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Man who lives on Myrtle Street in Le Roy jailed on charge of first-degree sexual abuse of child less than 17

By Billie Owens

Ronald D. Stives, 34, of 61 Myrtle St. in Le Roy, was arrested by the Le Roy Police Department and charged with one count each of sexual abuse in the first degree, a Class D felony, and endangering the welfare of a child, a Class A misdemeanor.

It is alleged that during the morning hours of July 18, Stives subjected the victim to sexual contact when the victim was incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless. Further it is alleged that when he did so, Stives knowingly acted in a manner likely to be injurious to the physical, mental or moral welfare of a child less than 17 years of age.

Stives was arraigned before the Judge Daryl Sehm of the Le Roy Town Court and put in Genesee County jail in lieu of $10,000 bail.

Batavia man jailed on charges of second degree rape and incest involving mentally disabled family member

By Billie Owens

​Batavia PD announced today that a 40-year-old Batavia man was arrested for allegedly having sexual contact with a family member. Eric Watson is in Genesee County Jail with bail set at $20,000.

He is accused of engaging in sexual conduct with a mentally disabled family member who is incapable of consenting to such activity. The allegations date back three years, but were just reported this year.

Watson is charged with second-degree rape, second-degree criminal sexual act, and second-degree incest.

He is due to appear in Genesee County Court at 11 a.m. on Thursday, July 21.

Det. Sgt. Todd Crossett and Det. Kevin Czora are the city Police Department investigating officers.

Local jurisdictions encouraged to address regulations for solar farms

By Howard B. Owens

Local municipalities with farmland should consider whether they want to address the issue of a zoning code for solar farms, Genesee County Planning Director Felipe Oltramari told members of the Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board at last night's meeting.

There are a couple of companies who have approached local landowners, Oltramari said, and if towns in the area want solar farms within their borders, they need to address it with a zoning code change and then decide how to regulate the farms.

Towns that do nothing, that currently have no permitted use for solar farms, will be deciding by default not to allow solar farms in those jurisdictions, Oltramari said.

If a land use isn't expressly mentioned in the local zoning code than it is completely prohibited.

Only the Town of Batavia has created provisions for solar farms, and it's a pretty bare-bones code at this point, Oltramari said.

The Town of Batavia took the action after SunEdison approached a local landowner about building a solar farm. An attorney representing SunEdison attended a couple of town meetings, but there's been no apparent progress with SunEdison since then and currently SunEdison is going through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization.

Since then, no other town has moved forward with solar farm zoning, but the Town of Oakfield is considering a solar farm on its land adjacent to its wastewater treatment plan and the Town of Alabama is considering a solar farm for the retired quarry in the town. 

"I think that’s a perfect use for that, too," Oltramari said.

The Town of Batavia is also looking into a solar farm on its former landfill.

The big issue for agricultural land, however, is that a solar farm would take the land out of crop production.

Agriculture average typically leases for about $60 a year and solar companies will pay $1,500 per acre per year for 20 years.

"This has alarmed farmers that rely on rented land for their operations," Oltramari said.

Companies looking to set up solar farms are typically looking for 20-acre parcels and they must be within two miles of a power substation.

Donn Branton, chairman of the Farmland Protection Board, thinks landowners should look carefully at any deal offered by a solar company.

"The frosting sounds pretty good, but the cake batter seems to get pretty messy," Branton said. 

There's a two-year planning process and the company decides what part of your farm it wants, he said, and then during construction they decide where the roads go.

"They pretty much have the run of your farm," he said. 

And taking the land out of production could cause it to be reclassified as commercial property rather than farmland, increasing the property tax rate. 

'It's something you want to investigate thoroughly with a legal service," Branton said. "$1,500 sounds great, but then you've got all the stipulations that go with it."

Oltramari recommended that towns -- and potentially landowners -- address issues such as preserving topsoil and herbicide use (in the event the land ever reverts to food production).

Zoning could also be used to limit the location and size of solar farms, buffer zones and visual screening.

Typically, in this area, solar companies are looking for 20-acre farms that produce two to four megawatts of energy.

One megawatt of solar energy could power 165 homes.

