Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), alongside Congressman Andrew Garbarino (R-NY), introduced the Volunteer First Responder Housing Act, legislation to expand eligibility for qualified volunteer emergency responders to participate in certain federal housing assistance programs.
Original cosponsors of the legislation include Representatives Elissa Slotkin (D-MI), Mike Lawler (R-NY), Dan Kildee (D-MI), Frank Lucas (R-OK), and Derek Kilmer (D-WA).
Specifically, this bill would expand eligibility for the Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development Division and the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Good Neighbor Next Door Sales Program. The Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program assists approved lenders in providing loans to low and middle-income households to help build, rehabilitate, and improve homes in eligible rural areas.
“Rural communities across New York’s 24th District and the country rely on volunteer first responders to keep our communities safe,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “The Volunteer First Responder Housing Act will expand federal housing assistance to these dedicated individuals in the communities they serve. Providing housing assistance to volunteer firefighters will help to reduce response times by enabling volunteer firefighters and EMTs to live closer to their stations. This bill provides much-needed and well-deserved housing incentives and benefits to our next generation of volunteer firefighters and EMTs so they can continue their brave work serving our communities.”
“Long Island relies almost entirely on volunteer firefighters to prevent, combat, and extinguish fires while also providing other emergency services and, according to the National Fire Protection Association’s 2017 U.S. Fire Department Profile, 65 percent of firefighters nationwide are volunteers,” said Congressman Garbarino. “Recruiting and retaining volunteer firefighters is critical for thousands of communities, yet local volunteer fire departments continue to find it difficult to meet staffing needs. With a high cost of living making it more difficult than ever to buy a home, the Volunteer First Responder Housing Act would provide a helping hand to those who give their time, at great personal risk, to safeguarding our communities.
Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley, 139th Assembly District:
As a result of the high flux of controversial legislation that has passed the Assembly in recent weeks including expanding abortion, free college for illegal aliens and stricter gun control, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has written Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) requesting that his "Two New Yorks" legislation be passed through committee and come to the house floor for a full vote.
“This is an idea that has been discussed for many years, and one which is especially popular throughout Upstate New York,” Hawley said. “It has become abundantly clear in recent years that the New York City voting bloc has forgotten Upstate and is imposing their radical left-wing agenda on all of us, whether we like it or not.
"And that is deeply troubling. This bill simply gives citizens a say on the direction of their state. If Downstate politicians really don’t need upstate, as many of them claim, then there’s no harm in at least asking the question if we should be divided.”
Hawley's Jan. 29th letter to Speaker Heastie reads:
I am respectfully requesting you to help facilitate reporting my legislation, A.1687, out of the Local Governments Committee on to the floor for a vote.
A.1687 would provide for a non-binding referendum on the questions "Should New York be divided into two States?" to ascertain from our constituents their thoughts on the division of New York into two separate states. This bill would help us and out citizens to gauge the support, or lack of supports, for this initiative.
I have received a myriad of contacts on this issue -- especially in light of the measures that have been jettisoned through the Legislature in the past two weeks. Many believe we already have "Two New Yorks."
The Genesee County Sheriff supports a proposed state constitutional amendment to permit inmates to work for nonprofit agencies.
Sheriff Gary Maha is asking voters to approve this as well come November.
According to the Sheriff's press release today, it was never intended that the state Constitution prevent a Sheriff from assigning inmates to a work crew at a nonprofit agency or organization. The current law prohibits the practice when an inmate is "contracted, given or sold" and dates back to at least 1898. It was probably intended to prohibit the sale of inmate labor to contractors or private parties.
Nowadays, the Sheriff's Office typically assigns inmates to work at cemeteries, libraries, service organizations, parks, playgrounds and other locations operated by nonprofits. The inmates aren't paid and are always supervised.
Current provisions in state law do not prevent inmates from working for the state or other municipality. Therefore, most people thought that inmates who volunteered for work detail could also work for nonprofits. The labor is considered part of their rehabilitation program, not a form of required or compensated labor.
But a few years ago, the state Commission of Correction -- the agency which oversees all correctional facilities in New York -- began questioning the practice of inmate labor for nonprofits and suggested that the state Constitution be clarified in this regard.
So the state Legislature passed a bill to allow county jail inmates to work for charitable organizations. Having passed the Legislature in 2007 and 2009, this issue will be on the November ballot for voter consideration.
Sheriff Maha is asking voters to approve the proposed New York constitutional amendment permitting inmates to work for nonprofits.
As the original author of legislation to repeal the new two percent tax on utilities, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) is pleased to report that his legislation has now gained the support of over two dozen, bipartisan members of the State Assembly.
