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'The Rhythms of Nature' on display at GO ART!

By Howard B. Owens

Artist Christopher McGee was at GO ART! on Thursday evening for the opening of his show, "The Rhythms of Nature."

Born in Jamestown, the Clarence-based artist said this is the first time he's had a show for this series of paintings.

He began the series in 2008 while observing landscapes while on road trips throughout Western New York. 

He said, "My experience playing drums in experimental and improvisational noise bands helped me to visually express some of the more mercurial, unpredictable elements in the universe: earthquakes, meteor showers, supernovas, and black holes."

The show runs through Dec. 8.

GO ART! has two other shows on display as well:

  • The Batavia Photography Club has photos on display by members through Dec. 8.
  • The Traveling Ghost by Ryan Gustman is on display until Nov. 3. Gustman was diagnosed with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder and ADHD early in his life. He specializes in photographing abandoned buildings.

Dedication of GO ART! Tavern 2.0.1

By James Burns

Thursday evening saw past presidents and members of The Batavia Club honored for their donation of, what is now, Seymour Place. The building at Main and Bank streets downtown was formerly the home of the men's social club and was built as a bank in 1831.

The Batavia Club sold the building to GO ART! for $1.

Gregory Hallock, executive director, of GO ART! has always been very thankful to the club for its generosity.

“If you look around GO ART!, you will see that almost everything here has a plaque thanking someone for a donation," Hallock said. "But there is no mention of the people that actually gave us the building.”

That changed on Thursday when the bar, now called Tavern 2.0.1 after the address of the building at 201 Main St., was dedicated to The Batavia Club.

Fittingly, a plaque now hangs over the bar, which is more than a century old, dedicating it to The Batavia Club. The old club plaque listing all the past presidents was moved to a prominent location in the bar as well.  

Last spring, Hallock also added a permanent exhibit that is an homage to the artwork that used to adorn the walls when it was the men’s club. If you want to see that collection, ask Hallock for a tour on your next visit. 

GO ART! to dedicate Tavern 2.o.1 to The Batavia Club on Thursday

By Billie Owens
Press release:
The GO ART! Board of Directors and staff are excited to announce the dedication of Tavern 2.o.1 inside GO ART! at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 18.
The public is invited to join them in celebrating the long lasting impact The Batavia Club has had on the organization. The men’s social club that resided at 201 E. Main St., Batavia, from 1887 to 2000. It generously sold the building, the only remaining example in Genesee County of a business establishment of the early 19th century, to GO ART! for $1.
To recognize their impact and the longstanding relationship between the two organizations, GO ART! is thrilled to be able to dedicate Tavern 2.o.1 to The Batavia Club complete with a plaque in honor of the club.
“We recognize all that the Batavia Club has done for the arts council and realize that without their generous donation, we may not be where we are today,” said Director Gregory Hallock.
GO ART! is also seeking help in connecting with any former members of The Batavia Club.
If you know of any former members of The Batavia Club, please contact the arts council by calling (585) 343-9313 or e-mail so they can be personally invited to the event.
Also on Thursday, Oct. 18th, from 6-8 p.m. is the opening reception at GO ART! of two new exhibits: Artist Christopher McGee Rhythms of Nature and the Batavia Photography Club.
Come down for a drink, great art and an even better time! Visit for more information.

Local artist Karen Crittenden gives hands-on demo on drawing mandalas at GO ART!

By Billie Owens
Happy fall! The next meeting of the Batavia Society of Artists is 7 to 9 p.m.Tuesday, Oct. 9th, at GO ART! It is located in historic Seymour Place in Downtown Batavia, 201 E. Main St.
Due to some unforeseen circumstances we have had to change a few things on our fall schedule for October and November.
Karen Crittenden will be give a hands-on demo on mandalas! In addition, Nikki Tamfer will be giving a hands-on printmaking demo in November.
There is no fee to attend a demo for BSA members; fee for non-members is $5.
Karen Crittenden's Bio:

"I have been drawing and making crafty things for as long as I can remember. I was introduced to mandalas when I lived in Turkey and saw them in museums, on handpainted tiles, on cave walls and other places in that part of the world.

"I forgot about them for many years and was reminded of them about 20 or 25 years ago and became fascinated with the actual process of drawing them. I figured out how to break the process down to create a skeleton and go from there.

