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City firefighter Captain Mark Mikolajczyk retires

By Steve Ognibene

Batavia City Fire Department’s Engine 11 says farewell to longstanding firefighter Capt. Mark Mikolajczyk. For more than 21 years Mikolajczyk has responded to fire calls throughout the city and surrounding communities. Now, he is ready to hang up his gear to spend more time with his family.

“Being a fireman was a rewarding experience,” Mikolajczyk said. “It was nice knowing that the public trusts us enough with their loved ones.”

Mikolajczyk began his firefighting career in December 1993. Throughout the years, he earned the title of lieutenant – in 2005 – and in 2012 he became captain. Family and friends, both near and far, gathered for a farewell luncheon in his honor. 

Although the day marked Mikolajczyk’s retirement, he had one last call to make – a would-be dryer fire – that turned out to be a drill.

“The experience of teaching and working with this crew the past five years was great,” Mikolajczyk said. “I will miss the guys I’ve worked with.”

Photos: Maple Road house fire, Pembroke

By Steve Ognibene

At 9:45 this evening, a resident reported smoke coming from a house at 285 Maple Road, Pembroke. Heavy smoke was coming from the kitchen area, reported Pembroke Fire Chief Jamie Waff. The house was vacant at the time of the fire. Pembroke, Corfu, Newstead, Indian Falls, Alabama, and the Town of Batavia fire companies were on the scene.

UPDATE 11:49 p.m.: Fire Chief Waff says there is smoke and fire damage in kitchen area caused by the improper dispose of polyurethane rags. Owners were notified upon arrival.

Photos: 2014 Chamber of Commerce Awards Ceremony

By Steve Ognibene

The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce held a gala at the Clarion Hotel last evening to honor its 2014 award winners.

(Pictured above L to R) 2nd row -- "Business of the Year" Applied Business Systems, Lisa Ormsbee, Connie DiSalvo, Jim DiSalvo, Jason DiSalvo, Steve Samis;  "Geneseean of the Year" Margaret "Peggy" Lamb; "Industry of the Year" Muller Quaker Dairy, Karen Banker, Kevin Williams. "Geneseean of the Year" William "Bill" Schutt.

(Pictured above L to R) 1st row -- "Innovative Community Contribution of the Year" Merrill Lynch, Steve Tufts, Joshua Dent, John Riter; "Agricultural Business of the Year" Corcoran Custom Services, Stacy Corcoran, Bill Corcoran. "Special Service Recognition of the Year" Genesee Cancer Assistance, Inc., Dr. Kevin Mudd.

To purchase and view pictures contact:

Steve Samis - Applied Busniess Systems

Kevin Williams - Muller Quaker Dairy

Bill & Stacy Corcoran - Corcoran Custom Services

Steve Tufts, John Riter, Joshua Dent - Merrill Lynch

Joe Gerace, Carol Grasso, Toni Funke, Paul Figlow, Dr. Kevin Mudd, Ellen Bachorski together pictured for Genesee Cancer Assistance

Jay Gsell with Margaret "Peggy" Lamb - Geneseean of the Year

William "Bill" Schutt - Geneseean of the Year

More pictures on Steve Ognibene Photography's Facebook page.

Batavia Police Department tour shows current working and building conditions need to be addressed

By Alecia Kaus

(Chief Shawn Heubusch explaining safety and security issues with the current building)

Police Chief Shawn Heubusch along with Assistant Chief Robb Yaeger and City Manager Jason Molino made a legitimate case for a better working and functioning police headquarters building during a two hour tour of Batavia Police Headquarters at 10 W. Main St. today.

Chief Heubusch says there are major safety concerns daily.

A comingled entrance at the back of the building is a big issue.

Suspects, police and the general public all come and go in that one entrance at the rear of the building.

Assistant Chief Yaeger says there have been incidents where suspects have not been cooperative when being brought into headquarters in handcuffs. Getting an uncooperative suspect up the stairs can be difficult for officers.

Also the public waiting area is located in the same entryway where suspects are brought in.

Security is also an issue.

The City Youth Officer's office is located in the same area where adult suspects and criminals are brought in for questioning. This area does not comply with NYS law that says the two areas must be separate.

The parking area for police vehicles is also not secure. A secure, fenced-in parking lot is needed.

"The most important thing is safety and security, not only for the officers but the community," Heubusch says. "We have to be able to provide safety and security for the community. If we can't provide it for ourselves, it is difficult to provide it for the public."

