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Tenney moves to make 'Trump’s Birthday and Flag Day' a federal holiday

By Press Release

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File photo of 
Claudia Tenney.

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) introduced the Trump’s Birthday and Flag Day Holiday Establishment Act to officially designate June 14 as a federal holiday to commemorate President Donald J. Trump’s Birthday and Flag Day.

Born on June 14, 1946, President Donald J. Trump’s birthday coincided with Flag Day, which is observed annually and recognizes the anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official US flag in 1777. This legislation would permanently codify a new federal holiday called “Trump’s Birthday and Flag Day” on June 14 to honor this historic day.

“No modern president has been more pivotal for our country than Donald J. Trump. As both our 45th and 47th President, he is the most consequential President in modern American history, leading our country at a time of great international and domestic turmoil. From brokering the historic Abraham Accords to championing the largest tax relief package in American history, his impact on the nation is undeniable. Just as George Washington’s Birthday is codified as a federal holiday, this bill will add Trump’s Birthday to this list, recognizing him as the founder of America’s Golden Age. Additionally, as our nation prepares to celebrate its 250th anniversary, we should create a new federal holiday honoring the American Flag and all that it represents. By designating Trump’s Birthday and Flag Day as a federal holiday, we can ensure President Trump’s contributions to American greatness and the importance of the American Flag are forever enshrined into law,” said Congresswoman Tenney.

GO Health offers tips to enjoy the holidays vape-free

By Press Release

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As the holiday season approaches, many people enjoy gathering, celebrations, and family traditions. It’s a time to relax and reconnect, but for some, the holidays can bring extra stress. When people feel stressed, they often look for comfort or distractions, and this might make vaping more tempting – especially for those who already use nicotine.

Nicotine gives a short-term feeling of relief by boosting dopamine, a chemical that helps with mood. However, this can lead to dependence, making stress even worse in the long run. 

“Some people use e-cigarettes to handle stress or anxiety,” stated Paul Pettit, Public Health Director for Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments (GO Health). “However, vaping to feel better creates a cycle of nicotine dependence, which can become another source of stress.” 

This holiday season, try to take steps to stay healthy and manage stress in positive ways. By understanding your triggers and using healthy coping tools, you can enjoy the season without turning to vaping or other quick fixes.

Take the following steps to enjoy the holidays vape-free: 

  • Start reducing your nicotine use before the holidays. Gradually cutting back ahead of time gives your body a chance to adjust and helps you prepare for extended time with family without facing withdrawal symptoms. By lowering your nicotine intake as the holidays approach, you can set yourself up for a more enjoyable and stress-free season.
  • Come prepared with healthier ways to cope with stress and triggers. Listening to your favorite songs, taking a walk, or practicing deep breathing techniques are great options to help distract you from cravings while supporting your body and mind in a positive way. 
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Staying refreshed can help reduce cravings and support your overall well-being. Keep a water bottle with you and sip regularly – using a straw can also help satisfy the oral fixation that often comes with vaping. 
  • Stay active during the holiday season! You don’t have to run a marathon to keep moving. Simple activities like taking a daily walk, following an online yoga session, or enjoying outdoor fun like sledding or snowshoeing can go a long way in helping to manage nicotine cravings and boost your mood. 
  • Keep your schedule packed with activities that don’t involve vaping. Plan outings with friends and family, try cooking a new recipe, make a snowman or ornaments for the tree. Staying busy helps you avoid boredom, which is one of the most common triggers for vaping. 
  • Keep in mind that quitting isn’t easy, and it is okay to treat yourself! Set small goals, like making it through a morning, a day, or a week without vaping, and reward yourself when you achieve them. Celebrating milestones makes the process more enjoyable and helps build healthier habits over time.

Remember, the holidays do not have to be perfect, and managing stress is about progress, not perfection. Taking small steps to cope in healthier ways can make the season more enjoyable.

Get Help Today

If you are interested in quitting, or someone you know needs help quitting, help is available:

  • Visit the New York State Smokers' Quitline for quit-smoking and quit-vaping programs, or call 866-NY-QUITS (866-697-8487), to apply for a free starter kit of nicotine medications and to talk to a quit coach.
  • Talk to your healthcare provider about medications and counseling to help you manage cravings. Most health insurance plans, including Medicaid, cover services to help you quit.

For more information about GO Health Programs and services, visit or contact your local health department at: 

Follow GO Health on Facebook, Instagram and X at GOHealthNY.

Edward Jones to host holiday open house Saturday

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Michael Marsh and David Hall, Edward Jones financial advisors in Genesee County, invite the public to attend a holiday open house from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, December 7, at 7 Jackson Street during Christmas in the City.

Light refreshments will be served.

Edward Jones to host holiday open house December 7

By Press Release

Press Release:

Michael Marsh and David Hall, Edward Jones financial advisors in Batavia, invite the public to attend a holiday open house from 12 - 5 p.m. on Saturday, December 7 located at 7 Jackson Street.