"I also enjoy working with sacred geometry and fractals, which is kind of funny because I don’t really enjoy math all that much. I own and operate a small niche yarn, craft and fine art store in Batavia,where I also offer group and private lessons in art, crafts and the fiber hand arts."

Renowned Rochester painter Brian O'Neill to talk at GO ART! Sept. 11 on abstraction, realism and inspiration

By Billie Owens

Photo of Rochester artist Brian O'Neill, courtesy of Batavia Society of Artists.

Information provided by the Batavia Society of Artists:

The Batavia Society of Artists is excited to announce that the demonstrating artist at GO ART! on Tuesday, Sept. 11th, will be Brian O'Neill, a Rochester Art Club Signature Member and internationally known fine art painter.

The artist's contemporary, dynamic and expressive abstract paintings are really fantastic, says Nikki Tamfer, of the Batavia Society of Artists, and he is also known for his oil realism.

The demo will be held in the historic Seymour Place home of GO ART! in Downtown Batavia from 7 to 9 p.m. a week from today. It is located at 201 E. Main St.

The event is free for Batavia Society of Artists' members; $5 for non-members. 

"It's All Abstraction" will consist of an artist talk and PowerPoint presentation. O'Neill will illustrate through a visual presentation how all form can be broken down into simple, dark and light abstract shapes for more believable realism work. And he will offer insights into the inspirations for his abstract painting and relate them to environmental realities. 

O'Neill has a working and teaching studio in the Hungerford Building in Rochester, which is at 1115 E. Main St. His work has been showcased in galleries across the United States, Canada, England and Japan. He's a graduate of the Ani Art Academy apprenticeship program, where he trained with renowned realism painter Anthony Waichulis.

His formal training gave him the freedom to create in worlds both recognizable and imagined. 

In his bio statement, O'Neill, born in 1969, says: “My responsibility as an artist is one that asks me to create not because I want to, but because I have to. My goal with each painting is to infuse my passion for beauty in a language that can be read and felt by all people that view my work. I challenge myself to always remain open to learning and making work at the highest level possible.”

Find more examples of O'Neill’s work as well as student creations here.

Below, "Homestead," oil on canvas by Brian O'Neill.

Below, "Pause," oil, whitegold, gold, silverleaf by Brian O'Neill.

Below, "Turquoise Twilight," acrylic with silver, goldleaf by Brian O'Neill.

Below, "The Chase," oil on canvas by Brian O'Neill.

Bottom, "Winter Glow," oil on canvas by Brian O'Neill.

'The Traveling Ghost' photo exhibit of abandoned buildings in WNY goes on display at GO ART! Sept. 20

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

“The Traveling Ghost” -- a photographic exhibit featuring abandoned buildings found in Western New York -- opens at GO ART! in Downtown Batavia on Thursday, Sept. 20.

The exhibit by Ryan Gustman runs through Nov. 3.

There will be an artist reception the same day from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 20. Also, Tavern 2.o.1 will be open.

Gallery Hours: Thursdays & Fridays 11-7; Saturdays 11-4.

GO ART! is located at 201 E. Main St.

Phone is 343-9313.

Tomorrow at GO ART!, bartender challenge with The Batavian and WBTA

By Howard B. Owens

Tomorrow starting at 6 p.m. the place to be is GO ART!, 201 E. Main St., Batavia, where the night's guest bartenders will be Howard Owens of The Batavian and Chris Kalin of WBTA.

Billed as a competition, our goal is to raise as much money as possible for local arts, so come, be merry, enjoy a few drinks, leave tips on the bar.

Photos: GO ART!'S 40th annual Picnic in the Park 2018

By Steve Ognibene

The Original Red Osier Landmark Restaurant in Stafford presented GO ART!'s 40th annual Picnic in the Park today in Centennial Park. There were many local nonprofit sponsored booths along with food, arts and crafts vendors.  

A variety of bands were showcased on the main stage and Buffalo Aerial Dance performed next to the stage. A kiddie parade kicked things off and children's activities continued throughout the day.

Kelly's Old Timers band

GO ART!'s 40th annual Picnic in the Park is July 4 in Centennial Park

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Original Red Osier Landmark Restaurant in Stafford presents GO ART!'s 40th annual Picnic in the Park on Wednesday July 4, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Centennial Park. It is located at 151 State St. in the City of Batavia. 