(City Manager Jason Molino discusses the older model boiler that heats the building)

City Manager Jason Molino says the discussion about improvements and or a new police headquarters is 25 years overdue.

Improvements have been discussed at length, but no action has been taken.

In the meantime, the 150-year-old building, originally the Brisbane Mansion, is in need of repairs.


Crumbling cement, leaking bricks, rotting wood, leaking ceilings and a whole basement that cannot be used due to asbestos contamination are emergency issues that cannot be ignored any longer.

(Rotting wood below windows on the west side of the building)

(Water damage to drop ceiling in basement)

(What is left of a ceiling in the basement area when the building was used as a home, between 1855 and 1917)

According Molino, consultants who have been working on the project for the last 10 months have come up with four alternate locations for police headquarters and two renovation schemes for the existing building.

Site 1 is listed as 56 Ellicott St. and is located at the former Santy's Tires shop. It will cost between $11.1 - 11.9 million to construct.

Site 2 is listed as 96 Jackson St., which is currently the location of the Salvation Army Thrift Store. Cost is between $11.6-12.5 million.

Site 3 is located at 26 Evans St. and is located next to the Falletti Ice Arena. It would include the current ice rink parking area. Cost at this site is between $11.4-12.3 million.

Site 4 is located at 165 Park Road and is located next to the Genesee County Sheriff's Office. Cost to build at this site is between $9.9-10.6 million.

Renovation scheme A for 10 W. Main St. will cost between $15.9-17.2 million and includes the demolition of an area of the building built in 1963.

Renovation scheme B for 10 W. Main St. will cost between $11.3-12.2 million and does not include the demolition of the area of the building from 1963.

Site options 1-4 also include improvements to the current building for resale.

The project will be paid for by reserve funds, bonding and grants, Molino says.

A Citizen Task Force Advisory Board made up of citizens, business owners, education and health care leaders will be created next. 

City council will meet Oct. 14 and decide if it wants to move forward with the task force and, if so, appoint one in November.

Molino says he expects a task force recommendation by July of 2015. Construction could possibly begin in 2016 or 2017.

Audio: WBTA interview about 'The Wired City'

By Howard B. Owens

Tomorrow at 11 a.m., Dan Kennedy, author of "The Wired City," a book about the changes in journalism in the Digital Age, will be at Present Tense on Washington Avenue, Batavia.

Batavia's little corner of the media world is featured in the book and Kennedy will read a portion of the book and talk about what he's observed about media in Batavia.

Here's an interview from this morning on WBTA's Main and Center (mp3).

NOTE: I can't be there at 11 a.m. because I need to be at the Oatka Festival Parade, but I plan on stopping in the store about 12:15 p.m. or so.

Love Geocaching? Follow us on Twitter!

By Elizabeth Downie

The seasons in Western New York are not always cooperative, so you really need to be able to accept all four of them – when you can get them.  Because of this, I have a wide variety of hobbies that keep me busy throughout the year.  During the winter, I enjoy watching the Sabres play hockey and getting outdoors to go sledding on a steep hill, snowshoeing through a local park or even start the occasional snowball fight with my soon-to-be 5 year old niece.  In the fall, I enjoy taking long walks on leaf-covered country roads, taking a trip to the local orchard to pick a peck of apples or that perfectly round pumpkin, and watching Buffalo Bills football.  The spring brings out the kite-flyer in me and allows me to start up my two-mile a night walks around the block with my husband, preparing me for the upcoming warmer weather.  I like to do a lot of camping in the summer, aerobie tossing with friends and my casual 20 miles rides along the Erie Canal on my recumbent bicycle.  However, there is only one hobby that I can do year round, and it is one that I am very passionate about.  That hobby is geocaching.

I’m sure most of you have heard of geocaching, but you may not know what it is.  Geocaching is an outdoor, high-tech treasure hunt.  You go out into the world with a hand-held Global Positioning Satellite receiver, or GPSr for short, and find hidden containers called caches.  Once found, you make a trade of a small trinket and then log your find.  So, I would like to share with you some of my geocaching experiences.

I started caching in late July 2010 with my husband and we go by the caching name of “authorized users.”  To this date, we have found over 130 caches!  Included in that number are the caches we found to complete the Seaway Trail GeoTrail, which entailed a month and a half journey along the Great Lakes, from northwestern Pennsylvania to the Thousand Islands region of upstate New York.