"We are happy to be part of the Batavia community and would like to express our appreciation for the confidence and support we receive year-round," Hall said.

Refreshments will be served.

Spiritual Connection: Christmas Services Schedule

By Olivia Bailey

North Darien Bible Church- Candlelight Christmas Eve service at 6:30 p.m.

St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, Christmas Eve 12/24
East Pembroke Site 4 p.m. - in the Hall. Corfu Site Midnight - Church. Christmas Day 12/25, Corfu Site 8:30 a.m. - Church, East Pembroke Site 11a.m. - Church 

Oakfield-Alabama Baptist Church- Christmas Eve Service on 12/24 at 7:00 p.m.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Stafford- Christmas Eve on 12/245:00 p.m. Lessons & Carols

St. Mark's Episcopal Church, LeRoy- Christmas Eve on 12/24 at 7:00 p.m. Family Oriented Candlelight Holy Communion Service

Indian Falls United Methodist Church- Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on 12/24 at 7 p.m.

East Bethany Presbyterian Church- Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on 12/24  at 7 p.m.

Everpresent Church- Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on 12/23  service at 7 p.m.

Emmanuel Baptist Church- Pajama Christmas Eve Service on 12/24 at 7p.m. @ 190 Oak St.

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Genesee County will participate in Stop DWI Holiday Season "High Visability Engagement" campaign

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The Genesee County STOP-DWI Coordinator announced today that the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, the City of Batavia Police Department and the Village of LeRoy Police Department will be participating in a coordinated effort with the STOP-DWI program to bring awareness to the dangers of impaired driving. Law enforcement officers across New York State and STOP-DWI programs will be participating in special engagement efforts to bring awareness to the dangers of impaired driving, prevent injuries and save lives. The statewide STOP-DWI High Visibility Engagement Campaign start on Friday, December 17, 2021 and will end on Saturday, January 1, 2022. Highly visible, highly publicized efforts like the STOP-DWI High Visibility Engagement Campaign aim to further reduce the incidence of drunk and impaired driving. Remember: Impaired driving is completely preventable. All it takes is a little planning. If you are impaired by drugs or alcohol and thinking about driving, pass your keys on to a sober driver. Have a very safe & Happy Holiday season.

Giving to others keeps quilters connected

By Press Release

Press Release:

In this second pandemic year, members of the Museum Quilt Guild, Batavia, NY, have again donated holiday themed bags filled with gifts to the local Salvation Army. Using a list provided by the Salvation Army, bags are filled with items for children ranging from infants to 15 years. In 2020, the total was 65 filled bags and over 100 empty bags for their use. This year, there were 64 Bags filled, 32 empty gift bags for their use, and 18 stuffed bears. Captain Rachel Moore, who accepted the donations said the teddy bears would be perfect gifts for the infants.

Giving to the community has always been a big part of the Guild’s activities. Since March of 2020, it has been a great way for members to stay connected. The guild was unable to meet in person for 15 months due to the coronavirus pandemic. “At first, as so many of us did, we all figured once the ‘Pause’ in New York ended, we’d get right back to our regular meeting schedule,“ said guild president, Martha Lorshbaugh. But as a couple of weeks turned into months, they realized they would need to find a different way to maintain their connections. One of the members who is an elementary school teacher had become somewhat of an expert at running Zoom meetings, so she took on the role of host for the members to meet virtually. In addition to the monthly meeting, sessions were added for members just to chat, called “friendship meetings.” Many did handwork as they chatted, so work sessions to share the “Community Service” projects they were working on were added. The community service committee arranged for members to pick up kits and supplies for these projects, and then drop off completed items. Many organizations were not collecting donations in 2020, but having all these items ready allowed the guild to provide many items when restrictions were lifted. This year the guild has donated quilts to provide comfort to individuals being served by the following organizations: the VA Medical Center in Batavia (19), NYS Home for Veterans (5), WNY Foster Closet (10), Lipson Cancer Center (10) and All Babies Cherished (2).

In addition to quilts to be used by individuals, the guild offers quilts to be used for fundraising by local organizations. In 2021 this has included one donation each to the Caledonia Library; Gateway Hospice, Attica; Presbyterian Church, Batavia and The Genesee Orleans Arc. Members are happy to fill needs other than quilts. Twenty-nine patients undergoing treatment for breast cancer at Roswell were also gifted with heart pillows to aid in their comfort and recovery.

The guild resumed in-person meetings last summer, meeting outdoors for the summer months. At that first meeting, many quilts were presented to be donated. In October, the guild was finally allowed back to their regular meeting space at the VA Medical Center. At each meeting, at least one item is presented at “Show and Tell” that will be given to the community service committee. “Quilters like to keep busy and knowing our work will give comfort to someone in need is a very good feeling!” said Ms. Lorshbaugh. The guild holds regular Community Service work sessions each year at their monthly meetings for the purpose of working on projects for donation. The next one will be in March of 2022. Organizations may make requests to the guild via our website:, or Museum Quilt Guild, PO Box 268, Batavia, NY 14020.

