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Home Brewing

Home Brew Classes Offered at Local Malthouse

By Patricia Hawley

Ted Hawley, owner of New York Craft Malt, has announced the latest roster of home brewing classes available at his malthouse. He’s teaming up with Brandon Kapral of the Buffalo-based home brew club The Sultan’s of Swig to bring 4 classes to local brew enthusiasts.

The first class is scheduled for Saturday, April 30 at 10 a.m. Kapral says that “Most people start by using extracts when they begin brewing and then move on to all-grain.” These classes will combine the two methods as Kapral will enlist the help of Alex Buckley and Devin Carman to demonstrate both extract and grain brewing.

Kapral, Buckley, and Carman are active in the Sultans of Swig and award-winning home brewers. Buckley is planning a brewery in Buffalo and Carman is an assistant brewery at Big Ditch Brewing Company.

Having Buckley and Carman on hand will “eliminate the ‘pot-watching’ that occurs in all beer-making and give the students options on their choice of brewing while showcasing the great beers that can be produced using both methods,” Kapral says.

Other classes include:

Saturday, June 25: Showcase on Grain and Water - Learn about different varieties of grain, the chemistry relating to malt/beer, and the grain flavor wheel. We’ll discuss water chemistry as it relates to malt/grain flavors in beer.

Saturday, August 27: Showcase on Hops - Learn about various hops varieties, hop flavor/bitterness, different methods for introducing hops to beer and how to grow hops for home brew use.

Saturday, October 15: Showcase on Yeast - Learn about the vast numbers of yeast cultures and their variants and how to make healthy yeast. We’ll also discuss bacteria additions for sour beers and fermentation control methods.

Each class will include discussions on the different gear needed to create special home brews. “We want the home brewer to have the necessary equipment that won’t break the bank,” Kapral says.

All classes begin at 10 a.m. and run through 2 p.m. Cost is $30 per class; lunch is included in the cost. Classes will be held at New York Craft Malt, 8164 Bank St. Rd., Batavia.
Class size is limited to 20 students; registration is required. For more information or to register, call 585-813-8399

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