If asked whether I prefer to cache in urban or rural areas, I would definitely tell you that I prefer to cache in rural areas.  The caches in rural areas require more hiking and really expand your mind to a much farther capacity for your search. 

One of our most favorite local caches is called “Bruce Wayne’s Lair” which is located near the old mining caves in Akron, NY.  We trudged through about two feet of snow for about an hour to get to this cache, mostly because we took a wrong turn, but it was the most fantastic location to visit.  Not only do the caves have a rich history, they also have, what I call, upside down icicles!

“Did You Say Ohio?” was a very fun multi-cache, putting a play on the town name of Akron.  This cache  took us to various historic buildings and businesses in Akron, NY.  I have lived in this area for over 15 years and had never visited the places I was taken on this cache.  This actually happens quite frequently, so I really appreciate the opportunities it give me to open up my eyes to the historic and natural places that are right in my own backyard.  Unfortunately, this cache has been archived.

After three days and a lot of research, I was able to figure out the riddle to the first part of a puzzle cache in Olcott, NY, called “She’s A Lady… Bug!”  The puzzle was actually a picture of several ladybugs with different patterns of spots on their backs.  To figure out the puzzle, you had to decrypt the pattern into a math problem to determine the coordinates of the final location of the cache.  I figured out the puzzle just as winter hit, and we only make it to Olcott during the warm months.  Once the weather breaks, we will conquer that cache!  I have a very special trinket of a wind-up ladybug that I plan to place in the cache once we find the final, in tribute of the complexity of the puzzle.

Also, we just recently experienced our first earthcache, which was in Akron Falls Park, and it was spectacular!  It took us to an overlook of one of the falls and we had to describe to the cache owner our experience at the location, how much water we thought was coming over the falls at the time of our visit and what the weather was like while there.

I could go on and on about my geocaching adventures and journeys, as I have become truly passionate about this hobby.  As a momentum, I like to keep a photo-journal of our finds, so that we can later reflect on the awesome adventures we have had, and even some funny blunders, that we have had while caching.  To keep up with the times, we just created a Twitter account so that our friends and family across the country can experience our journeys and finds with us in real-time.  We hope to have a webpage up for our family and friends to see our photo-journal, but that is still in the creativity stages. 

My niece loves to come with us and calls it “treasure hunting.” She does a really good job of watching out for the pirates who may want to steal the treasure.  I just think that everyone should experience this wonderful hobby – it is a great, fun and healthy pastime for people of all ages and lifestyles.

I would like to invite you to follow us on Twitter!  We can't explain everything about our experiences in only 140 characters, but you will at least know that we are out there and you can look up our detailed logs on after our posts.  Find us on Twitter as @authorizedusers (make sure it s all one word and plural!)

Also, feel free to check out our profile on  If you do not have an account, it is absolutely free to sign up!

We hope to see you on the trails soon!  May you steer clear of muggles and be rich with cache! 


"A Powerful Voice in A Child's Life"

By Tara Pariso
Every year in Genesee County hundreds of children are abused and neglected and end up without a home to call their own. On average, these youth spend more than two years in the child welfare system and can be moved as many as 15 times, wreaking havoc on their education, friendships and sense of belonging. Although the number is staggering, the Genesee County Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program is helping to make a difference. The CASA program makes a positive impact in the lives of these children by training volunteers to advocate on behalf of their best interest in court. CASA volunteers help to secure safe, permanent homes where foster youth can thrive.   Currently our local CASA program has nine volunteer advocates. But there is a great need for more volunteers. With your help, we’ll be able to make sure these children can safely be returned home or, when that can’t happen, be released for adoption.   Our vision is to have a volunteer advocate for every abused or neglected child that comes to the attention of Genesee County Family Court.   To learn more abour CASA, becoming a Volunteer, or making a donation, please call (585) 344-2550 ext. 2331.  You can help ensure that the children in Genesee County are placed in safe, permanent homes.  Volunteer to help one child at a time.    



By Bea McManis

A quick look at AOL's News comments indicated that the bigots are out in full force. Some comments should, in my opinion, be removed, but AOL appears to thrive on this type of community back biting. Our country took the first step in healing the wounds the inept Bush administration caused for eight years. Electing Obama may not set well with the bigots. However, they are a small minority.

Quite honestly, if I were elected president and faced the 'clean up' job required to put this country back together after the many years of Republican rule, I would ask for a recount. It isn't going to be an easy job.