An energy generation facility (solar or wind) that produces more than 25 megawatts is exempt from local zoning laws, but such a farm in Western New York would need 125 to 200 acres of land, so Oltramari doesn't foresee such a farm coming to Genesee County.

City to repair fire hydrant on corner of Tracy Avenue and North Street on Wednesday

By Billie Owens

From Jim Ficarella, city superintendent of water and wastewater:

The City of Batavia Water Department will be repairing the fire hydrant on the corner of Tracy Avenue and North Street on Wednesday, July 20.

The water will be turned off on Tracy Avenue From Washington Avenue to North Street around 9 a.m. on Wednesday morning. And the water should be back on around 3 p.m.

Homes in the Tracy Avenue area may have discolored water from the repair. The Water Department will make every effort to have the water back on as soon as possible.

College Board elects officers for 2016-17 academic year

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Genesee Community College announced today that Laura J. Bohm was elected chair of the Genesee Community College Board of Trustees for 2016-2017. Her appointment as chair begins at the first meeting of the 2016 -2017 year at the August board meeting.

The other Board of Trustees appointments at the monthly meeting July 11 included Donna M. Ferry as vice chair, and Peter R. Call as secretary.

Bohm has most recently served two one-year terms as vice chair and succeeds two-term chair, Diane D. Torcello.

Bohm was originally appointed to the College's Board of Trustees by Gov. Mario M. Cuomo serving a nine-year term from 1986 until 1995. During that time she served as board chair from 1992 to 1995. Her more recent gubernatorial appointment was made by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo in 2008 for a seven-year term, and she was reappointed for a second seven-year term running from 2015 until 2022.

Bohm demonstrates a history of leadership, having recently begun a two-year term as chair of the New York Community College Trustees (NYCCT). As a voluntary nonprofit consortium of community college trustees, NYCCT was established to strengthen the effectiveness of New York community college trustees and helps shape public policy impacting community colleges. The organization represents the appointed board members who govern the 30 community colleges in the State University of New York (SUNY) system. Bohm was recognized in 1999 with an award for Distinguished Service from the Association of Boards of Community Colleges, the predecessor to the current NYCCT.

Her service goes well beyond community colleges as she has supported the local community through extensive volunteer work and leadership by serving as chair or a member of the United Way Board of Directors, the Batavia City Youth Bureau, Habitat for Humanity, The Paolo Busti Italian Cultural Foundation, the Franciscan Sisters of the Divine Child, the Board of Directors of Birchwood Village in Batavia and the Batavia City School Board. Bohm also was a commissioner for the Batavia Housing Authority.

As a Genesee Community College trustee, she is currently a member of the College's Buildings and Grounds and Finance committees, and is a representative to the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), a national organization representing community college trustees.

Car vs. pole accident on Bank Street

By Billie Owens

A silver sedan struck a pole on Bank Street near the Northgate Free Methodist Church in Batavia. There is heavy front-end damage but the driver is not injured. Mercy medics and firefighters responded.

Photo: Memorial marker and divers at Indian Falls

By Howard B. Owens

A reader submitted this photo of four young men taking a break while diving at Indian Falls, as one looks at the memorial marker for Bradley Augustin, the 22-year-old Buffalo resident who drowned at the same location last week.

Restoration of the Creekside Inn could be completed this year

By Howard B. Owens

Over the winter, restoration work on the Creekside Inn resumed. The building was covered in protective plastic on the east side for much of the winter and when the plastic came off and the scaffolding came down, it revealed three levels of patios and decks and restored masonry.

Owner Bill Farmer expects work to be completed to have a restaurant and bar open by December.

Today he hosted a small gathering of invited guests to see the progress of the work.

Farmer gave me permission to take pictures of the decks, patio and interior. Sadly and unfortunately, as I was rushing out the door this evening to get to the fairgrounds for the tractor pulls, I hastily reformated the SD card in my camera, forgetting I had not yet transferred the pictures to my hard disk. Disk recovery didn't work and they're all lost.

All I can tell you is, Bill is doing a first-class job. This place, when it's done, will be stunning. The views will be beautiful. A couple of times this morning when he gave me a private tour, I was amazed by the work he's done on the place.

Farmer doesn't want to talk publicly about his plans at this point, but the revived Creekside Inn should be a great addition to Le Roy and Genesee County.

