherman said that around 35 to 40 percent of the women ABC serves are homeless.

“Many of them have no family support – in fact, an alarming number of young women have been trafficked by their own families.”

A Christ-centered organization, ABC provides a wide variety of parenting classes for moms, dads and grandparents, which, in turn, generates credits to the expectant mothers to receive necessities during pregnancy and for their infants, toddlers and young children.

“We also act as an advocate for the women, helping them to complete their education at all levels and to obtain skills to enter the workforce,” Sherman said. “Additionally, we work with other agencies to set up daycare for them.”

Sherman said ABC’s mission is to give women the tools to make something of their lives “despite the fact that many of them been told they will never amount to anything.”

“The number one reason that women have abortions is because of the poverty situation,” she said. “We’re thankful that Gary has seen the need for a residence such as this and was in a position to make this happen.”


The All Babies Cherished Fall Vendor Festival is set for 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 5 at the City Centre Mall. Last year’s event drew 90 vendors and raised $4,000 for the agency.

Vendor registration forms are available by contacting Sherman at 344-5660 or by going to or

Photo: Gary Good and Sue Sherman in front of the house at 441 Ellicott St. Photo by Mike Pettinella.

New music video from Claudia Hoyser with Genesee County color

By Howard B. Owens

Claudia Hoyser, who has made a couple of appearances in Genesee County, has a new video out that was partially filmed in Genesee County, in a field of crimson clover owned by CY Farms.

For record collectors, they will also recognize the Record Archive in Rochester as one of the video's settings.


Train strikes unoccupied car in Alexander

By Howard B. Owens

A train struck a vehicle parked parallel to train tracks, between the tracks, near Spring Road in Alexander this evening.

The vehicle was unoccupied.

An investigation is ongoing as to why the vehicle was parked at that location.

Photos by Philip Casper.


Door-to-door visits to resume by global ministry

By Joanne Beck

After pausing their door-to-door visits the last 30 months due to the pandemic, Jehovah’s Witnesses have resumed their trademark in-person ministry, officials say.

The church members will be active with a global campaign to offer a free interactive Bible study program.

“I am happy and excited to interact with people face to face,” Lisa Dermody of Elba said in a press release. “I think it is important to see how our neighbors did during the pandemic and be able to give them a message of hope and comfort and share with them a positive view of the future.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses had been preaching from house to house without interruption for more than 100 years through an economic depression, two world wars and global unrest, officials said, but “COVID-19 demanded a different response.”

“We believe that the early decision to shut down all in-person activities for more than two years has saved many lives,” said Robert Hendriks, U.S. spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses. “We’re now ready and eager to reconnect with our neighbors once again – person-to-person, face-to-face. It’s not the only way that we preach, but it has historically been the most effective way to deliver our message of comfort and hope.”

The new Bible study program is available in hundreds of languages at no cost, and it comes in the form of a book, online publication or as an embedded feature within the organization’s free mobile application, the release states.

For more information about Jehovah’s Witnesses, their history, beliefs and activities, visit

Photo:  Donna Burkett (left), of Oakfield and Lisa Dermody, of Elba, engage in a door-to-door ministry. Photo courtesy of Jehovah’s Witnesses

BID announces Wine Walk for 2022

By Press Release

Press release:

The B.I.D. Wine Walk Committee announces this year’s event which will be held on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022.

Only 600 tickets are available for this year’s event.

Tickets may be purchased online, YN Godess, Adam Miller & Empire Hemp.

General Admission tickets are $30, VIP $40 and DD tickets for $10.

All VIP ticket holders get into the event one hour early at 4 p.m., a special gift, raffle tickets and more!

All ticket holders will enjoy a tasting of several Wines and Ciders at over 23 local businesses throughout our Downtown.

This year’s theme is Dead Celebrity!

Photo: File photo from 2014 by Howard Owens

Youth Bureau hosting Family Game Night on Sept. 22

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Youth Bureau will host the 19th annual Family Game Night in celebration of National County Government Month. 

The event will take place on Thursday, Sept. 22 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Office for the Aging/Youth Bureau, 2 Bank St., Batavia.

The night will consist of interactive booths for families to learn more about the services provided by the county through the departments as well as prizes and activities.

The cost is $5 for a family of four and $3 for an individual which includes a light dinner and beverages.

