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Independent Living of the Genesee Region

Free 'Transition to Independence Workshop' is Sept. 17, pre-registration required

By Billie Owens

Independent Living is offering FREE workshops for families. It can be hard to support a young adult family member with disabilities to live on their own in the community.  There are ways to make the path to an independent life smoother for everyone. Families are invited to a series of workshops to learn about the disability benefits and community resources available to make the transition to independence successful.

Introductory Session to be held on Wednesday, Sept. 17th, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Independent Living of Genesee Region, 113 Main St., Suite 5, Batavia. All family members welcome.

Light refreshments will be served. Pre-registration is required.

Please contact Donna Becker at (585) 815-8501, ext. 411 or e-mail at to hold your spot.

Photos: Taste of Independence in Jackson Square

By Howard B. Owens

The Independent Living Center hosted its first Taste of Independence festival in Jackson Square last night.

Several local restaurants and bakeries served food at the fundraiser, which included a basket raffle.

Participating were: D&R Depot, Rack Shack, Terry Hills, T.F. Browns, Swy's Catering, Big Pauly's, Sweet Ecstasy Bakery, Bistro & Banquets, Coffee Culture Cafe & Eatery, and Tops Friendly Markets. Mueller Quaker also provided yogurt, Subway provided cookies and Wendy's provided beverages.

Above, Rae Frank and Greg Bruggman drew tickets for the raffle.

Photos by Amanda Earl.

Jeremy Franklin and Gillian Cleveland.

Yvette Lucas, Community Events Outreach coordinator.  

Donna Becker of Independent Living enters tickets for the basket raffle.

Don Bouchard.

Rae Frank named director of Independent Living of Genesee Region

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Rae Frank was named director of Independent Living of Genesee Region (ILGR). She brings 15 years of experience in human services management, including leadership roles with nonprofit agencies in Buffalo, Warsaw, and Perry.

Frank has an MFA degree in Electronic Communications from SUNY at Brockport and a BA degree in Media Studies from SUNY at Buffalo.

She resides in Gainesville with her husband and three children.

Frank becomes the second director of ILGR, a part of the Western New York Independent Living, Inc., family of agencies. For more than four years, the agency has offered individuals of the Genesee Region (Orleans, Genesee and Wyoming counties) four core services including information and referral, peer counseling, independent living skills training, and individual and community advocacy, through empowerment, education and equality for all, regardless of disability.

Basket raffle benefits Independent Living of Genesee Region

By Billie Owens

A bountiful basket raffle is under way to benefit Independent Living of Genesee Region, which provides services to people with mental and physical disabilities. The nonprofit organization helps them continue, or begin, living on their own instead of having to go into assisted living or another type of facility.

The baskets are on display now at 113 Main St., #5, in the City of Batavia. Tickets are $1 each, or three for $2, or 15 for $5. The drawing will be held on March 27.

Contact Donna Baker for information or donations at 815-8501, ext. 411.

Baskets and raffle options include:

  • Spring Basket -- Ceramic tea light holder, Subway gift certificate
  • Pizza Basket -- Gift certificates for: Big Pauly's, Batavia's Original, Main Street, Mark's, Ficarella's
  • Pamper Yourself -- Two bottles of wine, Steve's Styles gift certificate and products, Bourbon & Burger Co. gift certificate
  • Lunch Bunch -- Gift certificates for City Slickers, Southside Deli, Subway, T.F. Brown's
  • Down Time -- Scarf, bottle of wine, Mane Attraction gift certificate, Family Video gift certificate
  • Guys' Basket -- Charles Men's Shop gift certificate, Valu Home Center gift certificate, Family Video gift certificate, T-shirt, wooden car
  • Ladies' Basket -- Maurice's coupons and goodies, T-shirt, Family Video coupons, scarf
  • Handmade Bowl
  • Wine & Dine -- Scarf, two bottles of wine, Larry's Steakhouse gift certificate
  • Easter Basket
  • Indulge
  • Family Night -- Gift certificates for Big Pauly's, Denny's, Family Video, Walmart
  • Shop & Wear -- Two T-shirts, Family Video, Kmart, Target
  • Random -- Two T-shirts, gift certificates for Alberty's Drug Store, Mark's Pizzeria, Southside Deli

Assemblyman Hawley speaks at Independent Living Luncheon on Friday

By Billie Owens

Independent Living of Genesee Region (ILGR) is presenting its Third Annual Luncheon and Fundraiser on Friday, May 10 at Terry Hills Golf Course and Banquet Facility, Batavia.

The event will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. with New York State Assemblyman Stephen Hawley who represents the 139th district. The assemblyman will deliver the keynote address followed by a question-and-answer session.

The Third Annual Luncheon and Fundraiser will support ILGR’s programs and services for people with disabilities throughout the Genesee Region. The assemblyman will focus on the work of his office within the community.

Independent Living of Genesee Region (ILGR) is a part of the WNY Independent Living, Inc., family of agencies. The ILGR office is located at 113 Main St., Suite 5, Batavia. For more than three years, the agency has offered individuals of the Genesee Region (Orleans, Genesee and Wyoming counties) four core services including information and referral, peer counseling, independent living skills training, and individual and community advocacy, through empowerment, education and equality for all, regardless of disability.

