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By Lisa Neary

One hour Zumba class, snacks, beverages and five raffle tickets all for $10.00. Begins at six p.m. Drawing to follow class. Additional raffle tickets will be available for purchase. Location - Attica Elementary School multi-purpose room, Prospect Street, Attica. Proceeds to benefit the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Wyoming County. Registration preferred but not necessary. Call 585-409-3034.

Event Date and Time

ECS Class of 2012 Spaghetti Dinner

By Amy Vlack

Elba Central School Class of 2012 Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser at the Elba Central School Cafeteria, December 12, 2011 from 4:00 - 7:00.  Eat in or take out - $8.00

Come for a delicious spaghetti dinner, stay for the High School Christmas Concert and Fine Arts Festival. 

For presale tickets for the spaghetti dinner, contact Amy Stucko in the District Office.  757-9967, ext. 1030

Concert and Fine Arts Festival is open to the public.


Event Date and Time

Cutting out cancer at the Batavia City Centre

By Rick Franclemont

Le Beau Salon and a host of others put on a carnival of beauty as a benefit for the Voltura family.

Nicole Voltura, a wife and mother of three, is dealing with not just one terminal illness, but three. She has recently undergone surgery to remove a sarcoma from her leg. On Oct. 7, she went for her fourth round of chemotherapy to treat two separate rare autoimmune diseases.

This benefit helped raise funds needed to offset some of the medical bills and to support the needs of her family.

Nicole is the owner of Glitz-n-Glamour Salon.

Among the many activities for the whole family were nail art, mini-manicures, hand facials, make-up technique sessions, bling hair extensions, eyebrow and lip waxing, blowouts, and face painting.

In addition, there was a Chinese auction, instruction in hip-hop dance techniques and a Zumba class.

Paige Haile getting a mini-manicure.

Sponsers of the event included: Le Beau Salon, Suzanne's School of Dance, Hot Heads, The Mane Attraction Salon, Charley's Salon, Zumba with Diane Cox, Glitz-n-Glamour, and Tommy Nails.

For more information on how to make a donation please contact Erika Siverling at Le Beau Salon, 343-1017.

More pictures from the event can be found here.

ireland family

By dee neilans
Just want to say thank you Howard, Billy for putting the article about the Ireland family in your Batavian they are a beautiful family, my prayers and thoughts are with them.

Terry Hills participates in United Way's Day of Caring

By Danielle Rotondo

Terry Hills Golf Gourse & Banquet Facility in conjunction with United Way's Day of Caring is sponsoring a food drive.  Bring in your non-perishable items to their Sunday Brunch on May 15th between 10:00am-2:00pm and receive $1.00 the cost of brunch per person.  Donations will be used to stock the shelves at the Batavia Salvation Army.  Thank you for your support!

Event Date and Time

Michael Napoleone Memorial Youth Baseball Tournament

By Michael Napoleone Memorial Foundation

MAY 27-28-29, 2011


Played on the Little League fields in Batavia. Three age groups compete: 12/under, 10/under, 8/under. More info and registration form at (upcoming events). Contacts: Dave (585) 797-7836; Paul (585) 781-8138;;

Event Date and Time

John Kennedy Elementary School Pasta Night Fundraiser

By Jill Halpin

Please join us at John Kennedy Elementary School on Friday, March 4th for our annual Pasta Night. This is John Kennedy's largest fundraiser and the money raised is used by the John Kennedy Parent Group to support various programs and fund field trips for the students.

Tickets at the door are $7.00 for an adult, $5.00 for students age 5-12. There are two seatings: 5:00pm and 6:30pm. The sit-down dinner includes beverage, salad, pasta with meatballs and sauce, cake and coffee. Take-out orders are also available.

Event Date and Time

December Cookie Auction Batavia Business and Professional Women's Club

By Ann Winters


2010-2011 Batavia Business and Professional Women’s Club

December  Meeting “Cookie Auction”

Please bring “Your Own Treats” to auction off for our yearly fund raising efforts for our Community Service Awards!!

Thursday Date: December 2, 2010

Where: Bohn’s Resturant – 5256 Clinton Street Road Batavia

Social Hour 5:30pm

Dinner at 6:15pm

Event Date and Time

Kiwanis Club of Batavia 52nd Annual Pancake Day

By Anita Strollo

Kiwanis Club of Batavia's 52nd Annual Pancake Day

Saturday October 30- 7am-2pm

First Presbyterian Church Service Building

Corner of Main and Liberty Streets

Adult $5, Seniors over 62 - $3, Children under 10 - $3

Each child in costume (one child per accompanied adult) $Free$

Takeouts available-Full table service

All you can eat pancakes,sausage, juice, coffee, milk

Entertainment, giveaways...

for more information call Anita @ 813-5371 or



Genesee County CASA for Children Chicken BBQ

By Tara Pariso

Genesee County CASA for Children is having a Chicken BBQ on August 13th from 12pm-6pm in the parking lot of the CourtHouse at 1 West Main St. Batavia, NY.  All proceeds to benefit the abused and neglected children in Genesee County that are served by dedicated volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA).

