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the legion of rott



The following bulletin is ®ø††'s official mission statement designed to be printed out and passed to those who don't have the luxury of knowing us here, online, and who may be questioning their beliefs in one way, shape, or form. So, without further adieu.......

"They call us Legion, for we are many."

The £egiøn øf ®ø††™

Religion Obscures The Truth™

Chances are, you're a religious person. A Christian, Muslim,

Jew, Hindustani or otherwise. How much do you know about

YOUR faith? Do you know the history? The origins? The FACTS

surrounding your beliefs? Not what you've been told or have 

been raised to believe, but actual VERIFIED and DOCUMENTED

FACTS? Chances are, you only know what you've been told by

your religious 'leaders'. You've probably never read the bible

from cover to cover. You may only be religious because you 

were raised that way. If you believe in your religion's afterlife,

don't you think you should know EXACTLY how your faith came

to be? After all, your "eternal soul's fate" is based on your belief

system and ETERNITY is a pretty long time if you think about it.

So don't you think you should invest some time researching your 

beliefs from ALL possible aspects of reference, and not just the

resources handed to you by your religious institution? For 

example, did you know that there are several deities that were

born on the 25th of December, born of a virgin, died and were

raised from the dead after three days? Deities that predate

Christianity by thousands of years. That's just one of the MANY

examples of Christianity 'borrowing' from other beliefs. Fact is,

religion is a big business. They're tax free and they're dependent

on the contributions of their members and the proceeds of their

merchandise. They are solely dependent on their followers 

believing in their message. We, here at ®ø††, invite you to put

your faith 'to the test'. Research your faith. Actually READ the

bible cover to cover, not just the passages drilled into you by 

your church organization. Any religious person who has an 

unwavering and firm belief system should not be afraid to do

a little research. ®ø†† was established by two former theists 

(former Christians) who took the time to research their faith 

and realized that things "just didn't add up". After several 

years of fact finding, cross referencing, and historical research 

we've realized that there are TOO many inconsistencies​.​.​ and 

points where religious people NEED to make rationalization​.​.​s

FOR THEIR FAITH. If you can think for yourself and you would 

like to learn more about your faith, we invite you to contact us at 

LegionOfROTT@​ for more information. We're only 

interested in people that aren't afraid to think for themselves 

that would like to know the FACTS behind the myths. 

"Knowledge is the enemy of faith."


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