Will Obama raise taxes? Quite possibly, but who did you think was going to pay for the debt Bush foisted upon us? When did you think that bill would come due? I applaud the Obama victory and pray that President elect Obama will find the strength and the wisdom to lead this country out of the mire caused by the Bush years.

When, in your recent memory, did you see one of our presidential elections greeted with such a positive impact around the globe?

Rainbow in Batavia

By Brian Hillabush

 I was just leaving Genesee Community College after covering the Alexander/Notre Dame girls soccer game (coverage in sports).

A rainbow showed up as the rain slowed, starting from one side of the college and ending out back beyond the soccer fields and past the thruway. 

I snapped a couple of shots.




summer in the city 08

By daniel cherry

I went to the summer in the city yeaterday it was fun.I really enjoyed the band kindred.That woman sure can sing wow.

News roundup: Byron blaze claims at least one life

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for these and other stories:

• Batavia, Bergen, Elba and LeRoy fire crews backed up Byron in a blaze at an apartment complex at 6964 Town Line Road in Byron this morning. At least one person is confirmed dead, and at least three others were reported trapped in the building that could not initially be accessed by fire personnel. No cause has yet been determined.

UPDATE: Byron Fire Chief John Durand confirmed that four people died in the blaze: possibly a mother, her teenage son and two college-aged daughters. Names were not released, pending identification by the Monroe County Medical Examiner.

• Meanwhile, the Batavia Fire Department was called to the Terry Hills Country Club restaurant on Clinton Street Road for report of a fire in the kitchen. Fire crews found that food left over in the oven had produced some smoke, and the restaurant was ventilated.

News roundup: Searching for chiefs

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for these and other stories:

• After ten interviews over the phone, four candidates for the position of city police chief will come in for personal interviews with City Manager Jason Molino, who told WBTA that he hoped to have the position filled within the next month. Meanwhile, an ad was posted this week for a new fire chief.

• "A Batavia couple has separate cells in county jail this morning," says Dan Fischer. Police say that 22-year-old Ryan Krupp took prescription drugs from his girlfriend's apartment.  She didn't like that he was arrested and got belligerent with police. Now, she's in jail, too. No mention of the charges.

News roundup: Another suspect in the murder of Desean Gooch sentenced in County Court

By Philip Anselmo

From the Daily News (Wednesday):

• Randall J. Peterson, 22, of Rochester was sentenced to 12 years in state prison Tuesday in Genesee County Court. Peterson was one of four men involved in the shooting death of 23-year-old Desean Gooch in October, 2006. He pleaded guilty to first-degree robbery.

• Reporter Roger Muehlig writes: "Genesee County's Republican Committee is set to endorse Stephen M. Hawley for re-election to the state Assembly this year." The committee meets Thursday night. Hawley has already served one two-year term in the 139th District.

• Construction has begun on the Lowe's home improvement store off Veterans Memorial Drive in Batavia. Representatives have said they do not know when it will be finished. The nearby Target should be completed by July.

• Officials with Creamy Creation and O-AT-KA Milk Products dedicated the new Creamy Creation's 5,000-square-foot facility in Batavia Tuesday. Reporter Matt Surtel writes: "Creamy Creation is part of the Netherlands-based Campina, which is one of Europe's largest dairy cooperatives. The company was started in 1979, and moved its U.S. office from Wisconsin to Batavia in 1999." Creamy Creations produces creme liqueurs and nutritional beverages, among other products.

• Reporter Scott DeSmit writes: "Phillip E. Kroft Jr., 20, was charged with first-degree robbery, criminal possession of a weapon and petit larceny, police Detective Todd Crossett said. Kroft is accused of stealing a cell phone from a woman ... in the early summer of last year." When the woman tried to get her phone back, Kroft allegedly punched her in the stomach, wearing brass knuckles, police told DeSmit. Kroft also faces unrelated charges of rape.

For the complete stories, the Daily News is available on local newsstands, or you can subscribe on

News roundup: Promoting the home team

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for this and more stories:

• Muckdogs General Manager Dave Wellenzohn will stand atop a lift above the entrance to Dwyer Stadium starting this Friday morning and through to the premiere of his radio show — I presume on WBTA — at 8:15am Saturday morning. All in the name of promoting the team.

Monday afternoon news roundup

By Philip Anselmo

From the Daily News (Monday):

• About 70 people came out for Batavia's YWCA Mother's Day tribute Sunday. Music was provided by several Batavia artists, including: Cooper Singers, James Armstrong and Family, Gracie Marthrel and daughter La'Shonna Mims, and the Brenda Hayes and Family singers.

