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Locks of Love

Hair Raising (and fund raising) Experience

By Genesee ARC News

Two Genesee ARC Staff Members took the afternoon off Wednesday for a cause.  Claudia Nigro and Eileen Corcoran went to Total Image Hair Salon, Batavia, to donate their hair to Locks of Love. Locks of Love is a Florida-based non profit organization that makes hair pieces for financially disadvantaged children suffering from a long term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.  The two creative, long-time ARC employees also used this opportunity to raise   money for the Genesee ARC People Realizing Potential Capital Campaign.

Eileen, a veteran Locks of Love donor recruited Claudia months ago.  Then when ARC’s Capital Campaign was announced, the two “put their heads together” and decided to use the occasion to also raise money to benefit the campaign underway to renovate and refurbish the Genesee ARC Community Center (former St. Mary’s School, Woodrow Road, Batavia

We asked our friends and family to make pledges,” Eileen said.  Claudia added, “Everyone was so generous!”  When all of their pledges are collected, their final tally will exceed $700.00!

Genesee ARC Director of Development, Shelley Falitico praised her colleagues for coming up with this unique idea. “It benefits not one, but two organizations,” she said.  Regarding the capital campaign, Shelley added. “Genesee ARC Staff have been very generous.  With Eileen’s and Claudia’s pledges, gifts from Staff will exceed an impressive $25,000!”

To date, $702,000 has been raised in the $750,000 campaign.  Community Members can make a donation on-line at or by calling the Genesee ARC Development & Community Relations Department at 343-1123.  

About the donors: Both are Genesee County residents. Eileen is a Counselor in Genesee ARC’s Vocational Services Department and has been employed by the local disability service provider since 1997. Claudia is a member of the Community Relations Team and is marking her 20 year employment anniversary with Genesee ARC in 2010.

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