Tickets are $8.00 pre-sale and $8.50 at the event.  Dinners include chicken, salt potatoes, coleslaw, baked beans, and rolls.  This event is being catered by Tom Roviso Catering of E. Pembroke.  Tickets can be purchased by stopping in to CASA at the Courthouse (inside Family Court waiting area), by calling Tara Pariso at 344-2550 ext. 2331, or from any CASA board member or volunteer.

Please show your support for the hard work that CASA does to ensure that all children find safe, permanent homes.

Fishing Derby - Oakfield Rod & Gun Club

By joseph bradt
Please join Oakfield Cub Scouts Pack 19 on Saturday, July 17th for our first Cub Scout Sponsored  fishing derby at the Oakfield Rod and Gun Club (@ Maltby Rd. and North Pearl St. Oakfield) from 10AM - 1PM. All kids ages 5-17 welcome. $6 entry fee includes hot dog, chips and drink. There will be food  available for those not participating in the derby. Kids should bring their own bait. No lures. Prizes will be awarded.
Event Date and Time

Oakfield Cub Scouts Fishing Derby

By joseph bradt

Please join Oakfield Cub Scouts Pack 19 on Saturday, July 17th for our FIRST Cub Scout FISHING DERBY to be held at the Oakfield Rod and Gun Club (@ Maltby Rd. and North Pearl St. Oakfield) from 10AM - 1PM. Boys and their siblings ages 6-17 welcome. $6.00 entry fee includes Hot dog, Chips and Drink. There will be food and snacks available for those not participating in the derby. Boys should bring their own bait. NO LURES! Prizes will be awarded!! Questions? Contact Committee Chair Patty Fitch (585)297-9538 Cubmaster Steve Kruppenbacher (585)356-0784 or Asst.

Event Date and Time

McTeachers Night to Benefit St. Joseph School

By Tara Bills

McTeachers Night will be held Tuesday, May 25, 2010 at Batavia McDonald's from 4pm to 7pm to benefit St. Joseph School of Batavia.  The school will recieve a percentage of the sales from this event.  So come out and support a local school in it's fundraising efftorts.  Any questions or interest in holding an event like this, please contact Tara at (585)344-2524 between the hours of 8am and 4pm, Monday through Friday.  Come on out and join the fun.

Event Date and Time

Batavia Rotary Club Annual Fly-In Breakfast

By Pamela LaGrou

Sunday, June 20th mark's the Batavia Rotary Club's Annual Fly-In Breakfast.  The highly anticipated breakfast fundraiser is set to take place at the Genesee County Airport from 7 am - Noon.  Tickets cost $6.00 for adults, $4 for children ages 4-12 and free for children under 4 years old.  Tickets can be purchased from any Batavia Rotary Club member.  The menu includes eggs, sausage, pancakes, juice, coffee, tea and milk.  The Batavia Rotary Club raises money for community, national and international projects as well as annual scholarships for area youth.

Event Date and Time

CASA forChildren Fundraiser at Applebee's

By Tara Pariso

Here is a fun and easy way to show your support of Genesee County CASA for Children.  On May 12th starting at 11am, with every voucher turned in at check-out, Applebee's will donate 10% of the check amount to CASA for Children.  These funds will assist CASA in advocating for abused and neglected children in Genesee County.  By being a positive, constant role model for children of abuse, CASA volunteers are able to advocate for safe, permanent homes for children, increasing their chances at future life success.

To show your support, come out and enjoy great food at Applebee's in Batavia on May 12th.  A voucher is needed in order for funds to be donated to CASA.  The voucher can be located and printed at : Click on the CASA link and scroll to the bottom where you'll see Abblebee's Voucher link.  For more info or to learn how you can become a CASA volunteer, contact Tara Pariso at (585) 344-2550 ext. 2331 or

Festival of Hope is today to benefit Genesee Cancer Assistance

By Rachael Tabelski

Genesee Cancer Assistance Inc. (GCA), a community-based, volunteer organization located in Batavia, set the date for their annual Festival of Hope celebration. The Festival of Hope celebration & fundraiser gives GCA the ability to help cancer patients and families who need support.

Event Date and Time

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