The Guild is also excited to be able to invite the public to view our exhibit of “challenge” quilts at the Richmond Memorial Library in February. This had been annual exhibit until last year, so members are looking forward to another step towards a more predictable event calendar. New members are always welcome in the guild! Meetings are held the third Saturday of every month (second Saturday in December) at the VA Medical Center, 222 Richmond Avenue, Batavia, NY (Bldg 4, 2nd floor- use the patio entrance). Meetings begin at 9:30 a.m. You are welcome to attend two (2) meetings as a guest. If you decide to join, dues are $20.00 per year.

Master Gardeners book drive

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The Genesee County Master Gardeners are excited to announce that we will be collecting NEW, unwrapped BOOKS for the annual Toys for Tots campaign in conjunction with the Harvey C. Noon Legion. Collecting new books is a goal of the Toys for Tots Literacy Program. Books enhance a child’s ability to read and to communicate effectively. The books that are collected will go to children and youth ages preschool through high school. A gift of a new book delivers a message of hope and instills self-confidence to children in need. You can drop off books at the Genesee County Cooperative Extension office, Monday – Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. We will have a collection bin set up near the reception area. Book donations can be made at the CCE office through December 6.

WBTA Annual Christmas Toy Drive for The Salvation Army

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The Salvation Army of Batavia is proud to announce, for the 38th consecutive year WBTA’S annual Christmas Toy Drive with Ken Barrett Cadillac Chevrolet. COVID-19 has hit The Salvation Army especially hard, with the need for services being at an all-time high and funding down nearly 40-50 percent. The annual toy drive is a staple to The Salvation Army of Batavia and the local community. All toys (new unwrapped) donated go to children in the Genesee County area. To date, The Salvation Army of Batavia has nearly 200 families registered with more than 400 children needing toys this Christmas. They have seen more than a 30% increase in need this year due to the pandemic in just the Batavia area. “While the start of the Christmas season for The Salvation Army begins in the summer with planning, for me, the Christmas spirit is ignited with our annual toy drive,” said Captain Rachel Moore. “I feel the toy drive is what really signifies the holiday spirit in Batavia. It is overwhelming to see the generosity of our community as toy after toy is dropped off. This year, more than ever before, we are relying on the giving spirit of our neighbors to offer hope to children in need all over Genesee county. We are grateful to WBTA and Ken Barrett Cadillac Chevrolet for continuing a beautiful tradition that will help so many this year.” The Batavia Salvation Army has implemented additional precautions to make the toy drive a COVID-19 safe event. Those participating can simply drive up to the designated area at Ken Barrett Cadillac Chevrolet and open their trunk. A member of the Batavia Fire Department will collect the toys. If you cannot participate on December 10th, toys can be dropped off at The Salvation Army offices located at 529 Easy Main Street in Batavia Monday thru Friday between 9:00am and 3:00pm.


Genesee Symphony Orchestra Christmas Concert

By Press Release

Join us Friday, December 17th during our 20th Annual Wonderland of Trees, sponsored in part by Tompkins Bank of Castile and WBTA, to be serenaded by groups of musicians from the Genesee Symphony Orchestra. On Friday, December 17th from 6:30-8:00 various members of the GSO will bring the holiday spirit to the Holland Land Office Museum. December 17th will feature a flute quartet. Tickets to the concerts are $5 or $4 for museum members. Tickets are limited to 20 people due to space. Masks are required. The concert originally scheduled for Friday, December 10th has been cancelled.

Event Date and Time

Batavia First United Methodist Church Cookie Walk & Craft Sale

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Batavia First United Methodist Church will hold its annual Cookie Walk & Vendor / Craft Sale on Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 10:00 am – 2:00pm.  The event will feature a large variety of homemade Christmas cookies for sale by the pound along with 35+ vendors and crafters with many interesting items for you or that special someone on your Christmas gift list.  There will be free pictures of the kids with Santa and the Kozy Korners Thrift Shop will be open.  Lunch will be available for takeout.  The church is located at 8221 Lewiston Road in Batavia.  For further information, call the church office at 585-343-4708.  Pictured are The Rev. Wayne A. Mort as Santa along with Children & Youth Coordinator Sandy Trimmer and Office Manager Anita Giles.

Photo provided by Diana German

Batavia First United Methodist Church Cookie Walk & Craft Sale

By Press Release

Batavia First United Methodist Church will hold its annual Cookie Walk & Vendor / Craft Sale on Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 10:00 am – 2:00pm.  The event will feature a large variety of homemade Christmas cookies for sale by the pound along with 35+ vendors and crafters with many interesting items for you or that special someone on your Christmas gift list.  There will be free pictures of the kids with Santa and the Kozy Korners Thrift Shop will be open.  Lunch will be available for takeout.  The church is located at 8221 Lewiston Road in Batavia.&n

Event Date and Time

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