“I am pleased that so many of my colleagues have already signed on to support this important bill in such a quick period of time,” said Hawley.“It is good to know that members, from both sides of the aisle, can still come together over common-sense measures that benefit the people of our state and I look forward to their continued support when we return to Albany.”
Assembly Bill 9098, authored by Hawley, will repeal in full the increased tax on utilities, which now totals 2 percent of a consumer’s bill.The tax increase was made as part of the enacted 2009-10 State Budget, which Hawley opposed.The newly increased tax went into effect on July 1, 2009 and will cost average homeowners an increase of $40 to over $200 annually.
Hawley’s bill, A.9098, has been introduced and referred to the Assembly Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions for their review.With four members of this committee signed on to support this bill so far, and the growing support for the initiative with the public, Hawley is hopeful that the bill will be addressed when the Assembly is called back into session.
“This winter is going to be tough for many New Yorkers, especially seniors here in Western New York, to afford their utilities.Already, in previous years, we have seen seniors forced to choose between food, prescriptions and heat.This increased tax compounds that problem and that’s why, before this winter, I hope that we can repeal this excessive tax,” said Hawley.
The Assemblyman is not only working across the aisle to garner support for this bill; he is looking at both houses.As previously announced, State Senator Michael Ranzenhofer has agreed to carry the bill in the Senate and together he and Hawley are working to encourage more senators to support the bill as well.
Members of the public who would like to see the 2 percent utility tax repealed should contact Assemblyman Hawley’s office to sign his petition, which will be delivered to the Governor.Residents should also write to the Chair of the Assembly Corporations, Authorities and Commissions Committee, Richard Brodksy and ask that he immediately take action on the bill.You can contact Assemblyman Brodsky by writing, calling or emailing at the following:
Sen. Michael Ranzenhofer and Assemblyman Steve Hawley today announced a new law that allows court proceedings for the towns of Elba, Oakfield and Batavia to be held at a single location, which will help save money.
Ranzenhofer says in a press release: “With the passage of the Shared Court Services legislation, the towns of Batavia, Elba and Oakfield have the opportunity to consolidate facilities to provide upgraded services and decrease costs. Residents ... will see savings on their tax bills by sharing one court facility. (This) reflects the willingness of the Elba, Batavia and Oakfield town supervisors to restructure local government to save money for taxpayers."
Hawley says: “We were pleased to facilitate the towns of Batavia, Elba and Oakfield’s request for this legislation. Helping localities streamline and consolidate their efforts -- resulting in more efficient operations while saving taxpayer dollars -- is indeed a positive reflection on the supervisors of the three towns."
All three adjoining towns expressed a need for upgraded court facilities. The new law amends the Uniform Justice Court Act to allow the court proceedings to be held either in the towns of Elba, Oakfield, Batavia or the city of Batavia. The facility must be approved by all three town boards. The law takes effect immediately.
“This is a good example of how a determined effort by community leaders and their respective staffs can provide a much needed and desirable benefit for the people they serve," said Batavia Town Supervisor Gregory Post.
"This partnership demonstrates efficiency in government with unlimited potential to expand benefits to local members of our population, as well as those who visit our VA campus or other attractions our area offers. The fact that so many elected entities can come together and set aside traditional boundaries to save tax dollars (holds) promise that our future here is bright."
Elba Town Supervisor Lucine Kauffman said: "The Town of Elba sees this proposed shared courthouse facility as an innovative way to meet our courtroom safety and functional needs while saving the taxpayers' money. This bill allows us to pursue the shared facility project and improve service to our communities."
With 4 of the State’s Leaders Appointed, Hawley & Maziarz Work to Ensure “Participatory Government”
State Senator George Maziarz and Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) called on the Governor to hold open elections when filling vacant high-level elected offices.With the Governor, one of the state’s two United States Senators, Comptroller and now the Lieutenant Governor, all appointed or filled without public input, the legislators are concerned at the lack of “participatory government.”
“One of the greatest freedoms our nation has, and one of the greatest actions our citizenry has is a voice in choosing who represents them.For the last three years, however, high-level state and federal leaders from our state have been ‘specially’ appointed rather than elected into office.This severely undermines the public’s ability to exercise their right to vote and their voice in government, and further diminishes an already damaged sense of trust in government,” said Hawley, who is the original author of legislation that would address this issue.“Had this bill to amend the constitution of our state been addressed and enacted after I first introduced it in March 2008, some of this year’s dysfunction could have been avoided and the people would have been able to elect their own Comptroller, Governor and Lieutenant Governor.”
