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BCSD announces UPK and kindergarten registration is now open, deadline is May 1

By Press Release

Press Release:

The Batavia City School District (BCSD) is now accepting registration applications for universal pre-kindergarten (UPK) and kindergarten programs for the 2025-26 school year.

BCSD will offer five full-day UPK programs and two half-day programs for the upcoming school year. BCSD’s UPK program is located at Robert Morris (80 Union St.) and at one community-based organization. The BCSD kindergarten program is located at Jackson Primary (411 S. Jackson St.).  

UPK students must be four years old on or before December 1, 2025. Kindergarten students must be five years old on or before December 1, 2025.

For more information, including how to register online, visit You can also pick up and return your registration packet at the BCSD Registration Office located at 260 State Street, Batavia.

Hours of Operation are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. (excluding school holidays). For more information please contact or 585-343-2480 ext. 1010.

The deadline to receive UPK applications for the 2025-26 school year is Thursday, May 1. There is no deadline to receive kindergarten applications.

Byron-Bergen School District now accepting registration for kindergarten and UPK

By Press Release

Press Release:

Registration is now available for kindergarten and prekindergarten students in the Byron-Bergen School District.

The District plans to once again offer a half-day universal prekindergarten (UPK) program at the Byron-Bergen Elementary School. The UPK program is focused on socialization, learning through play, and self-exploration. Children learn through a hands-on learning environment that includes activities, learning centers, concrete materials, and manipulatives. 

Students learn through a nurturing environment that is enriching, challenging, and developmentally appropriate. 

Students must turn four years of age by December 1, 2025 to be eligible for the program. If you have a child eligible and are interested in having them attend the Byron-Bergen UPK program, please complete this Google form which is also available on the Student Registration page of the Byron-Bergen website. 

The form requires the student’s name, parents’ name, address, phone number, email address, and date of birth. This electronic Google form is due by Monday, February 24. Parents who have already contacted the Elementary School by phone will still need to complete the form. If you are having difficulty completing the form, please call the Elementary School office for support.

Please note that if the District receives more applications than the allowed capacity, a lottery will be held to select students. This year's lottery drawing will be held on February 28, via Zoom. 

Student-specific lottery numbers and the Zoom link will be shared with everyone who completes the form before the February 24 deadline. Once the lottery is complete, the families of selected children will need to complete the full registration packet, which can be found on the Byron-Bergen website and submit it to the Elementary School Office.

Children who will be five years of age, on or before December 1, 2025 are eligible for entrance to Kindergarten in September of 2025. New families in the school district should notify the school if they have a child who will enter Kindergarten in September of 2025. Parents may contact the Byron-Bergen Elementary School Office by calling 494-1220, ext. 1301. Information may also be sent to the Byron-Bergen Elementary School, 6971 West Bergen Road, Bergen.

Please send all information for kindergarten screening by June 1, 2025. All children registered for kindergarten will be scheduled for a screening appointment this summer. The results of this screening will be used to plan for the 2025-2026 kindergarten program. 

The following items are necessary to complete the registration process: the child’s birth certificate; certificate of immunization; proof of residency; and completed registration packet.

Additional information and registration packets are available at

Lend me your ear

By Billie Owens

Photo and information from reader Nora O'Neill.

We all smiled this morning at St. Joe's. Note the "earring" in the photo.

Each autumn Mrs. Case's kindergarten class "raises" monarchs from small caterpillars to chrysalises to butterflies.

One caterpillar escaped the habitat and overnight chose the plush llama's ear to nestle into chrysalis!

Student Ben was delighted to be the one to discover it this morning.

Registration underway for Byron-Bergen UPK and kindergarten

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Registration is now underway for the 2019-2020 school year for prekindergarten and kindergarten students in Byron-Bergen Central Schools.

Universal Prekindergarten
The Byron-Bergen School District hopes to once again offer a half day Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) program for the 2019-2020 school year. The class will be held at the Byron-Bergen Elementary School, located at 6971 W. Bergen Road, Bergen.

Students eligible for the program must turn 4 years of age by Dec. 1, 2019. If you have a child eligible and are interested in having him/her attend our UPK program, please send a letter of interest by Friday, April 5 with your child’s name, parents’ names, address, phone number, and date of birth to:

Brian Meister, Elementary School Principal, 6971 W. Bergen Road, Bergen, NY 14416.

Parents who have already contacted the Elementary School by phone will still need to send in a letter to be eligible for UPK. Please note that if we receive more than our allowed capacity, we will select students using a lottery system.

What are the Program Goals of the UPK at Byron-Bergen?

  • To meet the NYS learning standards by using a curriculum that is thematically based and supported using literature, songs, and exploration;
  • To foster an environment that promotes happy, confident children who are willing to take risks, make independent choices, and ask questions;
  • To create an inclusive community that builds upon the student’s strengths and accommodates their needs.

Philosophy of UPK

The UPK program at Byron-Bergen is focused on socialization, learning through play, and self-exploration. Children learn through a hands-on learning environment that includes activities, learning centers, concrete materials, and manipulatives. Students learn through a nurturing environment that is enriching, challenging, and developmentally appropriate.

Kindergarten Registration Reminder

Children who will be five years of age, on or before Dec. 1, 2019, are eligible for entrance to kindergarten in September of 2019. New families in the school district should notify the school if they have a child that will enter kindergarten in September of 2019.

Parents may contact the Byron-Bergen Elementary School Office by calling 494-1220, ext. 1301. Information may also be sent to:

Byron-Bergen Elementary School, 6971 W. Bergen Road, Bergen, NY 14416.