It kicks off with a Kiddie Parade. At 10:30 a.m., kids can decorate their bikes, scooters, strollers in red, white and blue (decorations provided). At 11 a.m. the Kiddie Parade will travel down Ellicott Avenue led by Uncle Sam and Betsy Ross, and Rosie the Riveter.


11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  -- Batavia Concert Band

12:45 to 1:15 p.m.  --  Batavia High A Cappella Group

1:30 to 3 p.m.  --  Bill McDonald’s Old Hippies

3:15 to 4:45 p.m.  --  Kelly’s Old Timer’s

12:30 to 12:45 p.m.  --  Buffalo Aerial Dance

1:15 to 1:30  --  Buffalo Aerial Dance

3 to 3:15 p.m.  --  Buffalo Aerial Dance

Throughout the day there will be children's activities.

  • M. Geoffrey Clough -- Cookie Song writing
  • Explore Art Tent: Making Recycled Instruments and Music


Original Red Osier Landmark Restaurant Food Truck

Abbott’s Ice Cream

Lonsberry Concessions Lemonade Stand

Kernel Cravin’ Kettle Corn

Lori’s Cookies

GO ART!  Oliver’s Candy Bars, New York Chips, Beverages, GO ART! Tee shirts


More than 30 arts & crafts vendors

Demonstrations by Local Artisans

Chris Mc Gee: Mixed Media Painting

Lydia Zwierzynski: Caricatures

Chris Hummel: Cartooning

Rick Platt & Family: Chainsaw Artist, Mixed Media Painting, Wood Working, Fabric Arts


Batavia 1st UMC
Batavia Healthcare Center
Genesee County CASA for Children
Genesee Orleans Ministry of Concern
Arc of Genesee Orleans
Oakfield Betterment Committee
Knights of Columbus
City of Batavia Democratic Committee
Acorns (County Park)
GLOW Region Solid Waste Management Committee
MHA of Genesee and Orleans Counties
Out Alliance
Friends of Batavia Peace Garden


Four new exhibits to be shown at GO ART! in Downtown Batavia this summer

By Billie Owens
Press release:
Four new exhibits are coming to GO ART! this summer and there will be a reception for each one and the bar will be open at historic Seymour Place, located at 201 E. Main St. in Downtown Batavia.
  • Ty's Painted Poles by Ty Dickey -- June 14 -- Aug. 4  /  Reception: June 21 6-8 p.m. 
Ty Dickey resides in Detroit, Mich. His works have been well received, in exhibitions at the Carr Cultural Center and the Baltimore Gallery in Detroit.

Dickey creates his works from a strong African-centered viewpoint, drawing inspiration from his surroundings. His latest works are decorative fabric spools, a mixed media form that incorporates recycled cardboard paper and acrylic paint. 

Each piece is elegant and unique; the same design is never painted twice. 

Several of the pieces incorporate Ghanaian adinkra symbols. Other pieces are freeform, with geometric shapes and doodles that are created in the moment.

  • Peru Children by Daniel Cotrina Rowe -- June 14 -- Aug. 4  /  Reception: June 21, 6-8 p.m. 

Daniel Cotrina Rowe is a native of  Cajamarca, Peru. He studied at the Fine Arts School of "Mario Urteaga." Rowe's artwork is included in the Latin American Artists Registry of the prestigious Latin American Museum of Long Beach, Calif. (MOLAA).

Rowe currently directs the Art Center called Archikwayra, in which he shares his experience as a painter with talented children from the community of Otuzco in Cajamarca. Because art is not taught in schools in the area this program is extremely important to bring art to children in their community.  All of the artwork is done by children who attend the programs at the Art Center and all pieces are for sale.

The sales from Rowe's show will be used to purchase supplies for the Archikwayra so the children can continue to learn and enjoy art!

  • "UNWORLDLY" Members' Challenge Show -- June 7 -- Sept. 8  /  Reception June 21, 6-8 p.m.