Photos: Oatka Festival Parade 2016

By Howard B. Owens

It was a perfect day for a parade in Le Roy and the annual Oatka Festival Parade went off without a hitch.

One of the highlights of the parade was the performance by the Preston Scout House Band, of Cambridge, Ontario, Canada, which closed out the parade (top photo and bottom three photos, with more in the slide show).

Don't let these memories get away: To purchase prints, click here.

Assemblyman Hawley announces results of 2016 Legislative Survey

By Billie Owens

Press release:

On Thursday, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) released the results of his legislative survey mailer that was distributed to households during the winter.

The survey covered topics across a plethora of platforms and state issues, including: ethics reform, infrastructure, jobs, education, paid-family leave and taxes.

“I am proud to announce the results of my 2016 Legislative Survey and I plan to use the feedback I received to formulate policy proposals and my legislative platform if I am reelected to the Assembly next term,” Hawley said.

“It is one of the highest honors of my life to represent my constituents and address their questions and concerns. The overall results of my survey indicate that my constituents believe the state is not headed in the right direction and we are falling short on a number of issues.

"I will continue to fight to see that we do right by the people of our state and stop catering to downstate special interests and New York City politicians.”


     1.) How do you feel about the direction in which New York State is headed?

  • Right Direction            16.2%
  • Wrong Direction            75.3%

      2.) What issue should be the top priority of New York State government in 2016?

  • Education                                                            11.2%
  • Economic Development/Job Creation            23.2%
  • Cutting Taxes                                                            44.8%
  • Improving NY’s Business Environment             23.2%
  • Ethics Reform in Government                        30.9%

     3.) The state’s minimum wage increased to $9/hour on Dec. 31, 2015. Many have called for an increase to $15/hour over the next few years. Economists predict an increase to $15/hour will result in the loss of between 200,000 and 500,000 jobs in New York State. What is your opinion about the state’s minimum wage?

  • The increase to $9/hour is fine                                                                        61.4%
  • Minimum wage should be raised slightly (less than $12.50/hour)                        25.1%
  • Minimum wage should be increased to $15/hour                                                6.9%
  • Minimum wage should be higher than $15/hour                                                0.4%

    4.) New York has made recent downstate commitments to a new Tappan Zee Bridge ($4 billion), renovating LaGuardia Airport ($4 billion), and funding the Metropolitan Transportation Authority ($8 billion). In 2016, how should available money be distributed to repair New York’s aging roads, bridges & infrastructure?

  • Spend available infrastructure money equally across New York State            29.3%
  • Spend a greater portion of infrastructure money on upstate projects to balance  previous downstate spending                                                                                     44.8%
  • Spend all available money on upstate projects, downstate has already received its fair share                                                                                                            22.8%

    5.) Census data shows that more people leave New York each year than any other state. In your opinion, what is the biggest factor causing people to leave New York for another state?

  • High cost of living                                                38.2%
  • Lack of jobs or business opportunities            31.3%
  • Property taxes                                                            49.0%
  • Weather                                                            5.4%

   6.)  What is the best way to create more jobs in New York State?

  • Lower taxes on businesses                                                24.7%
  • Eliminate regulations and red tape                                    39.8%
  • Lower taxes across the board                                                48.3%
  • Open casinos                                                                        1.5%                                               
  • Rely on state grant programs like START-UP NY            1.2%

    7.)  Standardized tests in our schools – part of the Common Core Curriculum – have been a controversial topic among parents, teachers and education professionals. More than 200,000 students in New York State opted out of taking the exams last year. In your opinion, what should be done to address Common Core?

  • Nothing, children should take the tests and adapt to the program            2.3%
  • Stop giving the tests until the Common Core program is fixed            29.0%
  • Continue the tests while working to address flaws in the program            21.6%
  • Stop standardized tests in schools, they take away from the learning environment 37.1%

    8.)  Community colleges offer students a valuable bridge toward careers and future education. Some officials have proposed the idea of providing free community college to students in New York State. What are your thoughts on this proposal?