All children registering for kindergarten will be scheduled for a screening appointment this summer. The results of this screening will be used to plan for the 2019-2020 Kindergarten Program.

The following items are necessary to complete the registration process:

  1. Your child’s Birth Certificate
  2. Certificate of Immunization – New York State law requires that every child entering school must have received a minimum of 5 doses of diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine (DPT) and 4 doses of polio (IPV) vaccine, 2 doses of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), 3 doses of Hepatitis B, and 2 doses of varicella (chickenpox). Those children born on or after 1/1/2008 must have 4 doses of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV). Their immunizations must be completed prior to entering school.
  3. Proof of Residency– If this is the first time you have a child entering Byron-Bergen Central School District, please bring proof of residency to your screening appointment. This can be a copy of your mortgage statement, rental/lease agreement or a copy of your tax bill.

For more information or to register your child, please contact:

Elementary School Office  -- (585) 494-1220, ext. 1301

Information may also be sent to:

Byron-Bergen Elementary School 

6971 W. Bergen Road 

Bergen, NY 14416

Batavia's Kindergarten Registration for 2015-2016 Has Started

By Kathie Scott

The Jackson Primary School staff looks forward to welcoming its new students for 2015-2016! Registration has started in the Batavia City School District’s Business Office for children eligible to begin kindergarten in the 2015-2016 school year. Children who will be five years old on or before December 1, 2015, are eligible to begin school at Jackson Primary in the fall. To register, parents may go to the District Business Office, located in the administration wing of Batavia High School (260 State Street), on school days between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. and bring with them:

  • two proofs  of residency (for example: utility bill for gas, water, electric, cable; lease or rental agreement; mortgage statement; landline phone bill) unless the child is currently enrolled in the District’s Universal Pre-kindergarten program,
  • the child’s birth certificate,
  • the child’s Social Security card, and
  • the child’s complete immunization records.

   If you have questions, please call the Business Office at 343-2480 x1002.

Batavia City Schools Begin Kindergarten Registration for 2015-2016

By Kathie Scott

Registration has started in the Batavia City School District for children eligible to begin kindergarten in the 2015-2016 school year. Children who will be five years old on or before December 1, 2015, are eligible. To register, parents may go to the Business Office, located in the administration wing of Batavia High School (260 State Street), on school days between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. and bring with them:

  • two proofs  of residency (for example: utility bill for gas, water, electric, cable; lease or rental agreement; mortgage statement; landline phone bill) unless the child is currently enrolled in the District’s Universal Pre-Kindergarten program,
  • the child’s birth certificate,
  • the child’s Social Security card, and
  • the child’s complete immunization records.

   If you have questions, please call the Business Office at 343-2480 x1002.

Parents of new first grade pupils are also asked to register their child in the same time frame and with the same documentation.


O-A Central School Universal Pre-K registration under way; Kindergarten reg begins March 26

By Billie Owens


Children who reside in the Oakfield-Alabama Central School District and who will be 4 years old by December 1, 2012 are eligible to be registered for our Universal Pre-Kindergarten program for the 2012-2013 school year.  If you need a registration packet, please call the elementary office at 585-948-5211, ext. 3211, to request one or email

The elementary school office is open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is located at 7100 Lewiston Road in Oakfield.


Kindergarten registration is scheduled for Monday, March 26th through Friday, March 30th at the elementary school office between the hours of 9:30 AM and 2:30 PM.  Information packets have been sent to families.  If you did not receive a packet or are new to the district, please notify the elementary office at 948-5211, ext. 3211. Please bring the following mandatory documents with you:  your child’s birth certificate, proof of residency and a current immunization record. Only children who have reached their fifth birthday on or before December 1, 2012 may be registered for the 2012-2013 school year.

Pooh's 90th Birthday Party at Woodward Memorial Library

By Trisha Riggi

Join us Wednesday, August 10th from 1-2 pm to celebrate Winnie-the-Pooh's 90th Birthday. We'll have games, crafts, a movie and cupcakes!!! This program is designed for children entering Kindergarten. Registration is required and limited to 15 children.

Event Date and Time

Batavia City School District begins Kindergarten registration for '09-'10

By Philip Anselmo

From the Batavia City Schools:

Batavia City School District’s Kindergarten Registration for the 2009-2010 school year begins the week of February 23-27. Children who will be five years old on or before December 1, 2009 are eligible to attend kindergarten in the fall.

To register, parents must go to the main office of the nearest public elementary school (see addresses below) on school days between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and bring with them proof of residency such as a current utility bill or formal lease agreement, as well as the child’s birth certificate, Social Security card, and complete record of immunizations. Please note that no child can be registered without the required documentation. At the time of registering, parents should also make an appointment for the kindergarten screening procedure which will be scheduled for late May and early June.

Parents of new first grade pupils are also asked to register their child in the same time frame and with the same documentation.

For more information, please call your elementary school office (see below) or the District’s Director of Learning, Pam Schunk, at 343-2480 x1023.

Jackson Elementary, 411 South Jackson Street, phone 343-2480 x 4000. Jackson registration begins the week of February 23; screenings will be scheduled for June 3 and 4.

John Kennedy Elementary, 166 Vine Street, 343-2480 x 5000. John Kennedy registration begins the week of February 23; screenings will be scheduled for May 27 and 28.

Robert Morris Elementary, 80 Union Street, 343-2480x 6000. Robert Morris registration begins the week of February 23; screenings will be scheduled for June 10 and 11.

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