• Onward goes the city cleanup. Some 40 volunteers with the Helping Hands crew went out to the city's southside for the cleanup over the weekend.

• A potential tuition increase will be at the top of the agenda of the Genesee Community College's Board of Trustees meeting tonight at 7:00pm in the Board Room of the college. Costs could go up $50 per semester for full-time students and $4 per credit hour for part-time students.

• Patti Pacino, Sharon Messina, Laurie Mastin and Sen. Mary Lou Roth received this year's YWCA's Fabulous Females Award. They were honored at a brunch and ceremony Saturday.

• Muckdogs General Manager David Wellenzohn will join Rochester Red Wings officials Naomi Silver and Dan Mason for an update on Dwyer Stadium at tonight's City Council meeting at 7:00pm at City Hall.

• Col. Alexander Marchioli is retiring after more than 50 years of work with the U.S. government. The Batavia native's life is chronicled by reporter John Loyd in today's paper.

• The United Way of Genesee County will kick off its Day of Caring at 8:00am Wednesday at DeWitt Park on Cedar Street in Batavia. Volunteers will head out into the community from 9:00am to 3:00pm to help out (clean, rake leaves, help out with yard work). Call Lori Stupp at (585) 343-8141 to volunteer or for more information.

For the complete stories, the Daily News is available on local newsstands, or you can subscribe on

Monday morning news roundup

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for this and other stories:

• A 19-year-old Harvester Avenue resident was charged with menacing, city police said. Officers were responding to a report of an underage drinking party when the young man allegedly answered the door with a knife in his hand.

Exploring the complexity of community issues as a community

By Howard B. Owens

Walter Lippmann (1889 to 1974) did damage to American journalism, and possibly to American democracy.

Why does that matter to Batavia? Because one of the philosophies behind The Batavian is to get as far away as possible from Lippmann's brand of journalism.

Lippmann was an influential thinker and writer in the early part of the 20th Century.  He wrote a number of books on the press, politics, society and government.

Lippman was an elitist. He believed that the modern world was too complex for the average citizen to grasp, and that Joe Public probably didn't care anyway. Modern democracy worked best, he argued, if the governing class was comprised of experts and professionals who set the policy and then manufactured public consent. The role of the press in this model was to merely transmit the decisions and actions of the elites  in simple terms, with little questioning or interpretation, aiming to maximize emotional impact.

Eric Alterman put it this way in a recent piece in Atlantic magazine:

Journalism works well, Lippmann wrote, when “it can report the score of a game or a transatlantic flight, or the death of a monarch.” But where the situation is more complicated, “as for example, in the matter of the success of a policy, or the social conditions among a foreign people—that is to say, where the real answer is neither yes or no, but subtle, and a matter of balanced evidence,” journalism “causes no end of derangement, misunderstanding, and even misrepresentation.”

Lippmann likened the average American—or “outsider,” as he tellingly named him—to a “deaf spectator in the back row” at a sporting event: “He does not know what is happening, why it is happening, what ought to happen,” and “he lives in a world which he cannot see, does not understand and is unable to direct.” In a description that may strike a familiar chord with anyone who watches cable news or listens to talk radio today, Lippmann assumed a public that “is slow to be aroused and quickly diverted . . . and is interested only when events have been melodramatized as a conflict.” A committed élitist, Lippmann did not see why anyone should find these conclusions shocking. Average citizens are hardly expected to master particle physics or post-structuralism. Why should we expect them to understand the politics of Congress, much less that of the Middle East?

While the whole of modern American journalism is not all Lippmann, it is too often beset by Lippmann's approach -- the tendency to take what governing officials tell us at face value; the tendency to sensational complex and weighty issues; the tendency to avoid reporting issues in their complexity and nuance.

How is that approach good for democracy?

One of Lippmann's contemporaries was John Dewey (1859 to 1952).  In The Public and its Problems, Dewey argued against Lippmann's approach to journalism and democracy.  Dewey believed that on the whole, the public could grasp complex issues, discuss them, grapple with them and achieve balanced solutions.

Dewey correctly recognized that facts only have meaning within perception, and perception is always subjective. 

While this was a problem for Lippmann, and why reporters should strive to be scientifically objective, Dewey embraced the notion that a conversation around differing perceptions could actually enhance decision-making.

