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GO Art! invites artists' submissions to embrace the creative possibilities of garbage in the 'This Art is Garbage' exhibition

By Press Release

Press Release:

In an exploration of unconventional creativity, Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council (Go Art!) is thrilled to announce the second annual call for submissions for the upcoming exhibition titled “This Art is Garbage.” This unique showcase is dedicated to reimagining the role of garbage and waste, offering artists an unparalleled platform to transform discarded items into captivating works of art. 

Artists of all skill levels—from high school students to emerging artists and seasoned professionals take this opportunity to redirect the fate of what would normally be forsaken to landfills into inspiring and thought-provoking pieces.

The submission window for the exhibition will be open from April 9 to April 12, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day. The artist reception will take place on April 17, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Guidelines for Submissions:

  1. Integration of Garbage: Submitted works must feature garbage either as a material component of the artwork or as its subject. We welcome innovations in texture and pattern creation using waste or thoughtfully engaging with garbage as a motif. (e.g. creative photography of discarded objects)
  2. Restrictions: “Upcycled” items, such as painted furniture, are not accepted.
  3. Size Limitation: Artworks must not exceed dimensions of 24 x 30 inches and should be wired and prepared for hanging. Works not ready for display will regretfully be declined.
  4. Submission: Each artist is permitted to submit up to two pieces for consideration. There is no entry fee.
  5. Entry registration: For more information and to submit your work, please visit

Let us come together to redefine the narrative around garbage and celebrate the transformative power of art. Join us in this inspiring journey of reclamation and artistic innovation. Submit your work today and be a part of a movement that finds beauty in the disposed, making the invisible, unmissable.

For More Information contact Jackie Swaby, 585-343-9313.

Submissions being accepted for 'Total Eclipse of the Art'-themed exhibition at GO ART!

By Press Release

Press Release:


GO ART! announces a call for artwork for its 7th annual juried exhibition, Art of the Rural. This year, organizers have added a twist with the theme, ‘Total Eclipse of the Art.’ Artists are encouraged to explore the theme through their interpretation and are welcome to think outside the box. 


The exhibition is open to all artists.  All work must be original, created by the submitting artist, and not previously exhibited at GO ART! All media is accepted. Artwork must be properly wired, ready to hang, and no larger than 36 x 36.” 

GO ART! members may submit up to 5 works for $30, $5 for each additional work. Non-members may submit up to 3 works for $30 and $5 for each additional work. Artists can drop off submissions at GO ART! located in Seymour Place, 201 East Main Street, Batavia. 

Artwork will be accepted from March 20 - 23 and March 27 -29 between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. No entries will be accepted after March 29. 

Art of the Rural: Total Eclipse of the Art will be on display from April 3 – June 1.  The winners will be announced at the artist reception, which will take place April 6 from 5 - 8 p.m.  

For a complete list of rules and entry forms, visit Contact Mary Jo Whitman at with any questions.

Museum Quilt Guild is hosting a members quilt exhibit

By Press Release

Press Release:

Museum Quilt Guild is hosting a members quilt exhibit at Richmond Library in the gallery room for the month of February 2022. Twenty-one small quilts with various interpretations of this year's annual challenge theme feature a variety of techniques and subjects for "Rock, Paper, Scissors". 
Rock signifies traditional quilt block or quilting technique. Paper indicates paper piecing, foundation or English paper-pieced. Scissors represents traditional needle turn, or modern fusible or raw edged applique. Members were asked to choose a category for their quilt when submitted. So far, Scissors is winning with 9 entries, but members will be able to vote for their favorites in several categories on blue ballots. The public can vote for their favorite "Viewer's Choice" on white ballots. The categories of the quilts which get the most overall votes, will help determine the answer to the ultimate game of Rock, Paper, Scissors!
Some of the quilters who have entries in our challenge show will be available at the library after our monthly meeting on Saturday February 19, 2022 from noon until 2pm for an informal "meet and greet". Stop by and see the quilts, ask questions of the quilters and vote for your favorites!
Museum Quilt Guild has survived the challenges of covid with Zoom meetings and meetings at a local park this summer, and is happy to be once again at the VA every third Saturday of the month at 9:30am. Masking and social distancing are required for the meetings. Guests are welcomed to visit for a short business meeting, information on local quilt-related activities and community service. Presentations about quilting and fiber arts and "show and tell" are favorites with our members. Dues are $20.00 a year for guild members. Additional information is available as a hand out at our show.
Escape the winter doldrums and see our show at the Richmond Library in Batavia, and vote for your favorites! Will Rock, Paper, or Scissors be the ultimate winner? You help us decide!

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