Participants wanted for Chronic Disease Self Management Program

By Billie Owens

Independent Living of Genesee Region (ILGR) is seeking interested participants for Chronic Disease Self Management Program.

Sessions will start on May 22 and run Tuesdays, from 9 to 11:30 a.m.

They will take part in an instructive six-week series in Genesee County for individuals with chronic pain. Participants must be able to identify at least one chronic condition in relation to a disability that impacts their daily lives and emotions.

The facilitators will assist participants to understand how to manage symptoms, implement a self-management toolbox and construct an action plan.

If you have a desire to participate, please contact Susan at 815-8501, ext. 411.

Independent Living of Genesee Region (ILGR), part of the WNY Independent Living Inc., Family of Agencies, has primary offices at 113 Main St., Suite 5, Batavia.

The agency provides individuals of the Genesee Region (Orleans, Genesee and Wyoming counties) with four Core Services; Information & Referral, Peer Counseling, Independent Living Skills Training and Individual and Community Advocacy.

For more information about ILGR or to begin receiving services, please call 815-8501, ext. 400 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Photo: Independent Living candidates forum

By Howard B. Owens

District 1 Legislator Ed Dejaneiro spoke at the YWCA this afternoon as part of a candidates forum sponsored by Independent Living of the Genesee Region.  According to James Moody, 14 candidates for city and county offices appeared at the forum. Each candidate was given a chance to make a presentation and then answer questions from the audience. The forum was not a debate. Moody said the forum gives candidates a chance to learn about the rights of people with disabilities and the needs of the community. "We feel it's important for people with disabilities to get a chance to ask candidates questions."

Independent Living hosts picnic to celebrate 21st anniversary of ADA

By Howard B. Owens

Independent Living of Genesee Region hosted a picnic for more than 60 people today at Dewitt Recreation Area celebrating the 21st anniversary of passage of the American with Disabilities Act.

After a lunch of hot dogs and hamburgers, some of the guests enjoyed the park, chatted in the pavilion or played Frisbee.

Local people with disabilities rallied in Buffalo today

By Billie Owens

This information was provided by Independent Living of Genesee Region (ILGR) part of the WNYIL, Inc. Family of Agencies.

Independent Living of Genesee Region took part in a rally in Buffalo today for persons with disabilities.

It was held at the Governor's Regional Office to remind people of the importance of community-based medical services and its commitment to free persons with disabilities from nursing home and hospital placements.

Individuals with disabilities are disillusioned over the current actions of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT). The hasty recommendations of Governor Cuomo’s appointees will cost more money than will be saved by forcing senior citizens and individuals with disabilities into institutions rather than prioritizing community care.

“These cuts are going to cost both senior citizens and individuals with disabilities to go into institutions, costing three times as much as to living in the community," said Douglas J. Usiak, executive director, Western New York Independent Living.

"Contrary to current media campaigns, not everyone is satisfied with the work of the Governor's Redesign Team.”

In addition, the WNY Independent Living, Inc. Family of Agencies is extremely disappointed that the proposals the disability community themselves made -- which could have saved over a billion dollars during the next five years -- didn’t make the cut for the recommendations to the state Department of Health by the Medicaid Redesign Team.

“They said this process was to include all stakeholders in the Medicaid Program, yet they ignored our recommendations in their deliberations,” said Todd G. Vaarwerk, director of Advocacy and Public Policy, Western New York Independent Living.

The rally was sponsored by the Western New York Independent Living Family of Agencies (WNYIL), Buffalo Independent Living Center (ILC), Independent Living of Niagara County (ILNC), Mental Health PEER Connection (MHPC), and Independent Living of Genesee Region (ILGR).

Independent Living of Genesee Region offers services which include: peer counseling for individuals with disabilities as well as their family members; financial benefits consultation; housing search assistance; home and building modification; independent living skills evaluation and instruction; mobility training; recreational peer support groups; a peer mentoring program; and individual and systems advocacy.

Support services including a volunteer program and equipment loans are available. Programs for consumers with disabilities include Medicaid service coordination, individual support services, and family support services transportation program.

Since August 2010, the center’s services have evolved in order to meet its goal of full partnership with people with disabilities in the community. It now participates in programs concerning individual services, programs for consumers with developmental disabilities, mental health services, support services and community services.

To find out more about any of these services or to begin receiving them call (585) 815-8501 (Voice/TDD) or go to 113 Main St., Suite 5, Batavia, New York. Visit the Web site at

Living Center Holiday Open House

By Philip Anselmo

From the Gensee Region Independent Living Center:

The Genesee Region Independent Living Center will host a Holiday Open House on Friday December 12th from 12-4 pm at 61 Swan St in Batavia. It is a time of gathering to come and see what services we offer to the community and what we are all about.

Santa will be there to meet and greet everyone. Refreshment will be served.

Questions: Please call the Center Monday-Friday 9-4 at 585-343-4524.

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