Senator Maziarz, who introduced the bill in the State Senate, stated, "Elections should determine who our state leaders are, not appointments. We are a demoncracy and that means that power ultimately rests with the people. That power is best exercised in the voting booth. So, in my view, when we have to fill a vacancy in a major office, the best thing to do is empower the people and let them decide."
Bills S.6127/A.1140 and S.6126/A.1141 would provide a process of open, public election for filling high-level state positions, such as Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Comptroller and Attorney General.Specifically, the legislation would change current law by automatically calling for an open election for any vacated top elected offices in the next scheduled general election.This would prevent appointments for 3- or 4-year terms without the public having had the opportunity to voice their opinion.The bill would go into effect after it is passed by both houses in two consecutive legislative sessions.
By initially filling vacancies through appointment until the next general election, the bills would not burden the state with the additional cost of holding a special election.Under current law, only one person, Governor Paterson, who was appointed himself, has the power to name his successor.
While this initiative gained bi-partisan support in the State Legislature, as well as popular support among New Yorkers, the bills were held in the Assembly Judiciary Committee and have not been addressed in the Senate.Both legislators are again circulating the legislation to their colleagues in the Assembly and Senate for their support and sponsorship.
Assemblyman Steve Hawley says he's pleased with what he was able to get done during the recently completed legislative session, despite all the chaos in Albany recent.
Fifteen pieces of legislation sponsored by Hawley were approved by the Assembly, including five aimed at helping local communities.
"Despite all the chaos, changes in leadership and gridlock, I was able to get some common-sense and important pieces of legislation passed that will greatly help the communities in Western New York, as well as the rest of the state," said Hawley in a statement.
Among Hawley's locally targeted legislation is a bill to help town court proceedings in the towns of Elba, Oakfield and Batavia as well as the City of Batavia. The measure will pave the way for these communities to build a shared court facility, which, according to Hawley, will help save taxpayer money.
Full press release after the jump:
As the regularly scheduled legislative session drew to a close, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C - Batavia) was pleased to have been able to have over a dozen pieces of his legislation passed, despite a banner year for Albany's notorious dysfunction.
"Despite all the chaos, changes in leadership and gridlock, I was able to get some common-sense and important pieces of legislation passed that will greatly help the communities in Western New York, as well as the rest of the state," said Hawley.
Of the 15 pieces of legislation that Hawley sponsored, which passed the Assembly, five bills specifically helped local communities in Western New York. These bills include measures to help town court proceedings in the towns of Elba, Oakfield and Batavia, and the city of Batavia. These four municipalities are leading the way in the state for finding an innovative solution, to their individual need for new and upgraded court facilities,
will help local governments save taxpayer dollars by sharing services and building a joint court facility.
Perhaps Hawley's largest statewide initiatives that passed were measures to help firefighters. Assembly Bill 2733-A establishes the volunteer firefighter and volunteer emergency services recruitment and retention fund. Assembly Bill 6051-A allows firefighters to operate a fire truck without possessing a commercial driver's license, saving fire districts endless amounts of time, which can be better spent training, as well as thousands of dollars annually. This measure was passed by both houses and signed into law.
Hawley's passed legislation also includes a number of initiatives to help those with disabilities. Assembly Bill 7848 requires access aisles of handicapped parking spaces to be marked with a sign and stripes; and Assembly Bill 7849 requires that handicapped parking spaces be at least 8 feet wide.
The Assemblyman also played an instrumental role in leading the fight against some of the more dangerous bills that came to the floor, such as the "Farm Death Bill." Hawley stated, "The fight against this harmful bill, brought together farmers, farm workers, and agribusinesses, and bipartisan legislators from across the state. This opposition was an example of Albany at its finest. Unfortunately, its passage in the Assembly highlighted the standard dysfunction in the State Capitol, but I am hopeful that our collective voices will help prevent this bill from coming to fruition in the Senate."
Hawley also lead the charge for other important measures, such as property tax relief. During and after budget negotiations the Assemblyman stood on the Assembly floor to demand relief for overburdened homeowners and businesses, specifically calling on both houses and the Governor to reinstate the STAR Rebate Check and restore cuts made to the traditional STAR programs. Hawley also called on the Governor to make smart usage of the $1 billion in federal stimulus dollars which have not yet been appropriated. He commented, "We need to begin looking at ways to make it easier for residents and businesses to survive. Maintaining jobs, and attracting new ones, are necessary to keep our economy moving."
A bill sponsored by a New York City Democrat that could cost the state's farmers $200 million a year, or drive many farmers out of business, and many farm workers out of state, as well as increase the cost of New York-produced food, today passed the state Assembly 85 to 57.
