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Jason D. Reese.

Turning 50

By jason reese

Monday June 25, 2012,  i will turn 50 years old. Never married, no children.  Taking classes for an associates degree, when i shouldf be working on a PHD.  Unemployed since august 2010. Wasn't getting anywhere washing dishes, so i quit to go to college.  NYS Dept of labor says that wasn't a good reason to quit, so they denied me benefits. The moral of the story, move forward!. Your version of failure, how much money do i have?  i have a great family.. So what.  I have great health. No cancer, use of a cane or hauling around a oxygen tank.  Sure i wish i could live the american dream (the us goverenment does not want that to happen and it won't. I'm not going to prison over those low life's and the are low, as a matter of fact they, may be the lowest enite ever). When i die, no funeral, memorial service, i do not want to be buried in your soil, i want my ashes flown towards the sun. I am actually looking forward to turning 50. My generation are holding there own  Good health, education, common sense, plus we look good (Some of us) Here's to me, turning 50!

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