  • Free community college is an important measure that should be pursued            7.7%
  • Students attending community colleges deserve more assistance from the state, but not their entire tuition                                                                                    35.1%
  • Taxpayers cannot afford to provide this financial commitment at this time            56.0%

    9.)  While students and families across New York face increasing tuition costs and college debt, some legislators have proposed the DREAM Act – a taxpayer-funded tuition assistance program for illegal immigrants. How do you feel about the DREAM Act?

  • Support            5.8%
  • Oppose            91.5%
  • N/A                        2.7%

    10.)  Some state leaders have proposed 12 weeks of paid family leave to become law as part of this year’s state budget. Do you support this proposal, and if so, how do think this should be funded?

  • Yes, I support this proposal but it should be paid by the employee through a deduction                                                                                                 36.3%
  • Yes, I support this proposal but the employer should pay for it                      6.9%
  • Yes, I support this proposal but the state should pay for this program            5.4%
  • I do not support this proposal                                                                   50.2%

    11.)  Do you support the elimination of pension and retirement benefits for elected public officials who are convicted of felony corruption charges?

  • Support            90.0%
  • Oppose            3.1%

                        N/A                        6.9%

     12.)  Governor Cuomo has pledged to limit outside income for legislators to 15% of the base salary for Assembly members ($11,925). Do you support the limiting of outside income for elected state officials?

  • Yes, I support limiting outside income to $11,925 per year                        18.9%
  • No, the idea of a citizen-legislator is important and we shouldn’t limit outside income                                                                                                            58.7%
  • Yes, we should ban all outside income and state legislators should work year round and full-time                                                                                    16.2%

     13.)  Do you support term limits for legislative leaders (i.e. Speaker of the Assembly, Majority and Minority Leader of both the Assembly and Senate)?

  • Support            90.3%
  • Oppose            5.8%

Western NY Independent Living seeks experts on seniors to speak at Buffalo convention in September

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Western New York Independent Living, Inc., (WNYIL), which has an office in Batavia, will be holding its third Biannual Summit on Aging and Independence: “Shaping Health and Wellness for the Future” on Sept. 29-30 at the Buffalo Convention Center, and they need knowledgeable people to share their expertise.

WNYIL is recruiting individuals who work with seniors, OR who are part of an organization, business or service providing support to individuals who are over 55 years old, OR are doing research specifically focused on the senior population, to participate as presenters, as plenary speakers, or in panels or interactive workshops. There is no charge to make a presentation, which is limited to 75-minutes long, and those accepted will be given breakfast or lunch.

The purpose of the Summit is to identify and reveal critical efforts, ideas, research and issues related to aging, independence, wellness and change, but it also affords participants a great opportunity to represent and exchange knowledge regarding concepts, programs, services, trends, etc., which can impact individuals who are in the 55+ group.

To be considered, would-be presenters should prepare a proposal that fits one of these categories: Practical and scholarly work on issues important to aging populations; Lecture-style presentations; Hands-on workshops or simulations; Presentations on or by community groups that interact with aging populations; Presentations by students on aging-related course assignments or volunteer work; Panel Discussions; and Interactive Workshops.

While proposals can involve any appropriate topic, some potential areas are: Health Care Provision; Managed Long-Term Care; Assistive Technology Advances; Gerontology; Care-giving; Research; Independent Living; Public Policy or Systems Advocacy; Healthy Lifestyles; Cultural Diversity; New Trends; or Outcomes. The Summit is divided into five tracks to appeal to the perspectives of different attendees: Service providers or advocates; healthcare professionals; consumers; caregivers; or researchers/educators.

The intended audience should be identified in the proposals, which will be scored by the Steering Committee based on how well they address the content area, plus clarity, objectives, method of presentation, likely interest to participants, and overall program balance.

For more information, and to request Proposal Guidelines and application forms, please call Heather at (716) 836-0822, ext. 146, or Katie at ext.166, and we will be happy to assist you! Applications are due by Aug. 15 to WNY Independent Living, Inc. – Summit on Aging, 3108 Main St., Buffalo, NY 14214, or to Those accepted will be notified by Sept. 1.

The Western New York Independent Living, Inc., family of agencies offer an expanding array of services to aid individuals with disabilities to take control of their own lives.