The Farmworkers Omnibus Labor Standards Bill, AB 1867, or as its opponents call it, "The Farm Death Bill," will require farmers to pay time-and-a-half for over time, allow farm workers to join labor unions, require a day off during harvest season, will require farmers to pay into the unemployment system, among other provisions.
The bill is sponsored by Catherine Nolan, who represents Queens.
Assemblyman Steve Hawley voted against the bill.
I spoke with Hawley about the bill Friday in his Main Street insurance office, and Steve noted that a farm worker who might, under current law, work 60 hours a week at $16 or $17 an hour and would therefore earn $1,000 is likely to see his earnings cut in half by the bill, because a farmer would find it more economical to hire a second worker rather than pay time-and-a-half to the original worker.
In a press release this evening, Hawley noted that the bill passed rather ironically the day before is slated to honor the state's dairy farmers with its annual "Dairy Day."
"Dairy farmers and agribusinesses come from all over the state to be lauded by legislators as the ‘pride of New York,’" Hawley said. "How hypocritical for lawmakers to, on the eve of this day, pass the bill that will kill these businesses. Once our farms close up shop, they will be closed forever.”
Hawley's full press release after the jump:
Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C - Batavia) today voted against the Farmworkers Omnibus Labor Standards Bill, dubbed the "Farm Death Bill." By imposing unnecessary and expensive mandates on farmers, the cost of the bill, ranging in the thousands, depending on farm size, has the potential to put farms and agribusinesses across the state out of business.
"My family has a long tradition of farming. Our Western New York community's backbone is in agriculture - both socially and financially. This bill will be the final nail in the coffin for New York State agriculture and more people will suffer the consequences of our farms closing than just the farmers or farm workers. The price of food will skyrocket and further hurt hard-working middle-America families that are just squeezing by right now. This bill is a disaster for the state economy," said Hawley, who is a former crop and hog farmer and Genesee County Farm Bureau President.
Hawley debated the bill on the floor, citing the fact that from April 2008 to April 2009, milk prices received by farmers dropped from $18.20 per 100 weight to $11.80; corn from $5.86 to $3.98; and wheat from $9.20 to $4.24. These price drops signify that farmers in New York State are already struggling to make ends meet. This is compounded by production costs, which for milk are currently around $14 per 100 weight, meaning that farmers are already losing money on their products. Additionally, New York State has lost over 2,000 farms over the last decade. Hawley argued that the new provisions that the bill mandates will push struggling farms over the edge and force more farms, especially smaller operations, to permanently close.
During the debate, Hawley also commented on the comparison of New York State's agriculture to that of California. He stated, "In California, they have farms that operate year-round. Their agricultural industry is 12 months a year and operates on a much larger scale. Here, in New York, many farms only operate 1 to 2 months per year and during these months everything from planting to harvesting happens."
Hawley, who also serves as a member of the Assembly Agriculture Committee, was among the first legislators to oppose the Farm Death Bill, or Assembly Bill 1867. With the entire bipartisan Assembly Agriculture Committee, he sent a formal letter of opposition to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver outlining the devastating effects of the bill. Hawley has worked with New York Farm Bureau President Dean Norton, a former dairy farmer in Batavia, local farmers and a bipartisan delegation of state legislators, to openly and publicly oppose the bill as well as to wage a public campaign urging New Yorkers to contact the sponsors of the bill in opposition.
Despite this, the Assembly passed the legislation by a vote of 85 to 57. Hawley stated, "Tomorrow, the State Legislature is celebrating their annual 'Dairy Day,' a day when dairy farmers and agribusinesses come from all over the state to be lauded by legislators as the 'pride of New York.' How hypocritical for lawmakers to, on the eve of this day, pass the bill that will kill these businesses. Once our farms close up shop, they will be closed forever."
The Senate has passed legislation designed to make it easier for people like you and me to get into the packaged food business.
S3594 is supposed to promote small business start ups, such as maybe somebody looking to can an old family sauce recipe or gourmet cookies.
Glich: You or I can't benefit unless there's already a government or non-profit production facility available in your neck of the woods.
Know of any of those in Genesee County?
It's nice that the Senate wants to throw some money in the direction of start-up businesses, but would lowering taxes have the same stimulating, and maybe more, effect? Or how about a state program to off-set the inescapable self-employment tax that makes starting a small business so difficult and risky?
We need more small businesses, more entrepreneurs getting a start in New York. It's the best long-term solution for economic growth, but maybe Malcolm Smith could start at the taking end rather than the giving end.
Albany, N.Y. – State Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer voted today for legislation that would allow citizens and government bodies to initiate the process of consolidating or dissolving local governments more easily, a measure that would save taxpayer dollars.
