Lewiston Road fire claims life of 17-year-old Erik Mooney
There are no new developments this afternoon in the Lewiston Road fire that claimed the life of 17-year-old Erik Mooney (previous post).
Attempts to contact fire officials this afternoon were unsuccesful.
We also tried contacting somebody with the area Red Cross to see what arrangements were being made to assist the family, but were unsuccessful.
Below are yearbook photos of Michael, 15, and Erik (right).
UPDATE: Video story from WHAM.
UPDATE II: Here's News 8 coverage. Watch the video to about 3/4 of the way in and notice how the reporter and producer insinuate that there is something suspicious about Erik not getting out of the house. Classic Mainstream Media technique to remain "objective" while pumping up the story with some controversy. It's not just a TV thing. Print does it, too. (Also, warning -- obnoxious pre-roll advertising on the video).
WKBW in Buffalo also posted a video report.
WIVB out of Buffalo has two video reports posted. Good, detailed, balanced and sensative stories.