Le Roy U12 All-Stars capture District 3 Championship with a 5-3 victory over Batavia

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo. First row, from left: Gianni Ferrara, Kenny Saunders, Zac Vanderhoof, Colin McCulley, Maveric McKenzie, Shawn Morabito, Adam Risewick, Cole Rauscher, John Panepento, Jim Burns, Tyler Strollo, Brady Fix. Back row, from left: Coaches Rob Panepento, Ken Saunders and Manager Erik Fix.

Press release:

The Le Roy Little League U12 All-Stars captured the District 3 Championships with a 5-3 victory over Batavia Tuesday evening in Le Roy. 

The game was a hard-fought battle by both teams. Batavia struck first in the bottom of the second when Dominic Taylor would reach on an error and score on a fielder’s choice by Sawyer Siverling. 

It didn’t take long for Le Roy to answer as Maveric McKenzie would lead off the top of the third with a double to right and reach third on a passed ball. He would score on a sacrifice fly by Colin McCulley to make it 1-1. Le Roy would add three more in the top of the fourth when Kenny Saunders hit a two-run homerun scoring Zac Vanderhoof.

Catcher Cole Rauscher would make it back-to-back homers just two pitches later and Le Roy would take a 4-1 lead.

Luke Rogers and Jameson Richardson would both score in the bottom of the fourth to pull Batavia to within 1, 4-3.

Le Roy got an insurance run in the top of the sixth when Brady Fix would score on a sacrifice fly by Saunders to take a 5-3 lead. Saunders would get the win on the mound, thanks to some strong defense including two double plays, and a great catch by Fix on the last out of the game. 

Le Roy advances to Sectional play in Fredonia, July 17-21st.

Two teens arrested at Toby Keith Concert Friday night

By Billie Owens

The following people were arrested by the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office during the Toby Keith Concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center on July 15:

Brendan E. Hart, 19, of Winding Woods, Hamburg, was arrested on two counts of trespass after allegedly attempting to entering the concert venue after being ejected twice and told not to return. Hart was arraigned in Darien Court and jailed in lieu of $250.

Justin M. Metzger, 18, of Stone Briar Drive, Clarence Center, was arrested for unlawful possession of marijuana after allegedly being found in possession of a quantity of marijuana. He was issued an appearance ticket for July 28 in Darien Town Court.

Batavia 10U All-Stars claim District 3 Championship after defeating Le Roy

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo. Seated, from left: Mekhi Fortes, Ryan Fitzpatrick. Kneeling, from left: Trenton Woods, Jay Antinore. Players (from left): Alex Johnson, Jimmy Fanara, Dane Dombrowski, Cal Koukides, Bronx Buchholz, Cole Grazioplene, Jameson Motyka, Jaden Firmstone. Back Row: Coaches Jeff Grazioplene, Leon Koukides, Ben Buchholz, Manager Sam Antinore, Coach Tim Antinore.

Press release from Mark Fitzpatrick, Batavia Little League board member:

Batavia's 9-10 All-Stars won the New York District 3 Championship on Monday, July 11, defeating Le Roy 15-0 in four innings.

Through their five games en route to the tournament title, Batavia outscored its opponents 65-5, led by pitchers Ryan Fitzpatrick, Jaden Firmstone, Dane Dombrowski and Bronx Buchholz.

In the title game after a scoreless opening inning, Mekhi Fortes and Dombrowski led off the second with back-to-back doubles, followed by singles by Buchholz, Firmstone, and Trent Woods, scoring four in the inning.

Batavia broke the game open in the third when offense was able to send 17 batters to the plate while scoring 11 runs. On defense, Batavia was led by the pitching performance of Fitzpatrick, who threw a no-hitter over his four innings of work, striking out six.

Batavia plays Section 2 Champion Olean/Portville in Penfield today in the first round of the Section 1 West double elimination tournament. Game time is 1 p.m. at Bachman Field, 3100 Atlantic Ave., Penfield.

GC Sheriff's Office hires new deputy, graduated 'Top Gun' in his class

By Billie Owens

Photo, from left: Sheriff Gary T. Maha, Deputy Robert C. Henning, Chief Deputy-Road Patrol -- Gordon L. Dibble, and Chaplain Allen A. Werk.

