Twenty moms caring for children with special needs, medical issues pampered in Le Roy

This past weekend twenty moms from the community who are caregivers to medically complex or special needs children were pampered at Personal Preference Salon and Spa in Le Roy, courtesy the non-profits Hope Rises and David's Refuge.
"So often, moms do not take the time for relaxation, and for moms of children who are medically complex or have special needs, it makes it that much harder to step away for self-care," said Hope Rises Founder Kate Glaser. "This was a great way for us to pour back into their cups and the smiles on their faces all day was the perfect result of the hard work and devotion that went into this."
Each mom received pampering services, including massages, pedicures, paraffin hand dips, manicures, makeup, hair style, meditation, and a brunch ahead of Mother's Day. The charities also provided a goodie bag of gifts.
All of the moms are caretakers of a child or children who either have a life-threatening medical condition, are medically complex or have special needs.
Glaser said this was the first such event for Hope Rises but that the organization plans to do it or something similar again.
Photos and information submitted by Kate Glaser.