“New York State’s 10,521 government entities have led to Western New Yorkers paying among the highest property taxes in the nation. Citizens across Western New York deserve the opportunity to consolidate or dissolve local governments if they chose to in an effort to reduce the size of government, decrease costs, and ultimately pass much needed property-tax relief along to homeowners,” said Senator Ranzenhofer.
The New New York Government Reorganization and Citizen Empowerment Act (S5661) allows local government bodies and citizens to initiate local government consolidation or dissolution. Under the recently passed legislation, government bodies may develop a plan for consolidation/dissolution and after approval, the legislation must be approved by a referendum among the voters in towns and villages. Additionally, citizens may propose consolidation/dissolution efforts by filing petitions that have been signed by ten percent of registered voters.
“I have faith in citizens to give them the ability to accept or reject consolidation and efficiency measures as they see fit,” said Senator Ranzenhofer.
Senator Ranzenhofer supported an amendment on the Senate floor to prevent any negative effects of the legislation on local fire departments. Senate Democrats defeated the amendment.
“I am concerned this legislation could have a negative effects on fire departments that already save taxpayer dollars for local governments through the brave men and women who serve our communities. Our volunteer firefighters are an integral part of our community that we cannot afford to consolidate or dissolve,” said Senator Ranzenhofer.
Additionally, Senator Ranzenhofer expressed his continued commitment to reforming State government.
“This Citizen Empowerment Act represents only a first step in the movement to change the way Albany does business. For once this legislation does not dictate to local government entities, instead it empowers citizens to have their voices heard. However, there is still much more work to be done. Albany must cut spending across the board, end unfunded State mandates that increase costs on existing local governments and create a more open, transparent State government because New Yorkers deserve better,” he added.
Assemblyman Steve Hawley announced today that he supported legislation pushed by Attorney General Andrew Cuomo that could make local government consolidation easier.
The bill passed the assembly yesterday without opposition.
Hawley's full press release after the jump:
Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C - Batavia) today voted in favor of Assembly Bill 8501, the "New N.Y. Government Reorganization and Citizen Empowerment Act." This legislation would help save taxpayer dollars by allowing local government to become more effective and efficient, while at the same time standardizing state law regarding the process of government consolidation.
"I firmly believe that less government is better government and I have long supported initiatives to consolidate government services, such as during this year's budget negotiation. By consolidating services among the three levels of government, we can more effectively and efficiently serve our collective constituency," said Hawley.
The Assemblyman continued, "at first glance there were some fears about this legislation that I shared with local government agencies. I wanted to make sure that this bill was not just another Albany-imposed mandate. I have taken the time to carefully review the bill and to vet the language with my colleagues in local government as well as to read a number of letters and e-mails my office has received since this bill was introduced. We need to take steps to cut government excess in order to truly protect the taxpayers and businesses of our state and I believe after considering this legislation that this bill will help meet that goal."
The bill puts into place a standardized method for government consolidation, shared services or dissolution of government entities, should that be proposed on a local level. While the Assemblyman originally had some concerns about the bill, upon reviewing the bill language and vetting it through local and state officials, he came to the conclusion that the bill merely clarifies and standardizes the process by which local government entities may consolidate, share services or dissolve, should the voters of the district petition.
The largest among the Assemblyman's original concerns was that the bill outlines that 10 percent of the electorate must sign a petition calling for a referendum on the issue of consolidation, sharing services or dissolution. However, this 10 percent is greater than the current 5 percent standard in Town Law and greater than the percentage needed in most cases for a petition to consolidate adjoining villages under current Village Law. Additionally, the bill provides a safeguard for small villages and government entities with populations of less than 500 residents. In these cases, the bill calls for 20 percent of the population to sign the petition.
Additionally, the Assemblyman shared the concern of some local officials that this measure would put too much power into the hands of county-level officials. However, current state law already gives counties this power. Another concern was that should a referendum be called for, taxpayers would be asked to foot the bill for holding a special election. Yet, the bill directly states that should a referendum be called, it may be held at any time, including on general elections.
Finally, the Assemblyman was concerned that should a referendum be called for and passed, it would give local government entities short notice to lay out plans to consolidate, share services or dissolve. The bill language details the standardized process, which would amount to a minimum of 390 days and, thereafter, it would take up to an additional two years for the plan to be fully implemented.
"At the end of the day, this bill puts the power of change into the hands of the people, which, in my opinion, is where it belongs. This bill does not call for governments to consolidate or dissolve at a local level. It merely gives a standardized process for localities should they consider this option," said Hawley.
