Sponsored Post: Easter Bunny Day at Oliver's Candies is this Saturday

Click here for more information on Easter Bunny Day! Or check us out online & grab your Easter treats & chocolates today!
Click here for more information on Easter Bunny Day! Or check us out online & grab your Easter treats & chocolates today!
The Easter Bunny made an early visit Friday to children at Robert Morris School in Batavia as part of his busy holiday rounds throughout the area. He posed, chatted with, and got hugs from the kids, and saw the creative crafts that the youngsters made, during their afternoon time together.
Photos submitted by Batavia City School District.
Cambria Orbaker, 10, of Pavilion, and Audryana Schulman, 6, of Batavia, had fun seeing the Easter Bunny at Oliver's Candies on Saturday in Batavia, along with visiting the petting zoo.
Photos by Howard Owens.
Noah Logsdon, 2 1/2, of Batavia, enjoyed feeding the animals in the petting zoo.
Hazel is a baby kangaroo.
Click here for more information!
Jenna Read and Ally Scofield will host a charity event with the Easter Bunny on Saturday in Le Roy.
All proceeds will benefit the family that suffered catastrophic loss of all that they owned, not to mention their beloved pets, in a house fire Tuesday on Maple Street in the City of Batavia.
So if you'd like to help them out and have a moment of socially distanced springtime fun, there will be a photo op with the Bewhiskered One from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at the gazebo on Wolcott Street across from the elementary school.
All are welcome to come and take pictures and make a donation for this family of six in a time of great need.
Previously: Fundraising effort underway to assist family who lost everything in house fire
Previously: Family loses everything, including three dogs and six cats, in house fire on Maple Street
Previously: Working house fire on Maple Street in the city
Melissa Sacheli spotted the Easter Bunny hopping through Batavia yesterday at the corner of Bank Street and North Street.
Village of Bergen Mayor Anna Marie Barclay sent us these photos of today's tour in the village and town of the ubiquitous and beloved Easter Bunny, courtesy of the Bergen Fire Department.
He also made a special drive through the high school parking lot.
The snaps are in reverse chronological order.
Due to extraordinary circumstances, he was permitted to stand in the bed of the truck for the slow and steady ride.
Mr. Bunny, looking dapper all the while in a smart blue coat, brought needed cheer and seasonal good tidings.
They were lucky to get a glimpse of him since his schedule tomorrow is chock-full. No, let's face it, on Easter Sunday he's slammed.
From the Rotary Club of Le Roy:
Due to circumstances beyond our control, and with respect to the calls placed to the Le Roy Police Department, the Rotary Club of Le Roy has been asked to cancel the drive-thru candy giveaway with the Easter Bunny, which was set for noon today (April 11) at Trigon Park in the village.
"We appreciate the support of our sponsors, Mayor Rogers, the Le Roy Village Board in this effort," says Scott McCumiskey, of the Rotary Club.
LE ROY -- Generations of children and their families have grown accustomed to the yearly Easter Egg Hunt at Hartwood Park. This month, plans have changed but Le Roy's community spirit has not, in spite of the coronavirus pandemic and social distancing.
At high noon on Saturday, April 11th, a drive-thru distribution of prepackaged bags of candy-stuffed eggs will take place at Trigon Park in the village, a site selected for its ability to handle the large volume of expected traffic.
The folks putting this thing together aren't fooling around.
An estimated 8,000 eggs with 24,000 pieces of candy have been sequestered since April 1st.
They will be given out to an estimated 800 children who've all had their childhoods disrupted. As luck would have it, three Easter baskets will be given to the occupants of the 50th, 100th and 150th car in line.
Also, several bags will contain a highly coveted "Golden Egg" -- with special instructions for a Special Prize.
The outsized Easter Bunny will be there, as always, flopsy-eared front and center, assisted by at least 10 members of the Rotary Club of Le Roy and their families, wearing latex gloves and masks 2020 style. The pros at the Le Roy Police Department will handle vehicle traffic and safety.
Many hours of work and strategic planning by volunteers, village officials and civic-minded citizens makes this possible.
Earlier this year, the Le Roy Business Council put the Rotary Club of Le Roy in charge of the project, and they formed a committee, led by Shannon Karcher.
The committee explored avenues to safely distribute the treats. But when schools and a backup location closed due to "New York On PAUSE" mandates, the event was in jeopardy and its cancellation considered.
Working with the Village of Le Roy Board and using the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and New York State, the Rotary Club of Le Roy hatched its plot to put safety first while using a village street and park for a massive distribution of seasonal goodies.
Taking the trouble to do this matters because American traditions matter here.
Nearly 30 years ago, through the efforts of the Le Roy Business Council, they started holding an Easter Egg Hunt on the Saturday before Easter at Le Roy Central School’s Hartwood Park.
The date of Easter itself varies. It is observed on the Sunday following the Paschal full moon, which is the first full moon that occurs on or after the March 21 spring equinox. So Easter will always occur on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25.
This year Easter Sunday is April 12. And the day before, a midday queue of automobiles in Le Roy might in itself be a testament to something unseen, like COVID-19, but way bigger.
Distribution will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Rain, shine or high water.
Information used in this post was provided by the Le Roy Rotary Club.
Service Above Self Mission Statement: The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
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