Each family will take home one brand new board game after they visit each booth.

Families also have the chance to enter to win a family pack of miniature golf passes to Terry Hills or a gift certificate to Applebee’s!

Adults must be accompanied by a child to receive the board game. 

Please call the Youth Bureau for more information or to register at 344-3960.  

The Genesee County Youth Bureau would also like to thank Batavia Kiwanis Club, Upstate Milk, Pizza 151, Batavia’s Original, Denny’s, Applebee’s, Terry Hills and TOPS for making donations to this event.

Clipnock Road closed for culvert replacements

By Press Release

Press release:

Effective immediately,  Clipnock Road between Sweetland Road and Torrey Road will be closed for several culverts replacements.  No traffic will be allowed.   

Updated COVID vaccine, booster available through Health Department

By Press Release

Press release:

On Sept. 1, 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its recommendations on booster doses for COVID-19. The updated Bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster is designed to give individuals protection against the original strain of COVID-19 and provides better protection against the Omicron variant, which accounts for a majority of the current cases in the United States. The new bivalent booster replaces the existing monovalent vaccine booster doses that have been offered.*


Moderna COVID-19 Bivalent Booster Dose

Individuals 18 years of age and older are eligible for a booster dose if it has been at least two months since they have completed their primary vaccine series or received a monovalent booster dose.

Pfizer COVID-19 Bivalent Booster Dose

Individuals 12 years of age and older are eligible for a booster dose if it has been at least two months since they have completed their primary vaccine series or received a monovalent booster dose.

*Pfizer COVID-19 Monovalent Booster Dose*

Individuals 5-11 years of age are eligible for a booster dose at least five months after completing their primary series.

“The Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments will offer the Bivalent Booster starting this week at our COVID-19 clinics,” stated Paul Pettit, Genesee and Orleans County Health Public Health Director. “We encourage residents to talk with their primary care provider and/or their pharmacist with questions related to the COVID-19 vaccine and the Bivalent Booster.”

Appointments are required and walk-ins will NOT be accepted. To make an appointment for your next COVID-19 vaccine, visit

Week of September 11

Genesee County

3837 West Main Street Road

Batavia, NY

Orleans County

14016 State Route, Suite 101

Albion, NY

Thursday, September 15th


Bivalent Boosters ONLY

Thursday, September 16th


Bivalent Boosters ONLY

Starting the week of September 18

Genesee County

3837 West Main Street Road

Batavia, NY

Orleans County

14016 State Route, Suite 101

Albion, NY



All doses



All doses


Batavia Downs to host Breast Cancer Coalition fundraiser

By Press Release

Press release:

Batavia Downs Gaming and Hotel will be hosting the Annual Fundraiser for the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester (BCCR) on Friday, Sept. 16 in the track’s historic clubhouse.

The fundraiser includes a $30 clubhouse buffet package deal, a silent auction with a wide variety of items up for bid, sponsorship of races, and private donations. The clubhouse opens at 5 p.m. and the first race post time Friday is 6 p.m.

“We are looking forward to having the BCCR once again host their annual fundraising event here,” said Batavia Downs Gaming & Hotel Vice-President of Operations Scott Kiedrowski. “The support we receive from our guests and employees for this very worthwhile event shows the caring nature of our community.”

The silent auction will be held in the clubhouse entryway with bidding opening at 4 p.m. and continuing until the start of the tenth race. High bidders do not need to be present when the silent auction closes.  Items include donated baskets from area businesses including autographed Buffalo Sports Memorabilia and Hotel Overnights.  Updates on what items are available will be posted on Batavia Downs’ social media pages as the event draws closer.

Those wishing to make a reservation for this event can call (585) 343-3750.  The receptionist will help take reservations for the Clubhouse.

No GPS? No problem, if you have a compass and a map

By Press Release

Press release:

Learn how to find your way without batteries or a cell phone signal – by using a map and compass!!

Join us as the Rochester Orienteering Club presents Orienteering at the Genesee County Park & Forest Interpretive Nature Center on Saturday, Sept. 17 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.

This free clinic for beginners starts at 9 a.m. Perfect for beginners or those who want to practice their skills.

All materials are provided, and no experience is necessary.

Orienteering is a family-friendly sport for people of all ages and ability levels.

This program will be held outdoors.