To further ensure that certain government entities, such as fire districts, are protected, Hawley is drafting new legislation that would amend A.8501. The Assemblyman stated, "I want to make sure that our fire departments are fully protected and that the bill which was passed does not have any unintended negative consequences for our firefighters, especially in terms of volunteer firefighter recruitment. I will continue working together with the fire districts and volunteer fire departments in the 139th Assembly District and my colleagues in the State Legislature toward this end."
As a former hog and crop farmer and Genesee County Farm Bureau President and a current member of the Assembly Agriculture Committee, I work very hard to ensure that our farms, agriculturalists and rural quality of life are protected. Newly introduced legislation, Assembly Bill 1867, seriously threatens our farmers and farm workers and I would like to take a moment to share with the public the provisions of this bill.
I have already received many letters, calls and e-mails from residents of the 139th Assembly District expressing their opposition to this bill, which is known as the Farmworkers Omnibus Labor Standards Bill. While this legislation attempts to establish benefits and bargaining rights for farm workers, the bill threatens the very existence of farm workers by imposing expensive labor mandates which will force more farms, many of which are struggling in this tough economy, to go out of business.
To explicitly outline our concerns with this legislation the entire Assembly Agriculture Committee and I drafted, signed and sent a letter to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Paramount among our concerns is the fact that for the last 30 years, both state and federal laws have been strengthened to protect farmworkers from injustices and unfair treatment, with most farms undergoing a review or inspection on an annual basis. Any problems that occur on farms are quickly caught by the authorities, making this new legislation redundant and an unnecessary expense to place on farmers and our agricultural community as a whole.
I urge all members of the public to write Speaker Silver as well as the legislation's sponsor, Assemblywoman Catherine Nolan to express your concerns with this measure. You can write to Speaker Silver at LOB 932, Albany, NY 12248 or e-mail him at; or contact Assemblywoman Nolan at LOB 836, Albany, NY 12248 or e-mail her to express your opposition to this bill.
Rep. Chris Lee issued a statement today expressing support for bi-partisan legislation that supporters say will fix problems with currency exchange with China and help protect WNY jobs.
Lee called Chinese trade practices illegal.
The legislation is aimed at stopping Chinese manipulation of currency exchange, which may be leading to the yuan being undervalued by as much as 40 percent.
Full press release after the jump:
ROCHESTER – Congressman Chris Lee (NY-26) appeared today at Precision Grinding and Manufacturing in Rochester to announce his support for major bipartisan legislation combating illegal Chinese trade practices that have contributed to the loss of good-paying jobs in Western New York.
The Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act (CRFTA) of 2009 specifically takes aim at currency manipulation. A broad range of economists believe, for instance, that the Chinese yuan may be undervalued by as much as 40%. The practical impact of China intentionally lowering its currency's value is to make its goods cheaper. This means that when Chinese manufacturers export a product, they effectively receive a 40% subsidy on their exports, a nearly insurmountable advantage over U.S. producers.
“American workers can compete with anyone in the world, but free trade has to be fair in both directions,” Congressman Lee said. “The Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act is an effective bipartisan solution that levels the playing field for American manufacturers and protects American jobs. It closes loopholes that allow currency manipulation to run afoul of international trade policies and gives our negotiators the tools they need to take a tougher stance on this issue without provoking a trade dispute. With our economy in crisis and our region hemorrhaging manufacturing jobs, we can no longer afford to delay action.”
The lawmaker noted during the press conference that over the course of this decade, Western New York has lost more than 1 in 4 manufacturing jobs, while our nation’s trade deficit with China has more than tripled.
Kevin Kelley, executive director of the Rochester Tooling and Machining Association (RTMA), added: “China’s manipulation of its currency continues to represent a significant threat to our region’s manufacturing jobs. We’ve seen plenty of talk on this issue, but not enough action. The legislation Congressman Lee is supporting would ensure a level playing field on which our businesses can compete in the global marketplace.”
The Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act is set to be introduced in Congress this week, according to Congressman Lee, who added, “This is a smart proposal that ensures the United States remains faithful to its own international trade obligations.”
Republicans are lining up in opposition to a provision in a bill that would reform IDA regulations, calling it the "IDA Death Bill."
The provision would require businesses moving into an IDA project to pay union-scale wages, known as the prevailing wage.
We received a press release this morning from Assemblyman Steve Hawley expressing his displeasure with the bill.
"If this bill is enacted, Albany might as well hang a sign on
the Thruway to tell everyone entering our state that New York is closed for
business," Hawley said.
Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C-Batavia) joined with state
legislators from both houses, including Western New York State Senator
Michael Ranzenhofer and Erie County Executive Chris Collins, to express
their strong opposition to the proposed Industrial Development Authority
(IDA) reform bill (A.3659), commonly dubbed the "IDA Death Bill," at a press
conference held this week in Albany.
"If this bill is enacted, Albany might as well hang a sign on
the Thruway to tell everyone entering our state that New York is closed for
business. This bill, if enacted, would drastically reduce Western New York's
ability to attract business and create jobs, especially in rural
communities," said the Assemblyman, referring to the provision of the
legislation which requires all IDA projects to be "shovel-ready," meaning
the locality will have to have road, sewer and utility services already
installed. As Hawley further explained, "This is a prospective cost that
smaller cities, rural towns and suburban communities simply can not afford.
This bill would leave rural upstate, or 37 percent of the state's
population, out of the equation."
Hawley and his colleagues, who also included Assemblywoman Jane
Corwin (R,C,I-Williamsville) and Assemblymen Thomas O'Mara (R,C,I-Big Flats)
and Marc Molinaro (R,C,I-Red Hook), outlined their opposition to the bill's
provisions to instate a prevailing wage for construction costs as well as a
living wage for all employees of the completed facilities; both measures
which businesses would not agree to due to the excessively high costs, an
increase estimated to be at 25 to 30 percent. The current IDA benefit given
to companies is around 15 percent. Hawley explained, "The problem here is
that this bill calls for employers to pay a higher wage to the employee,
which doesn't sound bad, except that coupled with the many other intrusive
provisions in this bill and the fact that this makes it more expensive,
employers simply will choose to do business with another state. So we must
consider what is better: the current, livable wage or no wage at all?"
Another point of contention with the bill outlined by the
officials was the fact that up until now, New York State's opportunities for
businesses, offered through IDAs and the Empire Zone Program, have been
comparable to neighboring states, such as Pennsylvania. However, parts of
the enacted 2009-10 State Budget have lessened incentives through the Empire
Zone Program, while neighboring states have increased their business
incentives and job creation benefits. Hawley stated, "on top of decreasing
Empire Zone incentives, the state has increased the cost of health care,
energy and insurance costs for businesses. This IDA bill will be the final
nail in the coffin for businesses in New York State, and I strongly
encourage members of the business community and concerned residents to
contact the leadership in Albany to say 'no' to the IDA Death Bill."
Mike Barrett, owner of Barrett's Marine and Sporting Supply, says he's seeing more first-time gun buyers in his store these days, and County Clerk Don Read reports that the most recent gun permit class had 42 people in it.
"I don't think it's one element that is behind the increase," Read said. "It's everything put together."
And everything means fears of new federal and state legislation restricting gun and ammo sales, the recession and increases in crime, and the usual reason -- newfound interest in hunting and target shooting.
Whatever the cause, Barrett said distributors' warehouses are bare and it's more difficult to get inventory.
Barrett and his staff where a little upset with Read this afternoon, after hearing that Read blamed the increase of permits on "scare tactics" by the NRA and other gun advocates. Conservative commentators have been raising concerns about President Obama's anti-gun positions and legislation being introduced at both the state and federal levels.
"I heard that (Read's comments) today and almost blew a gasket," Barrett said. "A lot of people are down playing what's going on and it's nothing to be played down. I don't say that just because I'm a business man There is a train coming down."
Barrett handed over information on five state bills that would limit gun ownership, make it harder if not impossible to buy certain kind of guns and obtain ammunition.
Anti-gun legislation has been introduced before and didn't pass. Read said he thinks this round of legislation isn't likely to pass either.
"I don't attribute it to scare tactics, but there is an aspect that people are afraid there will be more restrictions," Read said. "Personally, I don't see that happening, but often perception of an issue is more important than reality."
The surge in gun permits goes beyond the specter of stricter legislation, Barrett said. The recession is also driving concerns about a rise in crime and the need for self protection.
A member of his staff, Jack Taylor, said a 70-year-old woman walked out of the store 20 minutes earlier with her first rifle.
"She bought it for target practice and to keep around the house," Taylor said.
Read tells a similar story: "We just had a lady in, a well-known lady, who is retired now and her husband enjoys target practice and she wanted to be able to enjoy it with him."
Asked about more gun ownership in Genesee County, Sheriff Gary Maha responded:
"Those persons obtaining gun permits are law-abiding citizens and are not
a concern to law enforcement. I believe in the Second Amendment -- 'the right to bear arms.' It is the illegal guns and illegally obtained guns that I am concerned about."
We received the following press release from Sen. Michael Ranzenhofer's office.