Submitted photo and press release:

The Genesee County Sheriff’s Office has filled a vacant Deputy Sheriff position with the hiring of Robert C. Henning. Deputy Henning recently graduated from the Niagara County Law Enforcement Academy at Niagara University on July 1 and was awarded "Top Gun" in his class. The keynote speaker at the graduation was New York State Senator Robert G. Ortt.

Deputy Henning is a 2010 graduate of Batavia High School. Following high school, he attended Buffalo State College where he earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice in 2015. Deputy Henning was previously employed by the Batavia Downs Gaming Facility as a security guard and is a third-generation law enforcement officer. His father is a retired City of Batavia Police Officer, and his grandfather is a retired Orchard Park Police Officer.

Sheriff Gary Maha stated, “Deputy Henning is currently participating in our 14-week field training program and is a great addition to our road patrol.”

Law and Order: Four men charged with driving while intoxicated

By Billie Owens

Jeffrey Mario McCormick Jr., 26, of Weiss Street, Buffalo, is charged with driving with a BAC of more than .08 percent, DWI, leaving the scene of a property damage accident, and following too closely. On July 16, following the investigation of a motor-vehicle accident that happened almost at midnight in the parking lot of Darien Lake amusement park on Alleghany Road in Darien, McCormick was arrested for DWI and the other charges. He was issued traffic tickets and is to be in Darien Town Court on Aug. 16. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Kevin Forsyth.

Michael Best Jr., 21, of Ward Street, Dunmore, Pa., was arrested after being stopped on Sumner Road in the Town of Darien and allegedly found to be intoxicated. He was initially observed at 11:37 p.m. on Colby Road. He was issued traffic summons and is due in Darien Town Court on July 28. Best is charged with driving while intoxicated, driving with a BAC of .08 percent or more, failure to keep right, and following too closely. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Patrick Reeves.

Anthony Charles Bradbury, 36, of Ralph Broadrick Road, Normandy, Tenn., is charged with DWI with a BAC of .08 percent or greater, DWI, and unlawful possession of marijuana. He was arrested at 9:14 p.m. on July 14 at 9993 Alleghany Road in Darien, the location of the Darien Lake Performing Arts Center. After an investigation into a suspicious condition, it was determined that Bradbury was allegedly operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol. He was allegedly found to possess a quantity of marijuana at the time of his arrest. He was jailed in lieu of $1,000 bail. The case was handled by Sheriff's deputy Richard Schildwaster, assisted by Deputy Dana Richardson.

Roberto F. Fuentes Jr., of Lackawana, was arrested at 8:28 p.m. on July 14 in the Village of Corfu and charged with felony DWI following a minor traffic accident at Crosby's convenience store on Alleghany Road. Fuentes was previously convicted of DWI in 2014. He is due in Pavilion Town Court on Aug. 1. The case was handled by Village of Corfu  Police Officer Michael Petritz.

Oakfield woman accused of stealing teen's bike so she could play Pokemon Go

By Howard B. Owens

A 26-year-old woman who lives on Garibaldi Avenue in Oakfield is charged with petit theft after allegedly stealing a bicycle so she could ride it and get around faster to play Pokemon Go.

Pokemon Go is the new mobile app game that has exploded in popularity in the past week that calls on players -- called trainers -- to travel around, usually by walking, and capturing, fictional creatures called "Pokemon" that appear on your smartphone screen at various physical locations.

Brandi-Lyn Heidenreich allegedly stole the bike from a 13-year-old after he parked it momentarily behind a business on Main Street in Oakfield to visit his mother who was at work.

The suspect was located because the bike was later found at her house and she was found walking in the area.

The bike was returned to the 13-year-old and his mother. 

Heidenreich is due in Oakfield Town Court on Aug. 8 to answer the charge. The case was handled by Sheriff's Deputy Robert Henning, assisted by Deputy Christopher Parker.

Demolition Derby driver at fairgrounds said to have a neck injury

By Billie Owens

A person who participated in the Demolition Derby tonight at the Genesee County Fairgrounds on East Main Street Road in Batavia reportedly suffered a neck injury. Mercy medics are responding.

UPDATE 8:59 p.m.: The driver is conscious and alert and does not appear to be seriously injured. He is being transported to UMMC for evaluation.

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