  • Framed by Lyn Kang -- July 12 -- Sept. 8  /  Reception: July 19, 6-8 p.m.
Lyn Kang is a painter, born in Seoul, South Korea, and currently resides and works in Western New York. Her artwork has been featured in Vienna, Virginia, New Zealand, and South Korea.
She says "I experience frames all over. The relationship between various elements in a frame is tolerated. They are interwoven within the frame. They are entrapped in colors, but do not find a way to feel sympathy. They are placed to live under one frame. No way out. What frame do you live under?"
343- 9313
Gallery Hours: Thursday and Friday 11 a.m. - 7 p.m.  Saturday 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

'Poetry in Batavia' -- poet Stephen Lewandowski reads at GO ART! June 14 and so can you

By Billie Owens

GO ART! and local poetry lovers will have a special event featuring poet Stephen Lewandowski at 7 p.m. on Thursday, June 14, at historic Seymour Place in Downtown Batavia. It is free and open to the public.

At "Poetry in Batavia," Lewandowski will read poems and this will be followed by an open reading -- an opportunity for people to read their own work or that of a favorite poet.

Lewandowski has published 13 books of poetry, and his poems and essays have appeared in regional and national environmental and literary journals and anthologies.

He was a student of poet Howard Nemerov, a graduate assistant to philosophical essayist William Gass and later studied with folklorist Louis Jones.

His two most recent books are "Under Foot" from May Apple Press in Woodstock (2014) and "Last Settler in the Finger Lakes" from Foothills Publishing in Avoca (2015).

He is working on "Local Life, a Natural History of the Finger Lakes."

GO ART!, in the Seymour Place building, is located at 201 E. Main St. The bar will be open for those wishing to purchase beer or wine.

Photos: Mad Hatter Tea Party for Adults at GO ART!

By Howard B. Owens

There was more than just tea in some of the cups at the Mad Hatter Tea Party for adults this evening at GO ART! The party featured Vivian Darling -- Drag Queen Extraordinaire, from Rochester.

Photos: Mad Hatter Tea Party for kids at GO ART!

By Howard B. Owens

There was a Mad Hatter Tea Party for kids today at GO ART! with sweet and savory snacks and, of course, tea. The children also got to play games, such as musical chairs.

Tea parties gone wild for Mother's Day at GO ART! -- Mad, crazy and in drag, too

By Billie Owens

GO ART! is hosting wild and crazy tea parties the day before Mother's Day on Saturday, May 12.

For All Ages

Join the Mad Hatter and the March Hare for a crazy day-before-Mother's-Day tea party.

Make sure to wear your prettiest, favorite or funniest hat.

There will be dainty tea sandwiches and toothsome desserts along with a selfie station and, of course, tea (juice for those who don't want tea).

Open to all ages.

Two sittings available: 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; or 1 - 2:30 p.m.

Tickets are $15 per person for GO ART! members and $18 per person for non-members. 
























For Adults Only (21+)

Adult Tea Party with Vivian Darling -- Drag Queen Extraordinaire, 5-6:30 p.m. (Photo above.)

The Queen of Hearts demands you join her for tea!

Make sure you wear something red because we all know how much the Queen loves red and your don't want her to say "off with their head!"

Scrumptious tea sandwiches, sublime desserts and two very adult beverages are included with the purchase of a ticket.

(Long Island iced tea anyone?)

Additional "adult" drinks will be available for purchase from the bar.

This event is intended for guests 21+.

Tickets are $30 for GO ART! members and $35 for non-members.

GO ART! seeks artists, crafters, vendors, nonprofits to participate in 40th annual Picnic in the Park

By Billie Owens

GO ART! is seeking artists, crafters and vendors to participate in the 40th annual Picnic in the Park on Wednesday, July 4, at Centennial Park in the City of Batavia. Nonprofit organizations are welcome, too.

The event will start at 11 a.m. and end at 5 p.m. Setup begins at 8 a.m. and must be completed by 10 a.m.

Vendors are encouraged to sell artworks and handcrafted items.

"Buy and sell" iteme should be limited. GO ART! retains the right to refuse applications as they deem necessary. Approval will be given via email or phone.

Entries received after June 30 will not be accepted.

For arts and crafts vendors, there is a non-refundable entry fee per space of $50 for nonmembers and $40 for members if paid by June 1. After June 1, the fees are $20 more -- $70 and $60, respectively.

There is no fee for nonprofit organizations. Solicitations are not permitted in the park, but may be conducted at the nonprofit's display.

Vendors provide their own equipment including tables, chairs, signs, canopies, etc. No electricity is available. Spaces are 10' by 10' and marked, but not assigned -- first come, first served. Each vendor is responsible for collecting/reporting all applicable state and local sales tax (Genesee County sales tax is 8 percent).

