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Information needed reguarding Genesee county jail!!!

Ohio vs. New York jails. Please inform me!

By Latasha StoutWendt

Batavians please help me out on this one if you can!

You may have got the hint by my user name. Just to make the picture clear, I have a family with the accused Ronald Wendt. We have 2 adorable little ones and our home is here in Ohio.

To make a long story short, I am unsure about how the jails work in New York. Well atleast Batavia because that is where my other behalf is being held. I know that here in Ohio inmates are aloud to buy phone cards and use them to call whomever they need to, unless the number they call has it blocked. I know that here in Ohio inmates are also aloud 1 stamp to write whomever they need per day. Im so unsure about how things work there!!! I really have nobody to ask or to inform me!

If you know more about or some things about how the jail in genesee county works and what privlidges the inmates have a right to please please please inform me.

I appriciate your time very much!

God Bless All,

Rons family here in Ohio

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