Wikipedia puts it this way:

Dewey also revisioned journalism to fit this model by taking the focus from actions or happenings and changing the structure to focus on choices, consequences, and conditions, in order to foster conversation and improve the generation of knowledge in the community. Journalism would not just produce a static product that told of what had already happened, but the news would be in a constant state of evolution as the community added value by generating knowledge. The audience would disappear, to be replaced by citizens and collaborators who would essentially be users, doing more with the news than simply reading it.

The Web actually makes Dewey's conversational form of journalism much easier. Digital communication allows all members of the public -- the press, the politicians, the government agents and the citizens -- to discuss choices, consequences and conditions as equals.  Reporters need no longer be bound by the limitations of print and present just the so-called objective report, but rather explore, examine, raise and answer questions, and start conversations.

We saw an example of this style of journalism played out last week in The Batavian.  Editor Philip Anselmo interviewed Councilman Bob Bialkowski.  Mr. Bialkowski said that one of the problems facing Batavia is declining neighborhoods.

He says that "entire neighborhoods are a problem — trash all over, abandoned cars in the back yard." Head over to the southside of the city, to Jackson Street, over near Watson and Thorpe streets, State Street, and you'll see what he's talking about.

So, Philip took his advice, drove around those neighborhoods and didn't find a lot of evidence of decline.  Philip, who is well traveled and has covered such small cities as Canandaigua, where there are some pretty sub par neighborhoods, did a follow up post saying he couldn't find the decline.

This prompted a rejoinder post from Council President Charlie Mallow, who wrote:

There have been a few postings about the state of our neighborhoods and people’s opinions of the rate of decline. From someone new to the area or familiar with big city living, some missing paint and a little litter are not anything to be concerned about. People in big cities have had to live with falling property values, absentee landlords and drug activity for years. The obvious question is, why wouldn’t the people of Batavia point to the precursors of decline and pull together to keep the quality of life we have always enjoyed?

Notice a trend here? Same set of facts, different perceptions.  And if you follow the conversation in the comments as well as the related blog posts, a clearer picture emerges of the goals and aspiration of the City Council to clean up the city before things get too far gone.

Traditional, print journalism could never achieve this depth of coverage of a single issue.

By offering a method and manner to discuss choices, consequences and conditions in Batavia, The Batavian hopes to help make Batavia a stronger community.

As the site grows, as more people sign on and get involved, the more meaningful the conversations will become, the more benefitial to all of Batavia.

We hope you will participate often yourself, tell your friends and neighbors about The Batavian and help us reach our goal of enabling a better-informed, more involved community.

Previous Related Posts:


Friday afternoon news roundup

By Philip Anselmo

From the Daily News (Friday):

• Batavia police are still baffled by bloody clothing and a pillowcase that were found in March in a dumpster in back of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on North Street. Reporter Scott DeSmit writes: "None of the items had holes or cuts consistent with foul play and no other bodily fluids were found." One of the shirts found was "saturated with human blood," which would indicate a lot of blood lost.

• On the agenda for City Council's next meeting: revisions to the city code and a transfer of $10,000 to a "Dwyer Stadium reserve," plus a few other items. Before the regular meeting gets underway, the council will hold a public hearing for residents to comment on the proposal to remove a traffic light at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Ross Street. The meeting is at 7:00pm Monday in the Council Board Room on the second floor of City Hall.

• Larry's Steakhouse plans to open in July at 60 Main Street at a spot once occupied by Harry's and Prato's. On the menu: steak, seafood and pasta.

• Mothertime Marketplace opened today at Batavia Downs. At the weekend event, vendors will be selling used toys, clothes, furniture and other items. It is open from 10:00am to 6:00pm today, from 10:00am to 5:00pm Saturday, and from 8:00 to 10:00am Sunday. Admission is $2 for adults. Visit for more information.

• A Genesee County Chapter of the American Red Cross benefit raffle held Saturday at LeRoy Country Club drew a crowd of nearly 200. No mention of how much money was raised for the association.

• The Genesee County Business Education Alliance will hold a Spring Breakfast Meeting at Bohn's Restaurant in Batavia at 7:15am May 16. It costs $15. Call Melinda Chamberlin at (585) 343-7440 for more information.

For the complete stories, the Daily News is available on local newsstands, or you can subscribe on

Friday morning news roundup

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for this and other stories:

• More than a few state grants have been awarded to Genesee County recently, including: $93,000 for the town and city to take a look at consolidating services, $250,000 to help with the law enforcement dispatch consolidation already underway and another $150,000 that will go to the city for sidewalk improvements.

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