To get additional details and applications to print out and mail in, click here. There is a link for arts and crafts vendors, and another one for nonprofit organizations.

For more information, please visit, call 585-343-9313 or email

Photos: GO ART!'s 'Spring Fling'

By Howard B. Owens

Jodi Fisher was the greeter Saturday night at Seymore Place for GO ART!'s first "Swing Fling."

The evening's entertainment included an old-fashioned radio show and The Genesee Jazz Collective with vocalist Wendy Williams (also pictured below, Dan Klinzar on trumpet.)

Jim Burns brought his 1950s era Graflex Speed Graphic camera (the standard professional/press camera for decades, and still in use in the 1970s, after being introduced in 1912). Partygoers could purchase black and white portraits of themselves during the event.

'Swing Fling' is April 28 at GO ART! -- theme is 'Come back to the 1940s'

By Billie Owens

The 2018 GO ART! spring awards gala will be held in a new venue this year -- at GO ART! itself, in historic Seymour Place in Downtown Batavia.

The theme of "Swing Fling" is "Come back to the 1940s," it will be held from 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, April 28, and feature music, dancing, appetizers, a cash bar, live radio show and awards. 

Geneseean Awards will go to:

  • Organization of Year: Genesee Chorale
  • Individual Artist of the Year: Lisa Roeseler, Medina High School Medina High School A Cappella Choir Director 
  • Supporter (of the cultural sector) of the Year award will go to one of three nominees: Bryan DeGraw, 810 Meadworks, OR Diana Kastenbaum, Pinnacle Manufacturing, OR Brian Kemp, T-Shirts Etc.

Tickets: $20 for non-members, $15 for GO ART! members.

Contact GO ART! at, 343-9313, or stop in at Seymour Place, located at 201 E. Main St.

Platinum Sponsors for the Swing Fling are: WBTA, and Batavia Downs Gaming & Hotel.

Gold Sponsors are: J. Leonard McAndrew Funeral Home, Jim Burns Photography.

Silver Sponsors are: Carrotman Productions, St. Joseph Catholic School.

(To help attendees prepare with flair for this affair, we offer this link about the 1940s -- here -- and it's a real Humdinger, as they used to say. And also, for your listening pleasure, this obscure oldie, here.)

Pittsford artist who paints 'en plein air' waterscapes and landscapes gives demo at GO ART!

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

There will be a demo at GO ART! from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, April 10, featuring the painter Barbara Jablonski, a resident of Pittsford.

It is sponsored by the Batavia Society of Artists.

"Composition and Painting the Landscape" is the focus of this demo. Jablonski loves drawing and painting waterscapes, especially plein air compositions. However, composition, designing and painting the waterscape using a photograph parallels many of the techniques that are used when painting nature en plein air (in open air).

In this presentation, she will share many of the compositional techniques to make WATERSCAPE PAINTINGS (where created in a studio from a photograph or plein air on site) that are believable, reflective of surroundings and subjects well as colorful.

Jablonski paints en plein air, that is, on site, winter, spring, summer and fall. Anywhere she travels she will paint -- NYS, the seashore, boats, the mountains, our national parks and Europe. She captures color and light while painting contemporary life in her landscapes. She loves architecture, nautical scenes, and winter scenes throughout this beautiful land.

"I pack my car or trailer and take to the road to capture the beauty of the land. 'Plein air painting' is a personal development experience,” Jablonski says. "I will always be a ‘student of the art.' ”

The demo is free to BSA members; nonmembers pay $5.

GO ART! is located in the historic Seymour Place building in Downtown Batavia, 201 E. Main St.

Batavia Players and GO ART! to show locally filmed 'Macbeth' April 7

By Billie Owens

Batavia Players and GO ART! present the film screening of "Macbeth" on Saturday, April 7, at GO ART! , 201 E. Main St. in Downtown Batavia.

Join them for the screening of this locally produced, full-length feature film of "Macbeth" directed by Adam Dixson and Mallory Ann Flanagan. It was shot entirely in the City of Batavia.

And, celebrate the Grand Opening Weekend of GO ART!’s Tavern 2.o.1 -- a beer and wine bar.

Only 40 tickets available for "MacBeth," $20 per ticket.

Bar opens at 4 p.m.; hor d’oeuvres served at 7 p.m.

"Macbeth" begins at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets available at

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