Pre-registration is required with the Rochester Orienteering Club online at Orienteering is just one more way to have fun in the forest! 

Lockout initiated earlier today after threats lifted at Premier Genesee

By Press Release

Press release from Batavia PD:

On 09/14/2022, The Batavia Police Department responded to a call at Premier Genesee Center for Nursing and Rehab located at 278 Bank Street. Staff received several calls from an individual making threats against the facility. The center decided to go into lockout and contacted the police. A lockout is when all exterior doors are locked and no one is allowed in or out. The activities in the business are not restricted, only the entering and exiting of people. Lockouts are specifically used when there is a potential threat outside of the building. The lockout has been lifted as there does not appear to be any imminent threat to the facility. Due to the ongoing investigation, further information will not be released at this time.

Northgate to Host Carol McLeod Conference in October

By Press Release

Press release:

Have you ever wondered where God is in the muddle of life? Have you ever wished that God would speak specifically to you and tell you what His will is for you in the dailiness of life?

The Holy Spirit spoke through Peter nearly 2,000 years ago and his words still hold kinetic power for our lives today.  As we study the book of 1 Peter, we, like Peter, will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. That powerful voice will fill your heart and your home as you join with Peter in living a life of authentic faith during life's most challenging times.

We will discover that the book of 1 Peter addresses what we believe about God as well as the details of practical living; it is also a call to holiness and humility. Over the course of this conference, we will dig into the rich mysteries of worship, joy and God's unconditional love for each one of us.

So, invite a sister or a friend who simply wants more of Jesus! Come prepared to have your heart restored, your questions answered and your assignment refined. You will fall in love with Jesus all over again and you will be changed by the truth of the Word of God

This conference will take place on Friday, October 14 and Saturday, October 15, 2022, at Northgate Free Methodist Church, 8160 Bank Street Road, Batavia, NY, 14020. Tickets for this two-day event are $25. Payments can be made through the website listed here: or call Northgate’s office, at (585) 343-4011 to register over the phone. 
Hotel rooms are reserved at the following hotels:

Holiday Inn Express
4356 Commerce Drive
Batavia, NY  14020
$119.00 per night 

Hampton by Hilton
4360 Commerce Drive
Batavia, NY  14020
$119.00 per night

Reservations for the hotels MUST be made by September 14, 2022, to secure this rate. To make a reservation, call the hotel of your choice and ask for the rooms blocked for NORTHGATE CHURCH WOMEN'S CONFERENCE.

GLOW With Your Hands returns to fairgrounds Sept. 27

By Press Release
Video Sponsor
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Press release:

GLOW With Your Hands is coming back to the Genesee County Fairgrounds on Tuesday, Sept. 27 and is anticipating its largest turnout of students and vendors since its inception in 2019. Over 1,000 students from 28 school districts across the GLOW region will be arriving to the fairgrounds for the day-long, hands-on career exploration event.

Approximately 65 businesses will provide hands-on activities and simulations in the advanced manufacturing, agriculture, food production, skilled trades sectors as well as the various branches of the military. Students will have the opportunity to learn about career opportunities in their own backyard.

“The historic participation of students and businesses is the result of the hard work of our committee members, volunteers, sponsors, and local stakeholders,” said Chris Suozzi, GLOW With Your Hands Co-Chair. “Interacting with GLOW region companies opens many possibilities for students entering the workforce as employers are eagerly ready to hire our well-trained graduates to fill high-growth and high-demand positions within their operations.”

Businesses will bring hands-on simulation-type activities to portray accurate examples of what their job entails, including Platinum Sponsors National Grid, LandPro Equipment, and Genesee Construction. National Grid will have its team members on site with a line pole to demonstrate line work. LandPro Equipment will have members from its team operating John Deere equipment. Genesee Construction will welcome students to a heavy equipment display. There will also be multiple trade and contractor organizations putting on displays of bricklaying, electrician work, pipelaying, and more. 

“Participating businesses put in a tremendous effort at providing the students as accurate a demonstration of the type of work their workforce performs on a day-to-day basis and to spark career inspiration and exploration in our youth,” said Jay Lazarony, GLOW With Your Hands Co-Chair. “We are counting down the days until September 27th when all of the hard work over the last several months by many groups and organizations across the GLOW region will become a reality.”

For more information about GLOW With Your Hands, please visit

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