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life mysteries

Conversations with Calliope- Footprints in the Sand

By Joseph Langen


(Footprints in the Sand)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. I thought I might hear from you while you were on the high seas.
JOE: I thought you might too, but it turned out to be more complicated that I thought.
CALLIOPE: Tell me about your trip.
JOE: It was wonderful to get away from the cold for a while. We spent more time on various beaches than ever before and enjoyed the water and breezes.
CALLIOPE: Did you discover anything about yourself while you were gone?
JOE: My mind remained pretty fallow. I concentrated on enjoying the moment most of the time.
CALLIOPE: You planned to consider your future directions.
JOE: I did but only toward the end of the week.
CALLIOPE: What did you come up with.
JOE: After finishing Joan Chittister's book The Gift of Years I have decided to concentrate on two areas, what I know for sure and life mysteries.
CALLIOPE: How do you plan to do that?
JOE: I will use my Sliding Otter website for my books and other formal writings. I will convert my Commonsense Wisdom website to a place where I can explore both issues.
CALLIOPE: Sounds interesting.
JOE: I think so. I'll let you know how it turns out. Talk with you tomorrow.

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