The proposal to give extra days off to state workers with children strikes me a rather tone-deaf move by Sen. Antoine Thompson. At a time when the budget squeeze has never been tighter, when unemployement is at its highest in more than a decade, and everybody is feeling the pinch, Mr. Thompson wants to throw more benefits to state employees (who already have pretty cush jobs by private sector standards).
But the most generous, proposed by Sen. Antoine Thompson, D-Buffalo, offers state workers two days off for every child to, in the words of his three-paragraph bill, “participate in child’s education.” While that would mean a state worker with four kids could take eight extra days off a year, the bill states that it would have no fiscal impact on the governments.
Anybody who as ever run a business understands that paid time off does in fact have a fiscal impact on the business, either in terms of lost productivity or the need to hire more workers or hire contract workers.
No matter how well-intentioned the measure, how does the state ensure the time off is used as intended? Furthermore, isn't it discriminating against childless workers, asking them to pick up the slack for co-workers who are getting a benefit unavailable to them?
I'm just a little flabbergasted at the proposal. I would have found it hard to believe on Ranzenhofer's say-so alone if I hadn't read the same thing in the News.
Press Release:
Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer today expressed his disbelief at a bill being offered by Sen. Antoine Thompson that would offer two additional paid days off per child to all 332,000 state workers to “participate in child’s education”. This bill would be in addition to an excused leave program that already allows state and local government workers to take paid time off in addition to their sick and personal leave and vacation time for specific reasons. All of these leave programs amount to a massive unfunded mandate on localities and a waste of taxpayer money at both the local and state level.
“Government workers already receive more paid time off then anyone working in the private sector. The idea that we should spend more taxpayer money to allow them more time off should be called what it is-an abuse of the taxpayer and a giveaway,” Senator Ranzenhofer said. “We are in the midst of a very real fiscal crisis and what Senator Thompson and the democrats are proposing demonstrates that they really do not understand what the average New York resident or business is facing each and every day.”
Senator Ranzenhofer remains committed to finding ways to reduce both unfunded mandates and the burden of high taxes “The people of the 61st Senate District sent me to Albany to enact policies that are in their best interests, not to cater to any special interest group, “ Ranzenhofer continued “taxpayers can count on me as an advocate and a friend, I will never leave them holding the bag.”
Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer was elected to the New York State Senate in 2008. He represents the 61st Senate District which includes part of the city of Tonawanda, the Towns of Amherst, Clarence, Newstead and Tonawanda in Erie County and all of Genesee County.
AMHERST – Congressman Chris Lee (NY-26) was joined by community leaders at the Amherst Main Library today to unveil major legislation to protect students from sexual abuse in schools.
Lee and others were spurred to act after a national investigation conducted by the Associated Press uncovered thousands of cases in which incidents of sexual misconduct by school employees were not reported to the public.
As a result of this lack of reporting, offenders have the freedom to move from school to school – sometimes across the state, other times across the country – without the new school district being aware of the fact that their newest employee was fired from a previous job for sexual misconduct. As recently as 2007, only 17 states mandated collecting data of this nature.
“This unacceptable lack of transparency puts our students in harm’s way. It’s time to put student safety first,” Congressman Lee said. “We need to take serious steps to prevent these menacing acts and give our school officials the tools they need to keep sex offenders from ever setting foot in a classroom again.”
That’s why Congressman Lee recently partnered with Congressman Adam Putnam (R-FL) to introduce the Student Protection Act (H.R. 781), which establishes:
· A uniform reporting requirement for educators accused of sexual misconduct;
· A commission in each state to investigate allegations of abuse;
· A nationwide database where the names of school employees sanctioned for sexual misconduct would be kept on record and made available to the public;
· A toll-free number for reporting incidents of sexual abuse by educators.
Congressman Lee was joined at today’s event by Erie County Sheriff Timothy Howard, Amherst Central Schools superintendent Laura Chabe, and Edward Suk, executive director of the New York branch of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.
Ernie Allen, President and CEO of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, commended Congressman Lee for introducing this much-needed legislation: "This Act brings attention to the often-overlooked problem of child sexual exploitation in our schools. The vast majority of teachers are dedicated, decent professionals. However, when abuse occurs there must be meaningful sanctions and oversight in order to prevent teachers from moving to a new school and victimizing additional students."
Congressman Lee also noted that the Student Protection Act is an example of how the federal government can encourage states to work together without growing Washington: “Failing to adopt these common-sense policies at the national level leaves all states vulnerable when hiring educators from states with mediocre reporting procedures and lackluster ethical standards. Our students and our teachers deserve better than a piecemeal approach.”